Güzel Sanatlar Tasarım ve Mimarlık Fakültesi / Faculty of Fine Arts, Design and Architecture

Permanent URI for this collectionhttps://hdl.handle.net/11727/1397


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    Transience and the Modern Turkish Interior
    (2023) Hasirci, Deniz; Ultav, Zeynep Tuna; Sumnu, Umut; AAC-5579-2020
    Despite the expansion of research in modern interiors around the world and a more inclusive dialogue with regards to geography, ultimately, the field is still lacking theory and methods derived from its own specific needs rather than being adapted from architectural research, and a focus on its transient nature that is likely to lead to more impactful research and preservation results. Modern Turkish interiors research have also expanded greatly with individual, as well as projects or research groups like docomomo_tr interiors and DATUMM (Documenting and Archiving Modern Turkish Furniture) that create awareness through various forms of scholarly (documentaries, archival work) and popular (public exhibitions, popular books and magazines, newspaper pieces, and films) interiors research and several struggles are common worldwide, socio-cultural and economic reasons result in a faster pace in Turkey, creating an urgency to implement innovative methods and approaches fitting contemporary prerequisites of the field.
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    The Power Bases in Multiplayer Video Games
    (2023) Omerbas, Ali Cagil
    This study deals with how players employ different power relations while playing videogames. Power is a difficult concept to define but it is usually explained with the ability to influence. Social psychologists John French and Bertram Raven's studies have defined five bases for social influence: coercive (based on punishment), referent (based on affection), reward (based on reward), expert (based on expertise) and legitimate (based on agreed regulations) powers. Many other studies have tested their theory in various fields, and it proved to be a lasting one. Researchers conducted studies in areas such as education, business, sports with this theory and obtained meaningful results. However, the power bases of video game players has never been studied, despite the fact that video game studies has already been established as an academic field -with many scholars discussing empowerment through games. This study focuses on measuring the power of a player over another one. There can be two types of such relations: it can either take place among players in an everybody-for-themselves kind of environment - which is called inter-power relations, or it can take place between the members of a team, working together for a common goal. This is called intra power relations. This study demonstrates that expert and reward powers are preferred in inter and intra-power relations, referent being another valid option for teamwork.
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    Prospective Aspect of Topography: The Example of the Grand Bazaar (Kapali Carsi) in Istanbul
    (2023) Demirel, Emre; Goudarzi, Soufi Moazemi; 0000-0002-9367-2249
    The Grand Bazaar was constructed, there have been significant changes in shopping practices. Particularly the spread of Global trade boosted the opening of new shopping centres, high-street department stores and shopping malls. Despite all these changes in shopping habits, the Grand Bazaar still continues to be an actively used shopping area; it has never lost its customer interest and its socially vivid atmosphere. This research explores the reasons why the Grand Bazaar has not been lost its social dynamism over the course of time? This question has various answers, but this research argues that one of them is particularly related to its peculiar spatial formation that encourages social interactions. In this account; this research methodologically focuses on two main components, these are: how the Grand Bazaar was spatially constructed and how it was experienced by users. These purposes will be accomplished by the analyses of the writings and drawings of the important Western travellers. It is revealed that articulated in topographical account, the Grand Bazaar eliminates the boundaries between the spaces and thus between the people. This continually enhances the mutual relationships between inside and outside. This study focuses on the main interest of the topographic approach which is not much the representative qualities; re-expression of the exterior appearance of the building in shape and profile or any stylistic display, but it is more to create an open venue or a stage which enhances the spatial and social connectivity between interior and exterior worlds, ergo between individual and collective lives. As a result, the study demonstrates how the Grand Bazaar's topographical attitude lends a 'formative' aspect to an architectural context. The Grand Bazaar tries to abolish borders by emphasizing topographical aspects such as permeability, spatiality, and delay in order to create an in-between environment, and also a common social ground.
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    An Early Christian Martyrion and Opus Sectile Pavement from Bathonea
    (2023) Sazak, Batuhan; Aydingun, Sengul; Aydingun, Haldun; 0000-0002-0309-2348; F-5144-2018
    Archaeological excavations started in 2009 at the ancient harbour settlement of Bathonea on the Firuzkoy Peninsula in the Kucukcekmece Lake Basin on the western side of Istanbul. The excavations uncovered harbours, roads, squares, water structures, military, civil and religious buildings dating between the century BC and the XIth century AD. In the area coded as Area 8, surrounded by the remains of a fortress, building with a square exterior and octagonal interior plan, a domed structure and a crypt is thought to martyrion due to its characteristics. During the excavations carried out in this building, a geometrical floor slab in opus sectile technique was unearthed. In addition, mosaic pavements were recovered from the dome, arches, vaults and walls of the building. The tesserae, which appear to have been embedded in a thick plaster, are made of natural stones such as green, blue, yellow, red, white, marble, glass and tiles, as well as many gold and silver gilded ones. In this paper, the fragments of the geometric opus sectile floor tile, some of which were
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    The Impacts of Friendship, Advice and Negative Ties on Intention To Leave: The Case of Nurses in A Special Branch Hospital
    (2021) Sozen, Cenk; Samanci, Simge; Tokmak, Ismail; Turgut, Hakan; Basim, Nejat; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0080-5285; GZA-5645-2022
    OBJECTIVES The high turnover rate of nurses has been a matter of debate among scholars. Nurses' social interaction patterns and the social structure they are situated within may provide clues about possible causes of their high turnover intentions. This study aims to investigate the possible effects of negative and positive ties on the intention of turnover among nurses. DESIGN & SETTING A hybrid research methodology was used. Social network analysis was used to reveal the positions of the nurses (n = 126) in the positive and negative networks. A statistical model was formed with varying types of centrality measures, intragroup conflict, and intention to leave variables. The data was collected from all the nurses working in a special branch hospital. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION The findings of the study clearly indicate that negative interactions directly and indirectly affect the intention to leave, and the nurses demand professional support from their colleagues. The findings also show the existence of a fragmented social structure among nurses, which suggests the increased importance of brokerage roles. Managers should closely monitor the negative interactions among nurses, and they need to use conflict management techniques frequently to reduce hostile relations in the business environment. Managers should especially seek ways to increase altruistic tendencies among colleagues because nurses demand professional support ties more than friendship relations.
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    Emergency Remote Teaching of Technical Drawing During the COVID-19 Pandemic
    (2022) Kentel, Aysu Sagun
    Hybrid teaching, which combines face-to-face and online teaching, was widely adopted in higher education during the Covid-19 pandemic, especially in courses where implementation, experimentation, and practice are core activities. This paper presents observations of teaching effectiveness of a hybrid teaching framework designed within emergency remote teaching (ERT) in a technical drawing course during the pandemic. The objectives of the study are to analyse the teaching effectiveness of the designed framework and to understand its benefits and challenges for improvement of ERT of practice-based courses. Teaching effectiveness is analysed based on students' feedback, students' participation, analysis of students' grades, and instructors' observations. The findings revealed that students' adaption and participation was high and there was a positive correlation between in-class practice and individual learning processes. Most students stated that some of the online teaching activities (e.g. feedback, class notes, answer keys) can be integrated in face-to-face teaching in the future.
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    The effect of kefir consumption on the lipid profile for individuals with normal and dyslipidemic properties: a randomized controlled trial
    (2022) Yilmaz, Ilkay; Arslan, Bahattin; 0000-0001-5938-3112
    Objective This research was conducted as a prospective, self-controlled, eight-week clinical trial to investigate the effect of kefir consumption on the lipid profile of individuals with normal and dyslipidemic properties. Methods Kefir microorganisms given to volunteer subjects were determined using classical microbial count methods and qReal-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction. The study was carried out with 23 volunteer hospital health personnel between the ages of 20 and 55 who met the research criteria and did not have any health problems. The volunteers regularly consumed kefir on an empty stomach for four weeks. In the last stage, the eight-week study was completed by making blood and anthropometric measurements of the subjects, who continued to be studied without kefir consumption for four more weeks Results Considering the changes in the serum lipid profiles of 13 individuals with dyslipidemic symptoms during the 4-week period they consumed kefir, Total Cholesterol values decreased by 9.15% compared to initial values, LDL-Cholesterol values decreased by 10.64%, HDL-Cholesterol values decreased by 6.9%, and triglyceride values decreased by 2.46%. The changes in the serum lipid profiles of 13 individuals with dyslipidemic findings at the end of an eight-week study were a 5.71% decrease in total cholesterol values (p<0.018) considered statistically significant, as well as a 5.31% decrease in LDL-Cholesterol values (p<0.021); the HDL-Cholesterol results were found to be significant with an 8.58% decrease in the values (p<0.035) and insignificant with a 17.21% increase in the triglyceride values (p<0.926). We concluded that regular kefir consumption was effective in both women and men in lowering total cholesterol and LDL-Cholesterol from blood lipid profiles, especially in individuals with dyslipidemic symptoms, while this effect was not observed in normal individuals. Conclusion Kefir can positively affect the total cholesterol and LDL-Cholesterol blood parameters of dyslipidemic individuals with high serum lipid values.
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    Spatial Analysis of the Effects of Single- and Double-Bed Layouts on Patients' Communication Patterns and Psychological States in Dialysis Centers
    (2021) Yalcin, Meryem; Ozdamar, Betul Bilge
    The present study was aimed to examine the effect of the interior layouts in dialysis treatment centers (single-bed and double-bed layouts) on patients' communication and well-being. Spatial design of dialysis centers should be examined with respect to their functionality and effects on patients' psychological state. The interior bed layout in dialysis centers may influence patients' communication with other patients and healthcare staff as well as their spatial perception. This study was carried out in three dialysis centers in Ankara, Turkey, that had both single-bed and double-bed layouts in similar interior spatial conditions. Patients were randomly selected from these centers and 119 patients completed the questionnaire. The patients who received treatment in the single-bed layout had a more positive attitude towards the interior atmosphere; however, their interactions with healthcare staff and other patients were less than those who received treatment in the double-bed layout. Bed-row layout in dialysis centers has considerable effects on patients' communication, interaction with other patients and staff, and spatial perception. The present study thereby, provides insights into the criteria that need to be considered while designing treatment areas.
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    A scientometric analysis and review of spatial cognition studies within the framework of neuroscience and architecture
    (2021) Pektas, Sule Tasli; 0000-0003-0596-6405; B-9453-2008
    Although there is a large potential overlap between neuroscience and architecture, the studies bridging these fields are rare and newly emerging. Moreover, a gap is observed between the constructs, terminologies and research methods of architecture and neuroscience. In order to alleviate these problems, this study investigates main research themes and developments in spatial cognition research over the past two decades on the basis of the author keywords of published articles. Vosviewer (c) bibliometric analysis software was utilized to conduct keyword co-occurrence analysis, keyword clustering, and timeline analysis of keywords and current research on spatial cognition is discussed accordingly. The paper also reviews existing research at the intersection of neuroscience and architecture and comments on how this nexus could evolve in the future. It is concluded that embodied spatial cognition and affordances of architectural design provide a robust framework to guide further studies in this track.
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    Evaluation of Interior Architecture Education Programmes in Terms of the Multidisciplinary Approach
    (2021) Ozdamar, Betul Bilge; Ozdamar, Murat; 1302-597X
    Purpose: Interior architecture is based on theoretical, practical, and practice-based knowledge associated with other design disciplines that form a multidisciplinary framework. The aim of this study is to evaluate the art, science, and technical competencies that form the basis of knowledge and skills for the students within interior architecture education in Turkey. The other discussion is to what extent the courses provided during education meet the basic learning outcomes and provide for the professionals as part of the multidisciplinary study. Research Methods: Courses included in educational programs are categorised under 'theoretical/theoretic', 'artistic/aesthetic', and 'technical/practical', and are taken as a basis in the study, and the ratios and quantitative response values are determined. Besides, the joint readings of the subject are obtained by the interviews conducted with professionals. Findings: In the research, the numerical data of the courses related to art and aesthetic values, and the courses aiming at the application by transferring technical knowledge are obtained. The theoretical course workload yielded higher values. For findings related to the basic competencies acquired by the professional interior architects, there is the problem with 'technical expression' and 'experience in practice' within education. Implications for Research and Practice: The discussion of the standardisation through the educational programs should be avoided with a flexible approach. The consistency will be ensured through training practices and collaborations aimed at professional practices. In the future, collaborations for professionalism and studies in education and practice will play a supporting role after the graduation of students. (C) 2021 Ani Publishing Ltd. All rights reserved