Güzel Sanatlar Tasarım ve Mimarlık Fakültesi / Faculty of Fine Arts, Design and Architecture
Permanent URI for this collectionhttps://hdl.handle.net/11727/1397
Item "Accessibility" in Housing Design for People Who Are Blind(2017) Bilge, BetulThe existing and applied regulations and standards in Turkey cannot provide the adequate participation with the general user identity. Within the existing system, the responsibility of the designer for accessible interior spaces is quite high. "Average People" data taken as a basis after mobility conditions and degrees which are determined, cannot meet the definition and the needs of the user identity in an adequate level. It is necessary to create solutions and sustain these solutions for people; the elderly, children and the disabled with distinctive physical attributes who exists in the society but cannot maintain their lives in a desired level because of the obstacles within the environment. It is obvious that, for the continuity, without needing for adaptation or customisation in the design, the solution needs to be developed, by accepting the need, as the first step in the design process. It is important that this point of view should be accepted and developed, not only in inner spaces of the houses but also in all structural environments constituting the living spaces. The designer is a fundamental key stone that takes a part in all studies which can be developed and improved intended for removing obstacles. The designer; from the beginning of the design process, should fictionalise the holistic design approach without ignoring the user needs with diversified qualifications of anthropometric data. In order to create solutions for the needs of all users of the society; it will be fundamental to conduct environmental analyses in terms of accessibility with regard to composing global design dynamics. Houses are spaces that life goes on in. They get form for the user needs. The house design should not limit mobility, accessibility that is universal. That the designer meets minimum requirements those are aimed for him/her to reach for a "universal house", which is not only sentimentality but also a social responsibility. With the meeting of the requirements needed, personal preferences and needs which are desired inside the house would built as a result of different concerns such as aesthetics. The "Universal House" concept is a setup of a design system answering the basic needs that will not require any adaptation or customisation afterwards for the user with diversified capabilities, which is based on existence of accessible spaces. The constructor of this setup is the "designer". This study is a research on the spatial values required for fully visually impaired individuals to get mobile independently and maintain their lives without the need for others. The needs and/or hindering factors set forth were evaluated to the extent of interior space and equipment members. They were evaluated in terms of features and design principles/factors.Item Acoustic Design of Sivas Cultural Center Multipurpose Hall(2018) Ilisulu, Sebahat Gul; Demirel, Fusun; Gorkem, MerveWithin the scope of this work, the analysis and evaluation of the acoustic designs which are developed to be provided within the same volume regarding the acoustic conditions intended for different functions including the conference function, the concert function and the opera/theatre function was carried out for the Sivas Cultural Center Multipurpose Hall*. In the light of the analyses, proposals concerning the meeting the requirements of acoustic comfort recommended by the regulations in effect in our country, international standarts and the literature have been submitted. As a result of these proposals that are developed for Sivas Cultural Center Multipurpose Hall, acoustic conditions which are recommended by national /international legislations are fulfilled for 3 different utilization scenarios (conference / concert / opera - theatre functions).Item Acoustic Performance Study For The Conference Hall of Ministry of Environment and Urbanizaton Service(2018) Ilisulu, Sebahat Gul; Demirel, Fusun; Ozcetin, ZuhalSolar air collectors (SAC) are usually used for space heating and drying of agricultural products. In this study, acoustic design analyzes and evaluations were carried out in order to improve acoustical conditions of the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization Service Building Conference Hall* for speech function. In the light of the analysis on the room acoustics, recommendations have been developed for the conference hall to provide acoustic comfort conditions in accordance with the regulations in force in our country and international standards. As a result of these suggestions, the acoustic conditions for conference function recommended in national/international legislation have been provided in the Conference Hall of the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization Service Building.Item Analysing the Relationship between Critical Thinking Skills and Problem Behaviours of Children at Social Risk through Visual Arts Education(2017) Buyurgan, Serap; Demirel, Irfan NihanIn this study, it is aimed to analyze the relationship between critical thinking skills and problem behaviours of children at social risk through visual arts education. In this context, Mixed method including both quantitative and qualitative dimension was used. Convergent parallel design was used to structure the study. In dimension quantitative of research, one group pre-test-post-test model as one of the pre-experimental models was used by applying the retention test. In the scope of the qualitative dimension, holistic single case design was used as a design of case study. The study was carried out on a group of 54 people (27 females, 27 males) who are identified to be at risk. Quantitative data were collected using the Art Criticism Target Behaviour Scale (ACTBS) that consisted of twenty questions and developed by the researchers. Qualitative data were collected by in-class activities, self-assessment form and performance task developed in two phases including both children's drawing and critical dimension. According to the results; as critical thinking skills develop, the students follow a more sensitive and inquisitive development of behaviours, their prejudices decrease, they gain a positive point of view to establish cause-effect relationship, they develop the ability to control negative behaviours, so their consciousness and awareness increase regarding family, environmental and social fact. As a result, it is recommended that visual arts education should be used effectively in relation to other disciplines in the teaching-learning process.Item An analysis of graduate dissertations and papers related to visual arts area at science and art centers between the years of 2007-2017(2018) Usal, Y.; Buyurgan, S.In the study, the data for the field of visual arts in BILSEM have been revealed by studying postgraduate theses and articles related to the field of Visual Arts given in Science and Art Centers in between 2007-2017. In the research, the document was examined with the scanning model. In the scope of the research, it has been scanned from Google Scholar with keywords such as "BILSEM", "Art Education", "Visual Arts Education" and "Linear Development" in the YÖK database thesis and related theses and articles between the years 2007-2017 examined in terms of type, subject, sample, university and institute, national/ international, thesis method, data collection tools. In laser scanning, Visual Arts given in BILSEM in 2007-2017 years in Turkey related to Education "Science and Art Centers", "BILSEM", "Arts Education", "Visual Arts Education" and "Linear Development" screening using keywords according to the results of 6 theses (4 Master, 2 PhD) and 8 articles have been found. According to the results of the study, it is seen that there are no postgraduate thesis and articles about Visual Arts Education given in BILSEMs in 2009, 2010 and 2011, and studies have been intensified in between 2012-2017. © 2018 by authors, all rights reserved.Item Cinematic Terror: A Global History of Terrorism on Film(2017) Raw, LaurenceItem Classical Style as the Manifestation of Being Exclusive to the Elite Taste in the Ottoman Music(2017) Ozturk, Okan MuratWhen cultivation and enculturation according to the palace etiquette is taken as a criterion, it is possible to subject the Ottoman society to a two-layered social stratification in the form of those who have this decency (elites) and those who do not (commons). Whereas both musics specific for the elite and public tastes, they present a common structure in terms of four basic elements [tone/fret, tune/melodic motive, makam (melodic mode) and usul (rhythmic mode)] that shape music. Within this common structure, it can be seen that the distinctions between the music of the two strata are based on the style. At this point, the question of how the music produced and performed especially for the elite taste differs in terms of style gains importance. Various people, groups and circles belonging to the elite stratum, particularly the sultan and the dynasty, have become the main patrons of all the arts and sciences in the Ottoman world. In this article, it is emphasized that the musical works composed for the elite taste become special and privileged through the stylistic difference. This fact is considered here as a fundamental factor with the aim of analyzing the processes of canonization and classicization in terms of the development of a peculiar musical repertoire and style. One of the basic expectations of the Ottoman elite's patronage of the art of music has been to provide for the development of a subtle classical style that reflects their own musical taste. This situation clearly reveals its connection with sociological issues such as status, elite identity and taste culture.Item The Clinicopathological and Prognostic Significance of CD24, CD44, CD133, ALDH1 Expressions in Invasive Ductal Carcinoma of The Breast CD44/CD24 Expression in Breast Cancer(2015) Kapucuoglu, Nilgun; Bozkurt, Kemal Kursat; Baspinar, Sirin; Kocer, Murat; Eroglu, Hasan Erol; Akdeniz, Rasit; Akcil, Mehtap; 26298632Background: Recently, there are several studies about cancer stem cells (CSC), indicating that they are the cells that initiate the tumor, provide progression, metastasis and responsible for the aggressive tumor behavior. Materials and methods: The purpose of this study is to investigate the expressions of CD24, CD44, their different combinations, ALDH1 and CD133 in invasive ductal carcinoma. Their relationships with clinicopathologic parameters, such as tumor grade, lymphovascular invasion, tumor size, axillary lymph node involvement, stage, hormone receptors, HER2 expression, basal like tumors, triple negative status and prognosis were also investigated. Tissue microarray method was used to investigate immunohistochemical CD24, CD44, ALDH1 and CD133 expressions in 105 invasive ductal carcinoma cases. Results: CD 133 expression was significantly associated with tumor size (p = 0.023) and stage (p = 0.009). CD133 expression was decreased in tumors with larger tumor size, higher stage and lymphovascular invasion. CD133 expression was positively correlated with CD44 (r = 0.212, p = 0.032) and CD44(+)/CD24(+) (r = 0.202, p = 0.040) expressions. CD44, CD24 and ALDH1 expressions showed no significant relationship and correlation with clinicopathologic features. There was a significant relationship (p = 0.048) between CD44(+)/CD24(-/low) phenotype and basal like tumors. EGFR expression was positively correlated with CD44(+)/CD24(-/low) phenotype (r = 0.211, p = 0.036). Conclusions: Basal like tumors are enriched for CSCs with CD44(+)/CD24(-/low) phenotype. CD133 can detect a different population of CSC in breast carcinoma. (C) 2015 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.Item A comparison of the cognitive actions of designers in geometry-based and parametric design environments(2020) Tunger, Cetin; Pektas, Sule Tasli; 0000-0003-0596-6405; B-9453-2008Purpose - This paper aims to compare designers' cognitive behaviors in geometry-based modeling environments (GMEs) and parametric design environments (PDEs). Design/methodology/approach - This study used Rhinoceros as the geometric and Grasshopper as the parametric design tool in an experimental setting. Designers' cognitive behaviors were investigated by using the retrospective protocol analysis method with a content-oriented approach. Findings - The results indicated that the participants performed more cognitive actions per minute in the PDE because of the extra algorithmic space that such environments include. On the other hand, the students viewed their designs more and focused more on product user relation in the geometric modeling environment. While the students followed a top-down process and produced less number of topologically different design alternatives with the parametric design tool, they had more goal setting activities and higher number of alternative designs in the geometric modeling environment. Originality/value - This study indicates that cognitive behaviors of designers in GMEs and PDF-s differ significantly and these differences entail further attention from researchers and educators.Item Distributed Database Design: A Case Study(2014) Tosun, UmutData Allocation is an important problem in Distributed Database Design. Generally, evolutionary algorithms are used to determine the assignments of fragments to sites. Data Allocation Algorithms should handle replication, query frequencies, quality of service (QoS), cite capacities, table update costs, selection and projection costs. Most of the algorithms in the literature attack one or few components of the problem. In this paper, we present a case study considering all of these features. The proposed model uses Integer Linear Programming for the formulation of the problem. (C) 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.Item An Early Christian Martyrion and Opus Sectile Pavement from Bathonea(2023) Sazak, Batuhan; Aydingun, Sengul; Aydingun, Haldun; 0000-0002-0309-2348; F-5144-2018Archaeological excavations started in 2009 at the ancient harbour settlement of Bathonea on the Firuzkoy Peninsula in the Kucukcekmece Lake Basin on the western side of Istanbul. The excavations uncovered harbours, roads, squares, water structures, military, civil and religious buildings dating between the century BC and the XIth century AD. In the area coded as Area 8, surrounded by the remains of a fortress, building with a square exterior and octagonal interior plan, a domed structure and a crypt is thought to martyrion due to its characteristics. During the excavations carried out in this building, a geometrical floor slab in opus sectile technique was unearthed. In addition, mosaic pavements were recovered from the dome, arches, vaults and walls of the building. The tesserae, which appear to have been embedded in a thick plaster, are made of natural stones such as green, blue, yellow, red, white, marble, glass and tiles, as well as many gold and silver gilded ones. In this paper, the fragments of the geometric opus sectile floor tile, some of which wereItem The effect of kefir consumption on the lipid profile for individuals with normal and dyslipidemic properties: a randomized controlled trial(2022) Yilmaz, Ilkay; Arslan, Bahattin; 0000-0001-5938-3112Objective This research was conducted as a prospective, self-controlled, eight-week clinical trial to investigate the effect of kefir consumption on the lipid profile of individuals with normal and dyslipidemic properties. Methods Kefir microorganisms given to volunteer subjects were determined using classical microbial count methods and qReal-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction. The study was carried out with 23 volunteer hospital health personnel between the ages of 20 and 55 who met the research criteria and did not have any health problems. The volunteers regularly consumed kefir on an empty stomach for four weeks. In the last stage, the eight-week study was completed by making blood and anthropometric measurements of the subjects, who continued to be studied without kefir consumption for four more weeks Results Considering the changes in the serum lipid profiles of 13 individuals with dyslipidemic symptoms during the 4-week period they consumed kefir, Total Cholesterol values decreased by 9.15% compared to initial values, LDL-Cholesterol values decreased by 10.64%, HDL-Cholesterol values decreased by 6.9%, and triglyceride values decreased by 2.46%. The changes in the serum lipid profiles of 13 individuals with dyslipidemic findings at the end of an eight-week study were a 5.71% decrease in total cholesterol values (p<0.018) considered statistically significant, as well as a 5.31% decrease in LDL-Cholesterol values (p<0.021); the HDL-Cholesterol results were found to be significant with an 8.58% decrease in the values (p<0.035) and insignificant with a 17.21% increase in the triglyceride values (p<0.926). We concluded that regular kefir consumption was effective in both women and men in lowering total cholesterol and LDL-Cholesterol from blood lipid profiles, especially in individuals with dyslipidemic symptoms, while this effect was not observed in normal individuals. Conclusion Kefir can positively affect the total cholesterol and LDL-Cholesterol blood parameters of dyslipidemic individuals with high serum lipid values.Item Emergency Remote Teaching of Technical Drawing During the COVID-19 Pandemic(2022) Kentel, Aysu SagunHybrid teaching, which combines face-to-face and online teaching, was widely adopted in higher education during the Covid-19 pandemic, especially in courses where implementation, experimentation, and practice are core activities. This paper presents observations of teaching effectiveness of a hybrid teaching framework designed within emergency remote teaching (ERT) in a technical drawing course during the pandemic. The objectives of the study are to analyse the teaching effectiveness of the designed framework and to understand its benefits and challenges for improvement of ERT of practice-based courses. Teaching effectiveness is analysed based on students' feedback, students' participation, analysis of students' grades, and instructors' observations. The findings revealed that students' adaption and participation was high and there was a positive correlation between in-class practice and individual learning processes. Most students stated that some of the online teaching activities (e.g. feedback, class notes, answer keys) can be integrated in face-to-face teaching in the future.Item Evaluation of Interior Architecture Education Programmes in Terms of the Multidisciplinary Approach(2021) Ozdamar, Betul Bilge; Ozdamar, Murat; 1302-597XPurpose: Interior architecture is based on theoretical, practical, and practice-based knowledge associated with other design disciplines that form a multidisciplinary framework. The aim of this study is to evaluate the art, science, and technical competencies that form the basis of knowledge and skills for the students within interior architecture education in Turkey. The other discussion is to what extent the courses provided during education meet the basic learning outcomes and provide for the professionals as part of the multidisciplinary study. Research Methods: Courses included in educational programs are categorised under 'theoretical/theoretic', 'artistic/aesthetic', and 'technical/practical', and are taken as a basis in the study, and the ratios and quantitative response values are determined. Besides, the joint readings of the subject are obtained by the interviews conducted with professionals. Findings: In the research, the numerical data of the courses related to art and aesthetic values, and the courses aiming at the application by transferring technical knowledge are obtained. The theoretical course workload yielded higher values. For findings related to the basic competencies acquired by the professional interior architects, there is the problem with 'technical expression' and 'experience in practice' within education. Implications for Research and Practice: The discussion of the standardisation through the educational programs should be avoided with a flexible approach. The consistency will be ensured through training practices and collaborations aimed at professional practices. In the future, collaborations for professionalism and studies in education and practice will play a supporting role after the graduation of students. (C) 2021 Ani Publishing Ltd. All rights reservedItem Experiential Learning in Basic Design Studio: Body, Space and the Design Process(2021) Caner Yuksel, Cagla; Dinc Uyaroglu, Ilkay; 0000-0001-6602-0205Basic Design is the beginning of design course series in architectural education which initiates architecture students to both architectural education and the profession. First-year design curricula have generally common goals of students' acquisitions about design knowledge, skill and competence; however, ways of teaching may vary. Here, we discuss our approach to teaching basic design during the second semester focusing on a particular phase of the curriculum. The aim of the article is to evaluate our teaching method, which is based on Kolb's Experiential Learning Theory and targets at developing students' comprehension and internalisation of body and space relations. Experiential Learning Theory underscores a four-stage learning cycle: concrete experience, reflective observation, abstract conceptualisation and active experimentation. Referring to this cycle, we prioritised real-life experiences to encourage students to explore various ways, modes and stages of designing. The cycle begins with lived experiences of body movements and space through 'contact improvisation' which simultaneously involves discovering movements of one's body in relation to other bodies and space using basics of sharing improvised touch and movement consciousness. While practising contact improvisation in groups, students reflect on their experiences through sketches, photographs and videos. Based on their reflections, they produce three-dimensional abstractions, which later transform into spatial designs. By the end, we state that these experimental exercises positively contribute to teaching/learning 'body, scale and space' within the basic design curriculum and question how future studies can be articulated to enhance design learning.Item A Figure-Engraved Glass Bowl from the Early Byzantine Period(2014) Gencler-Guray, Cigdem; Peker, Nilufer; https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4175-1305; AAH-9282-2020; AAO-6470-2020Item The Impacts of Friendship, Advice and Negative Ties on Intention To Leave: The Case of Nurses in A Special Branch Hospital(2021) Sozen, Cenk; Samanci, Simge; Tokmak, Ismail; Turgut, Hakan; Basim, Nejat; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0080-5285; GZA-5645-2022OBJECTIVES The high turnover rate of nurses has been a matter of debate among scholars. Nurses' social interaction patterns and the social structure they are situated within may provide clues about possible causes of their high turnover intentions. This study aims to investigate the possible effects of negative and positive ties on the intention of turnover among nurses. DESIGN & SETTING A hybrid research methodology was used. Social network analysis was used to reveal the positions of the nurses (n = 126) in the positive and negative networks. A statistical model was formed with varying types of centrality measures, intragroup conflict, and intention to leave variables. The data was collected from all the nurses working in a special branch hospital. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION The findings of the study clearly indicate that negative interactions directly and indirectly affect the intention to leave, and the nurses demand professional support from their colleagues. The findings also show the existence of a fragmented social structure among nurses, which suggests the increased importance of brokerage roles. Managers should closely monitor the negative interactions among nurses, and they need to use conflict management techniques frequently to reduce hostile relations in the business environment. Managers should especially seek ways to increase altruistic tendencies among colleagues because nurses demand professional support ties more than friendship relations.Item Interior Design Approach As Part of Passive Fire Safety Measures - Evaluation of the Re-Used Historical Bandabuliya Building Evacuation System(2019) Bilge, BetulThe risks that emerge during an emergency and disasters as well as the damages caused by such risks adversely affect human lives, the buildings they live in and the interiors of such buildings. Emergency and disaster management system is a holistic process. Within this process, the Interior Architects' command in the flow of management system is significant in terms of being acquainted with when to step in and at what point of the system flow to play a part. The risks that are revealed as a result of management activities and the requirements produced afterwards designate the necessity for taking and implementing measures beforehand. At this point, how important the indoor arrangements and planning are in terms of loss of lives and safety during and after an incident rises distinctively to the surface, apart from the structural arrangements intended for prevention and mitigation. The system built should demonstrate not attenuating but strengthening and supporting approaches in terms of a secure design. A safe architecture that has been established in line with legal requirements and regulations is an integral part of a system that cannot be abstracted from interior space. In the study, Interior Space Design Approaches as Part of "Passive Safety Measures"which area part of the emergency management system have been characterised. The system setup discussed pursuant to fire threat has identified the fundamental approach criteria in terms of a secure indoor evacuation. The purposed design system relation has been assessed on the historical Famagusta- Bandabuliya Building that has been refunctioned.Item Investigation of the changes in volatile composition and amino acid profile of a gala-dinner dish by GC-Ms and LC-MS/MS analyses(2021) Tabak, Tolgahan; Yilmaz, Ilkay; Tekiner, Ismail Hakki; 0000-0001-5938-3112; AGG-0511-2022This study aimed to investigate the changes in volatile composition and amino acid profile of a dish "duck breast, beetroot mille-feuille" prepared in the Turkey Gala Dinner of an international gastronomy association. The ingredients collected from bazaars and chain markets were prepared and processed according to the original recipe. In raw ingredients and cooked products (P1, P2, and P3), volatile organic compounds were semiquantitatively by GC-MS and amino acids quantitively by LC-MS/MS. The volatile composition and amino acid profile between P1, P2, and P3 products were tested with one-way ANOVA using SPSS version 20.0. In the final product, the dominant volatiles was found to be oily, waxy with lard and tallow notes (oleic acid), floral (squalene), and green-floral and citrus-floral (9-octadecenamide). In contrast, the dominant amino acid profile exhibited bitter-sweet and bitter-salty-sour tastes. The statistical test showed that the volatile composition among the product groups was not interrelated (p = 0.613412 0.05), whereas the amino acid profile was related (p = 0.067352 < 0.10). Overall, our study revealed that the desirable taste of the Gala-dinner dish "duck breast, beetroot mille-feuille" was formed by the co-existence of some dominant volatiles belonging to the fatty acid, triterpenoid, and fatty amide groups and some predominant amino acids, including valine, glutamic acid, aspartic acid, leucine, and lysine, as well as depending on the preparation and cooking conditions.Item THE MAKING OF THE COMMERCIAL CENTER IN TIRE (14TH-16TH CENTURIES) (1)(2015) Yuksel, Cagla CanerToday Tire is one of the administrative districts under the city of Izmir Located southeast of Izmir, it is situated on the southern edge of the Kucuk Menderes Plain and the northern fringe of the Gume Mountains (Figure 1). It is surrounded by the neighboring administrative districts of Bayindir to the north about 18 km away, Odemis to the northeast and east about 35 km away, and Selcuk to the west about 40 km away (Figure 2). The town is renowned for its lively traditional markets, particularly open air bazaars held once a week. Rich both in food products and in traditional handcrafts, these markets are still significant nodes of attraction in the region (2). This article reveals how the markets of Tire came on the scene back in the 14th 16th centuries. It sheds light on the making of the town's commercial center in the given periods that Correspond to two distinctive, yet consecutive eras of first the Aydmid Principality and next the Ottoman rule.
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