Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü / Social Sciences Institute
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Item Regulation of anger by writing: Usage of expression, problem solving and distraction strategies(Başkent Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2023) Şahin, İrem; Akın Sarı, BurçinThe main purpose of this study was to examine the effects on anger regulation of emotion regulation strategies applied through writing tasks. In this respect, a scenario that would trigger the emotion of anger was created to be used in the experimental phase. Levels of anger regulation were then evaluated by examining the effects of expression, problemsolving, and distraction strategies applied through writing tasks on positive affect, negative affect, valence, and arousal values of emotion. In addition, the levels of effectiveness of these emotion regulation strategies were compared with each other. The sample of the study consisted of 152 female university students. The Positive and Negative Affect Scale, Emotion and Arousal Assessment Form, and Emotional Valence Form were used as data collection tools and the dataset was analyzed with IBM SPSS Statistics in accordance with the research questions and hypotheses. It was found that all three emotion regulation strategies had significant effects on negative affect and arousal. The most effective strategy for negative affect was distraction, while the least effective was expression. Finally, the most effective strategies for arousal were distraction and expression with problem-solving, and there was no significant difference between the effectiveness of these two strategies, while the least effective strategy was expression. All findings are discussed in light of the relevant literature.Bu çalışmanın temel amacı yazı yazma aracılığıyla kullanılan duygu düzenleme stratejilerinin öfke duygusunu düzenleme üzerindeki etkisinin incelenmesidir. Bu doğrultuda öncelikle, deney aşamasında kullanılmak üzere öfke duygusunu tetikleyecek bir senaryo içeriği oluşturulmuştur. Ardından, yazı yazma aracılığıyla uygulanan ifade etme, ifade etmeyle beraber problem çözme ve dikkat dağıtma stratejilerinin pozitif duygulanım, negatif duygulanım, duygunun şiddeti ve hoşnutluk derecesi üzerindeki etkisi incelenerek öfke duygusunun düzenlenmesi değerlendirilmiştir. Ek olarak duygu düzenleme stratejilerinin etkililiği birbiriyle karşılaştırılmıştır. Araştırmanın örneklemini üniversite öğrencisi olan 152 kadın katılımcı oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmada veri toplama araçları olarak Pozitif ve Negatif Duygulanım Ölçeği, Duygu ve Şiddet Formu ve Duygunun Hoşnutluk Formu kullanılmıştır. Elde edilen veri seti, araştırma sorularına ve hipotezlere uygun olarak SPSS programı ile analiz edilmiştir. Araştırmanın bulgularına göre her üç duygu düzenleme stratejisinin de negatif duygulanım ve duygunun şiddeti üzerinde anlamlı bir etkisinin olduğu görülmüştür. Son olarak, duygunun şiddeti için en etkili stratejiler dikkat dağıtma ve problem çözme olmuştur ve bu iki stratejinin etkililiği arasında anlamlı fark yokken en az etkili olan stratejinin ise ifade etme stratejisi olduğu görülmüştür. Elde edilen tüm bulgular alanyazın ışığında ele alınarak tartışılmıştır.Item How patients perceive healthcare services: A case of Ayub Teaching Hospital, Abbottabad - Pakistan. SERV Service QUAL Quality(2018) Ali, MuhammadA field study was conducted in Ayub Teaching Hospital in the outpatient department, to evaluate the level of service quality offered by the healthcare services with a view to identifying the relationship between service quality dimensions and overall service quality. The researchers used the SERVQUAL instrument for the purpose of assessing the quality of the service offered by the healthcare workers at the outpatient department in Ayub Teaching Hospital. A sample of 246 patients in the outpatient department participated in the questionnaire survey. Descriptive statistics were used to find out mean values and variance between actual values from perceived values. To assess the strength of model regression, the aforementioned technique was adopted. The study results showed that there exists a gap between patients' expectation and actual services offered by the healthcare workers. There were five dimensions that were assessed: tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy. The results revealed that patients are dissatisfied with three dimensions (tangibles, reliability and assurance), but they are satisfied with the other two dimensions (responsiveness and empathy). This research adopts the marketing concept to measure the healthcare services. The SERVQUAL tool was modified as per need to meet the requirements in accordance with the nature and scope of the research. Patients' attitudes toward service quality dimensions were the concern of the research. To get a comprehensive evaluation of service quality, healthcare providers have to be considered in future research. Based on the findings of this study, Ayub Teaching Hospital's (ATH) management is in a position to recognize the patients' perceptions about the healthcare services and offer them service accordingly. Results can be used by management and government policymakers regarding healthcare to bring better and more effective services. Consequently, based on the results, new structure can be designed by adopting strategies that improve the quality of services in order to provide effective services and gain patients' satisfaction and propensity to further recommend the services of healthcare to other patients. This study investigates the healthcare quality in a small area in Pakistan. Pakistan is a developing country. Future research can adopt the SERVPREF technique, which is a more developed technique than SERVQUAL in order to measure service quality as it provides a two-factor solution for the dimensionality of health service quality.Item A Cross-Sectional Survey on Consequences of Nurses' Burnout: Moderating Role of Organizational Politics(2016) Basar, Ufuk; Basim, Nejat; 0000-0003-0008-5131; 26988276; ABD-9381-2021; J-2510-2016AimThe aim of the study was to assess whether perceptions of organizational politics (defined as self-serving behaviours at the expense of others) influence the prospective associations between nurses' burnout and its consequences, namely, intention to quit and neglect of work. BackgroundResearchers have previously investigated relationships between nurses' burnout, intention to quit, neglect of work and perceptions of organizational politics in different research models and from different perspectives. As far as we know, no studies have considered whether nurses' perceptions of organizational politics moderate the influence of burnout. DesignA cross-sectional survey using self-report questionnaires. MethodData were collected by questionnaire from a sample of 456 nurses from six private hospitals in Ankara, Turkey in March 2015. Four different previously designed scales were used to measure research variables (burnout, intention to quit, neglect of work and perceptions of organizational politics). Following confirmatory validity and reliability analyses of data collection instruments, descriptive statistics for each research variable were analysed. Structural regression models were created to assess relationships among variables. FindingsBurnout resulted in intention to quit and neglect. Intention to quit partially mediated the association between burnout and neglect. Burnout gave rise to intention to quit slightly more strongly in nurses who had greater perceptions of organizational politics. ConclusionThis study uncovers and emphasizes the moderating role of perceptions of organizational politics in consequences of burnout. This may help hospital managers and nurses to improve costs, efficiency, satisfaction and productivity.Item Twenty-Five Years Later, Change, Adaptation to Change and Resistance in the Dortdivan(2022) Gunaydin, JansetBu cozumleme arayislari, belirli sosyal olgular cevresinde gerceklestirilir. Bu olgulardan linin kirilma noktalarina, ortak ve farkli degerlerinin kavranabilmesine ve bu kanitlardan yola cikarak o toplumun sosyal gelisimine katki saglayabilecek neticelerin alinmasina yardimci olur. Toplumsal ilerlemenin faydasina olabilecek cabalar, cogunlukca kabul gordugu bicimi ile insanin biraktigi izlerin dikkatle surulmesi, yorumlanmasi ve imlerde zamanla olusan degisikliklerin tespit edilmesi ile olusabilir. Yirmi Bes Yil Sonra Dortdilismasi isimli kitap ise bu baglamda ornek olacak nitelige sahiptir. Tulay Uguzman tarafindan yazilmis eser, sinirli bir toplumsal grubun somut ve soyut olarak; kulturde, fikirde, egitimde, cografyada, biraktigi izlerin degisimini inceleyen bir devam calismasi niteligindedir. 1989-1990 yillarinda yine bolgesel sinirli bir grup uzerinde ayni yazar tarafindan tirmasi adli saha calismasinin uzerinden yirmi bes yil gectikten sonra yeniden, yerinde ve detayli bir sekilde incelenmesini iceren kitap; ozgun saha calismalarina ev sahipligi yapan, sosyoloji, sosyal antropoloji ve halk kulturu icin esine az rastlanir bicimde degerli ve sosyal degisme baglaminda kaynak olabilecek niteliktedir. Incelemesi yapilan eserde calisilma suresince izlenen yontem ve tekniklerin siradanliktan uzak olusu eserdeki motiflerin de ayni cizgide ilerlemesini saglamistir. Bir toplumsal gozlemleme butununun yaziya aktarimi biciminde ozetlenebilecek bu calisma, esdeger olarak degisen cesitli yonleri tespit etmek uzere olusturulmustur. mede bir durak noktasi olan kasabanin kulturel ve sosyal yonlerinin incelenmesine odaklanan calisma, 2015'li yillara gelindiginde artik ilce konumunda olan bolgenin, yerel yonetimindeki degisim ile birlikte ic dinamiklerinde de yasanmis olmasi ongorulen farklilasmalara deginmek amaciyla olusturulan, yeniden ziyaret calismasi (revisit)1 eksenli bir yaklasimi icermektedir. Ayrica ikinci calisma icin kasabadan ilceye gecisin bir sonucuItem Transcultural Memory of the Nation in Caryl Phillips's A Distant Shore(2022) Kirpikli, Deniz; study argues that Caryl Phillips's A Distant Shore (2003) uncovers Britain's transcultural memory of the imperial past through the journey of the refugee protagonist Solomon/Gabriel from Africa to England. The unlikely encounter between Solomon/Gabriel and Dorothy, a white Englishwoman, in a setting inhospitable to both of them opens up a narrative space to explore the imperial legacy that persists in contemporary racism in Britain. The novel achieves this through a mnemonic narrative strategy based on a fragmented structure with a narrative voice shifting back and forth in time and place. In doing so, the novel contests the idea of the homogeneous nation by drawing parallels between the Middle Passage and refugee flow from Africa. This study will, thus, demonstrate that the novel offers a transcultural perspective on memory and nation by illustrating the cross-border reach of memories that are ignored by national essentialism.Item The Blockade of the Dardanelles Strait and the Occupation of Bozcaada During the Tripoli and Balkan Wars, Through the Eyes of Telegrapher Ihsan (Pere) Bey(2022) Ozcan, HalilTripoli and Balkan Wars accelerated the process leading to the collapse of the Ottoman Empire. In these wars, the Dardanelles Strait and the islands near the strait were the common target chosen by Italy and Greece for the surrender of the Ottoman Empire. In both wars, Ihsan (Pere) Bey served as the telegraph officer of the British Eastern Cable Company in Bozcaada. The Tripoli War was continuing when Ihsan Bey, who had started his civil service as an officer of the Istanbul Beyoglu British Cable Company, was appointed as officer to Bozcaada for the second time. Ihsan Bey's witnessing in Bozcaada to the hot war of the Italian Navy and the Turkish Redoubts on April 18, 1912 and the detailed information he has given are important. In addition, the occupation of Bozcaada by Greece during the Balkan War is also included in detail in Ihsan Bey's memoirs. The originality of this study results from the fact that Ihsan Bey's memoirs when Italians reached to the entrance of the Dardanelles and regarding the occupation of Bozcaada are evaluated scientifically and published for the first time.Item Love is Not Blind: Investigating A Love-Hate Transition Among Luxury Fashion Brand Consumers(2021) Kashif, Muhammad; Devrani, Tulay Korkmaz; Rehman, Aisha; Samad, SarminahPurpose There is extensive research where consumer emotions of brand love and brand hate are investigated. However, the studies where a transition in consumer-brand emotions is explored are scant. This paper aims to investigate the mediating effect of brand jealousy in the relationship between brand love and brand hate among luxury fashion brand consumers. Also how value expressiveness moderates the relationship between brand hate and negative word of mouth (NWOM) is examined. Design/methodology/approach The study is based on a cross-sectional survey conducted among 273 luxury fashion consumers from Pakistan. The structural equation modeling (SEM) technique is employed to test the proposed hypotheses. Findings All the proposed hypotheses are supported. Brand jealousy mediates the relationship between brand love and brand hate. Furthermore, value expressiveness buffers the relationship between brand hate and NWOM. Practical implications The luxury fashion marketers should focus on strengthening the symbolic identity of a luxury fashion brand via advocating its visual elements. Moreover, there is a need to advertise luxury fashion brands as exclusive to individual customers. Finally, some rewards can be offered to consumers to generate positive word of mouth (WOM) about luxury fashion brands. Originality/value The study of an emotional transition among luxury brand customers via a mediating role of brand jealousy is a unique theoretical contribution. Moreover, the moderating role of the value-expressiveness function examining the hate-to-NWOM path is also unique to this study.Item Molecular Biology Inspired Mutual Authentication Schemes for Wireless Body Area Network(2021) Ozkoc, Esma Erguner; Mannion, MikeAs the use of Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) becomes widespread, concerns about the security of the data they produce and transmit are also increasing. One of the basic security requirement for WBAN communication include authentication. In this study, a certificate-less mutual authentication scheme is proposed. The scheme was developed using pseudo-DNA cryptography techniques (due to its features such as randomness and rule less, easily generated and accessible, similarity to the binary system and no need for high-tech laboratory conditions) in addition to modern cryptography techniques, to increases the level of security without adding additional computational costs to the system.Item Introduction of a new method for retailing and marketing research: the case of shopping malls(2020) Sozen, Cenk; Devrani, TulayPurpose The purpose of this study is to suggest an unusual method that may help researchers to examine from the real-time movements of consumers among stores located on any kind of shopping location. We assumed shopping behavior of individuals as a complicated network representing their interactions with multiple types of stores - brands. Shopping malls were chosen to test this alternative method. Closely located stores in these organizations give researchers a chance to investigate patterns of interactions of customers in relation to brands. Therefore, we decided to develop an unusual method to examine customers' behavior in these organizations. Design/methodology/approach This study suggests that circulation patterns of customers in a shopping location may provide valuable information to decision makers. The applicability of this technique was tested on 700 consumers visiting stores of a supper-regional shopping mall, located in Ankara, Turkey. Paths of the customers in a specific type of mall were determined, and their interactions with the stores were analyzed by using social network analysis techniques. The brands having key positions in the network were compared with the brand configuration of high- and low-performer malls serving to similar markets. Findings The results of the network analyses were used to understand whether this method could be beneficial for the ideal tenant mix problem of shopping malls. Findings suggest that the performance of malls depends on fitness to customer paths, and the malls, which didn't have the key brands at the initial stage, could not adapt themselves later. Findings of the case study verified that this technique might offer a solution to this well-known dilemma of the retailing sector and may have several implications. Originality/value These types of data are very valuable, especially for retailing research and the industry, because very critical knowledge such as traffic among retail stores, key central brands, ideal location of stores, consumption tendencies of different customer groups and symbiotic or competitive relations among retailers can be obtained. This method may also have broad implications in other fields of research such as location analysis, decision support systems and property management as well as marketing and retailing.Item Single-Machine Order Acceptance and Scheduling Problem Considering Setup Time and Release Date Relations(2020) Bicakci, Papatya S.; Kara, Imdat; Sagir, MujganThis paper focuses on a make-to-order production system, where rejection of some orders is inevitable due to limited production capacity. In such a system, accepting all orders may cause overloads, order delays, and customer dissatisfaction. For this reason, firms tend to reject some orders. The order acceptance and scheduling problem is defined as deciding simultaneously which orders to be selected and how to schedule these selected orders. An extension of this problem with sequence-dependent setup times and release dates has been rarely studied, and the existing studies suggest that setup activities wait for the release date to be performed. However, in real production environments this may not be the case. Therefore, this paper examines the relationships between setup times and release dates considering the overall scheduling literature. Previous scheduling studies define two different relationships concerning setup times and release dates. One of them considers setup time is completely dependent on release date, and the other one claims that they are completely independent. In this paper, a new relationship is addressed to propound that setup time may be partially dependent on the release date. The paper also proposes a new mixed integer linear programming formulation withO(n(2)) binary decision variables andO(n(2)) constraints. It includes a detailed computational analysis by solving available instances in the literature, which suggests that existing formulation can solve the test problems to optimality with up to 10 orders in a given time limit. Our proposed formulation, however, can solve the test problems to optimality with up to 50 orders within the same time limit. According to the findings, our approach seems to be more suitable for real-life applications, and the proposed formulation is extremely faster than the existing one.