Güzel Sanatlar Tasarım ve Mimarlık Fakültesi / Faculty of Fine Arts, Design and Architecture

Permanent URI for this collectionhttps://hdl.handle.net/11727/1397


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    "Yarman-36 Makam Tone-System" for Turkish Art Music
    (2014) Yarman, Ozan; Karaosmanoglu, M. Kemal; Karaosmanoglu, M. Kemal; 0000-0003-4534-7182; 0000-0001-9002-3326; F-8747-2014; A-3421-2016
    This study offers a mathematically rigorous, yet straightforward, fixed-pitch tuning strategy to the problem of adequate sounding and notating of essential Turkish makam genera, in contradistinction to the praxis-mismatched music theory cast in effect known as Arel-Ezgi-Uzdilek (AEU). It comprises 36 tones locatable just by ear, via counting exact 0, 1 and 2 beats per second when listening to given octave, fifth and third intervals, starting from an algebraically attained reference frequency for A at 438.41 Hertz, very near the international standard A=440 Hz. The so-named Yarman-36 makam tone-system proposed in this paper accounts for hitherto omitted pitches in Ussak, Saba, Huzzam, etc... at popular transpositions, each corresponding to a habitually used Ahenk ( concert pitch level specified by a chosen Ney reed), by virtue of being based on a twelve-by-twelve triplex structure of exclusively tailored Modified Meantone Baroque Temperaments. It thus also features pleasant shades of key-colors supporting polyphonic endeavours in line with Western common-practice music.
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    A Figure-Engraved Glass Bowl from the Early Byzantine Period
    (2014) Gencler-Guray, Cigdem; Peker, Nilufer; https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4175-1305; AAH-9282-2020; AAO-6470-2020
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    Novel Theory Leads To The Classical Outcome For The Precession of The Perihelion of A Planet Due To Gravity
    (2014) Yarman, Tolga; Kholmetskii, Alexander; Arik, Metin; Yarman, Ozan; https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9002-3326; A-3421-2016
    We offer a novel method which lets us derive the same classical result for the precession of the perihelion of a planet due to the gravitational effects of the host star. The theoretical approach suggested earlier by the first author is erected upon just the energy conservation law, which consequently yields the weak equivalence principle. The precession outcome is exactly the same as that formulated by the general theory of relativity (GTR) for Mercurial orbit eccentricities, but the methodology used is totally different. In our approach, there is no need to make any categorical distinction between luminal and subluminal matter, since, as we have previously demonstrated, our theory of gravity is fully compatible with the foundations of quantum mechanics. Our approach can immediately be generalized to the many-body problem, which is otherwise practically impossible within the framework of GTR. Our approach thus leads to a unified description of the microworld and macroworld physics. (C) 2014 Physics Essays Publication.
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    The Clinicopathological and Prognostic Significance of CD24, CD44, CD133, ALDH1 Expressions in Invasive Ductal Carcinoma of The Breast CD44/CD24 Expression in Breast Cancer
    (2015) Kapucuoglu, Nilgun; Bozkurt, Kemal Kursat; Baspinar, Sirin; Kocer, Murat; Eroglu, Hasan Erol; Akdeniz, Rasit; Akcil, Mehtap; 26298632
    Background: Recently, there are several studies about cancer stem cells (CSC), indicating that they are the cells that initiate the tumor, provide progression, metastasis and responsible for the aggressive tumor behavior. Materials and methods: The purpose of this study is to investigate the expressions of CD24, CD44, their different combinations, ALDH1 and CD133 in invasive ductal carcinoma. Their relationships with clinicopathologic parameters, such as tumor grade, lymphovascular invasion, tumor size, axillary lymph node involvement, stage, hormone receptors, HER2 expression, basal like tumors, triple negative status and prognosis were also investigated. Tissue microarray method was used to investigate immunohistochemical CD24, CD44, ALDH1 and CD133 expressions in 105 invasive ductal carcinoma cases. Results: CD 133 expression was significantly associated with tumor size (p = 0.023) and stage (p = 0.009). CD133 expression was decreased in tumors with larger tumor size, higher stage and lymphovascular invasion. CD133 expression was positively correlated with CD44 (r = 0.212, p = 0.032) and CD44(+)/CD24(+) (r = 0.202, p = 0.040) expressions. CD44, CD24 and ALDH1 expressions showed no significant relationship and correlation with clinicopathologic features. There was a significant relationship (p = 0.048) between CD44(+)/CD24(-/low) phenotype and basal like tumors. EGFR expression was positively correlated with CD44(+)/CD24(-/low) phenotype (r = 0.211, p = 0.036). Conclusions: Basal like tumors are enriched for CSCs with CD44(+)/CD24(-/low) phenotype. CD133 can detect a different population of CSC in breast carcinoma. (C) 2015 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
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    "Accessibility" in Housing Design for People Who Are Blind
    (2017) Bilge, Betul
    The existing and applied regulations and standards in Turkey cannot provide the adequate participation with the general user identity. Within the existing system, the responsibility of the designer for accessible interior spaces is quite high. "Average People" data taken as a basis after mobility conditions and degrees which are determined, cannot meet the definition and the needs of the user identity in an adequate level. It is necessary to create solutions and sustain these solutions for people; the elderly, children and the disabled with distinctive physical attributes who exists in the society but cannot maintain their lives in a desired level because of the obstacles within the environment. It is obvious that, for the continuity, without needing for adaptation or customisation in the design, the solution needs to be developed, by accepting the need, as the first step in the design process. It is important that this point of view should be accepted and developed, not only in inner spaces of the houses but also in all structural environments constituting the living spaces. The designer is a fundamental key stone that takes a part in all studies which can be developed and improved intended for removing obstacles. The designer; from the beginning of the design process, should fictionalise the holistic design approach without ignoring the user needs with diversified qualifications of anthropometric data. In order to create solutions for the needs of all users of the society; it will be fundamental to conduct environmental analyses in terms of accessibility with regard to composing global design dynamics. Houses are spaces that life goes on in. They get form for the user needs. The house design should not limit mobility, accessibility that is universal. That the designer meets minimum requirements those are aimed for him/her to reach for a "universal house", which is not only sentimentality but also a social responsibility. With the meeting of the requirements needed, personal preferences and needs which are desired inside the house would built as a result of different concerns such as aesthetics. The "Universal House" concept is a setup of a design system answering the basic needs that will not require any adaptation or customisation afterwards for the user with diversified capabilities, which is based on existence of accessible spaces. The constructor of this setup is the "designer". This study is a research on the spatial values required for fully visually impaired individuals to get mobile independently and maintain their lives without the need for others. The needs and/or hindering factors set forth were evaluated to the extent of interior space and equipment members. They were evaluated in terms of features and design principles/factors.
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    Public Space Meanings of Squares: Ulus and Kizilay Squares in Ankara, Turkey
    (2017) Bayraktar, Nuray
    Squares, which are expected to embody public characteristics that bring together different social groups and enable their interaction, are intensely discussed in this context today. The disappearing public space characteristics of squares and their transformation into undefined lots are emphasized in these discussions. Moreover, squares are redefined as the places where the distinctions of the cities are reproduced. In Ankara, the capital of Turkey, squares illustrate a significant example for these discussions. The most important squares are Ulus and Kizilay. After the foundation of the Republic, the squares are the locations for social activity for user groups that are distinguished from each other with the status of being from Ankara. Later on, the usage of square had changed and user groups of the squares became different depending on the income distribution. This study assesses the public space meanings of these squares. In this assessment, the period following the proclamation of the republic is defined within two different periods, and the public space characteristics of the two squares are questioned from the viewpoint of the users and usage of the squares. Today, public space meanings of Ulus and Kizilay squares are discussed with reference to the findings of a survey.
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    Manuscript the Evaluation of Acoustical Performance of the Ahi Serafettin (Aslanhane) Hermitage and Mosque
    (2016) Demirel, Fusun; Ilisulu, Sebahat Gul; Ozcetin, Zuhal; Pektas, Sumeyra; Seven, Yusuf; Uysal, Esra; GMW-9789-2022
    The evaluation of the architectural acoustics of the mosques, as one of the religious venues, has been carried out in terms of analyzing the comprehension of the sermon and the preaching, of mawlid and hymn, which have musical characteristics and of the imam's recitation during the performance of the salaat with the religious community. After the settlement of the Turks in Anatolia, especially in the early 13th century, new monuments have been built. In this paper, The Ahi Serafettin Hermitage and Mosque, that embodies the authentic design and the details of the era with it's wooden posts and flat slab ceiling on the interior, has been discussed. Primarily, the reverberation time (T-30) has been analyzed according to the standard of TS EN ISO 3382-1 and the background noise level (LeciA) have been measured. Following that, the parameters of the reverberation time (T-30), the early decay time (EDT), the clarity (C80), the speech transmission index (STI), the definition (D50) and the speech pressure level (SPLA) are defined by using the ODEON (v 10.02) simulation program. As a result of these, an assessment has been made in comparison to the acquired measurements and the simulation data.
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    Classical Style as the Manifestation of Being Exclusive to the Elite Taste in the Ottoman Music
    (2017) Ozturk, Okan Murat
    When cultivation and enculturation according to the palace etiquette is taken as a criterion, it is possible to subject the Ottoman society to a two-layered social stratification in the form of those who have this decency (elites) and those who do not (commons). Whereas both musics specific for the elite and public tastes, they present a common structure in terms of four basic elements [tone/fret, tune/melodic motive, makam (melodic mode) and usul (rhythmic mode)] that shape music. Within this common structure, it can be seen that the distinctions between the music of the two strata are based on the style. At this point, the question of how the music produced and performed especially for the elite taste differs in terms of style gains importance. Various people, groups and circles belonging to the elite stratum, particularly the sultan and the dynasty, have become the main patrons of all the arts and sciences in the Ottoman world. In this article, it is emphasized that the musical works composed for the elite taste become special and privileged through the stylistic difference. This fact is considered here as a fundamental factor with the aim of analyzing the processes of canonization and classicization in terms of the development of a peculiar musical repertoire and style. One of the basic expectations of the Ottoman elite's patronage of the art of music has been to provide for the development of a subtle classical style that reflects their own musical taste. This situation clearly reveals its connection with sociological issues such as status, elite identity and taste culture.