Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi / Faculty of Letters and Science

Permanent URI for this collectionhttps://hdl.handle.net/11727/1396


Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 73
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    How Far are E-Scooters Healthy Transport?
    (2023) Tekes, Burcu; Musselwhite, Charles; 0000-0002-6601-1023; K-2947-2014
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    Resistance to Common Insecticides and Mechanisms of Resistance in Aphis Pomi De Geer (Hemiptera: Aphididae), in Apple Orchards in Turkey
    (2023) Erdogan, Cem; Ozdem, Ayse; Alpkent, Yasin Nazim; Demiroz, Duygu; https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9537-3536; https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1501-1223; AAE-4306-2020; IZP-9920-2023
    The Green apple aphid, Aphis pomi de Geer (Hemiptera: Aphididae), is one of the most common and serious insect pests of apple orchards in Turkey. This species feeds on succulent tissue of trees, which can lead to leaf curling, stunting, distorted tip growth, black-sooty mold, and a vector of some plant viruses. Growers prefer to apply insecticide applications heavily to control the green apple aphid in commercial apple orchards. However, there have not been conducted any research study on insecticide resistance of A. pomi in Turkey. The resistance status of A. pomi populations collected from commercially apple orchards in the Central Anatolia region was investigated to: acetamiprid (neonicotinoid), the specific aphicide pirimicarb (carbamate), beta-cyfluthrin (synthetic pyrethroid), and chlorpyrifos-ethyl (organophosphate) insecticides. All populations were characterised for the first time using polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis to determine the esterase banding patterns. Biochemical assays revealed higher activity of total esterase. This is the first study conducted to determine glutathione S-transferase activity related to the insecticide resistance of A. pomi. It was determined that the resistance levels reached to 14.93 fold to acetamiprid, 3.74 fold to beta-cyfluthrin, 4.19 fold to chlorpyrifos-ethyl, and 4.33 fold to pirimicarb. The present study revealed neonicotinoid, organophosphate, carbamate, and pyrethroid resistance in A. pomi populations from the Central Anatolia Regions of Turkey. It also clearly showed that the enhanced esterase enzyme activity is the main resistance mechanism against carbamate pirimicarb resistance. The present study is the first insecticide resistance study on A. pomi for Turkey.
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    Validation and Correlates of The Vicarious Embarrassment Scale
    (2014) Uysal, Ahmet; Akbas, Gulcin; Helvaci, Elif; Metin, Irem; HGT-9462-2022
    Vicarious embarrassment can be defined as embarrassment resulting from witnessing embarrassing behaviors of strangers. We developed a scale to measure individual differences in the tendency to experience vicarious embarrassment, and examined its association with related constructs. In Study 1, we found that vicarious embarrassment is associated positively with susceptibility to embarrassment, empathy, perspective-taking, and fear of negative evaluation, while it is associated negatively with self-esteem. In Study 2, we found that vicarious embarrassment is uniquely associated with embarrassment in response to a poor performance of a stranger on a TV show, independent of susceptibility to embarrassment, empathy, perspective-taking, and fear of negative evaluation. Although the limited literature on this topic focused on the role of empathy in this type of embarrassment, these findings suggest that there is more to vicarious embarrassment than empathy or perspective-taking. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
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    The Turkish Adaptation of the Friendship Qualities Scale: A Validity and Reliability Study
    (2014) Atika, Zeynep Erkan; Cok, Figen; Coban, Aysel Esen; Dogan, Turkan; Karaman, Neslihan Guney; ITT-6781-2023; AAW-7154-2021
    In this study, the authors have aimed to adapt the Friendship Qualities Scale (FQS) in order to determine friendship relation levels among adolescents. A total of 603 high school students from Ankara Turkey, were selected using convenient sampling to participate in this study. During the course of this study, the FQS was first translated into Turkish and then its psychometric properties were examined. The construct validity of the FQS was tested using a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). Before performing the CFA, the assumption of missing values, outliers, normality, and collineriaty were checked. According to the results, the 22-item FQS consisting of 5 dimensions had acceptable goodness of fit indexes (S-Bx(2)/df = 669.12/199, p = .00, RMSEA = .063, CFI = .97, GFI = .88, NNFI = .96). The Cronbach alpha coefficients of the subscales ranged between .66 and .86. The internal consistency for the entire scale was alpha = .85. In conclusion, an instrument consisting of 22 items and 5 subscales was prepared for future researchers.
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    On The Q - Seidel Matrix
    (2014) Firengiz, M. Cetin; Tuglu, Naim; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9588-0295; HNQ-9215-2023
    Clarke and et. al recently introduced the q-Seidel matrix, and obtained some properties. In this article, we define a different form of q-Seidel matrix by a(n)(k) (x, q) = xq(n+2k-3)a(n)(k-1) (x, q)+an(k-1)(x, q)+a(n+1)(k-1) with k >= 1, n >= 0 for an initial sequence a(n)(0) (x, q) = a(n) (x, q). By using our definition, we obtain several properties of the q-analogues of generalized Fibonacci and Lucas polynomials.
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    Mesenchymal Stem Cells Administered Intraperitoneally Have A Potent Effects on the Experimental Allergic Airway Disease
    (2015) Isik, S.; Adan Gokbulut, A.; Karaman, M.; Kiray, M.; Bagriyanik, H. A.; Caglayan Sozmen, S.; Kozanoglu, I; Karaman, O.; Baran, Y.; Uzuner, N.; 0000-0002-5268-1210; 0000-0003-4064-7637; AAE-1241-2021; H-7577-2013
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    Early Maladaptive Schema Domains and Social Phobia Symptoms: Is There a Mediator Role of Emotion Regulation Difficulties?
    (2014) Eldogan, Dilay; Bariskin, Elif
    The purpose of the study was to investigate the mediator role of emotion regulation difficulties on the relationship between early maladaptive schema domains and symptoms of social phobia. The sample included 240 university students. Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale (LSAS), Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), Young Schema Questionaire-Short Form 3 (YSQ) and Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale (DERS) were administered. Analysis revealed that there is a mediator role of emotion regulation difficulties in the relation between Disengagement, Impaired Autonomy and Impaired Limits schema domains and the symptoms of social phobia. Strenghts, limitations and implications of the current study are discussed in the light of relevant research.
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    Three Assessment Scales on Awareness: Psychological Mindedness, Integrative Self Knowledge and Toronto Trait Mindfulness Scales
    (2015) Sahin, Nesrin Hisli; Yeniceri, Zuhal; 0000-0001-9228-9961; F-8366-2010
    Awareness is a phenomenon which is increasingly attracting attention. However as a complex concept, it incorporates different dimensions. In spite of this increasing attention, there are very few instruments in the Turkish Language to be used in research aiming to conceptualize the construct. The purpose of the current study is to adapt three scales used in the related literature into Turkish, in order to study awareness with its several conceptual dimensions (psychological awareness, self awareness, and mindfulness). With this purpose in mind, the Psychological Mindedness Scale, the Integrative Self Awareness Scale, and Toronto Mindfulness Scale were translated into Turkish; and their psychometric properties, reliabilities and validities (construct validity and concurrent validity) were investigated. The results are interpreted in light of the related literature. The study revealed that these three scales can reliably and validly be used in studies on awareness.
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    Differentiation of Memory Processing Stages and Effect of Demographic Variables with Alternative Scoring Approaches To The Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test
    (2022) Karakas, Sirel; Bakar, Emel Erdogan; Dogutepe, Elvin; Can, Handan; Kaskati, Tolga; 35670663
    Background The Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test (RAVLT) is the third most popular verbal memory test and the tenth most frequently used neuropsychological test. The original scoring system of RAVLT does not differentiate stages of memory processing, but a recently developed composite scoring system has this potential. The objectives were to compare the two systems in terms of their capacity to differentiate the stages of memory processing and to study the effect of demographic variables on the learning trials (T) of the Turkish form of RAVLT (T-RAVLT). Method The sample consisted of 600 Caucasian Turkic adults, who were categorized into three levels of age, three levels of education, and two levels of gender. Individual administration of T-RAVLT was performed using the standard procedures of RAVLT. Results The components in the exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and latent variables in the confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) of the original scores were consistent with sequentially ordered T-RAVLT stages. Demographic variables (age, education, and gender) affected performances in all of the learning trials. The composite scores revealed retrieval and retention as separate components, but these scores could not be predicted from the relevant T-RAVLT scores. Conclusions Findings recommend a combined utilization of the two scoring systems: The original system to provide scores on the performance at each stage of T-RAVLT and the combined system to provide separate scores on learning, retention, and retrieval, the three stages of memory processing. A selective effect of demographic variables on T1 was not observed, indicating a need for cross-cultural studies that are meticulously controlled for age and education.