Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi / Faculty of Letters and Science
Permanent URI for this collectionhttps://hdl.handle.net/11727/1396
13 results
Search Results
Item Longer Language Map of the Discoveries in Turku(2014) Eker, Suer; AAN-8254-2021Item Early Maladaptive Schema Domains and Social Phobia Symptoms: Is There a Mediator Role of Emotion Regulation Difficulties?(2014) Eldogan, Dilay; Bariskin, ElifThe purpose of the study was to investigate the mediator role of emotion regulation difficulties on the relationship between early maladaptive schema domains and symptoms of social phobia. The sample included 240 university students. Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale (LSAS), Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), Young Schema Questionaire-Short Form 3 (YSQ) and Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale (DERS) were administered. Analysis revealed that there is a mediator role of emotion regulation difficulties in the relation between Disengagement, Impaired Autonomy and Impaired Limits schema domains and the symptoms of social phobia. Strenghts, limitations and implications of the current study are discussed in the light of relevant research.Item Three Assessment Scales on Awareness: Psychological Mindedness, Integrative Self Knowledge and Toronto Trait Mindfulness Scales(2015) Sahin, Nesrin Hisli; Yeniceri, Zuhal; 0000-0001-9228-9961; F-8366-2010Awareness is a phenomenon which is increasingly attracting attention. However as a complex concept, it incorporates different dimensions. In spite of this increasing attention, there are very few instruments in the Turkish Language to be used in research aiming to conceptualize the construct. The purpose of the current study is to adapt three scales used in the related literature into Turkish, in order to study awareness with its several conceptual dimensions (psychological awareness, self awareness, and mindfulness). With this purpose in mind, the Psychological Mindedness Scale, the Integrative Self Awareness Scale, and Toronto Mindfulness Scale were translated into Turkish; and their psychometric properties, reliabilities and validities (construct validity and concurrent validity) were investigated. The results are interpreted in light of the related literature. The study revealed that these three scales can reliably and validly be used in studies on awareness.Item Traces of the Cultural Journey of "Kayiperenler" ( The Invisible Saints)(2022) Duvarci, AyseIn this research we will examine Kayiperenler (The Invisible Saints) which are accepted as guardian souls and which appear with various duties in different historical and religious stories of Turkish Culture. I will introduce a new duty of them in Western Aegean. Therefore, the questions are "Who are Kayiperenler? What is their place and meaning in Turkish oral culture? And what is the new duty identified?". I holistically discussed, as much as the size of an article permits, their "finding the lost" duty which was not discussed before but I had detected in Western Aegean with a recognition of Alevi Bektasi tradition and Sufism in Turkish life under the influence of Islam, in sagas in mythological periods, starting from the historical perspective of Kayiperen acceptance by the public. In accordance to a practice I experienced in with my family members for many years in Tire, Odemis and Manisa regions, if anybody has a wish to find a lost thing or creature and is helpless to do so, they call Kayiperenler for help with some special prayers. It is claimed that after this ritual they find the lost. Another subject of the article is "Why these supernatural creatures have such a duty to find the lost in humans' life and if their influential and existential region changes. In the article the subject of Kayiperenler has been examined by methods of written source search, field study, oral interview and surveys via social media.Item A Relational Study About Wrestling Culture in Battal Gazi Novel(2022) Kasapoglu, M. Aytul; Kutlu, M. MuhtarOne of the most important tools when trying to establish a link between the past and the present is the study of historical novels. As Norbert Elias stated in his relational sociological work, The Civilization Process, written in 1939, civilization is actually a process of democratization and learning to tolerate polyphony in social relations - including sports - without the need for violence. However, his predictions about the development of democracy in proportion to the transfer of the monopoly of violence from the society to the state, unfortunately, could not be realized. As intolerance increased, people continued to show their reactions in different ways, whether physical or not, both in the public and private spheres. The main problem of the research presented here, in this context, is the gradual decline of tolerance as well as the polarization of human relations in various forms and ways in society. In this study, wrestling culture was interpreted as relational sociologically, especially from the legendary hero of Battalname Epic from Anatolian folk culture, Battal Gazi, using Elias and his figurative sociology. While examining the novel Battal Gazi, written by Ziya Sakir (2007), as a historical narrative analysis, in this qualitative research, duality and essentialism were rejected, while ambiguities, especially "liminality" and differences were emphasized. In the study, it has been found that historical events are reconstructed by both the author and the readers, and even inevitably by the researchers, self-reflectively. In the study, the characteristics of Battal Gazi as a historical hero who skillfully uses wrestling as a combat sport have been tried to be shown based on the novel.Item Anatolian Cranes -Biology, Culture, Conservation(2020) Serdaroglu, Ozge AksoyItem An Ottoman and A Cherkes: The Cost of Freedom in Serguzest Novel(2018) Tugcu, EmineOne of the issue that Tanzimat writers dwelled on, the enslavement problem, represents important datas to understand and interpret Ottoman modernism period. The policy of Ottoman government through to enslavement can be seen in literary narratives of the period's writers such as Namik Kemal, Ahmet Mithat Efendi, Recaizade Mahmut Ekrem and Samipasazade Sezai. In this article, based up on Samipasazade Sezai's Serguzest novel, Ottoman modernism period will be brought forward with focusing on enslavement problem. In this frame, the message that is given to reader by preface of Serguzest, will be evaluated with historical perspective, after drawing a frame for state enforcement of enslavery. In Tanzimat period, fictionalization of Cherkes representations, conflict of high class, westernized Ottoman intellectuals will be discussed. Definition of enslavement problem in the Ottoman modernization process and solutions of this problem will be answered throughout the analyzation of the novel characters.Item Can Digital Game Play Improve Older Adults' Cognitive Skills?(2021) Secer, IlmiyeCognitive skills are essential for the performance of basic and instrumental daily living activities such as self-care, medication, and finance management. A decline in cognitive abilities with increasing age thus hinders older adults' ability to remain independent in society and negatively influences their quality of life. Therefore, many studies have investigated ways that can maintain and effectively improve such skills. Digital games have become a favored leisure activity by all age groups and are played for entertainment and stress relief. In this context, the ease with which digital games can be played within the home and their entertaining nature have led researchers to examine their effectiveness in enhancing older adults' cognitive skills. Although the findings indicate cognitive advantages, such as improved reaction times, working memory, and task-switching abilities, many questions require further clarification before claiming that digital game play is an effective cognitive training regime. Therefore, the current review aims to examine the cognitive advantages of digital games for older adults and suggests future research directions. The following topics need to be further explored: the existence of far transfer effects, that is, whether such improvements lead to better performance of daily activities, the long-term maintenance of enhanced skills and the underlying responsible mechanisms, the ecological validity of digital games, and digital games' provision of benefits beyond cognitive simulations. Furthermore, the importance to consider placebo effects, which was suggested by Boot, Blakely, and Simons (2011) and Boot, Simons, Stothart, and Stutts (2013), is emphasized.Item Investigation of the effects of psychological factors on implementing protective behaviors against coronavirus(2021) Bucakc, Merve Gul; Gunhan, Ipek Selin; Erku, Ozlem Kahraman; 0000-0002-9788-6797; ABD-2782-2021Objective: This study aims at investigating the psychological factors that may influence the implementation of protective behaviors of Turkish people against the novel coronavirus pandemic. For this purpose, the relationship between the implementation of the protective behaviors and risk perception, risk taking behaviors, positive and negative affect and coping strategies were examined. Method: Data collection tools were The Protective Behavior Implementation Scale, The Positive and Negative Affect Schedule, The Ways of Coping with Stress Scale and The Sensation Seeking-Risk Taking Scale. 364 of the participants were female and 193 were male. The age range was 20-64 and the mean age was 34.69. Results: The hierarchical regression analysis showed that a positive relationship between age, sex and protective behaviors exists. Another positive relationship was found between protective behaviors, risk perception and positive affect. Moreover, a negative relationship was present between submissive coping and protective behaviors. Discussion: Psychological factors are influential on the implementation of the protective behaviors against the coronavirus. As the perceived risk regarding the disease increases, protective behaviors are elevated. Else, the increasement in the protective behaviors are related to the positive affect. People who carry out protective behaviors are observed not to be using submissive coping. This may be related to the self-control perception. In addition to that, increased age is associated with applying more protective behaviors and women are found to be more likely to use protective behaviors than men. The study is important as it investigated the impact of psychological factors on cultural settings.Item The Basis of Proverb Education (Nogai Turkish and Culture Sample)(2021) Yilmaz, Aysun Ezgi