Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi / Faculty of Letters and Science
Permanent URI for this collectionhttps://hdl.handle.net/11727/1396
Item Abnormal subcortical activity in congenital mirror movement disorder with RAD51 mutation(2018) Demirayak, Pinar; Onat, Onur Emre; Gevrekci, Aslıhan Ors; Gulsuner, Suleyman; Uysal, Hilmi; Bilgen, Rengin; Doerschner, Katja; Ozcelik, Tayfun; Boyaci, Hueseyin; 30406765PURPOSE Congenital mirror movement disorder (CMMD) is characterized by unintended, nonsuppressible, homologous mirroring activity contralateral to the movement on the intended side of the body. healthy controls, unilateral movements are accompanied with predominantly contralateral cortical activity, whereas in CMMD, in line with the abnormal behavior, bilateral cortical activity is observed for unilateral motor tasks. However, task-related activities in subcortical structures, which are known to play critical roles in motor actions, have not been investigated in CMMD previously. METHODS We investigated the functional activation patterns of the motor components in CMMD patients. By using linkage analysis and exome sequencing, common mutations were revealed in seven affected individuals from the same family. Next, using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRl) we investigated cortical and subcortical activity during manual motor actions in two right-handed affected brothers and sex, age, education, and socioeconomically matched healthy individuals. RESULTS Genetic analyses revealed heterozygous RAD51 c.401C>T mutation which cosegregated with the phenotype in two affected members of the family. Consistent with previous literature, our fMRI results on these two affected individuals showed that mirror movements were closely related to abnormal cortical activity in M1 and SMA during unimanual movements. Furthermore, we have found previously unknown abnormal task-related activity in subcortical structures. Specifically, we have found increased and bilateral activity during unimanual movements in thalamus, striatum, and globus pallidus in CMMD patients. CONCLUSION These findings reveal further neural correlates of CMMD, and may guide our understanding of the critical roles of subcortical structures for unimanual movements in healthy individuals.Item An Abstract Mind is a Principled One: Abstract Mindset Increases Consistency in Responses to Political Attitude Scales(2018) Alper, Sinan; 0000-0002-9051-0690; ABG-6854-2020Past literature suggested that not everyone is politically sophisticated. In the current research, it is proposed that an experimental manipulation of abstract mindset would decrease variation in responses to political attitude scales and render individuals more internally consistent in their political attitudes. Three hypotheses are proposed: (1) Abstract mindset would lower within-subject standard deviations (SDs) and increase Cronbach's alphas in responses to political attitude scales; (2) decrease in SDs could not be attributed to a response bias; and (3) abstract mindset would lower SDs even after controlling for differences in mean scores on those scales. In seven experiments, five different paradigms were used to manipulate abstractness and four different political scales were used as dependent measures on samples from two distinct cultures (US and Turkey). Analyses of individual studies and an aggregate analysis of combined data supported all hypotheses and showed that abstract mindset decreases SDs and increases Cronbach's alpha scores in self-reported political attitudes. Results suggest that abstract mindset enhances apparent political sophistication by highlighting core political beliefs behind different attitudinal statements. Implications for construal level theory and political sophistication research are discussed.Item Adultization and Blurring the Boundaries of Childhood in the Late Modern Era(2020) Orman, Turkan Firinci; 0000-0001-9137-0899; JBI-6684-2023Although the modern Western concept of childhood is rapidly disappearing in the age of late modernity, this study asserts that childhood (as it is lived) has not disappeared but has been transformed. An integrated approach to childhood is employed in order to go beyond binary oppositions such as the Global North versus the Global South and/or childhood versus childhoods. It is argued that children while constructing their childhoods are confronted with processes of individualisation and globalisation through which new forms of adultization have emerged as concepts of 'child consumerism' and 'child citizenship'. Beyond the opposing views involving the disappearance of childhood or its liberation, this study concludes that the concept of adultization can be used to problematise and analyse childhood in its current state.Item Aiding and Abetting Survival: Americanizing Robinson Crusoe through Adaptation(2022) Tutan, Defne ErsinDaniel Defoe's Robinson Crusoe (1719) has been insistently adapted to both the big screen and TV throughout the 20th century and well into the 21st, the earliest version dating back to 1902 and the most recent to 2016. Although a full list of all versions would be elusive and also redundant, almost 50 adaptations are readily available for viewing and/or for analysis. Moving away from the`fidelity' criticism in the earlier vein of adaptation studies and proceeding from the argument that all adaptations are essentially rewritings, alternative ways in which the source text may be reconstructed in an ultimately intertextual framework, this paper scrutinizes American screen adaptations of Robinson Crusoe, namely Robinson Crusoe on Mars (Dir. Byron Haskin, 1964), Lt. Robinson Crusoe, U.S.N. (Dir. Byron Paul, 1966), and Cast Away (Dir. Robert Zemeckis, 2000). Far from shedding new light on an almost-exhausted source text, these rewritings reflect more about their own discourses, relating to the historical and social contexts of their own making. In so doing, they `Americanize' Robinson Crusoe. As such, three centuries after its publication, Robinson Crusoe is still being repeatedly reinvented and reconstructed in film, and this analysis investigates the dialogical relations among these adaptations while, at the same time, emphasizing how every new adapted version of a work of literature aids and abets the survival of its source text.Item All the Dark Triad and some of the Big Five traits are visible in the face(2021) Alper, Sinan; Bayrak, Fatih; Yilmaz, Onurcan; 0000-0001-6350-6234Some of the recent studies suggested that people can make accurate inferences about the level of the Big Five and the Dark Triad personality traits in strangers by only looking at their faces. However, later findings provided only partial support and the evidence is mixed regarding which traits can be accurately inferred from faces. In the current research, to provide further evidence on whether the Big Five and the Dark Triad traits are visible in the face, we report three studies, two of which were preregistered, conducted on both WEIRD (the US American) and non-WEIRD (Turkish) samples (N = 880). The participants in both the US American and Turkish samples were successful in predicting all Dark Triad personality traits by looking at a stranger's face. However, there were mixed results regarding the Big Five traits. An aggregate analysis of the combined dataset demonstrated that extraversion (only female), agreeableness, and conscientiousness were accurately inferred by the participants in addition to the Dark Triad traits. Overall, the results suggest that inferring personality from faces without any concrete source of information might be an evolutionarily adaptive trait.Item Approximation by Truncated Lupas Operators of Max-Product Kind(2021) Mediha, Orkcu; Dalmanoglu, Ozge; Hatipoglu, Fatma BusraThe goals of the present paper are to introduce truncated Lupas type operators of max-product kind and give an estimation for the degree of approximation with respect to first modulus of continuity function. We prove that this estimate can not be improved; on the other hand, for some subclasses of functions, better degree of approximation is obtained. We also showed the piecewise convexity of the constructed operators on the interval [0, 1].Item Are uninvolved fathers really incompetent and unsatisfied? Testing the mediator role of father involvement from fathers' perspectives(2019) Pekel-Uludagli, Nilay; AAW-8660-2020The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between fathers' involvement and maternal gatekeeping, gate-opening, and traditional paternal gender roles, as well as to evaluate fathers' involvement as a mediating role in the relationship between maternal gate-opening, gatekeeping, traditional paternal gender roles, paternal competence, and marital satisfaction. Turkish fathers (N = 239) with a child aged 2-6 years were included in the study. They assessed maternal gatekeeping and gate-opening, their traditional gender roles, parenting competence, and marital satisfaction. Results indicated that fathers' involvement is positively related to maternal gate-opening and negatively associated with traditional paternal gender roles; in addition, fathers' involvement has a mediatory role between maternal gate-opening, traditional paternal gender roles and paternal competence and marital satisfaction. The results suggest that fathers who are involved in their children's lives are more competent and have higher marital satisfaction.Item Assessing The Use Of Multiple-Choice Translation Items In English Proficiency Tests: The Case Of The National English Proficiency Test In Turkey(2022) Dincer, Betul Hazal; Antonova-Unlu, Elena; Kumcu, AlperThe use of translation for language teaching and assessment, by and large, has been abandoned with the adoption of audio-lingual and communicative approaches in language teaching. As a result, nowadays translation items are not commonly used for measuring language proficiency in international language proficiency tests (e. g. TOEFL, IELTS). However, there are several countries that still use translation items in their national language proficiency tests (e. g. Turkey, Japan, China, Romania among others). The present study aims to examine whether or not multiple-choice translation items are an appropriate tool for measuring proficiency in English. To this end, the perceived level of difficulty and validity of multiple-choice translation items in the National English Proficiency Test (YDS) in Turkey were examined. The findings revealed that the participants did significantly better on the translation items than on the rest of the test items. They also perceived the translation items as the easiest among all the rest items in YDS. Moreover, while YDS as a whole indicated a strong validity based on correlation with TOEFL PBT Reading Sample Test, the translation items indicated moderate validity. Importantly, there was a significant difference between the two correlations. These findings suggest that multiple-choice translation items are likely to lower the overall validity of YDS tests, inflate the scores of test-takers and, thus, might be considered as problematic for the quality of the tests.Item Assessment of the effects of radiofrequency radiation on human colon epithelium cells(2019) Tomruk, A.; Terzi, Y.K.; Guler, Ozturk G.; 0000-0001-5612-9696; 31023054; B-4372-2018OBJECTIVES: The aim of the study was to investigate the possible effects of radiofrequency radiation (RFR) at different frequencies for different exposure durations on caspase-dependent apoptosis pathways in human colon adenocarcinoma (HT-29). METHODS: HT-29 cells were exposed to 1800 MHz; 2100 MHz and 2600 MHz RFR for 3 h cont., 6 h int. and 6 h cont.. Cell viability measurements were performed by Trypan Blue exclusion assay and the gene expressions of CASP8, CASP9, CASP3 and CASP12 were analyzed using qRT-PCR. RESULTS: Exposure to 2100 MHz RFR for all 3 durations of exposures was more effective for the ratio of the number of viable HT-29 cells w.r.t 1800 MHz RFR and 2600 MHz RFR exposures. After 2100 MHz RFR exposure, caspase activation increased significantly (for 3h cont. and 6 h int. exposures CASP8 and CASP9 levels; for 6 h cont. exposure CASP3 levels) (p < 0.05). Exposures to both 1800 MHz and 2600 MHz RFR for 3 different exposure durations did not change the activation of caspases we analyzed in this study (p > 0.05). CONCLUSION: Decreases in the cell viability of HT-29 cells for certain frequencies and also durations are consistent with signifi cant increases in caspase activations. The results of caspase activation after 1800 MHz or 2600 MHz RFR exposures can be interpreted as the activation of different types of cell death pathway by caspase signaling cascades (Fig. 15, Ref. 56).Item Associations between early maladaptive schema domains of parents and their adult children: The role of defence styles(2021) Karaarslan, Cemre; Eldogan, Dilay; Yigit, Ibrahim; 0000-0003-3782-0304; 33624909Although existing research recognized the associations between early maladaptive schemas (EMSs) of parents and their adult children, the mechanisms that underpin these associations were not fully understood. Therefore, the purpose of the current study was to explore the role of defence styles (DSs) on the associations between two EMS domains (Disconnection/Rejection and Impaired Autonomy) of parents and their adult children. Two hundred and fifteen families (i.e., mother, father, and their adult children) participated in the study. Both parents and their adult children were asked to complete Young Schema Questionnaire-Short Form (YSQ-SF) and Defence Style Questionnaire (DSQ) to assess their EMS domains and DSs. According to the results of the current study, there were significant associations between Disconnection/Rejection and Impaired Autonomy EMS domains of parents and their adult children, and these associations were mediated by only immature DS of parents and their adult children in a serial mediation model. These results contributed to our understanding of the associations between EMS domains of parents and their adult children through immature DSs. Moreover, our findings highlighted the importance of synthesizing the concepts of different theories to enhance our understanding of mental representations in families.Item beta-Adrenoreceptor antagonists reduce cancer cell proliferation, invasion, and migration(2014) Iseri, Ozlem Darcansoy; Sahin, Feride Iffet; Terzi, Yunus Kasim; Yurtcu, Erkan; Erdem, S. Remzi; Sarialioglu, Faik; 25026350Context: Propranolol, atenolol, and ICI118,551 are non-selective beta-adrenergic receptor (AR), beta(1)-AR, and beta(2)-AR antagonists, respectively. Objective: We investigated the efficacy of propranolol, atenolol, and ICI118,551 on proliferation, migration, and invasion of non-stimulated breast (MCF7), colon (HT-29), and hepatocellular (HepG2) cancer cells. Materials and methods: beta-AR expression profiling of cells was performed by real time PCR. Cell proliferation was determined by MTT. Boyden chamber and scratch assays were performed to evaluate invasion and migration. Results and discussion: All cell lines expressed beta-ARs. ICI118,551 was the most cytotoxic, whereas atenolol was the least effective beta-AR antagonist for 24, 48, and 72 h. Cell invasion was inhibited by ICI118,551 (45, 46, and 50% for MCF7, HT29, and HepG2, respectively) and propranolol (72, 65, and 90% for MCF7, HT29, and HepG2, respectively). Propranolol, atenolol, and ICI118,551 reduced migration of MCF7, HT-29, and HepG2 cells to varying extents depending on the application concentration and duration. Propranolol and atenolol reduced migration of MCF7 and HT-29 in a concentration-dependent manner, whereas migration of these cells decreased after 48 and 72 h of ICI118,551 applications. Conclusion: Beta(2)-AR antagonist seemed to be the most cytotoxic beta-blocker on non-stimulated cancer cells. Propranolol and ICI118,551 were more effective than atenolol in inhibiting invasion and migration of non-stimulated MCF7 and HT-29 cells; ICI118,551 being the most potent. Concordantly, beta(2)-selective blockage seemed to be more effective for non-stimulated cells. Effect of the selective beta-AR antagonists showed variation depending on the concentration, incubation time, and histological origin of cells.Item Building Resilience and Interconnectedness among Humans and Nonhuman Entities: Aminatta Forna's Happiness(2021) Sarikaya Sen, Merve; 0000-0003-2091-2536Using the theoretical tools provided by the conceptualisations of resilience and interconnectedness, this article carries out a comprehensive analysis of Aminatta Forna's Happiness (2008). The starting hypothesis explored in this article is that Happiness represents the transformational process of suffering and/or psychological wounds through the reparative agency of interconnectedness among humans as well as between humans and animals. Accordingly, this article will first demonstrate how the novel represents the possibility of healing one's psychological wounds through the stories of Attila and Jean, the two protagonists falling in love after a chance encounter. It will then explore how the novel presents the necessity of establishing relationality between the self and the other in coping with adversities. Finally, it will elaborate on the indispensable coexistence between humans and animals in the novel, which provides the characters with the possibility for achieving the ecological self. In doing so, this article will demonstrate that Happiness succeeds in representing the need for an interdependent world and the impossibility of a sovereign self in order to achieve happiness in the contemporary age.Item BULGARIAN PLAYGROUNDS IN TRANSITION: DO CHILDREN'S AND PARENTS' PERCEPTIONS DIFFER?(2017) Orman, Turkan Firinci; 0000-0001-9137-0899Focusing on ideological dualism reflected in children's playgrounds in Bulgaria, this paper examines cross-generational differences in parents' and children's perceptions of playgrounds and their equipment designed during the Cold War and post-Cold War periods, respectively. This political conception of playgrounds evokes and aligns with Winner's (1980) theory and work, "Do artifacts have politics?" Both qualitative and quantitative methods were used within a mosaic approach that incorporated a range of techniques for eliciting young children's views about extant playground models. The findings of this descriptive analysis provide evidence that both children and their parents endorsed post-Cold War playground designs in Bulgaria because of their better functionality. However, their perceptions differed on functional playground dimensions such as joy, safety, nature, socialization, and design. Significantly, Cold War playground designs were praised for their notable affordance of children's socialization.Item Changing Cultural Practices, Self-Identifications and Gender Roles of Kurdish and Turkish Catering and Retail Business Owners in London(2019) Karan, Olgu; 0000-0002-1581-1987; M-9255-2016This paper focuses on the changing cultural practices, self-identifications, and gender roles of Kurdish and Turkish (KT) communities in London. It explores the research question of how the occupational shift from industrial waged labour to self-employment affects the cultural practices, gender roles and identity construction processes of Kurdish and Turkish business owners in catering and retail sectors in London. Depending on a field study consisting of 40 in-depth interviews, this paper draws the conclusions that identification of shared interests and interest alignment in Britain promote bonds of solidarity, new forms of ethnic attachment, which are not salient in the home country and may be helpful to overcome various problems of the KT communities in London.Item Cognitive Training Using A Mobile App As A Coping Tool Against COVID-19 Distress: A Crossover Randomized Controlled Trial(2022) Akin-Sari, Burcin; Inozu, Mujgan; Haciomeroglu, A. Bikem; Trak, Ezgi; Tufan, Damla; Doron, Guy; 35636516Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has been suggested to constitute a broad base stressor with severe mental health consequences. mHealth applications are accessible self-help tools that can be used to reduce psychological distress during the pandemic. This randomized controlled trial evaluated the effects of mobile-based cognitive training exercises on COVID-19 related distress and maladaptive cognitions.Methods: Following initial screening (n = 924), participants scoring 1 standard deviations above the mean of the COVID-19 Distress Scale were randomized into two groups. Participants in the immediate-app group (iApp; n = 25) started using the application at baseline (T0) for 12 days (from T0 to T1). Participants in the delayed-app group (dApp; n = 22) started using the mobile application at T1 (crossover) and used it for the following 12 days (T1 to T2).Results: Intention to treat analyses indicated that the iApp group exhibited lower COVID-19 distress, lower depression, fewer intolerance of uncertainty and obsessive beliefs than the dApp group at T1. In addition, using the app for 12 consecutive days was associated with large effect-size reductions (Cohen's d ranging from 0.81 to 2.35) in COVID-19 distress and related maladaptive cognitions in the iApp group (from T0 to T1) and the dApp group (from T1 to T2). Moreover, these reductions were maintained at the follow-up. Limitations: This study was a crossover trial with a relatively limited sample size and mainly female participants. Conclusion: Our findings underscore the usefulness of brief, low-intensity, portable interventions in alleviating the negative effects of the pandemic on mental health.Item Cognitive Training via a Mobile Application to Reduce Obsessive-Compulsive-Related Distress and Cognitions During the COVID-19 Outbreaks: A Randomized Controlled Trial Using a Subclinical Cohort(2022) Akin Sari, Burcin; Inozu, Mujgan; Haciomeroglu, A. Bikem; Cekci, Banu Cicek; Uzumcu, Elif; Doron, Guy; 35987538Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a persistent psy-chiatric disorder causing significant impairment in func-tioning. The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated OCD-related symptoms and interrupted access to treatment. Recent research suggests mHealth apps are promising tools for coping with OCD symptoms. This randomized con-trolled trial evaluated the effects of a CBT-based mobile application designed to reduce OCD symptoms and cogni-tions in community participants considered at high risk of developing OCD symptoms. Following initial screening (n = 924), fifty-five community participants scoring 2 stan-dard deviations above the OCI-R mean were randomized into two groups. In the immediate-app use group (iApp; n = 25), participants started using the application at base -line (T0), 4 min a day, for 12 days (T0-T1). Participants in the delayed-app group (dApp; n = 20) started using the mobile application at T1 (crossover) and used the app for the following 12 consecutive days (T1-T2). Intention to treat analyses indicated that using the app for 12 consec-utive days was associated with large effect-size reductions (Cohen's d ranging from .87 to 2.73) in OCD symptoms and maladaptive cognitions in the iApp group (from T0 to T1) and dApp group (from T1 to T2). These reductions were maintained at follow-up. Our findings underscore the usefulness of brief, low-intensity, portable interventions in reducing OCD symptoms and cognitions during the pandemic.Item Composite clinoptilolite/PCL-PEG-PCL scaffolds for bone regeneration: In vitro and in vivo evaluation(2019) Pazarceviren, Ahmet Engin; Dikmen, Tayfun; Altunbas, Korhan; Yaprakci, Volkan; Erdemli, Ozge; Keskin, Dilek; Tezcaner, Aysen; 0000-0001-8606-8863; 31475790; AAG-3927-2019In this study, clinoptilolite (CLN) was employed as a reinforcement in a polymer-based composite scaffold in bone tissue engineering and evaluated in vivo for the first time. Highly porous, mechanically stable, and osteogenic CLN/PCL-PEG-PCL (CLN/PCEC) scaffolds were fabricated with modified particulate leaching/compression molding technique with varying CLN contents. We hypothesized that CLN reinforcement in a composite scaffold will improve bone regeneration and promote repair. Therefore, the scaffolds were analyzed for compressive strength, biodegradation, biocompatibility, and induction of osteogenic differentiation in vitro. CLN inclusion in PC-10 (10% w/w) and PC-20 (20% w/w) scaffolds revealed 54.7% and 53.4% porosity, higher dry (0.62 and 0.76 MPa), and wet (0.37 and 0.45 MPa) compressive strength, greater cellular adhesion, alkaline phosphatase activity (2.20 and 2.82 mg/g(DNA)/min), and intracellular calcium concentration (122.44 and 243.24 g Ca/mg(DNA)). The scaffolds were evaluated in a unicortical bone defect at anterior aspect of proximal tibia of adult rabbits 4 and 8 weeks postimplantation. Similar to in vitro results, CLN-containing scaffolds led to efficient regeneration of bone in a dose-dependent manner. PC-20 demonstrated highest quality of bone union, cortex development, and bone-scaffold interaction at the defect site. Therefore, higher CLN content in PC-20 permitted robust remodeling whereas pure PCEC (PC-0) scaffolds displayed fibrous tissue formation. Consequently, CLN was proven to be a potent reinforcement in terms of promoting mechanical, physical, and biological properties of polymer-based scaffolds in a more economical, easy-to-handle, and reproducible approach.Item Control Deprivation Decreases, Not Increases, Belief in a Controlling God for People with Independent Self-Construal(2019) Alper, Sinan; Sumer, Nebi; 0000-0002-7460-4515; AAA-7817-2020Compensatory Control Model suggests that, when deprived of personal control, people compensate this lack by bolstering their belief in a controlling God. However, this is not the only way of reacting to control deprivation as past literature also depicted that people sometimes become motivated to restore their personal control. We argued that people with highly independent self-construal would not be comfortable with enhancing external control in the absence of a personal one. We conducted an online experiment (N = 246) and the results indicated that control deprivation actually decreased, not increased, belief in a controlling God for people with independent self-construal. Such finding suggested that not everyone compensates for the lack of personal control by enhancing external control. Implications of the findings and potential limitations were discussed.Item Corchorus olitorius L. (Jute) leaf and seed extracts exerted high antibacterial activity against food and plant pathogenic bacteria(2022) Iseri, Ozlem Darcansoy; Korpe, Didem Aksoy; Sahin, Feride Iffet; Cabi, Evren; Haberal, Mehmet; 0000-0002-3462-7632; AAJ-8097-2021Aim of this study was to comparatively evaluate antibacterial activities of methanol (MetOH), acetone (Ace), petroleum ether (PE) and aqueous (dw) leaf (L), root (R), and seed (S) extracts of Corchorus olitorius L. on both food- and plant-borne pathogens, with DPPH radical scavenging activities (DRSA), and quantitative and qualitative constituent analysis. Leaf PE has the highest strain susceptibility on both food- and plant-borne pathogens. Clavibacter michiganensis, Pseudomonas tomato, and Erwinia caratovora were susceptible to nearly all the leaf and seed extracts. Very low minimum inhibitory concentration (8-128 mL(-1)) and minimum bactericidal concentration (32-2048 mu g mL(-1)) were determined for both leaf and seed extracts against C. michiganensis. Total phenolic contents were correlated to DRSA. The phenolic compounds tested were higher in the leaf MetOH, cholorogenic acid being the most abundant one. Palmitic acid was determined in leaf PE and seed PE extracts. Results presented here demonstrate high antibacterial activity of C. olitorius leaf seed extracts against phytopathogens for the first time, and provide the most comprehensive data on the antibacterial activity screening against food-borne pathogens. Considering limitations in plant disease control, antibacterial activities of these extracts would be important in plant disease control.Item Cross-Cultural Consistency and Relativity in the Enjoyment of Thinking Versus Doing(2019) Dogulu, Canay; 0000-0002-5906-3706; 30035566; AAH-4518-2019Which is more enjoyable: trying to think enjoyable thoughts or doing everyday solitary activities? Wilson et al. (2014) found that American participants much preferred solitary everyday activities, such as reading or watching TV, to thinking for pleasure. To see whether this preference generalized outside of the United States, we replicated the study with 2,557 participants from 12 sites in 11 countries. The results were consistent in every country: Participants randomly assigned to do something reported significantly greater enjoyment than did participants randomly assigned to think for pleasure. Although we found systematic differences by country in how much participants enjoyed thinking for pleasure, we used a series of nested structural equation models to show that these differences were fully accounted for by country-level variation in 5 individual differences, 4 of which were positively correlated with thinking for pleasure (need for cognition, openness to experience, meditation experience, and initial positive affect) and 1 of which was negatively correlated (reported phone usage).