Evaluating the Effects of a Topical Preparation with Dexpanthenol, Silbiol, Undecylenic Acid, and Lidocaine on Palatal Mucosa Wound Healing in a Rat Model

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Background: Postoperative complications occur after periodontal plastic surgeries, but an ideal treatment to overcome them has not been found yet. Aims: To evaluate the effects of topically applied Oral-norm gel on the healing of excisional wounds. Study Design: Animal experiment. Methods: Excisional wounds with a diameter of 3 mm were made in the center of the palatal mucosa of 63 Sprague Dawley rats. Seven animals were sacrificed at time 0. The remaining rats were divided into two groups: a test group in which the topical Oral-norm gel was applied three times a day and a control group in which nothing was applied. Seven animals in each group were sacrificed at 3, 7, 14, and 21 days. Mean wound surface area was measured photographically, while wound healing and width were evaluated microscopically. Results: The mean wound surface area decreased significantly after 3 days in both groups (p<0.001). Between days 3 and 7, the mean wound surface area decreased from 6.62 (2.85) to 0.83 (1.62) mm 2 in the control group and 5.07 (0.88) to 1.42 (1.67) mm 2 in the test group. The wound width decreased significantly on day 7 in both groups (p<0.001), with no further changes by day 14. Both groups had a significant increase in inflammation and vascularization on day 3 (p<0.001), with a reduction thereafter. No significant differences in macroscopic and microscopic measurements were observed between the groups at any time point (p>0.05). Conclusion: The Oral-norm gel has no positive healing effects in the palatal mucosa of rats.



Palate, periodontal surgery, rats, topical drug, wound healing




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