Should We Accept the HPV Type 66 into a Probable High-Risk Group? The Prevalence, Clinical and Histopathological Evaluation of HPV Type 66 in Gazi University, Ankara


Introduction: The prevalence of infection by different genotypes of human papillomavirus (HPV) varies among different geographic areas. The objective of the study is to determine the prevalence and distribution of HPV66 genotype among women with normal or abnormal Pap smear tests. Methods: This retrospective study was conducted in a tertiary care university hospital between January 2017 and February 2018, in central Anatolia of Turkey. This study included 288 women, 66 (%22.9) of whom had HPV DNA positive. HPV DNA screening was done by an automatized system using real time PCR method (Cobas 4800 System, Roche Diagnostics Ltd, Switzerland) and this method distinguishes types 16 and 18, while the other 12 oncogene types are reported as high-risk HPV (HR-HPV: 31,33,35,39,45,51,52,56,58,59,66,68). For the genotyping of other oncogene types, a commercial real time PCR method (NLM Genotypes 14 Real-TM Quant, NLM Diagnostic, Italy) was used. Results: The most common identified HPV types were HPV16 (%6.3), HPV 56 (%3.8), HPV 18(%3.1), HPV 66 (%3.1), HPV 51 (%2.8), HPV 52(%2.1). HPV type 66 which has admitted recently other-subtypes with their unclear oncogenicity is the third most identified type in our study. In our study 9 (%3.1) women had type 66 and 2 (%0.7) of whom had abnormal Pap smear results. One patient with syphilis whose pap smear test results was ASC-H/HSIL was evaluated by colposcopic examination and LEEP (Loop Electrosurgical Excision Procedure) and ECC (Endocervical Curettage) were performed. The result of histopatological report was benign. The other patient whose Pap smear test result was LSIL evaluated by colposcopic examination and found no pathological finding. Conclusion: The frequency of HPV 66 infection was found to be higher in our study compared to previous reports. In 2 patients out of 9 cases (% 2.4) who were detected HPV 66 had normal pap test results.



Cervical cancer, Pap smear, HPV DNA genotype, HPV 66, real time PCR, colposcopy




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