Prostat Kanseri ̇ İlintili MikroRNA Kümelerinin Tespiti
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22nd Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU 2014), Trabzon,
MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are a class of small non-
coding RNAs of 22 nucleotides which normally function as
negative regulators of target mRNA expression at the posttran-
scriptional level. miRNAs play a role for one or more target
genes by suppressing in processes as growth, differentiation,
proliferation and cell death. Recent evidence has shown that
miRNA mutations or mis-expression correlate with various hu-
man cancers and indicates that miRNAs can function as tumour
suppressors and oncogenes. MicroRNAs have been shown to
repress the expression of important cancer-related genes and
might prove useful in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer. In
this study, hierarchical microRNA clusters are obtained through
microarray expression data in order to analyze the microRNA
prostate cancer relationships. Clustering results are evaluated by
their biological relevance. It is seen that such approach can be
useful in detectitn relationships between microRNAs and diseases.
MikroRNA ve Kanser, Prostat Kanseri ve MikroRNA, MiRNA Analizi