Outcomes for core decompression with multiple drilling of the osteonecrosis of the femoral head in patients with solid organ transplantation
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Objectives: This study aims to investigate the clinical and radiological outcomes of core decompression surgery performed with multiple drilling in solid organ transplantation patients with osteonecrosis of femoral head (ONFH) and evaluate the effectiveness of this procedure in regard to duration of corticosteroid use and stage of osteonecrosis.
Patients and methods: A total of 22 solid organ transplantation (kidney, liver or heart) patients (14 males, 8 females; mean age 43.3 years; range. 23 to 67 years) who were scheduled to undergo core decompression surgery with multiple drilling for ONFH were evaluated. Patients' Harris hip scores (HHSs) and radiographic data including Association Research Circulation Osseous (ARCO) staging and Kerboul grading were retrospectively reviewed at pre- and postoperative controls.
Results: Patients were followed-up for mean 34.3 months (range, 12 to 76 months). Two patients (9.09%) were performed total hip arthroplasty. These two patients' Kerboul grade was 3. There was no statistically significant relationship between preoperation and postoperative final control in terms of ARCO staging. There was no statistically significant difference between pre- and postoperative HHSs.
Conclusion: Although multiple drilling is a safe and minimally invasive surgery, its effect is limited, particularly in solid organ transplantation patients with ONFH due to long-term corticosteroid use. Therefore, solid organ transplantation patients should be closely monitored in terms of ONFH development.
Avascular necrosis, Multiple drilling, Outcome, Trasplantation