Early Pulmonary Complications of Liver Transplant


Objectives: Pulmonary complications are a leading problem after a liver transplant. This study sought to predict postoperative early complications by a chest radiograph performed after a transplant among adult orthotopic liver transplant recipients. Materials and Methods: One hundred thirty-five patients (43 women, 92 men; mean age, 40 y; range, 16-66 y) were included and their medical data reviewed retrospectively. A postoperative chest radiograph of each patient was evaluated to check for pulmonary complications. Results: Smoking history was noted in 61 patients (45.2%). Postoperative first chest radiograph evaluation showed normal findings in 56 patients (41.5%). Right pleural effusion was found in 25 patients (18.5%), and atelectasis was found in 25 (18.5%). Bilateral pleural effusion was the second most-frequent finding on postoperative radiograph (14.8%). Effusion accompanied by atelectasis was found in 3 patients (2.2%). Other postoperative chest radiograph findings were consolidation (n=2, 1.5%), left pleural effusion (n=2, 1.5%), and bronchiectasis (n=2, 1.5%). Conclusions: We investigated the reflection of the first chest radiograph after liver transplant on postoperative early complications. Postoperative first chest radiograph can be an inexpensive and accessible diagnostic tool for predicting postoperative problems.



Chest radiograph, Pleural effusion, Postoperative




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