The Effect of Captopril on Endometriotic Implants in A Rat Model


Objective: To determine the effects of captopril on experimentally induced endometriosis in a rat model. Study design: Twenty-four adult, mature female Wistar-Albino rats in which endometriotic implants were induced by transplanting autologous uterine tissue to ectopic sites on the peritoneum. After the endometriotic implants were formed surgically, the 24 rats were randomly divided into three groups. Group 1 (captopril group, eight rats) were given 50 mg kg(-1) d(-1) of oral captopril for 21 d. Group 2 (leuprolide acetate group, eight rats) were given a single 1 mg kg(-1) subcutaneous injection of leuprolide acetate. Group 3 (control) were given no medication and served as controls (eight rats). The surface area of the endometriotic implants and the score of histologic analysis. Also, VEGF and MCP-1 levels in peritoneal fluids and bloods were analyzed. Results: At the beginning of the medical treatment, the mean surface areas of the endometriotic implants were comparable in all three groups. At the end of the treatment the mean implant surface area in the captopril group and leuprolide acetate group was less than that in the control group. Mean histopathological examination score for the implants post treatment was lower in the captopril and leuprolide acetate groups. Peritoneal fluids VEGF level in the captopril and leuprolide acetate groups was lower than that in the control group. The post-treatment MCP-1 level was also lower in the captopril and leuprolide acetate groups than in the control group. The serum VEGF and MCP-1 levels post treatment were significantly lower in the captopril and leuprolide acetate groups than in the control group. Conclusion: Administration of captopril reduced the size and progression of endometriotic lesions in a rat model. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.



Endometriosis, Captopril, Rat model




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