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Item 360 Derece Geri Besleme Yönteminin Uygulanabilirliği :Bir Tugay Örneği(isarder. 1, 4, 118-131, 2012) Turgut Hakan, Öztoprak MenekşeGünümüzde insan kaynakları yönetimi sürecinin temel fonksiyonlarından birisi olan bireysel performansların ölçülmesi konusunda 360 derece geri besleme yöntemi; birden çok boyutu dikkate alarak daha objektif sonuçlara ulaşılabilme imkânı vermesi sebebiyle ön plana çıkmaktadır. Türkiye?deki istihdamın büyük bir kısmını karşılayan kamu sektöründe bahse konu yöntemin uygulanabilirliğinin yeterince araştırılmadığı görülmüştür. Bu çalışmada, kamu kurumlarına örnek teşkil edebilecek bir tugayda görev yapan alt ve orta kademe yöneticilerinin performans ölçümüne esas olmak üzere değerlendirme boyutları (amir, denk, astlar, müşteriler, öz değerlendirme) arasında farklılıklar araştırılmış ve geleneksel amir değerlendirmesi ile 360 derece bireysel performans değerlendirme yöntemi arasında karşılaştırmalar yapılmıştır. Değerlendirme boyutları bazında yapılan karşılaştırmalarda sadece iç müşteri boyutunda iki farklı yöntem (Geleneksel amir değerlendirmesi - 360 geri besleme yöntemi) arasında anlamlı farklılıklar tespit edilmiştir. Geleneksel amir değerlendirmesi ile 360 derece geri besleme yöntemi arasında kriterler bazında bazı farklıklara rastlanılmasına rağmen; her iki yöntemin bütün kriterlerinin dahil edildiği genel ortalamalarıyla yapılan karşılaştırmalarda anlamlı bir farklılığa ulaşılamamıştır. Abstract On the subject of measuring individual performances, which considered to be one of the fundamental functions of the human resources management process, 360 Degree Feedback (360 DF) methods preferred for taking into account more than one aspect while providing opportunities in order to achieve more objective results. It?s been thought that the applicability of the above mentioned method is not investigated enough in the public sector where most of the employments take place in Turkey. The purpose of this study is to probe into the applicability of the 360 DF method on low and mid-level managers in a brigade. Within this framework, differences between the raters(manager, subordinate, peer, client, self-evaluation) have been examined and comparisons made between traditional performance appraisal and 360 DF methods. There are meaningful differences only inner client between two different evaluation methods (Traditional manager evalution-360 DF) within evaluation raters. But there aren?t any meaningful differences between traditional performance appraisal and 360 DF methods as whole method.Item Algılanan Kurumsal İtibarin Çalışanların İş Performansına ve İşten Ayrılma Niyetine Etkisi(Bildiri Tarihi. 1, 1,, 2013) Tokmak, Ismail Straub, Selva Turgut, HakanBu çalışmanın amacı çalışanların algıladıkları kurumsal itibarın, çalışanların iş performansına ve işten ayrılma niyetlerine etkisini incelemektir. Bu amaçla İzmir?de elektrik-elektronik sektöründe faaliyet gösteren, sektöründe üretmiş olduğu yenilikçi ürünlerle ön planda olan bir işletmenin 178 çalışanının katılımı ile bir çalışma yapılmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda; algılanan kurumsal itibar ile işten ayrılma niyeti arasında anlamlı ve negatif yönde bir ilişki bulunduğu belirlenmiş, buna karşılık algılanan kurumsal itibar ile çalışanların iş performansı ile arasında her hangi bir ilişki tespit edilememiştir..Item Anadolu Uygarlıkları(2012) Albustanlıoğlu, TulgaItem Ankara Beypazarı Yalnızçam Köyü Ören Yeri Midir ?(Anadolu Medeniyetleri Müzesi 1995 Yıllığı ,215-231, 1996) Albustanlıoğlu, TulgaItem Antik Anadolunun İlkleri(ODTÜ Mezunlar Derneği Bülteni ,213 ,38-39, 2011) Albustanlıoğlu, TulgaItem THE APPROACH OF ATATURK TO RELATIONS BETWEEN TURKEY AND ALBANIA BEFORE THE PROCLAMATION OF MONARCHY, IN THE LIGHT OF THE DIARIES OF RAUF FICO, THE MINISTER PLENIPOTENTIARY OF ANKARA(2018) Ozca, HalilThe diaries of RaufFico, Albanian Minister Plenipotentiary to Ankara, gives a lot of useful information about Albania-Turkey relations that had not been stumbled across in the literature until today. The aim of this study is to point out Atatiirk's views on relations between Albania and Turkey, Albania and Italy, as well as his suggestions to Albanian envoy in Ankara about how to overcome the Albanian dependency on Italy. The research is based on the diaries of Fico, Albanian Minister Plenipotentiary to Ankara. The study is limited with focusing on the Italian factor in Albania's relations with Turkey rather than examining all aspects of the relationship between the two independent countries. Fico had had formal education in the Ottoman Empire and occupied bureaucratic posts such as being provincial governor and following independence of Albania started to work for Albanian government as an important diplomat. Therefore, his diaries provide us a plenty of information on the question of Albania's relations with Turkey as well as with Italy, particularly between 1925 and 1928 during which there had been a Republican regime in Albania. In fact, Fico's diaries give perfect information about close relations between Turkey and Albania and the importance given by Mustafa Kemal Atatiirk on these relations at bilateral level, at least until the destruction of the Republican regime by Ahmet Zogu who would proclaim himself as the King of Albania in 1928. The content of the Fico's diaries are very rich in a way that they consist problems of Orthodox Albanians in Istanbul, positions of Albanians in Kosovo, the exchange of Albanian Chams, reforms in Turkey, assassination attempt to Atatirk in izmir and main themes in Nutuk. It should be kept in mind that the scope of this study is confined, first, to suggestions of Ataturk to the Albanian government regarding getting rid of dependency on Italy, and second, to his foresight about Italy's position towards Albania and Turkey. In this respect, the Fico's diaries give invaluable information on all these subjects elaborated in this paper.Item An Approach to the Classification of Environmental Sounds by LSTM Based Transfer Learning Method(2020) Ankishan, HaydarThis electronic Effective frequency extraction from acoustic environmental sounds in frequency and time axis increases the importance of voice recognition, sound detection, environmental classification in recently. For this purpose, there are many studies in the literature on the discrimination of acoustic environmental sounds. These studies generally perform these operations with the help of machine learning and deep learning algorithms. In this study, a new artificial intelligence architecture using two long short term memory networks (LSTM) is designed. The structure, which uses both raw data and the proposed feature vector at its inputs, is reinforced by the transfer learning approach. The obtained classification results were fused at the decision level. As a result of experimental studies, five different environmental acoustic sounds were subdivided into 97.15% test accuracy. In environmental studies conducted in pairs, it is seen that the environmental sounds have reached 100% accuracy. Experimental results have shown that the proposed artificial intelligence architecture with fusion support at decision level is capable of discriminating acoustic environmental sounds.Item Assessing the knowledge in primary health care following an educational course structured in the context of GARD chronic airway diseases national control program(2017) Balkan, Arzu; Oner Erkekol, Ferda; Kokturk, Nurdan; Mungan, Dilsad; Sackesen, Cansin; Onen, Zeynep Pinar; Ozkan, Secil; Ergun, Pinar; Kocabas, Can Naci; Baran Aksakal, Nur; Ekici, Banu; Ozkan Altunay, Zubeyde; Gemicioglu, Bilun; Yorgancioglu, Arzu; 0000-0002-4032-0944; 28990886; AAC-7548-2020Introduction: Chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases are common causes of disease in the community and account for considerable percent of the caseload in primary health care facilities. For this reason, it is important to question and improve the knowledge of primary health care physicians. This study is designed to assess the level of knowledge for bronchial asthma and COPD of the primary healthcare physicians, both before and immediately after an educational course structured in the context of GARD Chronic Airway Diseases National Control Program. Materials and Methods: The participating physicians attended an intensive educational course on asthma and COPD. Twenty five item questionnaires for asthma and COPD were administered to the participants both before and immediately after the end of the course. Contribution of education to the level of knowledge was investigated by comparing the percentages of the correct answers in the pre-and post-test. Results: From 11 different cities, 1817 and 1788 primary health care physician were attended to the asthma and COPD educations, respectively. The accuracy rate of >= 75% was obtained from only 4 questions in pre-test asthma questionnaire. On the contrary, in 15 questions the accuracy rate was < 50%. The mean accuracy rate for the whole asthma test was 45.8%, and this rate raised to 69.6% after education course. The accuracy rate of >= 75% could not be obtained from any of the questions in pre-test COPD questionnaire. On the contrary, in 19 questions the accuracy rate was < 50%. The mean accuracy rate for the whole asthma test was 42.0%, and this rate raised to 71.3% after education course. Conclusion: It has been shown that, in primary care settings, the level of knowledge in asthma and COPD should be enhanced and that this increase can be achieved with an education course.Item Biyokimya(2018) Güven, AyselItem Brain Tumor Prediction with Deep Learning and Tumor Volume Calculation(2021) Karayegen, Gokay; Aksahin, Mehmet FeyziItem BÜRO ÇALIŞANLARININ ZAMAN YÖNETİMİ ve STRESLERİNİN DEÐERLENDİRİLMESİNE YÖNELİK BİR ARAŞTIRMA(7.Ulusal Büro Yönetimi ve Sekreterlik Kongresi., 2008) Aydoğan, Zeynep FerhanOrganizasyonların kıt kaynaklarından biri olan zamanın yönetimi hem çalışanın hem de örgütün başarısı açısından çok önemlidir. Zaman yönetimi ise çalışanların işe bağlı olarak geliştirdikleri stres üzerinde etkili olmaktadır. Zaman yönetimi ile stresin ters orantılı olduğu Kearns ve Gardiner (2007) tarafından belirtilmektedir. Bu araştırmanın amacı Başkent Üniversitesi?nin çeşitli birimlerinde çalışan büro elemanlarının zaman kullanımlarını değerlendirerek, bunun varsa stres üzerindeki etkilerini ölçmektir. Araştırma bulguları büro elemanlarının anlamlı olarak zamanlarını iyi yönettiklerini ve iş yerinde stresi azaltan faktörlerin daha etkili olduğunu ortaya koymaktadır. Because of time is a scarce resources of the organization, time management is very important for its success as well as the employee?s. Time management have an impact on the work related stress of the employee. According to Kearns & Gardiner (2007), stress and time management are inversely proportional. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effective time usage on the stress of the office workers works for the Baþkent University?s several departments. Research findings show that office workers significantly manage their times well and stress-reducing factors are more effective in the work place.Item Büro Yönetimi Önlisans Programlarında Staj Eğitiminin Önemi(2003) Aydoğan, Zeynep FerhanGünümüzdeki teknolojik ilerlemeler ve hizmet ekonomisinin giderek önem kazanması bilgi çalışanları olarak nitelendirilen büro elemanlarına olan gereksinimi artırmıştır. Nitelik ve iş alanları ne olursa olsun büro hizmetleri tüm organizasyonların vazgeçilmez bir parçasıdır. Organizasyonların verimliliği, üretkenliği ve devamlılığı büro hizmetlerinin etkin bir biçimde yürütülmesiyle mümkündür. Bu anlamda büro elemanlarının yönetsel ve örgütsel alanda eğitimli olmaları gerekmektedir. Gelişen teknolojiye, iletişim ve yönetim metotlarındaki gelişime ayak uyduran, iyi iletişim becerileriyle donatılmış, uyumlu takım çalışması yapabilen, problem çözme ve karar alma yeteneği olan ve sorumluluk taşıyabilen büro elemanlarının yetiştirilmesinde üniversiteler bünyesinde faaliyet gösteren meslek yüksekokullarının önemi yadsınamaz. Bu niteliklerin tümünün okuldaki teorik derslerde kazandırılması ise hemen hemen imkansızdır. Staj eğitiminin önemi burada ortaya çıkmaktadır. Ders programlarının önemli bir parçası olan staj faaliyetlerinin öğrencinin gerçek iş yaşamını tanıması, okulda öğrendiği teorik bilgileri gerçek yaşamda uygulaması, gerekli beceri ve deneyimleri kazanması, sonuç olarak geleceğe daha güvenli bakması açısından önemi büyüktür. Araştırmada, yukarıdaki bilgiler ışığında, meslek yüksekokullarının büro yönetimi ve sekreterlik programlarında kayıtlı olup yaz stajlarını tamamlamış öğrencilere anket uygulaması yapılarak staj faaliyetlerinin öneminin vurgulanması amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaca yönelik olarak iletişim kurulan okullara anketler gönderilmiş, 514 anket değerlendirmeye uygun bulunmuştur. Elde edilen bulgular öğrencilerin %60 oranında okulda aldıkları teorik eğitimi gerçek iş yaşamında yeterli bulduklarını göstermektedir. Öğrencilerin %87,5?i stajdaki uygulamalar sırasında bu bilgilerini geliştirme fırsatı bulduklarını belirtmişlerdir. Stajın beceri kazandırmaya yönelik önemi ile ilgili sorulara verdikleri yanıtlarda öğrencilerin %62?sinin kişiler arası ilişkiler, iletişim, takım çalışması gibi bazı becerilerin okulda yeterince kazandırılamadığını, %65?sinin de bu becerileri staj eğitiminde geliştirdiklerini ifade ettikleri görülmüştür. Staj deneyiminden sonra öğrencilerin geleceğe bakış ve beklentilerini ölçmeyi hedefleyen sorulara verilen yanıtlar stajın bu bağlamdaki önemini vurgular niteliktedir. Öğrencilerin tamamına yakın kısmı okuldan işe yumuşak geçişte, gerçek iş yaşamını tanıma ve kendine güven duygusu geliştirmede stajın önemli olduğunu, mezuniyet sonrası iş yaşamındaki başarıya olumlu katkıda bulunacağını belirtmişlerdir. %70 oranındaki öğrenci dilimi ise başarılı bir staj döneminin ve bu dönemde kurulacak iş ilişkilerinin kendilerine iş olanağı sağlamak yönünde yardımcı olacağını düşünmektedirler. Advances in technology and increase in the share of services in total economic activity has resulted in a rise in the demand for office workers. Regardless of their line of work or size, office operations have become increasingly important for all organizations. Continuity of organizations, as well as their efficiency and productivity hinges upon a well functioning office staff. In this respect, it is evident that office workers should have training in managerial and organizational skills. Hence vocational training schools provide the required educational programs to train individuals who can adopt changing technology, advances in communications and managerial methods, and at the same time possess communications skills, problem solving and decision making abilities. These skills cannot be provided in the theoretical course work in bureau management programs alone. The theoretical curricula should be augmented with an appropriate internship that would enable the students to be familiar with the real work environment, apply what they learned in the related course work in a real setting and acquire the relevant experience to prepare them to become better office workers. The objective of this study is to evaluate the perceived role of practical training among students of bureau management programs who have completed their summer internships. To this end, a questionnaire is administered to a sample of bureau management students in different Universities, and 514 valid responses were received and evaluated. The results show that 60% of respondents consider that theoretical course work was adequate for the tasks they have performed in the real work environment; 87.5% indicate that they were able to improve their skills during the internship. In response to the questions on skills acquisition during internships, 62% stated that they did not have sufficient training in skills such as interpersonal relations, communications and team work in their course work, 65% declared they have acquired these skills during their summer internship. Response to questions on students? future perspectives demonstrate the role of internship in shaping their expectations. Almost all respondents indicate the positive contribution of internship in the adaptation process from school to work, improvement of self confidence, and their chances of success in professional life after school. 70% of those who responded expressed that a successful internship experience would improve their chances in finding better jobs through personal relations established during the internship period.Item Comparison of SVM and ANFIS for Snore Related Sounds Classification by Using the Largest Lyapunov Exponent and Entropy(,2013, 2013) Ankışhan, Haydar; Yılmaz, DeryaSnoring, which may be decisive for many diseases, is an important indicator especially for sleep disorders. In recent years, many studies have been performed on the snore related sounds (SRSs) due to producing useful results for detection of sleep apnea/hypopnea syndrome (SAHS). The first important step of these studies is the detection of snore from SRSs by using different time and frequency domain features. The SRSs have a complex nature that is originated from several physiological and physical conditions. The nonlinear characteristics of SRSs can be examined with chaos theory methods which are widely used to evaluate the biomedical signals and systems, recently. The aim of this study is to classify the SRSs as snore/breathing/silence by using the largest Lyapunov exponent (LLE) and entropy with multiclass support vector machines (SVMs) and adaptive network fuzzy inference system (ANFIS). Two different experiments were performed for different training and test data sets. Experimental results show that the multiclass SVMs can produce the better classification results than ANFIS with used nonlinear quantities. Additionally, these nonlinear features are carrying meaningful information for classifying SRSs and are able to be used for diagnosis of sleep disorders such as SAHS.Item Correlations between problem and solution domain measures of open source software(2017) Ayyidiz, Tulin Ercelebi; Kocyigit, Altan; 0000-0002-7372-0223; AAE-1726-2021Software size measurement and effort estimation methodologies in use today usually take the detailed requirements of software to be developed as the primary input and a certain amount of time and expertise is needed for size measurement. This paper analyzes the open source projects' correlations between the problem domain measures (the number of nouns and verbs) and solution domain measures (the number of software classes and methods). In this paper, 27 open source software projects are analyzed. Linear regression and cross validation techniques are applied to investigate the relation between the sizes of problem domain (i.e., conceptual) and solution domain (i.e., design) measures. The results reveal a strong correlation between the problem domain measures and the solution domain measures constituting the corresponding software. The results suggest that it is possible to use problem domain descriptions in the early stages of software development projects to make plausible predictions for the size and effort of the software.Item Cytomegalovirus (CMV) Infection Induces an Angiogenic Response through Hepatic Stellate Cells (HSCs) and Leads to Early Post-Transplant Liver Fibrosis (LF) and Poor Graft Survival.(2019) Ozdemir, B.H.; Ozgun, G.; Soy, E.H. Ayvazoglu; Haberal, N.; Moray, G.; Haberal, M.; 0000-0002-0993-9917; AAC-5566-2019Item Deep Learning Based Multi Modal Approach for Pathological Sounds Classification(2020) Ankishan, Haydar; Kocoglu, ArifAutomatic detection of voice disorders is very important because it makes the diagnosis process simpler, cheaper and less time consuming. In the literature, there are many studies available on the analysis of voice disorders based on the characteristics of the voice and subdividing the result of this analysis. In general, these studies have been carried out in order to subdivide the sound into pathological - normally sub - groups by means of certain classifiers as a result of subtraction of the features on frequency, time or hybrid axis. In contrast to existing approaches, in this study, a multiple- deep learning model using feature level fusion is proposed to distinguish pathological-normal sounds from each other. First, a feature vector (HOV) on the hybrid axis was obtained from the raw sound data. Then two CNN models were used. The first model has used raw audio data and the second model has used HOV as an input. Feature data in both model SoftMax layers were obtained as a matrix, and canonical correlation analysis (Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA) was applied at feature level fusion. The new obtained feature vector was used as an input for multiple support vector machines (M-SVMs), Decision Tree (DTC) and naive bayes (NBC) classifiers. When the experimental results are examined, it is seen that the new multi-model based deep learning architecture provides superior success in classifying pathological sound data. With the results of the study, it will be possible to automatically detect and classify the pathology of these patients according to the proposed system.Item Determination of anthropometric measurements in obstructive sleep apnea syndrome in Turkish population(2019) Savas Bozbas, Serife; 32050866Introduction: In this study, we aimed to determine the values of anthropometric measurements and rates used in the evaluation of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) in our country. Materials and Methods: Twenty accredited sleep centers in thirteen provinces participated in this multicenter prospective study. OSAS symptoms and polysomnographic examination and apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) >= 5 cases OSAS study group; patients with AHI <5 and STOP-Bang <2 were included as control group. Demographic characteristics (age, sex, body mass index-BMI) and anthropometric measurements (neck, waist and hip circumference, waist/hip ratio) of the subjects were recorded. Results: The study included 2684 patients (81.3% OSAS) with a mean age of 50.50 +/- 0.21 years from 20 centers. The cases were taken from six geographical regions of the country (Mediterranean, Eastern Anatolia, Aegean, Central Anatolia, Black Sea and Marmara Region). Demographic characteristics and anthropometric measurements; age, neck, waist, hip circumference and waist/hip ratios and BMI characteristics when compared with the control group; when compared according to regions, age, neck, waist, hip circumference and waist/hip ratios were found to be statistically different (p<0.001, p<0.001, p<0.05, respectively). When compared by sex, age, neck and hip circumference, waist/hip ratio, height, weight and BMI characteristics were statistically different (p<0.001, respectively). Neck circumference and waist/hip ratio were respectively 42.58 +/- 0.10 cm, 0.99 +/- 0.002, 39.24 +/- 0.16 cm, 0.93 +/- 0.004 were found in women. Conclusion: The neck circumference was lower than the standard value in men, but higher in women. The waist/hip ratio was above the ideal measurements in both men and women. In this context, the determination of the country values will allow the identification of patients with the possibility of OSAS and referral to sleep centers for polysomnography.Item Dokimeion Mermer Ocağı(İDOL Arkeolojive Arkeologlar Dergisi ,9 ,14-19, 2001) Albustanlıoğlu, TulgaItem Dokimeion Ocaklarıın İşletme ve İhrcaat Organizasyonu(Anadolu Med.Müzesi 2001 Yıllığı ,276-297, 2002) Albustanlıoğlu, TulgaItem Duygusal Zekanın Çalışanların Örgütsel Vatandaşlık Davranışlarına ve İş Tatminine Etkisi(Bildiri Kitabı. 1, 1, 237-243, 2013) Yildiz, Erkan; Tokmak, İsmail; Turgut, HakanBu çalışmanın amacı duygusal zekanın(DZ), örgütsel vatandaşlık davranışı (ÖVD) ve iş tatmini (İT) üzerindeki etkilerini belirlemek ve iş tatmininin aracılık etkisini incelemektir. Bu amaçla Ankara ili 1. Organize Sanayi Bölgesi (Sincan)?nde faaliyet gösteren işletmelerde çalışan toplam 243 işgörenin katılımı ile bir çalışma yapılmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda duygusal zekanın örgütsel vatandaşlık davranışını ve iş tatminini pozitif yönde etkilediği, duygusal zeka ile örgütsel vatandaşlık davranışı arasında iş tatmininin aracılık etkisinin bulunmadığı belirlenmiştir.
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