İletişim Fakültesi / Faculty of Communication

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    A Theoretical Discussion on The Scope and The Dimensions of Activist Public Relations
    (2023) Akcay, Ebru
    The concept of activist public relations challenging corporate public relations, which regards activist publics as the obstacles to an organization's effectiveness, brings up the activist function of public relations for discussion. The conceptualization of activist public relations asserts that public relations is used to oppose the corporate public relations contending that activist publics are obstacles for organizations and must be managed. This study aims to set forth the dimensions of activist public relations by introducing the studies claiming not only organizations (non-governmental organizations and corporations) but also activist publics and public figures, who are not members of any organization, use public relations tactics. The study proposes a categorization for the scope and dimensions of activist public relations. This categorization focuses on whether the activist publics are organized within an organization or not, and asserts that activist public relations has two dimensions: an 'organizational dimension' and 'societal dimension'. According to this categorization, organizational activism and the public relations practices of NGOs should be categorized under the 'organizational dimension' while Internet activism and the public relations practices of public figures should be categorized under the 'social dimension' of activist public relations.
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    Adapting the Socio-Cultural Adaptation Scale (SCAS-R) to Arabic: A Study on The Syrian Migrants Living in Gaziantep Province of Turkiye
    (2023) Keser, Ahmet; Yalcin, Onder; Gokmen, Yunus;; HZK-3170-2023
    This study aims to investigate the validity, reliability, and Arabic language equivalence of the Socio-cultural Adaptation Scale (SCAS-R) created by Colleen Ward and Antony Kennedy (1999) and revised by Jessie Wilson (2013). A sample group of 424 Syrian Migrants (18 years and older) living in Gaziantep province of Turkiye from different neighborhoods, economic status, and socio-demographic backgrounds are included in the research, and the scale is examined via commonly used validity and reliability analysis methods. It is obtained that the Cronbach's Alpha of the items is higher than 0.7 and the corrected item-total correlations are above the threshold value (0.2) in item analysis, nearly 69% of the total variance is explained by 5 factors in Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA), and the Goodness of Fit Indexes (chi 2/sd = 1.521, CFI = 0.958, and SRMR = 0.048) are within the good/acceptable range in Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA). It has been understood that the SCAS-R is a valid and reliable scale for Arabic culture. The results of this study may provide a valuable tool for policymakers, researchers, and humanitarian workers studying migration issues.
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    Tracking Public Relations History in 1960s' Turkey: The Prevalence and Reflections of Development Discourse
    (2014) Hizal, G. Senem Gencturk; Ozdemir, B. Pinar; Yamanoglu, Melike Aktas; AAF-7990-2020; AAF-6167-2020; AAF-7990-2020
    This study is based on a historical research, which focuses on the institutionalization of public relations in Turkey during the 1960s, and interprets this process in the frame of planned development discourse. Primary written sources collected from archive research and oral narratives generated from fourteen semi-structured interviews conducted with the pioneers in Turkey are analyzed through categorization and thematization. Findings of the historical research indicated that similar themes and orientations guided public relations practices in public and private sector in this period. Accordingly public relations education provided necessary intellectual background and human resources. (C) 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
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    Making Grandfather Come Out Better Portraits of Ancestors and Digital Manipulation in Contemporary Turkey
    (2015) Aytemiz, Pelin; 0000-0002-1420-7040; AFE-8592-2022
    In contemporary Turkey, a growing number of lower to middle-income families bring old and often damaged photographs of their deceased family members to digital studios for restoration. Digital restoration artists, whether working online or from photography studios, retouch these photographs in often highly creative ways, such as adding color and fantasy backgrounds, or combining discrete portraits into fictional (diachronic) family portraits. Digital technologies such as the Photoshop program are here called upon to perform a very old desire: that of ensuring a dead person's continued presence. Engaging with debates on the passage from analog to digital and the relationship of photography to death, I examine this process from two perspectives. First, I focus on digital artists who understand their work in professional terms as intensely material, and in social terms as one of 'saving photographs from death'; second, I examine the renewed social potency that such digitally remastered photographs acquire in Turkish homes, where digital intervention not only ensures the continued potency of ancestral photographs in ensuring the presence of the deceased patriarch, but also enhances this presence in novel ways. Digitally remastered photographs are understood here as more than 'just' photo-realistic. They are 'more perfect' or even 'more real': their fictionality adds to their auratic character as icons of authority and makes them eminently suited for the renewed kind of social work that is demanded of them.
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    A Case Study on Web-Based Information System Evaluation
    (2014) Tokdemir, Gul; Bilgen, Semih; Ercil, Yavuz
    A new framework is proposed to assess web-based information systems (WISs) which is domain-independent, that is, can be applied for profit seeking as well as service oriented or non-profit seeking organizations. Assessment starts from an identification of the critical success factors (CSF) that outline organizational strategies, and proceeds to determine the measures of three categories of relationships: User-WIS, Other systems-WIS, Organization-WIS. These measures and CSF's are evaluated collectively to arrive at an effectiveness measure. A case study illustrating the applicability of the assessment framework in the e-business domain is presented.
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    A Tribute to Art Or Ideology: The News Coverage of Ataturk Statues in Turkish Press After the Coup of 12 September 1980
    (2016) Dundar, Lale
    It is observed that there is a radical increase in the publication of news about the busts and statues of Ataturk, after the 12 September 1980 military coup in Turkish press. Having no expected news value under normal conditions, even opening ceremonies for busts of Ataturk in village schools are published in main pages of national newspapers during the coup administration. This study is focused on the news stories covering the busts and statues of Ataturk, which were published in Cumhuriyet, Milliyet and Tercuman newspapers, from 12 September 1980 (the date of the military coup), to the end of 1981 (where many events were held to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Ataturk's birthday-also also truckloads of Ataturk monuments were distributed across the country in 1981. This study aims to investigate the relationship between news of Ataturk busts and politic atmosphere of 12 September 1980 coup. The study argues that the frequency and the news narratives of print media related to Ataturk busts, reproduces the ideologies of the coup administration
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    Deviant Employee Behavior in The Eyes of Colleagues: The Role of Organizational Support and Self-Efficacy
    (2017) Tuzun, Ipek Kalemci; Cetin, Fatih; Basim, H. Nejat;;; ABB-5350-2020; ABD-9381-2021
    The present study investigates the influences of multifocal organizational support in the context of deviant employee behavior by examining the potential associations with employees' self-efficacy characteristics. The study proposes that perceived multifocal support and self-efficacy have a direct relationship with deviant behavior, and that these two variables interact in their relationship with deviant workplace behavior. Using self- and peer-reported data from 225 academics, hypothesized relationships were investigated using structural equation modeling. The results indicate that two different forms of support (organizational and supervisory) strongly influenced two different forms of deviant behavior (organizational and interpersonal). Whereas perceived organizational support decreases organizationally relevant deviant behavior, supervisory support decreases deviant behavior toward colleagues. The results also showed that high self-efficacy moderates both the negative relationship between organizational support and deviant behavior toward the organization and that between supervisory support and deviant behavior toward colleagues. The study also discusses the implications of these findings for managers, along with recommendations for future research.
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    Negotiation Ethics A Cultural Perspective from Turkey
    (2018) Sigri, Unsal;; ADV-8340-2022
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    The Mediating Role of Organisational Cynicism on the Relationship Between Technostress and Job Performance: A Research on Teachers
    (2022) Yalcin, Rukiye Can; Gokmen, Yunus; Erdem, Haluk; Turen, Ufuk
    This study's primary purpose is to examine organisational cynicism's mediating role in the relationship between technostress and job performance. Data are obtained from 234 teachers working in public and private schools in Turkey. In the study, correlation and regression analyses have been performed to determine the relationships and effects between variables, and the structural equation model has been used to verify the scales of the variables. In addition, the mediation role in the study has been examined with the bootstrap test in the Process module. Findings show that the validity and reliability of the scales are ensured by the results of commonly used validity and reliability analysis methods. Additionally, technostress and organisational cynicism decrease job performance and technostress significantly increase organisational cynicism. Further mediation analysis reveals that organisational cynicism partially mediates the relationship between technostress and job performance.
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    The Link Between Supervisor Support, Servicing Efficacy And Job Satisfaction Among Frontline Hotel Employees: An Investigation In Turkey
    (2023) Oksuz, Merve; Tosyali, Hikmet; Tosyali, Furkan;
    Purpose This paper aims to examine the association between supervisor support, servicing efficacy and job satisfaction among frontline hotel employees in Turkey. Specifically, the mediating role of servicing efficacy was examined in the link between supervisor support and job satisfaction. Design/methodology/approach Data were collected from 421 frontline employees in 4- and 5-star hotels located in the South and South West of Turkey. The authors proposed a conceptual model in which servicing efficacy mediates the link between supervisor support and job satisfaction after controlling for demographic information. Data were analyzed through the structural equation modeling (SEM) framework. Findings Results showed that supervisor support positively predicted servicing efficacy and job satisfaction reports of the employees. Those reporting higher servicing efficacy were more likely to report increased job satisfaction. In addition, servicing efficacy partially mediated the link between supervisor support and job satisfaction. Originality/value The current study provides new evidence on the link between supervisor support, efficacy beliefs and job satisfaction in the hotel industry. This is the first study investigating the mediating role of servicing efficacy in the association between supervisor support and job satisfaction. Moreover, most previous studies separately focusing on supervisor support, efficacy beliefs and job satisfaction in the hospitality industry were conducted in developed, Western countries. In contrast, research examining work-related constructs and outcomes in Turkey's hospitality industry has been limited. Thus, both replicated and original findings would contribute to the generalizability of cumulative knowledge in tourism and hospitality.