İletişim Fakültesi / Faculty of Communication

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    The Relationship Between Agression and Online Video Game Addiction: A Study on Massively Multiplayer Online Video Game Players
    (2014) Madran, H. Andac Demirtas; Cakilci, Eda Ferligul;; AAC-1925-2020
    Objective: The purpose of the present study was to investigate the relationship between aggression and online video game addiction scores of massively multiplayer online video game players. Methods: Study included 205 participants who are playing massively multiplayer online video games more than 12 months. Mean age of the participant was 18+/-40. Data were collected via a personal information form consisting of questions about participants. demographical background, Turkish version of the Buss-Perry Aggression Scale and Internet Addiction Scale. Correlation, t-test and stepwise regression analyses conducted to analyze the data. Results: Analysis indicated that there was a significantly high correlation between agression scores and video game addiction scores. Males have significantly higher psysical aggression scores than females. Age was negatively correlated with total aggression scores and all the subscale scores of Buss-Perry Agression Questionnaire (psyhical aggression, anger, verbal aggression and hostility). There was a negative correlation between age and video game addiction scores. Two subscales (isolation, loss of control) of the addiction scale predicted agression scores. Conclusion: The present study revealed that there was a significant correlation between agression and online video game addiction. On the other hand, age was negatively correlated with aggression and video game addiction scores of the participants.
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    Social Media in Political Communication and the Use of Twitter in the 2011 General Elections in Turkey
    (2014) Bayraktutan, Gunseli; Binark, Mutlu; Comu, Tugrul; Dogu, Burak; Islamoglu, Gozde; Aydemir, Asli Telli;; V-9941-2017
    Social media environments, which are basically new media applications, have many users both in Turkey and in the world. These applications, which make direct interaction via the Internet possible, are used frequently by the candidates and/or the members of political parties during the election periods. This study focuses on the relationship between the candidates or members of political parties and the voters along with the social media using practices in the sample of Twitter as a social media environment, where the candidates and/or the members of political parties are users themselves, unlike the personal or institutional web sites where they have a broader ability to moderate. For this purpose, Twitter accounts belonging to the members of political parties and party leaders during Turkey's General Elections in 2011 have been examined, and the findings based on quantitative content analysis about their Twitter accounts and tweets have been evaluated.
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    Tracking Public Relations History in 1960s' Turkey: The Prevalence and Reflections of Development Discourse
    (2014) Hizal, G. Senem Gencturk; Ozdemir, B. Pinar; Yamanoglu, Melike Aktas; AAF-7990-2020; AAF-6167-2020; AAF-7990-2020
    This study is based on a historical research, which focuses on the institutionalization of public relations in Turkey during the 1960s, and interprets this process in the frame of planned development discourse. Primary written sources collected from archive research and oral narratives generated from fourteen semi-structured interviews conducted with the pioneers in Turkey are analyzed through categorization and thematization. Findings of the historical research indicated that similar themes and orientations guided public relations practices in public and private sector in this period. Accordingly public relations education provided necessary intellectual background and human resources. (C) 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
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    Making Grandfather Come Out Better Portraits of Ancestors and Digital Manipulation in Contemporary Turkey
    (2015) Aytemiz, Pelin; 0000-0002-1420-7040; AFE-8592-2022
    In contemporary Turkey, a growing number of lower to middle-income families bring old and often damaged photographs of their deceased family members to digital studios for restoration. Digital restoration artists, whether working online or from photography studios, retouch these photographs in often highly creative ways, such as adding color and fantasy backgrounds, or combining discrete portraits into fictional (diachronic) family portraits. Digital technologies such as the Photoshop program are here called upon to perform a very old desire: that of ensuring a dead person's continued presence. Engaging with debates on the passage from analog to digital and the relationship of photography to death, I examine this process from two perspectives. First, I focus on digital artists who understand their work in professional terms as intensely material, and in social terms as one of 'saving photographs from death'; second, I examine the renewed social potency that such digitally remastered photographs acquire in Turkish homes, where digital intervention not only ensures the continued potency of ancestral photographs in ensuring the presence of the deceased patriarch, but also enhances this presence in novel ways. Digitally remastered photographs are understood here as more than 'just' photo-realistic. They are 'more perfect' or even 'more real': their fictionality adds to their auratic character as icons of authority and makes them eminently suited for the renewed kind of social work that is demanded of them.
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    A Case Study on Web-Based Information System Evaluation
    (2014) Tokdemir, Gul; Bilgen, Semih; Ercil, Yavuz
    A new framework is proposed to assess web-based information systems (WISs) which is domain-independent, that is, can be applied for profit seeking as well as service oriented or non-profit seeking organizations. Assessment starts from an identification of the critical success factors (CSF) that outline organizational strategies, and proceeds to determine the measures of three categories of relationships: User-WIS, Other systems-WIS, Organization-WIS. These measures and CSF's are evaluated collectively to arrive at an effectiveness measure. A case study illustrating the applicability of the assessment framework in the e-business domain is presented.
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    Unveiling Secrets: Rethinking History Through Documentary Films
    (2015) Isikman, Nihan Gider; 0000-0002-3332-3784; HSG-7855-2023
    The dominating ideology determines the historiography, as well as the media narratives created in line with dominating ideology plays an important role in consolidating the historical information. So, also cinema has a function to legitimize the dominating institutions and traditional values and to instill ideology. In this context, documentary, which, rely heavily on the truth as a genre and has the most credibility among its viewers, become an important arena for the execution of these functions. Today as the alternative narratives, that can be produced and distributed extensively with digital technology besides mainstream media narratives, small, personal narratives can be located against the big, official and historical narratives. Film and video becomes an effective carrier of memory and Gaines historical value as audio and video recording gaines prevalence. Thus, documentaries using these records to contribute to the social memory and make remindings against the official history, has come to an important point about historical issues. Documentaries, with the stories of indviduals, so with a narrative from the private to the general, may, bring out important notes about the history, reveal secrets and raise questions about the accepted truths. Besides, the others in confrontation would have chance to hear each others voices, testimonies strengthens the acquaintances, intercultural dialogue increases even it is mediated. Bearing in mind the re-presentation of the reality in the documentary narrative and subjectivity of individual expressions, new comments and information emerged within the framework of testimonies find their places in time in social memory and so may contribute to the different interpretations of the history. Turkish - Armenian relations, with the common history, provides an efficient field of work to analyze the formation and re-formation of historical events in the social memory, the official history and the 'other' official history. Therefore, in this paper, documentaries, realized as a result of the works of institutions such as the Armenia Turkey Cinema Platform, which tell the untold stories of decades through individual stories and show way to sides to recognize each other, will be analyzed with their narrative structures and discourses to better understand the potential of documentaries to contribute to the social memory and history, as historical testimonies.
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    New Media and Political Participation: 15 July Case
    (2018) Dundar, Lale
    New Media; has been described as one of the means that has strengthened democracy in recent years in terms of facilitating the interactions in many local, national and international social and political events and facilitating the political participation of the communities. Compared with traditional media platforms, it is also observed that the new media, which facilitates and accelerates the political participation of citizens, has changed social behavior patterns accordingly. While the traditional media in Turkish political history are mainly used as legitimation of coups and as a means of digesting the society, it can be said that the new media had the opposite function in 15 July case. This study examines the role of new media in the social response and political participation during the coup attempt process of 15 July 2016 and examines the effect of new media platforms on the change in social behavior patterns through the example of July 15.
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    Turkish Version of Facebook Jealousy Questionnaire: Reliability and Validity Studies on University Students
    (2016) Demirtas-Madran, H. Andac;; AAC-1925-2020
    Objective: The aim of the present study was to develop and assess validity and reliability of the Turkish version of the Facebook Jealousy Questionnaire. Methods: A Turkish version of the Facebook Jealousy Questionnaire was translated to Turkish from English, and then translated back to English. The sample consisted of 307 students from two different universities in Ankara. In order to determine criterion validity of the scale, its correlation with the Turkish version of Romantic Jealousy Scale's subscale 'triggers of jealousy' was used. Results: For determining the reliability and validity of the scale, internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha), test-retest and corrected item-total correlations, criterion validity were used. Gender, age and some relational differences such as relational satisfaction and attractiveness of the partner were examined. There were only a significant negative correlation between age and Facebook jealousy score. Conclusions: This study supports the one-factor model of the Facebook Jealousy Questionnaire indicated by the original study. Findings demonstrate that the Turkish version of the Facebook Jealousy Questionnaire is a highly reliable and valid instrument to measure Facebook jealousy.
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    Reliability and Validity Studies of Turkish Version of Extended Personal Attributes Questionnaire
    (2016) Demirtas-Madran, H. Andac
    Objective: The aim of the present study was to develop and assess validity and reliability of the Turkish Version of Extended Personal Attributes Questionnaire. Methods: A Turkish version of the questionnaire was translated from English by a bilingual person, and then independently translated back to English items by another bilingual individual. The sample consisted of 340 university students from different universities in Ankara, Turkey. In order to determine criterion validity of the scale, its correlation with the Turkish Version of Bem Sex Role Inventory was examined. Results: For determining the reliability of the scale, internal consistency and test-retest methods were used. Criterion validity of the scale and sex differences were examined. Conclusions: This study supports the six-factor model of the Turkish Version of Extended Personal Attributes Questionnaire indicated by the original study.
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    The Effect of Transformation in Turkey - Syrian Relations on News Discourse
    (2016) Dundar, Lale
    One of the most debated issues in journalism studies is the objectivity of the news texts. Even though the journalists argue that they are objective, every single word used in a news text may refer to some other meanings which can create a subjective point of view. How to define or how to name a person, an institution, an organization or a geographical place in a news text, not only presents a point of view, but also strengthens the idea of "objectivity is impossible". Turkish media is also taking position inevitably, by choosing different definitions in news texts. The crisis in international relations, domestic politics or social circumstances may have affect on how to define the people, institutions or geographical places in news texts. Some of the terminologies appeared in the news texts have been transformed during and after the radical break of the relations of Turkey and Syria in 2011. It is observed that the terminologies of news texts were transformed with the suggestions and calls of the members of the political power. This study investigates the preferred terminologies in the news texts of the state owned media institutions in Turkey, as well as the main stream media institutions and the ideologically positioned media institutions. The study focuses on the transformation of the terminologies from Esad to Esed, from ISID to DAES and from Kobani to Ayn el Arab.