Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi / Faculty of Health Sciences
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Item Hemşireler için ilaç rehberi(2010) Karahan, Azize; Pinar, Gul; Abbasoglu, Aysel; Toruner, Ebru; Ceylan, Aysun; Simsek, Derya; Beserler, Ozlem; Kural, Nurdan; Sezgin Benli, Sureyya; Salmaz, Ilknur; Tugcu, Canan; Tokal, Ozgul; Telatar, VecahatItem Üniversitelerarası Kış Oyunlarında Gazetelerde Çıkan Kadın Sporculara İlişkin Haberlerin Değerlendirilmesi(, 2011) Kara, Feyza Meryem; Erturan, Esin Esra; Yenel, Fatih; Imamoğlu, A. FaikBu araştırma, 2011 Erzurum Üniversitelerarası Kış Oyunları öncesi, esnası ve sonrasında yazılı basında çıkan kadın sporculara ilişkin fotoğraflı haberlerdeki algıyı ortaya çıkarmak amacıyla yapılmıştır. Araştırmada beş farklı gazetede (Cumhuriyet, Fanatik, Hürriyet, Milliyet, Posta, Zaman) çıkan kadın sporculara ilişkin haberler değerlendirilmiş, verilere nitel araştırma tekniklerinden içerik analizi uygulanmıştır. Araştırma verileri ?Fotoğrafın türü?, ?Haber-fotoğraf ilişkisi?, ?Başlık-haber ilişkisi?, ?Branş- fotoğraf ilişkisi?, ?Haberin içeriği? şeklinde oluşturulan beş boyuta göre yorumlanmış, bulgular literatürle karşılaştırılarak değerlendirilmiştir. Sonuç olarak, araştırma bulguları 2011 Erzurum Üniversite Oyunları öncesi, esnası ve sonrasında çıkan kadın sporculara ilişkin fotoğraflı haberlerde, kadın sporcuların toplumsal cinsiyet rollerinin, önceki araştırmaların sonuçlarına göre, daha az ön plana çıkarıldığını göstermiştir. This research is made to reveal the perception of the news with photos about female athletes, which were covered by the media before, during and after the 2011 Winter Universiade in Erzurum. In the research, news about female athletes in five different newspapers (Cumhuriyet, Fanatik, Hürriyet, Milliyet, Posta, Zaman) are reviewed and content analysis, which is one of qualitative research techniques, is applied to data. Research data is interpreted according to the five dimensions formed as ?Type of photo?, ?News-photo relationship?, ?Title-news relationship?, ?Branch-photo relationship?, ?News content? and findings are evaluated by comparing findings with literature. As a result, research findings indicated that the gender roles of female athletes are lesser highlighted in the news covered in media before, during and after the 2011 Winter Universiade in Erzurum when compared to findings of previous studies.Item Çocuklarda Cinsel Olgunlaşmanın Tekrarlı Sprint Yeteneğine Etkisi(Hacettepe J. of Sport Sciences ,1 ,22 ,25-32, 2011) Kin-İşler, Ayşe; Yılmaz, AtakanBu araştırma çocuklarda cinsel olgunlaşmanın tekrarlı sprint yeteneğine etkisinin belirlenmesi amacıyla yapılmıştır. Çalışmaya haftada iki gün basketbol antrenmanına katılan 30 ergenliğe girmiş Zafeiki grup arasında anlamlı fark belirlenmiş ve bu fark ergenliğe girmiş katılımcıların daha iyi toplam sprint zamanı değerlerinden kaynaklanmıştır. Performans düşüş yüzdesi değerlerinde 0-10m, 10-20m ve 0-20m mesafelerinde iki grup arasında anlamlı bir fark belirlenmemiştir (p>.05). Bu sonuçlar tekrarlı sprint yeteneğinin en iyi ve toplam sprint zamanı açısından cinsel olgunlaşmaya göre farklılaştığını, performans düşüş yüzdesinin başka bir deyişle yorgunluğun cinsel olgunlaşmadan etkilenmediğini göstermektedir. (ort. yaş: 12.5±1.3yıl) ve 28 ergenliğe girmemiş (ort. yaş: 9.7±1.2yıl) erkek çocuk gönüllü olarak katılmıştır. Katılımcıların cinsel olgunlaşma düzeyi kişisel bilgi formuyla, tekrarlı sprint yeteneği ise 30 saniye dinlenme aralıklarıyla uygulanan 12x20m tekrarlı sprint testi ile belirlenmiştir. Tekrarlı 20m sprint testinde 0-10m, 10-20m ve 0-20m mesafeleri için en iyi sprint zamanı, toplam sprint zamanı ve performans düşüş yüzdesi değerleri belirlenmiştir. Bağımsız örneklerde t-testi sonuçları 0-10m (t=- 2.311;p=.025), 10-20m (t=-2.327; p=.024) ve 0-20m (t=-2.141; p=.037) en iyi sprint zamanı değerlerinde ergenliğe girmiş katılımcılar lehine istatistiksel yönden anlamlı bir fark olduğunu göstermiştir. Benzer şekilde toplam sprint zamanı değerlerine bakıldığında 0-10m (t=-2.358;p=.022), 10-20m (t=-2.578; p=.013) ve 0-20m (t=-2.505; p=.015) mesafelerinde The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of pubertal status on repeated sprint ability in children. Fifty-nine boys (28 pre-pubertal (mean boys. In contrast no significant differences was obtained in percentage of performance decrement for any distances between the two pubertal groups (p>.05). It is clear from the results that puberty has a profound effect on repeated sprint ability as post-pubertal boys have better best and total sprinting time. However puberty did not produce any differences in performance decrement indicating that pre-pubertal and post-pubertal boys in the present study were not different in rate of fatigue development age: 9.7±1.2 yrs) and 30 post-pubertal (mean age: 12.5±1.3 yrs)) who were involved in basketball twice a week participated in this study voluntarily. Pubertal status of the subjects was determined by a selfreport questionnaire and repeated sprint ability was determined by a 12×20m running repeated ability test with 30s intervals. After the repeated sprint ability tests subjects? best sprinting time, total sprinting time and the percentage of performance decrement was calculated for 0-10m, 10-20m and 0-20m. Results of the independent samples t-test indicated significant differences in best sprinting time for 0-10m (t=- 2.462, p=.017), 10-20m (t=-2.427, p=.018) and 0-20m (t=-2.270, p=.027) between pre-pubertal and postpubertal boys. In addition significant differences was observed in total sprinting time for 0-10m (t=-2.502, p=.015), 10-20m (t=-2.665, p=.010) and 0-20m (t=- 2.627, p=.011) between pre-pubertal and post-pubertalItem Acute Effects Of Whole-Body Vibration, Applied With Different Frequencies, On Repeated Sprint Performance(Yılmaz, A.. 4, Special Issue, 22-32, 2013) Yilmaz, Atakan; Özçelik, Arda; Kin-İşler, AyşeBu çalışmanın amacı farklı frekanslarda uygulanan akut tüm vücut titreşiminin tekrarlı sprint performansına etkisinin belirlemektir. Bu amaç doğrultusunda sağlıklı 15 Spor Bilimleri Bölümü öğrencisi (Yaş: 23.52±2.45 yıl, Boy: 177.85± 5.82 cm, VA: 76.55±5.32 kg) çalışmaya gönüllü olarak katılmıştır. Katılımcılar tekrarlı sprint testine rastgele olarak; titreşim uygulaması yapılmadan, 30 Hz ve 40 Hz frekans ve 4 mm genlikte uygulanan tüm vücut titreşimi uygulamasının ardından katılmışlardır. Tüm vücut titreşimi uygulaması 60 sn olarak yarım skuat posizyonunda uygulanırken, 60 saniyelik pasif dinlenmenin ardından katılımcılar 20 saniye dinlenme aralıklarıyla uygulanan 12x20 m tekrarlı sprint testine katılmışlardır. Tekrarlı sprint testi sonucunda katılımcıların 0-10 m, 10-20 m, 0-20 m mesafeleri için en iyi sprint zamanı, toplam sprint zamanı ve performans düşüş yüzdesi değerleri hesaplanmıştır. Yapılan tekrarlı ölçümlerde tek yönlü varyans analizi (ANOVA) sonuçları iki farklı frekansta uygulanan akut tüm vücut titreşiminin tekrarlı sprint testi sonucu elde edilen en iyi sprint zamanı, toplam sprint zamanı ve performans düşüş yüzdesi değerlerinde tüm mesafelerde istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir fark oluşturmadığını göstermiştir (p>0.05). Sonuç olarak bu çalışmanın bulguları farklı frekanslarda akut olarak uygulanan tüm vücut titreşiminin tekrarlı sprint performansını etkilemediğini göstermektedir. The purpose of this study was to compare acute effects of whole-body vibration (WBV) applied with different frequencies on repeated sprint performance (RSA). Fifteen healthy sport science students (Age 24.29±2.52 years; height 176.85± 6.82 cm; body mass 76.42±5.44 kg) participated in this study voluntarily. Subjects participated in 12x20m repeated sprint ability test with 20 seconds recovery intervals before and after 30Hz and 40 Hz whole-body vibration application in random order. After the repeated sprint test, subjects? best sprint time, total sprint time and percentage of performance decrement were determined for 0-10m, 10-20m and 0-20m distances. whole-body vibration was applied for 60-seconds during a half-squat position with either 30 or 40 Hz frequency and 4 mm amplitude. Results of one way ANOVA with repeated measures indicated no significant differences in best sprint time, total sprint time and percentage of performance decrement in any of the measured distances after 30Hz and 40Hz of whole-body vibration application (p>0.05). As a conclusion it can be said that acute whole-body vibration applied with different frequencies did not result in any changes in Repeated Sprint performance.Item Reliability of Pressure Pain Thresholds in Healthy Young Adults(2014) Aytar, Aydan; Senbursa, Gamze; Baltaci, Gul; Yuruk, Zeliha Ozlem; Pekyavas, Nihan Ozunlu;; HIR-3735-2022; AAC-6522-2020Objectives: The aim of this study was to investigate the inter-rater and intra-rater reliability of pressure pain threshold [PPT] measurements in the supraspinatus muscle tendon, anterior talofibuler ligament, and the extensor digitorum communis muscle belly in healthy young subjects. Methods: A total of 100 healthy undergraduates participated in this study. Two examiners had three trials of measuring the supraspinatus muscle tendon, anterior talofibuler ligament, and extensor digitorum communis muscle belly on the dominant side, which were marked by the first examiner [E1]. Three consecutive measurements were taken with a 60-s interval between trials. The average of three measurements was calculated for each region. After a 60-min interval, the same procedure was repeated by the second examiner [E2] on the same day. Results: Our results indicated that E1 and E2 showed high intra-rater reliability. Significant difference was found between E1 and E2 in anterior talofibular ligament and extensor digitorum communis muscle belly threshold average measurements [p < 0.05], but no significant difference was found at supraspinatus muscle tendon [p > 0.05]. Low significant correlation and reliability was found between E1 and E2 for all measurement sites. Conclusions: Our study results indicated that intra-rater reliability of PPT measurements on tendon, ligament, and muscle belly was high. We found that inter-rater reliability was low in the anterior talofibular ligament and supraspinatus muscle tendon, and adequate in muscle belly. Measurements by one examiner were more reliable than measurements between examiners. This study could be reference for future studies to measure reliability on three different anatomical regions.Item Cross-Cultural Adaptation, Reliability and Validity of The Turkish Version of The Upper Limb Functional Index (Ulfi)(2014) Tonga, E.; Gabel, P.; Tekindal, A.; Sarial, C.Item The Effects of Physiotherapy On Sexual Dysfunction In Female Patients with Fibromyalgia(2014) Sonmezer, E.; Yosmaoglu, H. B.;; IVH-4699-2023Item The Psychometric Properties of The Child Feeding Questionnaire (CFQ) in Turkey(2014) Camci, Nurdan; Bas, Murat; Buyukkaragoz, Aylin Hasbay; 24656946The purpose of this study was to test the reliability and validity of the Child Feeding Questionnaire (CFQ) among Turkish parents. The questionnaire was administered to 490 participants. Construct validity was assessed by principal component factor analysis with varimax rotation and reliability was tested by Cronbach's alpha coefficient. For testing criterion-related validity, EAT-40 with DEBQ was also administered to 490 participants. Results showed the presence of seven major factors (perceived responsibility, perceived parent weight, perceived child weight, concern about child weight, pressure to eat, monitoring and restriction) with loadings similar to those of the original questionnaire. Seven subscales of the CFQ had higher internal consistency and test-retest reliability. This study clearly demonstrates the factorial validity and the reliability of a Turkish version of the CFQ. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Item Are University Students Aware of Skin Cancer, Prevention and Early Detection? A Survey from Turkey(2014) Ugurlu, Z.; Isik, S. Avci; Balanuye, B.; Budak, E.; Elbas, N. O.; Kav, S.; AAD-2664-2020Item Gender and Residency Effects on Elderly Health in Turkey(2014) Basara, Berrak Bora; Mollahaliloglu, Salih; Pulgat, Erman; Kavuncubasi, Sahin; Q-2805-2018The proportion of the elderly population grows not only in Turkey but also in the whole world due to reduced fertility rate and extended life expectancy. While 65 age and over population quintile constituted only 4.3 % of the total population in 1990, the proportion of the elderly population raised to 7.2% as of late 2010. This study is based on the data collected from total 1,540 respondents at 65 ages and over who were interviewed in the Health Interview Survey 2008. Main aim of this study is providing a description of the socio-demographic characteristics of the elderly population and investigating the gender and residential effects on their daily activities and presence of chronic diseases. Both being an elder female and living in rural areas are found to be significant risk factors for some certain diseases. Additionally, both elder females and elder population living in rural areas assess their health poorer than males and those in urban areas, respectively. Therefore, defining policies especially focusing on difficulties of women and elders in rural areas seems to be a necessity. In order to increase quality of life of overall elderly population, attaching further importance to the elderly care services, establishing more facilities and employing more personnel might be considered as precautions.Item Determining The Effectiveness of Illustrated Communication Material for Communication with Intubated Patients at an Intensive Care Unit(2014) Otuzoglu, Munevver; Karahan, Azize;; 24118470; B-8478-2015Communication with non-speaking patients in intensive care unit is stress for both nurse and patients. Semi-experimental study that took place at a University Hospital was to develop illustrated material for patient communication and determine its effectiveness. The study sample consisted of 90 intubated patients at the Adult Cardiovascular Intensive Care Unit who had undergone open heart surgery. The patients were divided into the intervention and control groups. Data analysis was with descriptive statistics and the chi(2) test. The illustrated communication material was stated to be helpful by 77.8% and partially helpful by 22.2% of the intervention group patients regarding the communication between the health-care staff and the patients. Control group patients had more difficulties communicating with the health-care staff. Illustrated communication material was an effective method in communicating with intubated patients.Item Physical Inacivity In Adults With Rheumatic Diseases(2014) Tonga, E.; Acar, M.; Daskapan, A.; ACK-5152-2022Item Nursing Studies on The Symptom Control of Patients Who Have Received Chemotherapy For A Cancer Diagnosis in Turkey in The Last 10 Years: A Systematic Review(2014) Talas, Melek Serpil; Kapucu, Sevgisun; Bagcivan, Gulcan; Eser, Akile; Uysal, Nese; Terakye, GulsenItem Is neck circumference measurement an indicator for abdominal obesity? A pilot study on Turkish Adults(2014) Saka, Mendane; Turker, Perim; Ercan, Aydan; Kiziltan, Gul; Bas, Murat; 25352874Background: Neck circumference (NC) measurement is one of the simple screening measurements which can be used as an index of upper body fat distribution to identify obesity. Objectives: The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between neck circumferences and obesity. Methods: A total 411 volunteer adults participated in this study (174 men, 237 women). A questionnaire which consisted of anthropometric measurements and demographic features was used. Patients with NC >= 37 cm for men and >= 34 cm for women require evaluation of overweight status. Results: The percentages of the men and women with BMI >= 25kg/m(2) were 55.2% and 27.0% respectively and with high neck circumferences were 85.1% and 38.8%, respectively. The percentages of the men and women with high waist circumference were 31.6% and 79.3%, respectively. In both gender there were positive significant correlations between neck circumference, body weight (men, r=0.576; women, r=0.702; p=0.000), waist circumferences (men, r=0.593; women r=0.667; p=0.000), hip circumferences (men, r=0.568; women, r=0.617; p=0.000) and BMI (men, r=0.587; women, r=0.688; p=0.000). Conclusions: This study indicates that NC was associated with body weight, BMI, waist and hip circumferences and waist/hip ratio for men and women. A significant association was found between NC and conventional overweight and obesity indexes. NC was associated with waist/hip ratio for men and women.Item Complex Decongestive Therapy and Taping For Patients with Postmastectomy Lymphedema: A Randomized Controlled Study(2014) Pekyavas, Nihan Ozunlu; Tunay, Volga Bayrakci; Akbayrak, Turkan; Kaya, Serap; Karatas, Metin;; 25066648Purpose: The purpose of our study was to investigate the effects of Kinesio Taping (R) Application with Complex Decongestive Therapy (CDT) in patients with lymphedema. Materials and Methods: 45 patients were randomly divided into 3 groups (CDT including Bandage, CDT including Bandage + Kinesio Tape (R), CDT including Kinesio Tape (R) without bandage). Assessments included the severity of the symptoms such as pain, discomfort, heaviness, tension, stiffness and weakness. Bilateral circumference measurements were done for evaluation of the edema. Results: Symptoms were decreased in all three groups (p < 0.05). CDT was found effective only during treatment in arm volume (p < 0.05). Kinesio Taping (R) applied with CDT had effect of decreasing edema after 10 days of treatment period (p < 0.05) and for control period (p < 0.05). Only the application of Kinesio Taping (R) group also had significant decrease at edema (p <0.05). Conclusion: Kinesio Taping (R) Application along with CDT may have a better effect on decreasing lymphedema which can stimulate the reduction of edema for long term effects. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Item Awareness of Nurses Working in Oncology About Drug Interactions(2014) Karahan, A.; Isik, S. Avci; Abbasoglu, A.; Kav, S.;;; B-8478-2015; IYS-6237-2023; V-9745-2019Item Changes of Menstrual Attitude and Stress Perception in Women with Dysmenorrhea(2014) Snmezer, Emel; Yosmaoglu, Hayri Baran;; IVH-4699-2023Purpose: This study was planned to compare the attitudes toward menstruation and stress levels of women with and without dysmenorrhea. Methods: A total of 100 female students (52 subjects with and 48 subjects without dysmenorrhea, respectively) over 18 years old were enrolled in this study. The attitude of women was assessed during menstruation by Menstruation Attitude Questionnaire. Level of perceived stress was evaluated with Percieved Stress Scale during menstruation and 15 days after menstruation. Additional menstrual symptoms such as abdominal cramps, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, dizziness, weakness, headache, back pain, leg symptoms were questioned during menstruation. Results: Only "menstruation as a natural event" subscale scores of Menstruation Attitude Questionnaire were significantly lower in women with dysmenorrhea than controls. Perceived Stress Scale scores during menstruation were significantly lower in the group with dysmenorrhea than the control group; however, Perceived Stress Scale scores 15 days after menstruation were not significantly different between two groups. The severity of menstrual symptoms such as abdominal cramps, nausea, loss of appetite, dizziness, and weakness were significantly higher in the group with dysmenorrhea. Discussion: This study shows that women with dysmenorrhea have some important changes in attitude towards menstruation. Especially they have problems to accept menstruation as a natural event. At the same time, physiological or psychological symptoms such as loss of appetite, muscle cramps, weakness were seen more in women with dysmenorrhea. Applications such as cognitive behavior therapy and perception therapy changing perception of menstruation can contribute to the treatment of dysmenorrhea.Item The Effects of Workplace Bullying on Physicians And Nurses(2014) Ekici, Dilek; Beder, AlperObjective This cross-sectional and descriptive study assessed workplace bullying and its effects on work performance and depression status of physicians and nurses in a university hospital, Turkey. Methods The study sample consisted of 201 physicians and 309 nurses. The variables are demographical characteristics of the participants, their perception of bullying, workload, the impact of bullying on work performance and their depression status. Results A large percentage of physicians (74%) and nurses (82%) reported having experienced bullying in the workplace. No significant differences were found between the physicians and nurses in terms of experienced workplace bullying. However, there was an association between performance, depression and experienced violent behaviours. Conclusion In order to solve the problem caused by workplace bullying, the rate of awareness amongst healthcare professionals needs to be raised. The researchers believe that unless organisations realise bullying's harmful effects on the employees and work performance, it is not easy to overcome the problem. Therefore, workplace bullying should be dealt with not only at an individual level, but also at organisational levels.Item Nutritional Vulnerability of Older Adults Living with Their Families in Urban Areas of Ankara, Turkey: A Cross-Sectional Study(2014) Yabanci, Nurcan; Bilgic, Pelin; Simsek, Isil; Tayfur, Muhittin; Hongu, Nobuko;; H-6956-2018Item Sleep Quality in The Elderly Either Living at Home or In A Nursing Home(2014) Daglar, Gulseren; Pinar, Sukran Ertekin; Sabanciogullari, Selma; Kav, Sultan;; V-9745-2019Objective Changes in sleep duration, pattern, and quality occur with ageing. The aim of this study was to analyse the sleep quality and affecting factors in the elderly living either at home or in nursing homes. Design Descriptive and cross-sectional study Setting Sivas, a central Anatolian city in Turkey. Subject This study was carried out with 112 individuals; 52 were living in a nursing home and 60 at home. Main outcome measures A personal information form and Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI). Results There was no statistically significant difference between mean scores and sleep qualities of both groups (p > 0.05). The sleep quality of the individuals in both groups was not significantly influenced by personal variables such as age, gender, education, income, having children, and having a physical illness (p > 0.05). Individuals in both groups who reported their sleep as inadequate had sleep problems, and those who reported their sleep was affected for various reasons and who perceived their health as poor had significantly worse sleep quality (p < 0.05). Conclusion The sleep quality of the elderly living either at home were at similar levels and more than half of individuals in both groups had poor sleep quality.