Mühendislik Fakültesi / Faculty of Engineering
Permanent URI for this collectionhttps://hdl.handle.net/11727/1401
94 results
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Item Development of Computer Based Ballistocardiography System(2014) Ozturk, Nurhan; Yildiz, Metin; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2554-6953; JJF-5070-2023Ballistocardiography is a measurement method which monitors physiologic parameters such as heart rate and respiration through measuring the vibrations caused by heart beat. In this study, a computer based system which enables monitoring the changes in the heart rate and respiration without any electrical connection with the patient is introduced. It is examined whether this system can be used in monitoring the heart beat velocity and respiration through making comparisons with a commercial data acquisition system. During the study, it is observed that heart beat velocity is determined with a maximum 5% error and respiration frequency with a maximum 5.8%. Furthermore, respiratory standstill can be detected with this system. According to these results, it could be concluded that the system can be used as pre-diagnosis with the aim of monitoring respiration disorders during sleep.Item Analysis of Heart Diseases from ECG Signal(2014) Kantar, Tugce; Koseoglu, Ovul; Erdamar, Aykut; https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8588-480X; AAA-6844-2019At the present time, the main method used in the diagnosis of heart disease is the electrocardiography (ECG). The purpose of this study is design a decision support algorithm which automatically detect the normal sinus rhythm or other pathologies. The improved algorithm will provide support to the doctor can be also used for educational purposes. Within the scope of this study, with the design of the rule based algorithm which automatically detect a normal sinus rhythm and non normal sinus rhythm, in total it can detect eight pathologies. In maincode there are thirteen functions that are used for diagnose eight different ECG pathology automatically. Higher success is being anticipated in future for the prediction power of the developed method with continuing research on the matter.Item A Feasibility Study of Communication with Cold Stimulations(2014) Budak, Erdem Inanc; Yildiz, Metin; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2554-6953; JJF-5070-2023Some part of available sytems which requires surgery (kohlear implant) for communication of completely deaf people, other parts just heal for one side hearing impaired people (soundbite technologies). Thus, there are lot of research of tactiles that are methods for communication through skin. However, existing communication systems's speed are too low, also devices couldn't move because, they working with electricity and have big massive. In this paper we have developed alternative communication method that the system uses cold stimulus for transfer characters through skin and also first tests have been done. We used peltiers for exist to cold stimuli and developed a computer based control system to transfer to peltiers via coding. We saw that subjects perceived two stimulus per second at one point of their forearms. But when we used more than one stimulus for coding characters, perception percent get low. Overall of results, we prove that communication with thermal way is alternative method that gives promise.Item Classification of Patients with Heart Failure(2014) Bayrak, Tuncay; Ogul, Hasan; https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6826-4350; U-4603-2019Echocardiography is imaging of anatomy and physiology of heart with high frequency sound waves by using ultrasonic transducers. The signals obtained by using this method are defined as echocardiogram. In this way, the function of heart can be investigated and any abnormal case is determined according to many parameters. In this study, the classification was realized, according to 7 of features obtained from echocardiogram signals belong to 74 of patient in Machine Learning Repository (UCI) database. Naive Bayes was determined as the best classification method for this dataset and 63% sensitivity, 84% specificity, and an accuracy value of 77% has been reached. In conclusion, this study presents an investigation of determination of which features are significant in death based on heart failure.Item Development of A Financial Performance Benchmarking Model for Corporate Firms(2015) Ic, Yusuf Tansel; Tekin, Muhtesem; Pamukoglu, Fazil Ziya; Yildirim, S. Erdinc; 0000-0001-9274-7467; AGE-3003-2022; AGQ-5008-2022; AAI-1081-2020In this study, we developed a financial performance evaluation model to rank the corporate firms of 24 sectors in the Turkish economy. The developed model is based on the financial ratiosand Technique for Order Preference by Similiarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) approach. This model of ferscorporate firm's rating scores with respect to its competitors belonging to the same industry. The developed model is coded in Visual Basic and tested with real case studies. Financial performance evaluation rankings obtained from TOPSIS, Vise Kriterijumska Optimizacija I Kompromisno Resenje (VIKOR), Grey Relational Grade (GRA), and Multi-Objective Optimization on thebasis of Ratio Analysis (MOORA) methods were compared by using Spearman's rank correlation test. Based on the test results, it was found that the TOPSIS method is the most appropriate method for the evaluation of financial performance. An application is also provided in the paper for illustrative purposes.Item New Concept Design of an Insulin Pen for Visually Impaired or Blind Diabetius Mellitus Patients(2015) Ucar, Tuba; Kocak, Onur; Akpek, Ali; ABI-1247-2020Today, diabetes mellitus (diabetes) emerges as an increasingly important health problem because of the problems and frequency that it cause all over the world. Especially type 2 diabetes mellitus is increasing rapidly in all of the developed and developing society with the rapid changes in lifestyle. As of the year 2013, the number of the diabetes patients are 382 million. And this number is expected to reach 592 million increased by %55 in 2035. The main reason of this population growth due to the obesity and physical inactivity is increasing beacuse of urbanization and aging. In our country, according to result of the studies of Turkey diabetes apidemiology (TURDEP-I), type 2 diabetes mellitus %7.2, frequency of impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) %6.7 was found. In the studies of TURDEP-II that is published recently has been seen significantly increase of 2 type diabetes mellitus at age of 20 and over. Uncontrolled diabetes leading to hypoglycemia causes development of complications that affect all systems of the body. (cardiovascular system-eyes-kidney-nervous system) The risk of lower extremity amputation in diabetes patients is 25 times higher than without diabetes. Especaially in developed countries, the most common cause is visual loss and blindness. Under the light of these information, the form of insulin pen was designed that can be used more comfortable for visually handicapped people and blindsItem A Medical Waste Management Model for Public Private Partnership Hospitals(2015) Kocak, Onur; Kurtuldu, Huseyin; Akpek, Ali; Kocoglu, Arif; Erogul, Osman; JMC-5224-2023Today, with developing technologies and expanding health care system, medical waste has reached a fairly large volume. Particularly, the extensive use of disposable medical devices and supplies are among the factors that increase the production of medical waste. Monitoring the processes involving the separation, temporary storage, disposal, and transfer of medical waste is critical in terms of the environment and human health. In this study, the implementation of medical waste collection, separation and classification processes were surveyed in new city hospitals constructed with public-private partnership. The standards for temporarily holding wastes were also discussed. Furthermore, the cost analysis required for the handling and disposal of medical waste was provided. By means of studying the medical waste disposal methods, few suggestions regarding the most appropriate methods and models of offset technology investments for the city hospitals were proposed.Item City Hospitals Model in Biomedical Calibration Service(2015) Kocak, Onur; Budak, Erdem I.; Beytar, Faruk; Ozgode, Busra; Coruh, Baris; Kocoglu, Arif; Erogul, OsmanClinical engineering comprise of management of medical technology, medical device maintenance, repair, and calibration which they are bought according to capacity of health institution. In this study, entirely using principles have been given about medical device maintenance, repair, and calibration. A model has been designed which is biomedical calibration production service to new vast city hospitals. The hospitals have high bed capacity and because of that there are more different types of medical devices in their inventory. According to the model has been depicted about separating medical devices too. Besides, process planning has been materialized in biomedical calibration. A new work flow model has been suggested result of evaluating both of calibration and preventive maintenance. Moreover in this study mentioned about laboratory accreditation to international traceability need. Furthermore an offset investment model has been examined to medical device calibrators which they will have bought city hospitals. Urgent actions have detected for all consider authority to the investment model success.Item Comparison of Non - Parametric PSD Detection Methods in the Anaylsis of EEG Signals in Sleep Apnea(2015) Kocak, Onur; Beytar, Faruk; Firat, Hikmet; Telatar, Ziya; Erogul, OsmanSleep apnea is characterized by complete cessation of airflowin the mouth and nose for at least 10 seconds and it is a disease that causes significant disruption of sleep patterns. In the absence of treatment, it can lead to serious health problems such as heart attack and stroke. Polysomnography is the gold standard examination methods used in the diagnosis of the disease. In this study, EEG signals obtained from the polysomnography recording are divided into sub-bands and their epochs in pre apnea, intra apnea and post apnea were analyzed. Non-parametric power spectral density (PSD) detection methods (Periodogram, Welch and Multi Taper) applied to the EEG signals were compared.Item Design and Analysis of an Autoclave Simulation Using MATLAB/Simulink(2015) Altinsu, Betul; Kocak, Onur; Akpek, Ali; ABI-1247-2020The aim of this study is to make simulations with Matlab/Simulink to be used in the production phase of the autoclave in the sterilization unit. Sterilization unit is very important in terms of hospital employees and patients for protecting from infections and accidents. The study examined autoclave equipments that are fabricated based on the EN standards, then mathematical calculations were performed by (1)the references obtained from these calculations. These references transferred as the necessary characteristics for MATLAB/Simulink modelling. By analyzing these characteristics, the impact of the variations throughout the production or development pahese can be predicted by investigating the changes in these characteristics. After this study, it is anticipated to convet this model into prototypes and obtain more tangible result. In this study, embedded sytems are used and the data is transferred to an electronic media. Later, the system will be tested on one of the autoclaves that is currently available on the market. It is planned that by exchanging the mainboard of the autoclave with another mainbored which the new software has installed and inspected on the device, afterwards.