New Concept Design of an Insulin Pen for Visually Impaired or Blind Diabetius Mellitus Patients
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Ucar, Tuba
Kocak, Onur
Akpek, Ali
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Today, diabetes mellitus (diabetes) emerges as an increasingly important health problem because of the problems and frequency that it cause all over the world. Especially type 2 diabetes mellitus is increasing rapidly in all of the developed and developing society with the rapid changes in lifestyle. As of the year 2013, the number of the diabetes patients are 382 million. And this number is expected to reach 592 million increased by %55 in 2035. The main reason of this population growth due to the obesity and physical inactivity is increasing beacuse of urbanization and aging. In our country, according to result of the studies of Turkey diabetes apidemiology (TURDEP-I), type 2 diabetes mellitus %7.2, frequency of impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) %6.7 was found. In the studies of TURDEP-II that is published recently has been seen significantly increase of 2 type diabetes mellitus at age of 20 and over. Uncontrolled diabetes leading to hypoglycemia causes development of complications that affect all systems of the body. (cardiovascular system-eyes-kidney-nervous system) The risk of lower extremity amputation in diabetes patients is 25 times higher than without diabetes. Especaially in developed countries, the most common cause is visual loss and blindness. Under the light of these information, the form of insulin pen was designed that can be used more comfortable for visually handicapped people and blinds
Diabetes mellitus, retinopathy, insulininsulin pen