Sağlık Hizmetleri Meslek Yüksekokulu / Vocational School of Health Services
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Item 3D evaluation of the effect of disinfectants on dimensional accuracy and stability of two elastomeric impression materials(2018) Cinar, Duygu; Soganci, Gokce; Caglar, Alper; Yagiz, Ayberk; 29848853The aim of this study was to determine and compare the dimensional changes of polyether and vinyl polyether siloxane impression materials under immersion disinfection with two different disinfectants in three time periods. Impressions were obtained from an edentulous master model. Sodium hypochlorite (5.25%) and glutaraldehyde (2%) were used for disinfection and measurements were done 30 min later after making impression before disinfection, after required disinfection period (10 min), and after 24 h storage at room temperature. Impressions were scanned using 3D scanner with 10 microns accuracy and 3D software was used to evaluate the dimensional changes with superimpositioning. Positive and negative deviations were calculated and compared with master model. There was no significant difference between two elastomeric impression materials (p>0.05). It was concluded that dimensional accuracy and stability of two impression materials were excellent and similar.Item Adrenal Myelolipoma: A Case Presentation(2018) Kervancioglu, Enis; Hasirci, Eray; Dirim, Ayhan; Aygun, Yuksel Cem; 0000-0002-6232-4313; 0000-0002-4147-2966; 0000-0003-3465-9092; AAM-3015-2021; AAI-7997-2021; AAM-4475-2021Adrenal myelolipomas are non-functional benign tumors of hematopoietic and mature adipose tissue. Adrenal myelolipomas, which are generally detected in post-mortem examinations, have become more detectable thanks to evolution and frequent use of imaging techniques. This presentation elaborates on a case of 35-year old male patient presenting with no complaint but diagnosed with adrenal myelolipoma in histopathological examination following surrenalectomy operation for an adrenal mass incidentally detected on ultrasonography and computed tomography work-up.Item Anaesthetic Management for Orthotopic Liver Transplantation in A Patient with Glycogen Storage Disease Type Iiia(2023) Haka, D.; Cekmen, N.; 0000-0001-7448-8203Glycogen storage disease (GSD) type III is a metabolic disorder caused by a deficiency in amylo-1,6-glucosidase enzyme, which is responsible for the breakdown of the glycogen molecule, resulting in glycogen accumulating in the organs, hypoglycaemia, muscle weakness, liver dysfunction, delayed anaesthetic recovery, excessive surgical bleeding, cardiomyopathy and end-organ dysfunction. This case report presents a child with GSD type IIIa who underwent orthotopic liver transplantation (OLT) with her mother as a donor. A multidisciplinary approach should be provided to optimise the preoperative period and minimise complications in these patients.Item Analysis of the IR-Raman Modes and the Heat Capacity Near the alpha-Inc-beta Transitions in Quartz(2021) Yurtseven, H.; Gunay, E.; Karacali, H.; Ates, S.This study gives our analysis for the temperature dependence of the infrared frequency and the integrated intensity of the 695 cm(-1) mode near the alpha-beta transition at 847.5 K and the temperature dependence of the Raman scattering cross section of the 355 cm(-1) mode near the beta-INC (incommensurate) transition which occurs within a small temperature (similar to 1.3 K) interval in relation to the order parameter in quartz. Both analyses are performed according to a power-law formula for the order parameter Q with the critical index beta using the experimental data from the literature. We also analyze the temperature dependence of the heat capacity C p according to the renormalization-group expression including first-order corrections to scaling term close to the alpha-INC-beta transitions in quartz by using the literature data. From our analyses, values of the critical exponent beta for the frequency and the integrated intensity of the 695 cm(-1) infrared mode and for the Raman scattering cross section of the 355 cm(-1) mode as a measure of the order parameter, are extracted. From the analysis of C p , the values of the critical exponent alpha are also extracted. Additionally, by means of scaling relations the critical exponent gamma of the isothermal compressibility kappa T and the renormalized components ( beta R , alpha R and gamma R ) are predicted for the alpha-INC-beta transitions in quartz. Our analyses given here indicate that weakly first-order transition occurs from the alpha phase to the incommensurate (INC) phase, which changes to the nearly second-order transition to the beta phase with increasing temperature in quartz, as also observed experimentally.Item Analysis of the treatment costs of HIV/AIDS in Turkey(2016) Malhan, Simtem; Zengin, Tuba Elbir; Yenilmez, Fatma Betul; Dalgic, Canan; Cerci, Pamir; Oksuz, Ergun; Unal, Serhat; 0000-0002-5723-5965; K-8238-2012OBJECTIVE: Infection with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), the causative agent of acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), is a major global health problem. Patients with HIV can live normal lives with today's new treatment options. As the treatment is generally successful, the life expectancy of patients infected with HIV is rising. As a result, the economic burden of HIV treatment on health systems is set to increase. According to the Ministry of Health, there were more than 6000 HIV-positive patients in Turkey in 2013. The aim of this study was to determine the direct costs of HIV treatment in Turkey. METHOD: A retrospective data analysis was performed from the reimbursement agency perspective. Data for 252 patients at a university hospital in Ankara from 2001 to 2012 were used for the analysis. The average costs of treatment per HIV patient and the average costs per HIV patient, depending on the state of the patient's health, were calculated. The latter was determined according to the number of CD4 cells/ml, as defined by the CDC's classification system for HIV infection. The cost of treatment was calculated based on published reimbursement prices in 2013, per patient per year. RESULTS: The CD4 values of 25.3%, 29%, and 45.7% of the 252 patients were < 100 cells/mm(3), 100-300 cells/mm(3), and > 300 cells/mm(3), respectively. The treatment costs per patient per year for 2013 for those with CD4 values of < 100 cells/ mm(3), 100-300 cells/mm(3), and > 300+ cells/mm(3) were $ 5,637.04, $ 2,211.54, and $ 2,182.35, respectively. The weighted average of the treatment cost per patient was $ 3,344.64 for 2013. CONCLUSION: This analysis is unique to Turkey and calculates the cost only of HIV treatment in Turkey. Lower CD4 values are associated with higher treatment costs. Appropriate HIV treatment is crucial for controlling CD4 values and lowering the treatment costs of HIV patients. These findings need to be considered by policy makers who may need to focus on HIV.Item Antecedents of Nurse Burnout During a Pandemic: Managerial Way Out(2022) Basar, Ufuk; Dogan, Aysun; Ertugrul, BekirThe aim of this research is to uncover whether nurses' fear of contracting Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) has resulted in stress-related presenteeism and burnout, and whether perceived organisational support is effective in dealing with both nurses' fear of contracting COVID-19 and its undesired consequences. For this purpose, a cross-sectional and descriptive research has been conducted. The data are collected from 513 nurses working in Ankara, Turkey, through a questionnaire survey. Independent samples t-test, one-way analysis of variance test and partial least squares structural equation modelling technique are employed to analyse the data. Findings indicate that nurses fear infection and experience stress-related presenteeism and burnout considerably. However, they perceive slightly inadequate level of organisational support. Fear of infection has resulted in stress-related presenteeism and burnout. Stress-related presenteeism has mediated the relationship between fear of infection and burnout. Perceived organisational support has negatively related to fear of infection and its negative consequences. In this research, to our knowledge, for the first time, the burnout, stress-related presenteeism, fear of infection and perceived organisational support levels of nurses are compared according to the pandemic-related criteria. Besides, the mediating role of nurses' stress-related presenteeism between their fear of contracting COVID-19 and burnout is discovered.Item Assessing the knowledge in primary health care following an educational course structured in the context of GARD chronic airway diseases national control program(2017) Balkan, Arzu; Oner Erkekol, Ferda; Kokturk, Nurdan; Mungan, Dilsad; Sackesen, Cansin; Onen, Zeynep Pinar; Ozkan, Secil; Ergun, Pinar; Kocabas, Can Naci; Baran Aksakal, Nur; Ekici, Banu; Ozkan Altunay, Zubeyde; Gemicioglu, Bilun; Yorgancioglu, Arzu; 0000-0002-4032-0944; 28990886; AAC-7548-2020Introduction: Chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases are common causes of disease in the community and account for considerable percent of the caseload in primary health care facilities. For this reason, it is important to question and improve the knowledge of primary health care physicians. This study is designed to assess the level of knowledge for bronchial asthma and COPD of the primary healthcare physicians, both before and immediately after an educational course structured in the context of GARD Chronic Airway Diseases National Control Program. Materials and Methods: The participating physicians attended an intensive educational course on asthma and COPD. Twenty five item questionnaires for asthma and COPD were administered to the participants both before and immediately after the end of the course. Contribution of education to the level of knowledge was investigated by comparing the percentages of the correct answers in the pre-and post-test. Results: From 11 different cities, 1817 and 1788 primary health care physician were attended to the asthma and COPD educations, respectively. The accuracy rate of >= 75% was obtained from only 4 questions in pre-test asthma questionnaire. On the contrary, in 15 questions the accuracy rate was < 50%. The mean accuracy rate for the whole asthma test was 45.8%, and this rate raised to 69.6% after education course. The accuracy rate of >= 75% could not be obtained from any of the questions in pre-test COPD questionnaire. On the contrary, in 19 questions the accuracy rate was < 50%. The mean accuracy rate for the whole asthma test was 42.0%, and this rate raised to 71.3% after education course. Conclusion: It has been shown that, in primary care settings, the level of knowledge in asthma and COPD should be enhanced and that this increase can be achieved with an education course.Item Bibliometric Analysis of Articles Published in Cukurova Medical Journal Between 2011 and 2022(2023) Polat, Sema; Tunc, Mahmut; Ozsahin, Esin; Tamam, Lut; Goker, Pinar; 0000-0003-1373-4700Purpose: This study aimed to perform a bibliometric analysis of the abstracts and keywords in articles published in the Cukurova Medical Journal from 2011 to 2022. Materials and Methods: We compiled and analyzed all articles published in the Cukurova Medical Journal between 2011 and 2022, totaling 1734 articles, using VOSviewer software (version 1.6.19). This analysis focused on the terms in the abstracts and the keywords of these articles. Results: The study identified 27,409 unique terms and 4,040 unique keywords in the abstracts of the 1734 articles. The most common terms were 'surgery' (333 occurrences), 'pain' (263), 'infection' (201), 'measurement' (192), 'rat' (185), 'tumor' (177), 'covid' (157), 'pregnancy' (148), 'questionnaire' (144), and 'drug' (142). The top keywords were 'children' (43 occurrences), 'quality of life' (37), 'covid-19' (34), 'nursing' (32), 'pregnancy' (28), 'depression' (27), 'mortality' (26), 'anxiety' (24), 'child' (22), and 'obesity' (17). Conclusion: This is the first bibliometric analysis of keywords and terms used in the Cukurova Medical Journal, offering insights into the evolving topics of interest in the journal's publications. It also provides valuable information for researchers looking to submit articles to the journal, highlighting prevalent themes and content areas.Item Biyokimya(2018) Güven, AyselItem Broncholithiasis presenting with lithoptysis(2018) Bozdas, Serife Savas; Ozyurek, Berna Akinci; 29970776Broncholithiasis is defined as calcified or ossified material in the bronchial lumen. The most frequently seen symptoms are a non-productive cough and hemoptysis. Occasionally, broncholytic expectoration can be seen, which is known as lithoptysis. As this is not a common finding, a case diagnosed with lithoptysis is presented here.Item Calculation of the damping constant and the relaxation time of the LA mode in the incommensurate phase of quartz(2021) Ates, S.; Yurtseven, H.The damping constant (linewidth) of the LA mode is calculated as a function of temperature for the incommensurate (INC) phase of quartz by using the models of the pseudospin-phonon (PS) coupled and the energy fluctuation (EF). For this calculation, the observed linewidth (Gamma(LA)) data are used at P = 0 and 80.5MPa from the literature. Close to the incommensurate phase between the alpha and beta phases of quartz, the observed Gamma(LA) and the frequency shifts (Delta v(LA) ) are also analyzed by the power-law formula for both pressures (P = 0 and 80.5MPa). By using the Gamma(LA) and Delta v(LA), the inverse relaxation time (tau(-1)(LA)) is predicted as a function of temperature (P = 0 and 80.5MPa) in the incommensurate phase of quartz and the values of the activation energy (E-a) are deduced. Our calculated Gamma(LA) from both models (PS and EF) explain adequately the observed behavior of the linewidth of the LA mode in the incommensurate phase of quartz. Also, our predicted tau(-1)(LA) can be compared with the measurements in the INC phase of this molecular crystal.Item Can Luteal Cell Co-Cultures be an Alternative for Reduction of the Immunorejection in Islet Transplants?(2018) Boyuk, Gulbahar; Yigit, A. Arzu; 0000-0002-3453-2967; 0000-0001-5837-6877; AAC-4677-2021; C-2636-2017Item CHARACTERISTICS OF THE MEDICINES WHICH HAVE ANNUAL AVERAGE HIGHEST AMOUNT OF SALES OF BETWEEN YEARS 2008-2013(2014) Akbulat, A.; Dogan, E.; Babacan, S.; Uman, N.; Tolun, C.; Vural, I. M.; Vural, E. H.; Yilmaz, Safak E.; Dasdag, M. M.; Kahveci, R.; Malhan, S.; Artiran, G.; Kerman, S.; 27201011Item Co-Culture of Rat Luteal Cells with Islet Cells Enhances Islet Viability and Revascularization(2018) Boyuk, Gulbahar; Yigit, A. Arzu; Aydogan, Ilkay; 0000-0001-5837-6877; 30187177; AAD-1857-2020; C-2636-2017Islet cell transplantation is a major treatment strategy for type I diabetes, and has proven to be effective for maintaining glucose homeostasis. However, this treatment requires an extended period of immunosuppression to prevent rejection and recurrent transplantation to maintain function. Thus, to enhance the properties of transplanted islet cells, we examined the effect of the co-culture of luteal cells, which secrete progesterone, on islet cell viability, functionality, and revascularization. It was found that islet viability and functionality were higher in the co-cultured group than in single cultures of islets at 48 and 96 h, in parallel with increased progesterone and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) secretion from luteal cells. In the co-culture groups, VEGF levels at 48 and 96 h and CD31 levels at 48 h were significantly higher than those in the islet groups (p < 0.001 and p < 0.05, respectively), and basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) levels were increased at 96 h (p < 0.001). Thus, co-culture with luteal cells may increase islet vascularity by enhancing VEGF and bFGF levels for up to 96 h, which could help to markedly increase the pre-transplantation time to allow for effective immunosuppression therapy. This method may also promote islet cell viability and functionality. Progesterone and angiogenic factors secreted from luteal cells may be responsible for these positive effects.Item Comparison of Isolated Transplant Glomerulopathy with Chronic Antibody Mediated Rejection in Regards to Endotbelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition and Graft Survival.(2019) Ozdemir, B.H.; Ozdemir, F. N.; Moray, G.; Haberal, M.Item COMPARISON OF PURE ANTIBODY-MEDIATED REJECTION (AMR) WITH MIXED CELLULAR AND AMR IN REGARDS TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF CARDIAC ALLOGRAFT VASCULOPATHY (CAV) AND CARDIOVASCULAR MORTALITY (CVM) IN HEART TRANSPLANT PATIENTS(2019) Ozdemir, B. Handan; Ayva, Sebnem; Terzi, Aysen; Sade, L. Elif; Basturk, Bilkay; Sezgin, AtillaItem Consensus report for workshop on ⇜early diagnosis and intervention in cerebral Palsy” Turkey’s approach to babies at risk and suggestions 1. National congress on babies at risk (1-4 March 2018, the Ankara Hotel)(2018) Karadavut, K.İ.; Biri, A.; Şenbil, N.; Gülümser, Ö.; Aydın, R.; Sezgin, M.; El, Ö.; Karaca, Ş.B.; Kuzan, N.D.; Atay, G.; Üstünyurt, Z.; Gülümser, Ö.; Saltık, S.; Yüksel, D.; Armangil, D.; Alan, S.; Biri, A.; Akarsu, S.; Koçbulut, E.; Karaaslan, B.T.; Kahraman, A.; Altunalan, T.; Taşkın, S.; Kalkır, Ö.The workshop on “Early Diagnosis and Intervention in Cerebral Palsy” aimed to reflect the current situation of and the challenges encountered in the early diagnosis and intervention in cerebral palsy in babies at risk, in order to raise awareness in the corresponding community by putting forth suggestions for providing solutions to these problems, and also, to provide a model suggestion suitable for the whole country. In the direction of these purposes, problems encountered in the prenatal, natal, and postnatal periods, and the corresponding suggestions were discussed, and vital topics concerning numerous disciplines, especially for the postnatal period, were emphasized in the workshop. With the aim of providing a solution to the current problems in the country regarding the matter, by employing an interdisciplinary approach, the establishment of Monitoring Centers for the Babies at Risk was proposed, and a model for these centers was created. Implications derived from this workshop will establish a foundation for the creation of a special strategic plan for the early diagnosis and intervention in cerebral palsy for the babies at risk. Copyright © 2018 by Türkiye Klinikleri.Item Coronary flow reserve is impaired in patients with obstructive sleep apnea(2017) Bozbas, Serife Savas; Eroglu, Serpil; Ozyurek, Berna Akinci; Eyuboglu, Fusun Omer; 0000-0002-7230-202X; 0000-0002-5525-8207; 0000-0003-3055-7953; 29118860; ABG-1582-2021; AAI-8064-2021; AAR-4338-2020STUDY OBJECTIVES: Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is common in adult populations. Accumulating data indicate that it is independently associated with a variety of cardiovascular diseases and has prognostic importance in affected cases. In this study, we aimed to evaluate coronary flow reserve (CFR) in patients with OSA and controls. METHODS: Sixty-one patients undergoing an overnight polysomnography were enrolled in this study. Patients with an apneauhypopnea index (AHI) 5 were accepted as OSA group (n = 45) and those with an AHI <5 were taken as controls (n = 16). Using Doppler echocardiography at baseline and following dipyridamole infusion, coronary peak flow velocities were obtained. CFR was calculated as the ratio of peak diastolic flow to baseline diastolic flow. A CFR value <2 was accepted as impaired coronary microvascular function. RESULTS: The mean age was 50.8 10.8 years, of which 16 (26.2%) were female. Both groups had similar features with regard to demographic and clinical variables. The mean value of CFR was significantly lower in patients with OSA compared to those controls (2.24 0.46 vs. 2.74 0.62, respectively, P = 0.001). An abnormal CFR value was observed in 12 (26.7%) patients with OSA and in 1 (6.3%) participant in control group. CONCLUSIONS: The findings of this study indicate that CFR, an indicator of coronary microvascular function, is significantly impaired in patients with OSA. Coronary microvascular function, an early sign of atherosclerosis, can be evaluated noninvasively in these patients might be used as a predictor of cardiovascular risk.Item COST EFFECTIVENESS OF PEGFILGRASTIM FOR REDUCING INCIDENCE OF FEBRILE NEUTROPENIA EVENTS AFTER CYTOTOXIC CHEMOTHERAPY FOR SOLID TUMORS IN TURKEY(2016) Malhan, Simtem; Saka, G; Villa, G.; Worth, G.; Barron, R.; Lyman, G.H.Item THE COST-EFFECTIVENESS ANA LYSIS FOR HIV TREATMENT ALTERNATIVES IN TURKEY(2014) Kockaya, G.; Yenilmez, F.B.; Zengin, Elbir T.; Dalgic, C.; Malhan, S.; Cerci, P.; Oksuz, E.; Tayfun, K.; Unal, S.; 27202504