An add-on therapy for neuropathic pain: Infiltration block with diclofenac sodium and lidocaine through the hypertrophic scar tissue
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Eker, Hatice Evren
Yalcin Cok, Oya
Bozdodan Ozyilkan, Nesrin
Aribodan, Anis
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In some situations, the cause of the supposed neuropathic pain might be related to abnormal tissue recovery such as scar formation due to wound retraction that might create mechanical compression on the nerve tissue. In this report we describe infiltration block with diclofenac sodium and lidocaine through the hypertrophic scar tissue to reduce mechanical stress in 3 patients. The infiltration technique might resolve the tension of the contracted scar tissue by tearing the adhesions and the eliminated mechanical compression would reduce the pressure on nerve tissue and hence neuropathic pain symptoms.
Diclofenac sodium, infiltration block, lidocaine, neuropathic pain