Community Pharmacists Preparedness and Barriers for Cancer Health Promotion in North Cyprus

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Introduction The role of a community pharmacist is well recognized in the literature as the most accessible health care provider that promotes health wellness and disease prevention. Evidence supports their role in cancer health promotion though this is not seen yet in practice. The aim of the study was to assess community pharmacists' preparedness in terms of knowledge, role perception and barriers for providing cancer health promotion in North Cyprus. Methods A cross-sectional face-to-face questionnaire-based study was carried among a randomly selected representative sample of community pharmacists in North Cyprus between June 2020 and August 2020. A pre-validated 31-item questionnaire tool was revised by an expert panel and adopted for purpose of this study. Results 200 (64.5%) out of 310 approached community pharmacists' have accepted and responded to the questionnaire of which 183 were fully answered. The community pharmacists' awareness of cancer was moderate, as 70% answered correctly. Most respondents (93.4%) agree that pharmacists should be involved in cancer health promotion. Most respondents (> 90%) agree that pharmacist's lack of interest in oncology, lack of educational material and pharmacist's hesitancy about their knowledge of cancer are respectively the most important barriers for cancer health promotion. Conclusion The study shows that community pharmacist well perceives their role in cancer health promotion despite moderate awareness of cancer related facts and hesitancy of their knowledge necessary for assuming their role. Lack of interest, motivation and cancer educational materials availability are also major barrier to address.



Community pharmacist, knowledge, perception, barriers, north cyprus




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