Solution Method For A Non-Homogeneous Fuzzy Linear System Of Differential Equations
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In this paper, we propose a new solution method to non-homogeneous fuzzy linear system of differential equations. The coefficients of the considered system are crisp while forcing functions and initial values are fuzzy. We assume each forcing function be in a special form, which we call as triangular fuzzy function and which represents a fuzzy bunch (set) of real functions. We construct a solution as a fuzzy set of real vector-functions, not as a vector of fuzzy-valued functions, as usual.
We interpret the given fuzzy initial value problem (fuzzy IVP) as a set of crisp (classical) IVPs. Such a crisp IVP is obtained if we take a forcing function from each of fuzzy bunches and an initial value from each of fuzzy intervals. The solution of the crisp IVP is a vector-function. We define it to be an element of the fuzzy solution set and assign a membership degree which is the lowest value among membership degrees of taken forcing functions and initial values in the corresponding fuzzy sets.
We explain our approach and solution method with the help of several illustrative examples. We show the advantage of our method over the differential inclusions method and its applicability to real-world problems. (C) 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Fuzzy linear system of differential equations, Fuzzy differential equation, Fuzzy set