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Item Clinicohistopathological Features and Treatment Outcomes of Neuroendocrine Tumors; A Single Center Experience(2017) Sumbul, A. T.; Sedef, A. M.; Kose, F.; Mertsoylu, H.; Sezer, A.; Ozyilkan, O.; Abali, H.;;; D-4793-2014; AAD-2817-2021Item Bilgisayar Programlama Derslerinde Öğrenme Motivasyonu Ölçeğinin Türkçe Uyarlaması: Geçerlilik ve Güvenilirlik Çalışması(Başkent Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi, 2018) Avcı, Ummuhan; Ersoy, Halil; 0000-0001-7007-1478; 0000-0003-1598-7656Bu araştırmanın amacı Law, Lee ve Yu 2010 tarafından geliştirilen Bilgisayar Programlama Derslerinde Öğrenme Motivasyonu Ölçeği’ni Türkçe’ye uyarlamaktır. Bu amaçla geçerlik ve güvenirlik analizlerini yapmak üzere altı faktör bireysel tutum ve beklenti, zorlayıcı amaçlar, belirgin hedefler, ödül ve takdir, ceza, sosyal baskı ve rekabet ve 19 maddeden oluşan altılı Likert tipindeki ölçek, özel bir üniversitede okuyan 312 mühendislik fakültesi öğrencisine uygulanmıştır. Doğrulayıcı faktör analizi sonuçları incelendiğinde, ölçeğin altı faktörden oluştuğu doğrulanmış ve ölçeğin uyum iyiliği indislerinin yeterli düzeyde olduğu görülmüştür. Ölçeğin güvenilirliği Cronbach alfa iç tutarlılık katsayısı ile değerlendirilmiştir. Cronbach alfa katsayısının ölçeğin tamamında 0.90 olduğu ve faktörler bazında 0.71 ile 0.83 arasında değiştiği görülmüştür. Bu sonuçlar ölçeğin, bilgisayar programlama derslerinde öğrenme motivasyonunun ölçülmesinde geçerli ve güvenilir bir ölçme aracı olduğunu göstermektedir. The aim of this study is to adapt the Learning Motivation in Computer Programming Courses Scale developed by Law, Lee ve Yu 2010 to Turkish. In order to determine its validity and reliability, the scale consisting of 19 six-point Likert-type items within six factors individual attitude and expectation, challenging goals, clear direction, reward and recognition, punishment and social pressure and competition was applied to 312 engineering faculty students at a private university. When the results of the confirmatory factor analysis were examined, it was confirmed that the scale had six factors, and the goodness of fit indices are at an acceptable degree. The reliability of the scale was assessed by the Cronbach alpha internal consistency coefficient. The Cronbach’s alpha coefficiencies were found to be 0.90 for the whole scale and between 0.71 and 0.83 for the factors. These results show that scale is a valid and reliable measuring tool for learning motivation in computer programming coursesItem Yükseköğretimde Uzaktan Eğitim Uygulamalarının İncelenmesi: Türkiye Örneği(Başkent Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi, 2017) Cabi, Emine; Ersoy, Halil; 0000-0002-7488-0309; 0000-0003-1598-7656Bu çalışma 2010 yılından 2016 yılına kadar, Türkiye yükseköğretiminde uzaktan eğitim çalışmalarının sayısal veriler ışığında incelenmesini amaçlamaktadır. 2010 ile 2016 yılları arasındaki yükseköğretimdeki öğrenci sayıları, uzaktan eğitim veren ön lisans, lisans ve yüksek lisans programlarına yerleşen öğrenci sayıları ve mevcut program sayılarının dağılımları incelenmiştir. Ön lisans ve lisans seviyesinde 20102015 arası uzaktan eğitimde öğrenim gören öğrenci sayılarına ulaşılabilirken, yüksek lisans seviyesinde sadece 2014-2015 ve 2015-2016 eğitim-öğretim dönemlerindeki program ve öğrenci sayılarına ulaşılabilmiştir. Ayrıca çalışmada genel ve programlara yerleşen öğrenci sayılarının yıllara göre değişimleri de incelenmiştir. Yapılan çalışma durum çalışması olduğundan mevcut durumu boylamsal olarak ortaya koymaktadır. Bu bağlamda, yeni açılması düşünülen uzaktan eğitim programlarının yapılandırılması çalışmalarında katkısı olabileceği düşünülmektedir. This study aims to investigate distance education implementations in higher education of Turkey from 2010 to 2016 by numeric data. For this purpose, the numbers and distribution of students at vocational schools, undergraduate and graduate level programs being executed totally in distance education method were analyzed. While it was possible to reach to the numbers of distant students at vocational schools and undergraduate levels between 2010 and 2015, only 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 years’ data were been able to obtained at graduate level. Moreover, the change in the numbers of distant students by years was investigated. Hence it is a case study, it portrays the existing situation longitudinally. In this context, it is believed that the study will contribute to the actions targeting to open new distance education programsItem Sliding hiatal hernia mimicking a left atrial mass(2019) Kocabas, Umut; Ozkalayci, Flora; Altun, Armagan; 0000-0002-3233-8263; 0000-0001-6424-9399; 32082840; ABB-5844-2020; AAG-5856-2020Item Turkish Board of Neurological Surgery(2019) Bulduk, Erkut Baha; Yilmaz, Cem; 30614509AIM: To provide information on the process and the results of the Turkish Board of Neurological Surgery and increase the relevant awareness. MATERIAL and METHODS: The number of applications to the written and oral board exams organized by the Turkish Neurosurgical Society Proficiency Board since 2006, the number of successful and unsuccessful participants, and the number of the neurosurgery residents and specialists who applied to the exam were evaluated. RESULTS: A total of 554 candidates took the exam since 2006 when the first TBNS was applied. Two hundred and sixty of the candidates were successful (46.9%), and 294 (53.1%) were unsuccessful. Two hundred and forty six (44.4%) of those who took the test were neurosurgeons, 308 (55.6%) were neurosurgery residents who had completed their 3rd year in their training. The highest score in the written exams was 93/100, and the lowest score was 33/100. In verbal exams, a total of 73 candidates participated, and 66 (90.4%) of them were successful while 7 of them (9.6%) were unsuccessful. CONCLUSION: Board exams are inevitable to provide a certain level of education and standardization in the training of neurosurgery. Our duty as neurosurgeons is to participate in these exams and work to increase participation for continuing education.Item The success rate and safety of internal jugular vein catheterization under ultrasound guidance in infants undergoing congenital heart surgery(2019) Altun, Dilek; Nurac, Salih Hakan; Toprak, Verda; Eti, Emine Zeynep; 32082823Background: In this study, we aimed to investigate the effect of central venous catheterization under ultrasound guidance on the success and complication rates in low-weight infants (under 5 kg) undergoing surgery due to congenital heart disease. Methods: A total of 70 infants (38 boys, 32 girls; mean age of patients <1 month was 16.4 +/- 9.5 days [n=20; 28.6%]; 1-7.5 months was 126.3 +/- 47.8 [n=50; 71.4%]) who underwent ultrasound-guided internal jugular venous catheterization between October 2014 and October 2015 were retrospectively analyzed. All catheterizations were done under the guidance of ultrasound by two skilled anesthesiologists. Data including demographic characteristics of the patients, procedural success rate, catheter access time, number of attempts, and complications were recorded. Results: The overall success rate of the procedure was 92.8% (n=65). In 82% of the patients (n=53), the insertion was successful at the first attempt. The mean catheter access time (time from the first puncture to the catheter insertion) was 214 +/- 0.48 sec. Complications were seen in five patients (7.14%), and the body weight of these patients was less than 2,500 g There was no arterial puncture in any patients. One patient (1.42%) developed pneumothorax and four patients (5.7%) developed hematoma due to repeated attempts. Conclusion: Our study results suggest that ultrasound-guided central venous cannulation is a safe and effective technique in pediatric population weighing less than 5 kg undergoing congenital heart surgery.Item Young tableaux and Arf partitions(2019) Tutas, Nesrin; Karakas, Halil İbrahim; Gumusbas, NihalThe aim of this work is to exhibit some relations between partitions of natural numbers and Arf semigroups. We also give characterizations of Arf semigroups via the hook-sets of Young tableaux of partitions.Item An Inquiry into the Underlying Reasons for the Impact of Technology Enhanced Problem-Based Learning Activities on Students' Attitudes and Achievement(2019) Cetin, Yucel; Mirasyedioglu, Seref; Cakiroglu, ErdincPurpose: In the constantly changing and evolving world of today, there is a need to raise individuals who are able to renew themselves, learn autonomously, and have higher order thinking skills such as critical thinking and deducing. The purpose of the present study is to investigate the effects of Technology Enhanced Problem-Based Learning Activities (TEPLA), developed with regard to the aforementioned need, on learners' attitudes towards mathematics and academic achievement in mathematics through qualitative data in order to designate the underlying causes of these effects. Method: In the research, conducted as a case study, the analysis of the written and oral interviews were held with students using "Student Interview Form" in order to analyze the effect of TEPLA on the attitudes towards mathematics and mathematics achievements of study group students who were applied TEPLA by the first author. Findings: The analysis revealed two main dimensions affecting the association between TEPLA and learners' attitudes towards mathematics: Affection and Usefulness, which comprised five and three distinct reasons, respectively. On the other hand, ten factors were defined to account for the impact of using TEPLA on learners' mathematics achievement. Implications for Research and Practice: The research findings suggested that learners found TEPLA interesting and meaningful. Thus, it can be suggested that the impact of TEPLA on learner motivation can also be investigated using a motivation scale. Moreover, learners stated during interviews that they achieved retention in learning thanks to TEPLA. Thus, the finding regarding TEPLA's impact on retention can be further investigated quantitatively. (c) 2019 Ani Publishing Ltd. All rights reservedItem Comparison of conventional and modern methods in determining ischemic stroke etiology by general and stroke neurologists(2019) Kunt, Refik; Kutluk, Mustafa Kursad; Tiftikcioglu, Bedile Irem; Afsar, Nazire; Erdemoglu, Ali Kemal; Gedizlioglu, Muhtesem; Ozturk, Vesile; 0000-0002-4573-3844; 30764594; I-7963-2019Background/aim: This study aimed to investigate the consistency between stroke and general neurologists in subtype assignment using the Trial of ORG-10172 in Acute Stroke Treatment (TOAST) and Causative Classification of Stroke (CCS) systems. Materials and methods: Fifty consecutive acute ischemic stroke patients admitted to the stroke unit were recruited. Patients were classified by two stroke and two general neurologists, each from different medical centers, according to TOAST followed by the CCS. Each neurologist was assessed for consistency and compliance in pairs. Concordance among all four neurologists was investigated and evaluated using the kappa (kappa) value. Results: The kappa (kappa) value of diagnostic compliance between stroke neurologists was 0.61 (95% CI: 0.45-0.77) for TOAST and 0.78 (95% CI: 0.62-0.94) for CSS-5. The kappa (kappa) value was 0.64 (95% CI: 0.48-0.80) for TOAST and 0.75 (95% CI: 0.60-0.91) for CCS-5 for general neurologists. Compliance was moderate [kappa: 0.59 (95% CI: 0.52-0.65)] for TOAST and was strong [kappa: 0.75 (95% CI: 0.68-0.81)] for CCS-5 for all 4 neurologists. 'Cardioembolism' (91.04%) had the highest compliance in both systems. The frequency of the group with 'undetermined etiologies' was less in the CCS (26%) compared to TOAST. Conclusion: The CCS system improved compliance in both stroke and general neurologists compared with TOAST. This suggests that the automatic, evidence-based, easily reproducible CCS system was superior to the TOAST system.Item Relationship between plasma YKL-40 levels and endothelial dysfunction in chronic kidney disease(2019) Keskin, Gul Sema; Helvaci, Ozant; Yayla, Cagri; Pasaoglu, Ozge T.; Keskin, Caglar; Arinsoy, Turgay; Deric, Ulver B.; 30763987Background/aim: We aimed to evaluate the relationship between YKL-40 and endothelial dysfunction in chronic kidney disease. Materials and methods: Twenty-nine hemodialysis patients, 101 patients with nondialytic (stage 2, 3, 4, and 5 ND) chronic kidney disease (CKD), and 38 healthy individuals as a control group were included. YKL-40 levels were measured by ELISA. Endothelial dysfunction was indirectly measured by flow-mediated dilatation percentage (FMD) in the brachial artery. Results: YKL-40 levels were higher in CKD patients than controls and highest in HD patients (P = 0.001). FMD values were lower in nondialytic CKD patients and lowest in HD patients (P = 0.001). YKL-40 negatively correlated with eGFR and FMD values (r = -0.674 and r = -0.471, respectively). Conclusion: This study shows that YKL-40 increases with CKD stage and is negatively correlated with FMD measurements.