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    The Role of Nutritional and Dietary Habits in Etiology in Pediatric Vocal Fold Nodule
    (2022) Korkmaz, Muge Ozcelik; Tuzuner, Arzu
    Objectives. In pediatric pediatric vocal fold nodule (VFN) patients, different causes have been suggested in the development of the vocal cord nodule, including laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR). It is known that the content of consumed foods, obesity, and other dietary behaviors are among the risk factors for the devel-opment of reflux. The aim of this study was to evaluate dietary and food consumption habits in pediatric VFN patients.Methods. This prospective-controlled study included 50 children with VFNs (age range 5-14 years) and 50 age-matched children without any voice disorders as a control group. BMI values of each participant were evaluated according to age-percentile range. The voice usage habits and personality structure of all the children were ques-tioned. All patients underwent laryngeal examination and voice analysis. The Turkish Pediatric Voice Handicap Index (t-PVHI) and Child Voice Handicap Index-10 (t-CVHI) were completed by patients or their parents. The examination findings of all patients were evaluated with the reflux finding score (RFS), and their complaints were questioned with the reflux symptom index (RSI). In addition, eating and drinking at night, fast eating and exces -sive food consumption habits and the frequency of consumption of packaged foods defined as junk food, carbon-ated beverage were questioned. The data obtained were compared statistically between the two groups.Results. There was no significant difference between the study and control groups in terms of age, gender distri-bution, median BMI value, voice usage habits, and personality structure. In the study group, t-PVHI, t-CVHI, jit-ter, schimmer values, the mean RFS, and RSI scores were significantly higher than those of the control group. The number of children with high consumption of junk food and carbonated drinks was higher in the study group. There was no significant difference between the two groups in terms of dietary habits.Conclusion. Food consumption habits may play a role in childhood voice problems in this population.
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    An International Facility Design Project
    (2008) Lacksonen, Thomas; Dengiz, Berna
    This paper describes an international facilities design project for Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering students. American and Turkish engineering students collaborated to create and implement the re-design of a Turkish wheelchair manufacturing facility. The company needed engineering assistance to improve the efficiency and increase the capacity of their existing factory. Turkish Industrial Engineering students went on-site to collect data and draw the existing facility layout. American Manufacturing Engineering students analyzed the data and developed new layout designs. Four American students traveled to Turkey between semesters to implement the initial phases of their design. In the second semester, the Turkish students simulated the new layout to see the performance improvements, completing their project. Student learning outcomes were positive for both groups of students. The paper explains critical steps in identifying projects and partners. Lessons are shown about successes and shortcomings in planning, operating, and communicating with design teams across cultures.
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    Aintshop Production Line Optimization Using Response Surface Methodology
    (2007) Dengiz, Berna; Belgin, Onder; 0000-0001-6702-2608; K-1080-2019
    This paper deals with the problem of determining the optimum number of workstations to be used in parallel and workers at some stations using simulation optimization approach in a paint shop line of an automotive factory in Ankara, Turkey. In the optimization stage of the study Response Surface Methodology (RSM) is used to find the optimum levels of considered factors. Simulation model and optimization stage integration is used both to analyse the performance of the current paint shop line and determine the optimum working conditions, respectively, with reduced cost, time and effort.
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    A Tabu Search Algorithm for the Training of Neural Networks
    (2009) Dengiz, B.; Alabas-Uslu, C.; Dengiz, O.
    The most widely used training algorithm of neural networks (NNs) is back propagation ( BP), a gradient-based technique that requires significant computational effort. Metaheuristic search techniques such as genetic algorithms, tabu search (TS) and simulated annealing have been recently used to cope with major shortcomings of BP such as the tendency to converge to a local optimal and a slow convergence rate. In this paper, an efficient TS algorithm employing different strategies to provide a balance between intensification and diversification is proposed for the training of NNs. The proposed algorithm is compared with other metaheuristic techniques found in literature using published test problems, and found to outperform them in the majority of the test cases.
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    A Self-tuning Heuristic for the Design of Communication Networks
    (2015) Dengiz, Berna; Alabas-Uslu, Cigdem
    This paper addresses the design of communication networks that has a large application area. The problem is to design a minimum cost network subject to a given reliability level. Complexity of the problem is twofold: (1) finding a minimum-cost network topology that every pair of nodes can communicate with each other and (2) computing overall reliability to provide the reliability constraint. Over the last two decades, metahemistic algorithms have been widely applied to solve this problem due to its NP-hardness. In this study, a self-tuning heuristic (STH), which is a new approach free from parameter tuning, is applied to the design of communication networks. Extensive computational results confirm that STH generates superior solutions to the problem in comparison to some well-known local search metaheuristics, and also more sophisticated metaheuristics proposed in the literature. The practical advantage of STH lies in both its effectiveness and simplicity in application to the design problem.
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    A Self-adaptive Local Search Algorithm for the Classical Vehicle Routing Problem
    (2011) Alabas-Uslu, Cigdem; Dengiz, Berna
    The purpose of this study is introduction of a local search heuristic free from parameter tuning to solve classical vehicle routing problem (VRP). The VRP can be described as the problem of designing optimal delivery of routes from one depot to a number of customers under the limitations of side constraints to minimize the total traveling cost. The importance of this problem comes from practical as well as theoretical point of view. The proposed heuristic, self-adaptive local search (SALS), has one generic parameter which is learnt throughout the search process. Computational experiments confirm that SALS gives high qualified solutions to the VRP and ensures at least an average performance, in terms of efficiency and effectiveness, on the problem when compared with the recent and sophisticated approaches from the literature. The most important advantage of the proposed heuristic is the application convenience for the end-users. SALS also is flexible that can be easily applied to variations of VRP. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
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    A Local Search Heuristic with Self-tuning Parameter for Permutation Flow-Shop Scheduling Problem
    (2009) Dengiz, Berna; Alabas-Uslu, Cigdem; Sabuncuoglu, Ihsan
    In this paper, a new local search metaheuristic is proposed for the permutation flow-shop scheduling problem. In general, metaheuristics are widely used to solve this problem due to its NP-completeness. Although these heuristics are quite effective to solve the problem, they suffer from the need to optimize parameters. The proposed heuristic, named STLS, has a single self-tuning parameter which is calculated and updated dynamically based on both the response surface information of the problem field and the performance measure of the method throughout the search process. Especially, application simplicity of the algorithm is attractive for the users. Results of the experimental study show that STLS generates high quality solutions and outperforms the basic tabu search, simulated annealing, and record-to-record travel algorithms which are well-known local search based metaheuristics.
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    A Hybrid Simulated Annealing For A Multi-Objective Stochastic Assembly Line Balancing Problem
    (2008) Cakir, Burcin; Dengiz, Berna; Altiparmak, Fulya; Xia, GP; Deng, XQ; 0000-0003-1730-4214; AAF-7020-2021
    Asssembly line balancing is the problem of assigning tasks to the workstations, while optimizing one or more objectives without violating restrictions imposed on the line. In practice, task times may be random due to the worker fatigue, low skill levels, job dissatisfaction, poorly maintained equipment, defects in raw material, etc. When stochastic task times are taken consideration in assembly lines, balancing procedure is more complex due to the probability of incompleteness of stations times in a given cycle time. In this study, a multi-objective simulated annealing algorithm (m_SAA) is proposed for single-model, stochastic assembly line balancing problem with the aim of minimizing of smoothness index and total design cost. To obtain Pareto-optimal solutions, m_SAA implements tabu list and a multinomial probability mass function approach. The effectiveness of the proposed m_SAA is comparatively investigated using another SA using weight-sum approach on the test problems. Computational results show that m_SAA with multinomial probability mass function approach is more effective than SA with weight-sum approach in terms of quality of Pareto-optimal solutions.
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    A hybrid ant colony optimization approach for the design of reliable networks
    (2007) Dengiz, B.; Altiparmak, F.; Belgin, O.; 0000-0003-1730-4214; 0000-0001-6702-2608; AAF-7020-2021; K-1080-2019
    This paper presents a new solution approach, which is a hybridization of ant colony optimization (ACO) and simulated annealing (SA), called (h_ACO) to design of communication networks. The design problem is to find the optimal network topology where total cost is minimum and all-terminal reliability is not less-than a given level of reliability. The effectiveness of the h_ACO is investigated comparing its results with those obtained by SA and ACO, which are basic forms of the h_ACO, and also GAs given in the literature for the design problem. Computational results show that the h_ACO is an effective heuristic approach to design of reliable networks.
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    A General Neural Network Model for Estimating Telecommunications Network Reliability
    (2009) Altiparmak, Fulya; Dengiz, Berna; Smith, Alice E.; 0000-0003-1730-4214; 0000-0001-8808-0663; AAF-7020-2021; AAK-2318-2021
    This paper puts forth a new encoding method for using neural network models to estimate the reliability of telecommunications networks with identical link reliabilities. Neural estimation is computationally speedy, and can be used during network design optimization by an iterative algorithm such as tabu search, or simulated annealing. Two significant drawbacks of previous approaches to using neural networks to model system reliability are the long vector length of the inputs required to represent the network link architecture, and the specificity of the neural network model to a certain system size. Our encoding method overcomes both of these drawbacks with a compact, general set of inputs that adequately describe the likely network reliability. We computationally demonstrate both the precision of the neural network estimate of reliability, and the ability of the neural network model to generalize to a variety of network sizes, including application to three actual large scale communications networks.