Mühendislik Fakültesi / Faculty of Engineering

Permanent URI for this collectionhttps://hdl.handle.net/11727/1401


Search Results

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    Development of A Financial Performance Benchmarking Model for Corporate Firms
    (2015) Ic, Yusuf Tansel; Tekin, Muhtesem; Pamukoglu, Fazil Ziya; Yildirim, S. Erdinc; 0000-0001-9274-7467; AGE-3003-2022; AGQ-5008-2022; AAI-1081-2020
    In this study, we developed a financial performance evaluation model to rank the corporate firms of 24 sectors in the Turkish economy. The developed model is based on the financial ratiosand Technique for Order Preference by Similiarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) approach. This model of ferscorporate firm's rating scores with respect to its competitors belonging to the same industry. The developed model is coded in Visual Basic and tested with real case studies. Financial performance evaluation rankings obtained from TOPSIS, Vise Kriterijumska Optimizacija I Kompromisno Resenje (VIKOR), Grey Relational Grade (GRA), and Multi-Objective Optimization on thebasis of Ratio Analysis (MOORA) methods were compared by using Spearman's rank correlation test. Based on the test results, it was found that the TOPSIS method is the most appropriate method for the evaluation of financial performance. An application is also provided in the paper for illustrative purposes.
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    Improvement of the Surface Quality in the Honing Process Using Taguchi Method
    (2016) Yurdakul, Mustafa; Gunes, Serkan; Ic, Yusuf Tansel; 0000-0001-9274-7467; 0000-0002-1562-5738; AGQ-5008-2022; AAA-6966-2021
    Steel cylinders are critical components of hydraulic systems and they are available in various diameters and thicknesses. Defects and discontinuities that remain on the inner body surfaces of the cylinders after turning operation can harm components that move inside the cylinders such as pistons and piston seals. Honing operation is commonly performed after turning operation as a finishing operation to improve inner surface quality of cylinders. Honing operation reduces surface roughness values to acceptable levels. The most critical parameters that are important in the honing operation are honing tool head forward speed, rotational speed of the tool and honing stone grain size. Optimizing these parameters will increase honing operation productivity and provide the best surface roughness values. This study aims to obtain the values of the most critical parameters that provide the best surface quality in the honing operation using Taguchi method.
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    Development of a Computer Application for Multi-Response Taguchi Optimization
    (2016) Ic, Yusuf Tansel; Duran, Hikmet; Kececi, Baris; Ilik, Emrecan; Bilgic, Berkan; 0000-0001-9274-7467; 0000-0002-2730-5993; AGE-3003-2022; F-1639-2011; AAI-1081-2020; AAC-4793-2019; AGQ-5008-2022
    In this study, a computer application has been developed for the parameter optimization problem having maximum three quality characteristics and three parameters having three levels for each parameter. When the quality characteristics and the level of the parameters affecting the problem are obtained, appropriate Taguchi array in accordance with an appropriate experimental design is determined by using the developed application. After the collection of the experimental results for the quality characteristics, multi-response optimization problem is converted to single response problem by using the TOPSIS method. In the developed application any parameter design problems having single, two or three quality characteristic can be optimized.
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    Determination of periodic inspection time in pressurized equipment exposed to fatigue by estimating the probability of fracture
    (2021) Sozen, Levent; Yurdakul, Mustafa; Ic, Yusuf Tansel; 0000-0001-9274-7467; AGE-3003-2022
    It is essential to inspect the pressurized equipment such as vessels, pipes, heat exchangers, boilers, etc., which are under the influence of variable load periodically to minimize the possibility of damage occurring or early disclosure of existing damage. These inspections may be carried out at fixed time intervals or can be carried out at determined intervals depending on a risk assessment that considers settlement of the equipment, operating conditions, and the potential danger of the equipment's chemical contained. Within the scope of this study, we evaluate the thin-walled pressurized equipment under variable internal pressure load. Special attention is crucial to the hot points where the stress is relatively high for inspection of fatigue-related damage on the equipment. We know that stress concentration factors are critical in welded zones in thin-walled pressure vessels. Therefore, the fatigue crack formation in the welded joints is more likely than the equipment's base metal. As a result of the study, we present the probability of time-dependent damage under the effect of fatigue caused by variable internal pressure for butt welded joints. Also, we propose a new approach for periodic control planning. As a case study, damage probabilities of the fuel or gas pipelines operating under variable pressure are calculated based on the diversity of the mentioned parameters, and a new approach is provided to determine the most suitable periodic inspection interval.
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    Analysis of the effect of the number of criteria and alternatives on the ranking results in applications of the multi criteria decision making approaches in machining center selection problems
    (2020) Ic, Yusuf Tansel; Yurdakul, Mustafa
    Multi criteria machining center selection models are widely used in the literature. In the applications of multi-criteria decision making models, machining center selection criteria are directly taken from catalogues. It is known that to have a ranking model sensitive to the weights of the selection criteria, it is especially important to limit the number of selection criteria to 7 +/- 2. A similar proposal can be put forward for the number of machining centers. In this study, whether or not reducing the number of criteria and alternative machining centers make the ranking results more sensitive to the changes in the criteria weights is studied using Spearman's rank correlation test. The study results show that the ranking results become more sensitive with a reduced number of criteria and alternative machining centers.
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    Development of an Innovative Product Using Axiomatic Design Methodology
    (2020) Uluturk, Ibrahim; Yurdakul, Mustafa; Ic, Yusuf Tansel
    In this study, axiomatic design methodology is applied to design an innovative rifle butt. The developed rifle butt model is sized to fit into common rifle types and ANSYS Workbench program is used for its structural analysis. So that, this study presents in detail a new product design and engineering process to develop a completely new product that satisfies customer requirements without copying any existing products designs.
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    An optimization for milling operation of Kevlar fiber-epoxy composite material using factorial design and goal programming methods
    (2019) Ic, Yusuf Tansel; Elaldi, Faruk; Kececi, Baris; Uzun, Gozde Onder; Limoncuoglu, Nur; Aksoy, Irem; 0000-0003-0592-6868; 0000-0002-2730-5993; AAI-1081-2020; AAG-5060-2019; F-1639-2011; AAC-4793-2019
    Kevlar fiber-epoxy composite material is extensively used in manufacturing areas because of the advantages of composite material's characteristics. It is usually processed by traditional machining methods but the drawbacks for determination of optimum cutting parameters might cause some material deformations during machining process. In this study, the cutting parameters are concurrently optimized by using the integrated 2k factorial design and goal programming methods for minimum delamination and minimum surface roughness of Kevlar fiber-epoxy composite and the best machining parameters have been obtained for the material. The results were compared with the results of the multi-criteria decision-based Taguchi methods.
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    Development of a decision support system to select materials for pressure vessels
    (2018) Ic, Yusuf Tansel; Balci, Arif; Yurdakul, Mustafa; AAI-1081-2020
    Improvements in technologies applied in material field and continual increase in the number of material types force to develop and use new approaches in material selection. In this paper, a multi-criteria decision support system, called MATSEL, is developed to make material selection decisions for pressure vessel components more thorough and inclusive. MATSEL consists of two separate stages. In the first elimination stage of the MATSEL, it obtains a feasible set of materials for a specified pressure vessel component. MATSEL, then, uses three different multi criteria approaches namely ELECTRE, TOPSIS and VIKOR in the second stage to rank the feasible materials. An overall total score is obtained by summing the rankings of every feasible material and MATSEL proposes the material with the lowest total score as the most suitable one for the specified component. In this study, the statistical similarities between the rankings are also calculated to analyze the differences between rankings if there are any. Instead of inputting the materials every time MATSEL is used, a material data base is formed with the usage of ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) and Ashby material selection diagrams for selection of alternative materials for the specified application.
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    Optimization of the Factors That are Critical in External Surface Grinding of Roller Followers Using Design of Experiments
    (2018) Ic, Yusuf Tansel; Gunay, Ezgi; Yurdakul, Mustafa; Mizrak, Haci Veli; Gunes, Serkan; AAI-1081-2020
    In this study, it is aimed to experimentally optimize the parameters of the grinding of external surface of the roller followers which are used in internal combustion engines to operate the inlet and exhaust valves. 2k factorial experimental design methodology is applied to optimize the grinding process such that after this last finishing operation the rollers' external surface quality and cycle time meets the customers' special and strict requirements. In the application of the experimental design methodology, the critical parameters that are important in the optimization of two different surface roughness values along with cycle time are first determined. Then, the values of critical parameters are calculated with the application of the multi-objective optimization of the two surface roughness measures and cycle time. As a result of the optimization, the surface roughness values that are important in the working of the roller followers and cycle time are improved.