Mühendislik Fakültesi / Faculty of Engineering
Permanent URI for this collectionhttps://hdl.handle.net/11727/1401
Item Nanoparticle Embedded Nanofiber Synthesis and Evaluation of Usability on Biomedical Applications(2018) Serdaroglu, Dilek Cokeliler; Korkusuz, Hilal K.; Karakaya, Mine; Donmez, Ilknur; Unal, Mehmet A.; Gunasekaran, Sundaram; 0000-0001-8607-5043; 0000-0001-6553-1273; GWU-9030-2022; AAD-2194-2019; AAQ-2457-2021When nalloparticks and nanofibers combined at the na oscrth, they could eremite new features in the material and therefore new areas of use. In this study, polyvinylpwroliclone (PM nanofibers containing Carbon nanoparticles produced by dense medium plasma technology have been fabricated via electro.spinning technique for the first time, a new class ofnanocomposite mat material has been prepared and wythatted jthr medical devices. A dense medium plasma technique is used far nallopcslicles sytithesis, which is P2OVel, COSI-effielePg, and fast techtiolo git when is compared with other common nanopthticles synthesis techniques. Carbon based nanoparticles are synthesized from an arc sustained in benzene (purity, 99.590 between iron electrodes by the lab madedense medium plasma systenl. The study first mentions the pl'OChIction of nanoparticles by a pressure tif8 bar argon gas for glow discharge in a period of 9 seconds using a 0.5 in electrode distance in a liquid environment huMume of benzene: 30 inti Then, separated carbon nanoparticles are integrated with the Picid nanqfiben' prOduCed by the electrospinning method Processing parameters of P1P nanofibers containittg carbon nefflopartic C (hanocompthites) are optimized with)thrious conditions such as polymer concentration: 7.8-8.0 %w/v, /Chic ofnuanoparticic to polymer solution: 1-3.9 mg ml, distance of electrode: 10-25 cm, processing time: 5-30 min-411 Samples are charaCterized by contact angle measurements, scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. At the same time, electrical conductivity of nanocomposite mats are tested for foreseeing usage in biomedical application. Results showed that carbon nttnopeattic les have diameters in 25 iL 5.4 Pun. New nefilOCOmposite matericdproduction is proven by, transmission electron microscopy. It is a super hydrophilic mat material ("static contact angle is lower than 10l). According to the optimization of processing parameters, the diameters of iumthcomposite fibers reach down to 150 +/-75 tan., tVanocomposite mat resistance is,found to be dramatically higher than that,for the bare PIT nanofiber mat resistance. According to these rendth usage in biomedical applicanon of new mcdericd w is diSCUSSed It has a great potential to use as biocompitible, light, insulator new material.Item Reduced Graphene Oxide/Carbon Nanotube/Gold Nanoparticles Nanocomposite Functionalized Screen-Printed Electrode for Sensitive Electrochemical Detection of Endocrine Disruptor Bisphenol A(2015) Wang, Yi-Cheng; Cokeliler, Dilek; Gunasekaran, Sundaram; 0000-0001-6553-1273; 0000-0001-6819-0400; AAQ-2457-2021; ABI-3183-2020We fabricated a highly sensitive electrochemical sensor for the determination of bisphenol A (BPA) in aqueous solution by using reduced graphene oxide (RGO), carbon nanotubes (CNT), and gold nanoparticles (AuNPs)-modified screen-printed electrode (SPE). GO/CNT nanocomposite was directly reduced to RGO/CNT on SPE at room temperature. AuNPs were then electrochemically deposited in situ on RGO/CNT-modified SPE. Under optimized conditions, differential pulse voltammetry (DPV) produced linear current responses for BPA concentrations of 1.45 to 20 and 20 to 1,490 nM, with a calculated detection limit of an ultralow 800 pM. The sensor response was unaffected by the presence of interferents such as phenol, p-nitrophenol, pyrocatechol, 2,4-dinitrophenol, and hydroquinone.