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    Oncological Outcomes For Encapsulated Papillary Carcinoma Of The Breast: Multicentric Study Of Turkish Society For Radiation Oncology Breast Cancer Study Group (TROD 06-014 Study)
    (2023) Gurdal, Necla; Yildirim, Berna Akkus; Gursel, Ozge Kandemir; Ozkurt, Selnur; Ibis, Kamuran; Gultekin, Melis; Tepetam, Huseyin; Gul, Sule Karabulut; Guzeloz, Zeliha; Oksuz, Didem Colpan; Cetin, Ilknur Alsan; Yalcin, Berrin; Duzova, Mursel; Kanyilmaz, Gul; Yavas, Guler; Ozsaran, Zeynep; 36464924
    BackgroundEncapsulated papillary carcinoma (EPC) is a rare malignant papillary breast cancer accounting for approximately .5%-2% of all breast tumors. The aim of this multicenter study was to evaluate clinicopathologic features of EPC in addition to oncological outcomes and radiotherapy (RT) details. MethodsFrom 10 different academic hospitals in Turkey, we obtained pathology reports of 80 patients with histologically confirmed EPC between 2005 and 2022. Demographic, diagnostic, and treatment data were collected from medical records, retrospectively. Local failure, distant progression, toxicity-adverse effects, overall survival (OS), and disease-free survival were evaluated, and survival analyzes were performed using the Kaplan-Meier method. ResultsEighty patients with the diagnosis of misspelled sorry (ECP) were retrospectively evaluated. The median age of the patients was 63 (range, 35-85). After a median follow-up of 48 (range; 6-206) months, local recurrence was observed in three patients (4%). Local recurrence was less common in the patients who received whole breast RT with a tumour bed boost (p = .025). There were not any distant metastasis or disease-related death. RT was applied to 61% of the cases, and no treatment-related grade 3 or higher toxicity was reported in any of the patients. Five year OS, cancer-specific survival (CSS), and were observed as 85%, 100%, and 96%, respectively. ConclusionsECP is a rare, slow-progressing breast carcinoma associated with good prognosis, it is a disease of elderly patient, and usually occurs in postmenopausal women. It responds extremely well to optimal local treatments and appropriate adjuvant treatments on a patient basis, and has excellent OS and CSS ratios.
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    Management of MRI-Detected Benign Internal Mammary Lymph Nodes
    (2022) Gunes, Gozde; Crivellaro, Priscila; Muradali, Derek; 0000-0003-0991-1380; 35924122; G-4374-2017
    Introduction In this retrospective study, we aimed to evaluate benign internal mammary lymph nodes (IMLNs) in terms of frequency, number, size, long axis/short axis (L/S) ratio, intercostal location, presence of fatty hilum, and stability using breast magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and discuss the findings by reviewing existing literature. Methods This single-center study consisted of 130 women between the ages of 24 and 76 years, who had at least two breast MRI examinations in our institution, with the latest exam performed between January 1, 2019 and November 1, 2019, were eligible for the study. MRIs of the study group were independently reviewed by two radiologists. Results IMLN was detected in 31.1% of the 427 MRIs, with a total number of 256 nodes. The most common indication for breast MRI was high-risk screening (66.2%). The median number of nodes per patient was 1 (range: 1-6). The median follow-up time was 19.5 months (range: 6-141 months). None of these benign nodes showed significant interval growth. Mean L/R ratio of the nodes was 1.9. One hundred and four nodes (n = 104, 40.6%) had a L/S ratio less than 2 and 43.2% (n = 45) of the nodes with a L/S ratio less than 2, had a long axis measuring less than or equal to 3mm. IMLN of patients with breast implants had the largest mean long axis. The fatty hilum was identified in 34.3% (n = 68) of the 256 nodes. The size of the lymph nodes where fatty hilum was visualized was significantly larger than the ones where fatty hilum was not visualized (p < 0.001). Fatty hilum could be visualized in only 2.7% of the nodes with a long axis smaller than 3 mm. Conclusion IMLN is a frequent finding on breast MRI. We have shown that benign IMLNs might be large sized in specific cases like patients with breast implants. When small sized (<= 3mm), they are more likely to be rounded (1/S ratio <2). The fatty hilum that is a feature of benignity might not be visualized in nodes less than or equal to3mm.
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    The Role of Combined Diffusion-Weighted Imaging and Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI for Differentiating Malignant From Benign Breast Lesions Presenting Washout Curve
    (2021) Tezcan, Sehnaz; Ozturk, Funda Ulu; Uslu, Nihal; Akcay, Eda Yilmaz; 32157892
    Purpose: The aim of this study is to evaluate the diagnostic performance of combined breast magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) protocol including dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI (DCE-MRI) and diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) in patients with enhancing lesions that demonstrated washout curve and to determine whether applying apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) cutoff value could improve the diagnostic value of breast MRI. Methods: The retrospective study included 116 patients with 116 suspicious breast lesions, which showed washout curve on DCE-MRI, who underwent subsequent biopsy. Morphologic characteristics on DCE-MRI and ADC values on DWI were evaluated. Apparent diffusion coefficient values and morphologic features of benign and malignant lesions were compared. Diagnostic values of DCE-MRI and combined MRI, including DCE-MRI and DWI (applying an ADC cutoff value) for distinguishing malignancy from benign lesions, were calculated. Results: Of the 116 breast lesions, 79 were malignant and 37 were benign. The ADC value of malignant tumors (median ADC, 0.72 x 10(-3) mm(2)/s) was significantly lower than that of benign lesions (median ADC, 1.03 x 10(-3) mm(2)/s; P < .000). The sensitivity and specificity of an ADC cutoff value of 0.89 x 10(-3) mm(2)/s were 92% and 95%, respectively. Dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI alone presented 100% sensitivity and 59.4% specificity. Adding an ADC cutoff value of 0.89 x 10(-3) mm(2)/s provided 100% sensitivity and 81% specificity, which would have prevented biopsy for 21.6% of benign lesions without missing any malignancies. Conclusion: Applying an ADC cutoff value to DCE-MRI provides an improvement in the diagnostic value of breast MRI for differentiating among lesions presenting washout curve.
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    Is Tamoxifen Use a Factor Affecting Continence in Breast Cancer Patients?
    (2019) Imamoglu, Goksen Inanc; Eren, Tulay; Arzu, Oguz; Yildirim, Nuriye; Karacin, Cengiz; Baylan, Burhan; 31632870
    Introduction: Tamoxifen treatment has been shown to reduce the recurrence and mortality rates in hormone receptor-positive breast cancers independent from chemotherapy. This benefit increases with the prolongation of the use of tamoxifen but with increasing side effects. In this study, we aim to evaluate the presence of urogenital symptoms in breast cancer patients on tamoxifen and compare them with those who are not on any hormonotherapy. Materials and methods: This study was performed on patients diagnosed as early-stage breast cancer. The study group consisted of hormone receptor-positive patients given tamoxifen as adjuvant hormonal therapy. The control group consisted of breast cancer patients who had no hormonotherapy. Patients with a complaint of urinary incontinence with onset after tamoxifen usage were evaluated with Urogenital Distress Inventory Short Form (UDI-6), Incontinence Impact Questionnaire Short Form (IIQ-7) and Incontinence Quality of Life Questionnaire (IQOL). Results: A total of 137 early-stage breast cancer patients were included in this study; 74 estrogen receptor-positive patients on tamoxifen therapy (study group) and 63 hormone receptor-negative patients with no hormonotherapy (control group). The median age was 44 (30-65) years for tamoxifen users and 49 (27-64) years for the control group. The stages of the patients were similar for both groups. 78.4% of the women in the tamoxifen group and 49.2% in the control group were in the premenopausal period. The groups were similar in regard to body mass index and parity. The complaint of urinary incontinence was more frequent in the study group compared to controls (39 (52.7%) vs. 5 (7.9%)). Women with the complaint of urinary incontinence were evaluated with self-reported UDI-6, IIQ-7 and I-QOL forms and the scores were similar for both study and control groups. A statistically significant relation was observed between cigarette smoking and the presence of urinary incontinence. The percentages of smokers were 50% of those with incontinence and 24.7% of those without incontinence. Conclusion: Urinary incontinence is positively correlated with tamoxifen usage in early-stage breast cancer patients.