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Item Effect of Suture Type and Suture Distance on Holding Strength in Nasal Septal Laceration Model(2021) Koycu, Alper; Hizal, Evren; Erol, Ozan; Buyuklu, Adnan Fuat; 0000-0003-1290-3509; 0000-0002-9699-6783; 0000-0002-4209-9403; 33912854; AAF-3650-2021; A-5853-2018Objective: Septal mucosal-perichondrial flaps can be lacerated during the elevation of the flaps. Appropriate repair of the lacerations is essential to prevent the development of septal perforation during the healing process. We aimed to determine the superior suture type and suture distance to use in repairing the lacerations of nasal septal mucosal-perichondrial flaps. Methods: The study used 128 nasal septal mucosal-perichondrial flaps prepared from sheep heads. Experimentally induced lacerations on the mucosal-perichondrial flaps were sutured with two interrupted sutures using one of four suture materials (4-0/5-0 Polyglactin 910, 4-0/5-0 Polydioxanone) and leaving either 5 mm or 10 mm distance between the sutures. Maximum tissue holding strength (HSmax) was measured for each suture material and suture distance used. Results: Mean HSmax values were higher for Polyglactin 910 sutures (p<0.001) and 10 mm suture distance (p=0.008) when the groups were compared in terms of suture material and suture distance, respectively. There was no statistically significant difference between the mean HSmax values of sutures with 4-0 and 5-0 diameters (p=0.057). Conclusion: Polyglactin 910 suture material with 10 mm space between two adjacent sutures may be more durable than the other suture materials when repairing nasal septal mucosal lacerations.Item The role of nasopharyngeal examination and biopsy in the diagnosis of malignant diseases(2019) Arslan, Necmi; Tuzuner, Arzu; Koycu, Alper; Dursu, Songul; Hucumenoglu, Sema; 0000-0003-1290-3509; 29807812Introduction: In direct proportion to the increasing rate of nasopharynx examinations applied, the early diagnosis and treatment of lesions in this region is possible. At times the clinical findings and the biopsy results are not consistent, so biopsies may have to be repeated. Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate the distribution of pathology test results obtained from cases of nasopharynx biopsy, to determine with which methods determination most often was made, and to investigate which kinds of cases required the biopsy to be repeated. Methods: The study included a total of 1074 patients (500 female, 574 male) who underwent nasopharyngeal biopsy in our clinic between June 2011 and June 2017. Data were obtained from patient records of age, gender, clinical findings, imaging findings if available and pathological diagnosis. The pathological diagnoses were separated into 3 main groups as chronic nasopharyngitis, benign cytology and malignant cytology. Results: The examinations resulted in 996 cases reported as chronic nasopharyngitis, 47 as benign cytology and 31 as malignant cytology. Of the 31 malignant lesions, diagnosis was made in 15 patients (48.4%) with a single biopsy, and in 16 patients (51.6%), as a result of the pathology report when 2 or more biopsies were taken. In the comparison of the benign and malignant lesions in respect of the need for repeated biopsies, the cases determined with malignancy were found to have a statistically significantly higher rate of repeated biopsy (p < 0.001). Conclusion: In comparison with cases of benign tumor, a statistically significantly greater number of repeated biopsies were required in cases diagnosed as malignant tumors to confirm the pathological diagnosis or when there was continued suspicion of malignancy. Therefore, when there is clinical suspicion, even if there are no findings of malignancy on the first biopsy, the biopsy should be repeated expeditiously. (C) 2018 Associacao Brasileira de Otorrinolaringologia e Cirurgia Cervico-Facial. Published by Elsevier Editora Ltda.Item Submandibular Gland Surgery: Our Clinical Experience(2016) Erbek, Selim Sermend; Koycu, Alper; Topal, Ozgul; Erbek, Hatice Seyra; Ozluoglu, Levent Naci; 0000-0002-2150-0237; 0000-0001-6305-5023; 29392010; AAI-8020-2021; ABI-6777-2020Objective: The aim of this study was to assess the demographic findings and surgical results of patients who underwent submandibular gland excision at a tertiary care center. Methods: The clinical characteristics and histopathological results of 45 patients who had undergone submandibular gland excision between 1997 and 2014 were evaluated in detail. Results: Twenty-eight (62.2%) and 17 (37.8%) patients presented with a complaint of a painful mass and painless mass, respectively. Histopathologic investigation of the surgical specimen revealed sialolithiasis in 14 patients (31.1%), chronic sialadenitis in 16 (35.6%), benign tumor in 12 (26.7%), malignant tumor in two (4.4%), and mucocele extravasation in one. As complications, permanent paralysis of the marginal mandibular branch of the facial nerve was seen in one patient (2.2%), temporary paralysis of the marginal mandibular branch of the facial nerve was seen in seven (15.6%), orocutaneous fistula was seen in one (2.2%), and temporary paralysis of the hypoglossal nerve was seen in one (2.2%). Conclusion: This study revealed that in patients presenting with complaints of a submandibular gland mass, sialolithiasis, sialadenitis, and benign masses were the mostly diagnosed pathologies. Transcervical submandibular gland excision is a satisfactory procedure with low complication and recurrence rates when it is performed on selected patients and obeyed to surgical techniques.Item A Rare Tumor in the Cervical Sympathetic Trunk: Ganglioneuroblastoma(2016) Erol, Ozan; Koycu, Alper; Aydin, Erdinc; 0000-0003-1290-3509; 0000-0001-6864-7378; 0000-0002-4209-9403; 27965907; AAF-3650-2021; AAJ-2379-2021Ganglioneuroblastoma is a rare tumor with moderate malignancy, which is composed of mature ganglion cells and seen in sympathetic ganglia and adrenal medulla. The diagnosis is possible after cytological and immunohistochemical studies following a needle biopsy or surgical excision. There is no consensus regarding the need for chemo-or radiotherapy after surgery. In this case report, clinical behavior and diagnosis and treatment of the rare tumor cervical ganglioneuroblastoma were discussed.