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Item Can We Identify "at-risk" Children and Adolescents for Poor Transplant Outcomes in the Psychosocial Evaluation Before Solid Organ Transplantation? The Reliability and Validity Study of Pediatric Transplant Rating Instrument (P-TRI) in Turkish Pediatric Renal Transplant Patients(2023) Taner, Hande Ayraler; Sari, Burcu Akin; Baskin, Esra; Karakaya, Jale; Gulleroglu, Kaan Savas; Kazanci, Nafia Ozlem; Haberal, Mehmet; 36447352BackgroundThis study aims to translate the Pediatric Transplant Rating Instrument (P-TRI) to conduct a validity and reliability study on Turkish children and define a cutoff value of this scale. MethodA total of 151 pediatric kidney transplant patients were included in the study. The files of the patients were reviewed by two clinicians, and the scale was filled for inter-rater reliability. One of the clinicians filled the scale again after one month for intra-rater reliability. Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and creatinine values were used for predictive validity. A GFR below Correlation of P-TRI with GFR (r = .252, p = .003) and creatinine (r = -.249, p = .002) was performed, and the internal consistency of the scale items as measured by Cronbach's alpha coefficient was found to be 0.825. When the test was performed again, the intra-class correlation coefficient was found as .922 for intra-rater reliability and as .798 for inter-rater reliability. For both creatinine and GFR, the best cutoff point for the total score was found to be 66.5. ConclusionsPatients who received P-TRI above 66.5 could be at risk in the post-transplant period. Identification of these patients before transplantation and following these young people more closely will aid in the prevention of serious consequences. The reliability and validity scores are satisfactory for use in transplantation clinics for psychosocial evaluation and compliance in Turkish pediatric renal transplantation patients.Item Efficacy of the Sonoelastography Method for Diagnosis of Fibrosis in Renal Transplant Patients(2022) Soudmand, Arash; Ozturk, Funda Ulu; Uslu, Nihal; Haberal, Nihan; Boyvat, Fatih; Moray, Gokhan; Haberal, Mehmet;; 29993356; AAJ-8097-2021Objectives: Although biopsy is the most important method for diagnosing the cause of renal allograft dysfunction, sonoelastography, a new ultrasonography method, can be used to distinguish between the soft or hard nature of lesions. In this study, our aim was to investigate whether sonoelastography could diagnose fibrosis in renal transplant patients. Materials and Methods: In this prospective study, we included patients over 18 years old who were recommended for clinical biopsy. Sonoelastographic evaluation was made by conducting acoustic radiation force impulse measurements for each patient after they were admitted to the clinic for biopsy. Measurements were performed just before the biopsy procedure. All results were examined by 2 experienced radiologists using the Siemens S3000 Ultrasound Machine (Erlangen, Germany). Comparisons of ultrasonographic values with biopsy results were made with SPSS software (SPSS: An IBM Company, version 20, IBM Corporation, Armonk, NY, USA). Results: Of the 65 patients included in this study, pathology showed acute T-cell-mediated rejection in 37 patients. There was a significant correlation between the pathologic Banff scores and the sonographic acoustic radiation force impulse values (P = .002), where the degree of Banff increased as the mean acoustic radiation force impulse values elevated. A rise in mean impulse values correlated with increased degree of interstitial fibrosis in renal allografts. Renal parenchymal echogenicity of patients significantly differed by sex (P = .009), with an average renal echogenicity of grade 1 in women and grade 0 in men. Also, a statistically significant difference was found between age of the renal transplant recipient and resistive index values. Conclusions: Our study showed a significant correlation between Banff degree and the acoustic radiation force impulse values of renal transplant patients. In addition to biopsy, sonoelastography can be beneficial for the diagnosis of fibrosis in renal transplant patients.Item Portal Venous Flow Alterations in Hepatic Artery Thrombosis Following Liver Transplant(2022) Tezcan, Sehnaz; Ozturk, Ozturk, Funda Ulu; Soy, Ebru Ayvazoglu; Uslu, Nihal; Haberal, Mehmet;;;; 30702049; AAC-5566-2019; AAJ-8097-2021Objectives: The hepatic vasculature is a unique system due to a dual supply that includes the hepatic artery and portal vein, which interact when the liver vascular supply is decreased. Hepatic artery buffer response, an intrinsic regulatory mechanism that compensates for blood supply, maintains increased hepatic artery flow and caliber in response to portal vein failure. Previous studies revealed that portal vein flow showed no alterations to establish adequate blood supply in response to hepatic artery occlusion. Here, we analyzed portal vein flow changes in patients with hepatic artery thrombosis after liver transplant. Materials and Methods: From December 1988 to October 2017, our center performed 580 liver trans plant procedures. Those diagnosed with hepatic artery thrombosis (19 females, 24 males) by Doppler ultrasonography during postoperative week 1 were analyzed. Patients received either surgery or endovascular treatment for hepatic artery thrombosis, with patency confirmed by Doppler ultrasonography. We compared portal vein flow velocity and caliber before and after treatment using Wilcoxon signed rank and Mann Whitney U tests. Results: Mean patient age was 18.9 +/- 21.4 years. Portal vein flow velocity pretreatment (median of 70 cm/s) was significantly higher than posttreatment (median of 52 cm/s) in all patients (P < .001). Median flow velocity decreased significantly after treatment when subgroups were compared, including age (adult vs child), transplant type (orthotopic transplant vs living donor), and treatment (surgery vs endovascular). However, portal vein flow velocity showed a significantly higher decrease in the surgery subgroup than in the endovascular treatment subgroup (P = .018). There was no significant relationship between portal vein calibers before and after treatment (P = .36). Conclusions: The significant decrease in portal vein flow velocity after successful treatment of hepatic artery thrombosis may represent a compensatory flow change of the portal vein in response to diminished hepatic artery flow.Item Effect Of Meal Intake For Evaluating Hepatic Artery By Doppler Ultrasonography In Liver Transplants: Does Fasting Matter For Screening Hepatic Artery Due To Hemodynamic Changes In Splanchnic Circulation?(2022) Ozturk, Funda Ulu; Tezcan, Sehnaz; Soy, Ebru Hatice Ayvazoglu; Uslu, Nihal; Haberal, Mehmet;;;;; 35419884; AAC-5566-2019; AAJ-8097-2021Purpose The aim of this study is to assess the utility of fasting on Doppler ultrasonography findings of hepatic artery in liver transplants. Methods Liver transplant patients without vascular abnormalities were prospectively evaluated between December 2017 and January 2020. Doppler sonography was used to describe hemodynamic changes in response to a standard meal. The diameter, peak systolic velocity, blood flow, resistive index (RI) of the main hepatic artery and portal vein peak velocity were measured. Results The mean hepatic arterial diameter of 44 patients was higher in the fasting group (4.5 mm) than in the postprandial group (3.3 mm) (p < .05). The mean hepatic arterial blood flow decreased (from .276 to .127 L/min) and hepatic arterial RI increased (from .66 to .71) following meal ingestion (p < .05). Hepatic arterial velocity was significantly lower and portal venous velocity was higher after oral intake. Conclusion Meal ingestion has an important effect on hepatic artery Doppler features in liver transplants. Therefore, Doppler ultrasound evaluation should be considered after appropriate fasting due to postprandial responses of liver transplant.Item Comparison of Mortality Rates in Patients Waiting for Liver Transplant and Patients With Colorectal Metastatic Tumors(2022) Erkent, Murathan; Aydin, H. Onur; Tezcaner, Tugan; Avci, Tevfik; Kavasoglu, Lara; Soy, Ebru H. Ayvazoglu; Yildirim, Sedat; Haberal, Mehmet; 0000-0002-3592-5092; 0000-0002-0664-5147; 0000-0002-0993-9917; 0000-0002-3462-7632; 35352633; CAA-2756-2022; AAJ-8219-2021; AAC-5566-2019; AAJ-8097-2021Objectives: We aimed to identify outcomes of liver surgery in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma and colorectal cancer, which result in primary and secondary liver tumors. Materials and Methods: Our study included 51 patients with colorectal cancer and liver metastases and 63 patients with hepatocellular carcinoma who were prepared for liver transplant due to cirrhosis who underwent hepatic resection or local ablation treatments; patients were seen between January 2011 and December 2021. Results: Most patients with colorectal cancer were men (58.8%). Mean age was 65.76 +/- 13.818 years (range, 27-88 y). Most patients had planned, elective surgery (86.3%). Neoadjuvant chemotherapy was administered to 58.8% of patients. The most common location of metastasis in the liver was in the right lobe (43.1%), and the most common surgery was low anterior resection (17 patients). During simultaneous liver surgery, 31 patients required metastasectomy and 7 patients required radiofrequency ablation plus metastasectomy. No deaths occurred in the early posttransplant period, and cumulative survival was 82.624 +/- 7.962 months. Disease-free survival was 45.2 +/- 7.495 months. Most patients with hepatocellular carcinoma were men (82.5%). Mean age was 58.73 +/- 17.428 years. Hepatocellular carcinoma lesions were mostly located in both the right and left lobes (23.8%). In the hepatocellular cancer group, 60.3% had transarterial chemoembolization and 42.9% had radiofrequency ablation. The primary surgical resection was metastasectomy (17.9%) because of multiple localized lesions. Median follow-up was 22 months (range, 1-126 mo). Overall survival was 101.898 +/- 7.169 months, with 10-year overall survival of 38%. Disease-free survival was 74.081 +/- 8.732 months, with 1-year and 5-year disease-free survival of 90.5% and 54%. Conclusions: Better survival was shown in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma than in patients with colorectal cancer. Therefore, more aggressive treatment options, as used in hepatocellular carcinoma, including liver transplant, may be options for patients with colorectal cancer.Item Posttransplant Pneumonia Among Solid Organ Transplant Recipients Followed in Intensive Care Unit(2022) Yesiler, Fatma Irem; Yazar, Cagla; Sahinturk, Helin; Zeyneloglu, Pinar; Haberal, Mehmet; 0000-0002-3887-0314; 0000-0003-0159-4771; 0000-0002-3462-7632; 34269656; AAJ-1419-2021; AAJ-8097-2021Objectives: Pneumonia is a significant cause of morbidity and mortality in solid-organ transplant recipients. We studied the demographic characteristics, respiratory management, and outcomes of solid-organ transplant recipients with pneumonia in an intensive care unit. Materials and Methods: There have been 2857 kidney, 687 liver, and 142 heart transplants performed between October 16, 1985, and February 28, 2021, at our center. We retrospectively analyzed records for 51 of 193 recipients with pneumonia during the posttransplant period between January 1, 2016, and December 31, 2018. Results: Fifty-one of 193 recipients were followed in the intensive care unit. Mean age was 45.4 +/- 16.6 years among 42 male (82.4%) and 9 female (17.6%) recipients. Twenty-six patients (51%) underwent kidney transplant, 14 (27.5%) liver transplant, 7 (13.7%) heart transplant, and 4 (7.8%) combined kidney and liver transplant. Most pneumonia episodes occurred 6 months after transplant (70.6%) with acute hypoxemic respiratory failure. Mean Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation System II score was 18.9 +/- 7.7, and the Sequential Organ Failure Assessment score was 8.5 +/- 3.9 at intensive care unit admission. Whereas 66.7% of pneumonia cases were nosocomial acquired, 33.3% were community acquired. The intensive care unit and 28-day mortality rates were 39.2% and 64.7%, respectively. Conclusions: Solid-organ transplant recipients with pneumonia have been associated with poor prognosis. Our cohort followed in the intensive care unit comprised mostly patients with nosocomial pneumonia with acute hypoxemic respiratory failure, hospitalized 6 months after transplant with high Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation System II scores predictive of mortality. In this high-risk patient group, careful follow-up, early discovery of warning signs, and rapid treatment initiation could improve the outcomes in the intensive care unit.Item A model for acute kidney injury in severe burn patients(2022) Karakaya, Emre; Akdur, Aydincan; Aydogan, Cem; Turk, Emin; Sayin, Cihat Burak; Soy, Ebru Ayvazoglu; Yucebas, Sait Can; Alshalabi, Omar; Haberal, Mehmet; 0000-0002-4879-7974; 0000-0002-8726-3369; 0000-0002-8726-3369; 0000-0002-0993-9917; 0000-0002-3462-7632; 33879373; AAD-5466-2021; AAA-3068-2021; AAA-3068-2021; AAC-5566-2019; AAJ-8097-2021Introduction: In patients with severe burns, morbidity and mortality are high. One factor related to poor prognosis is acute kidney injury. According to the AKIN criteria, acute kidney injury has 3 stages based on urine output, serum creatinine level, and renal replacement therapy. In this study, we aimed to create a decision tree for estimating risk of acute kidney injury in patients with severe burn injuries. Methods: We retrospectively evaluated 437 adult patients with >20% total burn surface area injury who were treated at the Baskent University Ankara and Konya Burn Centers from January 2000 to March 2020. Patients who had high-voltage burn and previous history of kidney disease were excluded. Patient demographics, medical history, mechanism of injury, presence of inhalation injury, depth of burn, laboratory values, presence of oliguria, need for renal replacement therapy, central venous pressure, and prognosis were evaluated. These data were used in a "decision tree method" to create the Baskent University model to estimate risk of acute kidney injury in severe burn patients. Results: Our model provided an accuracy of 71.09% for risk estimation. Of 172 patients, 78 (45%) had different degrees of acute kidney injury, with 26 of these (15.1%) receiving renal replacement therapy. Our model showed that total burn surface area was the most important factor for estimation of acute kidney injury occurrence. Other important factors included serum creatinine value, burn injury severity score, hemoglobin value, neutrophil-tolymphocyte ratio, and platelet count. Conclusion: The Baskent University model for acute kidney injury may be helpful to determine risk of acute kidney injury in burn patients. This determination would allow appropriate treatment to be given to high-risk patients in the early period, reducing the incidence of acute kidney injury. (c) 2021 Published by Elsevier Ltd.Item The Reality of Inadequate Patient Care and the Need for a Global Action Framework in Organ Donation and Transplantation(2022) Dominguez-Gil, Beatriz; Ascher, Nancy L.; Fadhil, Riadh A. S.; Muller, Elmi; Cantarovich, Marcelo; Ahn, Curie; Berenguer, Marina; Egawa, Hiroto; Gondolesi, Gabriel E.; Haberal, Mehmet; Harris, David; Hirose, Ryutaro; Ilbawi, Andre; Jha, Vivekanand; Lopez-Fraga, Marta; Madera, Sergio Andres; Najafizadeh, Katayoun; O'Connell, Philip J.; Rahmel, Axel; Shaheen, Faissal A. M.; Twahir, Ahmed; Van Assche, Kristof; Wang, Haibo; Haraldsson, Boerje; Chatzixiros, Efstratios; Delmonico, Francis L.; Busic, Mirela; 36279558Background. Transplant therapy is considered the best and often the only available treatment for thousands of patients with organ failure that results from communicable and noncommunicable diseases. The number of annual organ transplants is insufficient for the worldwide need. Methods. We elaborate the proceedings of the workshop entitled "The Role of Science in the Development of International Standards of Organ Donation and Transplantation," organized by the Pontifical Academy of Sciences and cosponsored by the World Health Organization in June 2021. Results. We detail the urgency and importance of achieving national self-sufficiency in organ transplantation as a public health priority and an important contributor to reaching relevant targets of the United Nations Agenda for Sustainable Development. It details the elements of a global action framework intended for countries at every level of economic development to facilitate either the establishment or enhancement of transplant activity. It sets forth a proposed plan, by addressing the technical considerations for developing and optimizing organ transplantation from both deceased and living organ donors and the regulatory oversight of practices. Conclusions. This document can be used in governmental and policy circles as a call to action and as a checklist for actions needed to enable organ transplantation as treatment for organ failure.Item Treatment of Posttransplant Hepatocellular Carcinoma Recurrence(2022) Haberal, Mehmet; Karakaya, Emre; Akdur, Aydincan; Soy, Ebru Ayvazoglu;;;; 35060449; AAJ-8097-2021; AAA-3068-2021; AAC-5566-2019Objectives: In patients who receive liver transplant to treat hepatocellular carcinoma, 10% to 15% posttransplant recurrence is observed. In the present study, we evaluated the long-term outcomes of patients who had received liver transplant for treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma. Materials and Methods: Of the 683 liver transplants that we performed, 72 were in response to hepatocellular carcinoma. The physical examination and laboratory and imaging results of the patients were retrospectively analyzed and recorded. The recipients were evaluated according to the Baskent criteria and divided into 2 groups: early diagnosis and late diagnosis. Results: Among 72 total patients in our study, 19 (26.3%) were pediatric recipients. Hepatocellular carcinoma recurred in 7 patients (9.7%; 5 adult, 2 pediatric). Except for one patient, all were in the late diagnosis group.The mean survival time of all patients was 137.45 +/- 10 months.The mean survival in the early diagnosis group was longer than in the late diagnosis group. During follow-up, 11 patients died from recurrence and distant metastasis. Conclusions: In patients with hepatocellular carcinoma who received liver transplant, we found that postoperative recurrence of hepatocellular carcinoma and distant metastasis can be treated with surgery and/or with interventional radiology methods, which may improve patient survival after liver transplant.Item Cervical Spinal Ependymoma With Hemorrhage in a Renal Transplant Patient(2022) Sahinturk, Fikret; Dere, Umit Akin; Kirnap, Mahir; Sonmez, Erkin; Altinors, Nur; Ozen, Ozlem; Haberal, Mehmet;;; 30251937; AAI-7972-2021; N-1435-2014Ependymomas are the most common intramedullary spinal tumors in adults and constitute around 20% of all spinal tumors in adults. There are 3 subgroups of ependymomas according to World Health Organization classification: subependymoma or myxopapillary (grade 1), ependymoma (grade 2), and anaplastic (grade 3). Therapy for patients is aimed at safe and total surgical removal and, in selected cases, postoperative radiotherapy. Bleeding from a spinal ependymoma, with subsequent urgent surgery, is extremely rare. Here, we present a case of a renal transplant patient who had a cervical ependymoma. Although a considerable volume of peritumoral blood was observed during surgery, the patient had no neurologic deficits and no signs of deterioration.