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    Analysis of the relationship between tuberculosis-related mortality and nitrous oxide emission levels in the world with the environmental Kuznets curve method
    (2022) Torun, Serife; Yilmaz, Kadir; Ozkaya, Sevket; Yosunkaya, Sebnem; Akcay, Sule; 36326361
    Background/aim: It was aimed to analyze the relationship between tuberculosis-related mortality and nitrous oxide emission levels in the world with the Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) Method. Materials and methods: WHO ICD-10 mortality list data and the World Bank Country Data (WBCD) were used between 1997 and 2017 for 12 countries. Cubic regression analysis was used for EKC Analysis. Results: The difference between male and female deaths between 1996 and 1998 has increased sharply since 1999. Male deaths consistently occurred significantly more than female deaths. There was a significant and negative correlation between Nitrous oxide emissions (% change from 1990) and tuberculosis-related deaths, whereas there were significant and positive correlations between Nitrous oxide emissions in the energy sector (% of total) and tuberculosis-related deaths (p < 0.01). EKC analysis results showed that there is a U shaped between tuberculosis-related mortality and nitrous oxide emission levels in the world. Conclusion: Research results show that the relationship between nitrous oxide change and mortality is negative in the short term and positive in the long term. Therefore, although nitrous oxide gases cause respiratory diseases and mortality, it may be possible to transform a harmful environmental factor into a positive by developing devices or methods that will convert these gases into free radicals.
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    Investigation of cochlear microphonics recorded with different stimulus types
    (2022) Guneser, Ozgecan; Yigit, Ayse Arzu; Alniacik, Asuman; Yanarates, Kursat; Cakmak, Eda; 0000-0001-5837-6877; 36326414; C-2636-2017
    Background/aim: Electrocochleography (ECochG), one of the first defined tests under auditory evoked potentials, is a total electrical response of inner and outer hair cells inside the cochlea and auditory nerve record technique to the presence of an acoustic stimulus. These records can be used in Meniere disease and auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder diagnosis, intraoperative monitoring. In addition, the presence of cochlear microphonics plays a crucial role in auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder diagnosis. In our study, healthy individuals were tested with extratimpanic electrocochleography record method via Click and LS CE-Chirp stimulus, and the results were compared to the age, sex, and noise sensitivity categories. Materials and methods: This study had executed at Baskent University, Faculty of Health Sciences Audiology laboratory. The study group consisted of 42 volunteers between 18 and 40 years old. To understand the suitability of volunteers, pure tone audiometry, tympanometry, and transient otoacoustic emission tests were performed. Individuals with no hearing loss were tested with 100 dBnHL intensity level via click and LS CE-Chirp stimulus. The obtained values were statistically evaluated in the SPSS 23.0 program in accordance with the data distribution. An independent sample t-test was used for data showing normal distribution, and Mann-Whitney U test was used for data not showing normal distribution. The level (p < 0.05) was considered statistically significant for all analyses performed. Results: Cochlear microphonic amplitudes recorded with click and LS CE-Chirp stimuli were higher in males than in females (p = 0.051 and p = 0.001, respectively). When the age groups were evaluated, no difference was observed in the CM amplitudes obtained with both click and LS CE-Chirp stimuli. There was no correlation between age and CM amplitudes. Additionally, it was determined that the CM amplitudes recorded with the click stimulus in individuals with noise sensitivity were higher than those without noise sensitivity (p = 0.051). Conclusion: It is thought that the ECochG amplitudes of different gender, different age, and different noise sensitivity, which are the results of our study, can be used in the diagnosis of diseases such as auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder.
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    The Mediating Role of Organisational Cynicism on the Relationship Between Technostress and Job Performance: A Research on Teachers
    (2022) Yalcin, Rukiye Can; Gokmen, Yunus; Erdem, Haluk; Turen, Ufuk
    This study's primary purpose is to examine organisational cynicism's mediating role in the relationship between technostress and job performance. Data are obtained from 234 teachers working in public and private schools in Turkey. In the study, correlation and regression analyses have been performed to determine the relationships and effects between variables, and the structural equation model has been used to verify the scales of the variables. In addition, the mediation role in the study has been examined with the bootstrap test in the Process module. Findings show that the validity and reliability of the scales are ensured by the results of commonly used validity and reliability analysis methods. Additionally, technostress and organisational cynicism decrease job performance and technostress significantly increase organisational cynicism. Further mediation analysis reveals that organisational cynicism partially mediates the relationship between technostress and job performance.
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    Pathology, Classification, Clinical Manifestations and Prognosis of Langerhan's Cell Histiocytosis: A Single Center Experience
    (2022) Hasbay, Bermal; Kocer, Nazim Emrah; Kayaselcuk, Fazilet; Canpolat, Emine Tuba; Buyukkurt, Nurhilal; Erbay, Ayse
    Objective: The aim of the study is to raise awareness about clinical features, histopathological and radiological analyzes and treatment details of this rare disease. Methods: A total of 55 Langerhans cell histiocytosis patients, diagnosed between the year 2006 and October 2020 in our department were included in the study. The patients were evaluated in terms of age, gender, tumor localization, risk groups, treatment modalities, recurrence, and outcome of the disease. Results: Twenty-three out of 55 patients were children and 32 were adults. The ages of the patients were between 7 months and 72 years. Thirty-seven of the cases were male and 18 were female. The most common clinical complaint in both groups was pain and swelling. The duration between the onset of the patient complaints and admission to the hospital varies between 7 days-12 months in children, and 10 days-23 years in adults. Forty-three of the cases had single organ involvement and 12 had multiorgan involvement. The most frequently affected organ in both groups was bone. Forty of the 55 patients had follow-up data and the treatment modalities are as follows: Nine patients radiotherapy, 8 patients chemotherapy+steroid, 7 patients chemotherapy, 2 patients chemotherapy+radiotherapy+steroid, 1 patient steroid, 2 patients chemotherapy+radiotherapy. Eleven patients were followed up without additional treatment after surgery. Median follow-up from the time of biopsy was 45.9 months in children and 41.9 months in adults. Conclusions: As a result, diagnosis requires a high degree of suspicion and final diagnosis is based on the histological examination of the lesions and biopsies.
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    The Relationship Between Dietary Intakes and Total Kidney Volume in Patients with Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease Dietary Intake and Polycystic Kidney Volume
    (2022) Sevim, Yonca; Cebeci, Egemen; Ozkan, Ozlem Persil; Savas, Yildiray; Ozturk, Savas; Kiziltan, Gul
    Aim: There is a need to understand autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) patients' dietary habits since dietary interventions may have potential effects on ADPKD. In this study, we aimed to analyze the relationship between dietary nutrient intake and total kidney volume (TKV).Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted on 54 ADPKD patients recruited from the Nephrology outpatient clinic between June and July 2014. TKV was determined by magnetic-resonance imaging and general characteristics, biochemical and urinary parameters were determined. The nutrient intakes of patients were calculated using the three-day dietary records obtained on three consecutive days.Results: The total kidney-volume median was found to be 1407 mL. Patients' total dietary energy and protein intakes were 25.8 +/- 9.4 kcal/kg, 0.9 +/- 0.3 g/kg, respectively. The percentage of carbohydrates, protein, and fat in energy was 49 +/- 7%, 14 +/- 3%, 37 +/- 7%, respectively. The mean intakes of thiamin, riboflavin, B6, calcium, magnesium, and zinc were sufficient, the mean dietary potassium intake was insufficient; and sodium intake was excessive in both sexes. In females, there was a negative but weak correlation between dietary vitamin C intake and TKV. In males, a negative but weak correlation was found between TKV and dietary intake of fiber, water, vitamin B6, vitamin K, magnesium, and iron. Conclusions: Dietary micronutrient intake may affect TKV according to sex.
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    Which has an Influence on Mean Platelet Volume: Allergic Rhinitis or Asthma?
    (2022) Senol, Handan Duman; Ozdogru, Emine Ece; Sancakli, Ozlem; Dogru, Mahmut; Tuncel, Tuba
    Aim: Bronchial asthma and allergic rhinitis are mediated by similar allergic inflammatory mechanisms. Platelets play a role in allergic reactions which are inflammatory processes. The mean platelet volume (MPV) is a marker of platelet activation. This study aimed to investigate MPV value differences between children with allergic rhinitis during symptomatic or asymptomatic periods to determine whether MPV is a useful indicator of inflammation in allergic rhinitis. Materials and Methods: The records of those patients with allergic rhinitis were analyzed retrospectively. Patients over two years of age who had complete blood count results from both their asymptomatic and the symptomatic periods were included in this study. Clinical characteristics (age, age at diagnosis, symptoms, and comorbid allergic diseases) and laboratory data (thrombocyte count, MPV, white blood cell count, eosinophil count, and percentage, immunoglobulin E level, and skin prick test results) were recorded from the patient files and the hospital registry system. Results: MPV values during the symptomatic periods were statistically significantly higher than those from the asymptomatic period (p<0.001) in all patients. When the patients were grouped according to having asthma or not, MPV was found to be higher in the symptomatic period compared to the asymptomatic period in the group with asthma, but there was no difference between these two periods in the group without asthma (p=0.017, p=0.102 respectively). Additionally, MPV levels were significantly higher in the asthma group during both the symptomatic and the asymptomatic periods (p=0.04, p=0.013, respectively). Conclusion: This study suggests that MPV cannot be used as an inflammation indicator in the symptomatic period for patients with allergic rhinitis. Asthma influences MPV values. It is recommended to conduct more detailed and prospective studies to show MPV inflammation in AR.
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    New formulations for multiple traveler minimum latency problem with time windows
    (2022) Uzun, Gozde Onder; Kara, Imdat; ABH-1078-2021
    In this paper, new mathematical models for homogeneous and heterogeneous multiple traveler minimum latency problem with time windows (kLPTW), named as M2 and M4 are developed. These models are computationally compared with existing models named as M1 and M3 for kLPTW in terms of CPU times and percentage deviation from linear programming relaxation values. A short summary of the computational analysis is given in table A below. In Table A, k is the number of travelers. The first column under the number of traveler cell shows the average CPU times of problems solved in time limit and the second column shows the average percentage deviations. We observed that, our formulations are superior than the existing formulations for all the problems for both kLPTW types with respect to each performance criteria. Purpose: The aim of this study is to develop new mathematical formulations for homogeneous and heterogeneous multiple traveler minimum latency problem with time windows. Theory and Methods: Based on the mixed integer linear programming, mathematical models with polynomial number of decision variables and constraints are developed. Benchmark instances from the literature are solved with existing formulations and proposed new formulations by using CPLEX CPU times and percentage deviation from linear programming relaxation values are considered as performance criteria. Results: We solved 125 problems with varying number of nodes and time windows. In all the problem solved proposed formulations are better than the existing formulations in terms of both of the performance criteria. Conclusion: The proposed formulations for homogeneous and heterogeneous multiple traveler minimum latency problem with time windows are superior than the existing formulations and able to solve the problems up to 100 nodes with narrow time windows. Proposed formulations may be used to solve small and moderate real-life problems very easily. They may also be used for testing the performance of the heuristics constructed for kLPTW.
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    Cost-of-disease of Heart Failure in Turkey: A Delphi Panel-based Analysis of Direct and Indirect Costs
    (2022) Cavusoglu, Yuksel; Altay, Hakan; Aras, Dursun; Celik, Ahmet; Ertas, Fatih Sinan; Kilicaslan, Baris; Nalbantgil, Sanem; Temizhan, Ahmet; Ural, Dilek; Yildirimturk, Ozlem; Yilmaz, Mehmet Birhan; 35872647
    Background: Heart failure (HF) is considered a significant public health issue with a substantial and growing epidemiologic and economic burden in relation to longer life expectancy and aging global population Aims: To determine cost-of-disease of heart failure (HF) in Turkey from the payer perspective. Study Design: Cross-sectional cost of disease study. Methods: In this cost-of-disease study, annual direct and indirect costs of management of HF were determined based on epidemiological, clinical and lost productivity inputs provided by a Delphi panel consisted of 11 experts in HF with respect to ejection fraction (EF) status (HF patients with reduced EF (HFrEF), mid-range EF (HFmrEF) and preserved EF (HFpEF)) and New York Heart Association (NYHA) classification. Direct medical costs included cost items on outpatient management, inpatient management, medications, and non -pharmaceutical treatments. Indirect cost was calculated based on the lost productivity due to absenteeism and presenteeism. Results: 51.4%, 19.5%, and 29.1% of the patients were estimated to be HFrEF, HFmrEF, and HFpEF patients, respectively. The total annual direct medical cost per patient was $887 and non-pharmaceutical treatments ($373, 42.1%) were the major direct cost driver. Since an estimated nationwide number of HF patients is 1,128,000 in 2021, the total annual national economic burden of HF is estimated to be $1 billion in 2021. The direct medical cost was higher in patients with HFrEF than in those with HFmrEF or HFpEF ($1,147 vs. $555 and $649, respectively). Average indirect cost per patient was calculated to be $3,386 and was similar across HFrEF, HFmrEF and HFpEF groups, but increased with advanced NYHA stage. Conclusion: Our findings confirm the substantial economic burden of HF in terms of both direct and indirect costs and indicate that the non-pharmaceutical cost is the major direct medical cost driver in HF management, regardless of the EF status of HF patients.
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    Clinicopathological Evaluation of Childhood Sacrococcygeal Germ Cell Tumors: A Single-Center Experience
    (2022) Hasbay, Bermal; Canpolat, Tuba; Aktekin, Elif; Ozkan, Hasan; Kekec, Senay Demir; 35781237
    Objective: We aimed to evaluate the cases of sacrococcygeal germ cell tumors diagnosed in our hospital between 2006 and June 2021. Materials and Methods::We evaluated 38 sacrococcygeal germ cell tumors cases in our series in terms of age, sex, clinical complaints, localization, macroscopy, tumor size, histopathological diagnosis, surgical, postoperative complications, treatment, recurrence, and prognosis. Results: The cases ranged from 1 day to 16 years of age; 14 cases were diagnosed with routine ultrasonographic examination during prenatal period while the rest of the cases most frequently presented with complaints of constipation. In terms of localization, 6 cases were type 1, 11 cases were type 2, 6 cases were type 3, and 15 cases were type 4. In the pathological evaluation, 25 cases were mature teratoma, 8 cases were immature teratoma, and 5 cases were pure yolk-sac tumor. In terms of complications, temporary colostomy was performed as a result of rupture during birth in 2 cases, disseminated intravascular coagulation at birth in 1 case, and colon injury in 2 cases. There was a recurrence in 2 of our cases. Thirty-seven of our cases were alive and 1 died. Alpha-fetoprotein level was high in 28 of our cases. Conclusion: In our series, type 4 cases were observed more frequently, contrary to the literature. We recommend to use a routine ultrasonography to patients who come to the clinic with complaints of constipation and inability to urinate and if a mass is detected, asking for alphafetoprotein for further follow-up. Sacrococcygeal germ cell tumors are ultimately a disease that can be successfully treated with multidisciplinary approach, accurate diagnosis in the antenatal and postnatal period, appropriate surgical intervention, and regular follow-up.