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    Ultrasound-Guided Multisite Transversus Abdominis Plane Block For The Treatment Of Scar-Caused Neuropathic Pain In A Child
    (2022) Araz, Coskun; Kayhan, Zeynep; Demir, Tugba A. C. E. R.;; 35848813; E-4455-2019
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    Pain Management of a Critically Ill Oldest-old Trauma Patient with Multiple Rib Fractures in Intensive Care Unit
    (2022) Yazar, Cagla; Yesiler, Fatma Irem; Sahinturk, Helin; Araz, Coskun; Zeyneloglu, Pinar; 0000-0002-3887-0314; 0000-0002-0612-8481; 0000-0003-0159-4771; AAJ-4212-2021; AAJ-1419-2021
    Rib fracture due to blunt chest trauma is a painful condition with high morbidity and mortality and it is two times prevalent among the elderly compared to young people. If adequate an analgesic treatment is not administered, respiratory complications, need for mechanical ventilation, and length of stay in intensive care unit may increase. Erector spinal plane (ESP) block is a regional unaesthetic method that can provide effective analgesia in the unilateral thoracic region. In this study, we present ESP block, which is used successfully in pain management of a critically ill old patient with multiple rib fractures.
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    Abdominal Problems in Children with Congenital Cardiovascular Abnormalities
    (2015) Guney, Lutfi Hakan; Araz, Coskun; Beyazpinar, Deniz Sarp; Arda, Irfan Serdar; Arslan, Esra Elif; Hicsonmez, Akgun; 26185717
    Background: Congenital cardiovascular abnormality is an important cause of morbidity and mortality in childhood. Both the type of congenital cardiovascular abnormality and cardiopulmonary bypass are responsible for gastrointestinal system problems. Aims: Intra-abdominal problems, such as paralytic ileus, necrotizing enterocolitis, and intestinal perforation, are common in patients who have been operated or who are being followed for congenital cardiovascular abnormalities. Besides the primary congenital cardiovascular abnormalities, ischemia secondary to cardiac catheterization or surgery contributes to the incidence of these problems. Study Design: Cross-sectional study. Methods: In this study, we aimed to screen the intra-abdominal problems seen in patients with congenital cardiovascular abnormalities who had undergone surgical or angiographical intervention(s). Patients with congenital cardiovascular abnormalities who had been treated medically or surgically between 2000 and 2014 were analyzed retrospectively in terms of intra-abdominal problems. The patients' demographic data, type of congenital cardiovascular abnormalities, the intervention applied (surgical, angiographic), the incidence of intra-abdominal problem(s), the interventions applied for the intra-abdominal problems, and the results were evaluated. Results: Fourteen (Group I) of the 76 patients with congenital cardiovascular abnormalities diagnosis were operated due to intra-abdominal problems, and 62 (Group II) were followed-up clinically for intra-abdominal problems. In Group I (10 boys and 4 girls), 11 patients were aged between 0 and 12 months, and three patients were older than 12 months. Group II included 52 patients aged between 0 and 12 months and 10 patients older than 12 months. Cardiovascular surgical interventions had been applied to six patients in Group I and 40 patients in Group II. The most frequent intra-abdominal problems were necrotizing enterocolitis and intestinal perforation in Group I, and paralytic ileus in Group II. Seven of the Group I patients and 22 of the Group II patients died. The patients who died in both groups had more than three congenital cardiovascular abnormalities in the same patient, and 80% of these patients had been operated for congenital cardiovascular abnormalities. Conclusion: The gastrointestinal system is involved in important complications experienced by patients with congenital cardiovascular abnormalities. The mortality rate was higher in operated patients due to gastrointestinal complications. Gastrointestinal complications are more frequent in patients with cyanotic anomalies. The presence of more than one congenital cardiovascular abnormality in a patient increased the mortality rate.
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    A Case of Compartment Syndrome in the Hand Secondary to Intravenous Fluid Application
    (2015) Araz, Coskun; Cetin, Secil; Didik, Melek; Seyhan, Sevgi Balli; Komurcu, Ozgur; Arslan, Gulnaz; 27366481
    Compartment syndrome of the extremities is a rare but potentially devastating condition. Anaesthetic and analgesic drugs used in the perioperative period may cause a delayed diagnosis by preventing the symptoms from appearing, and irreversible complications can occur. In this report, a case of compartment syndrome secondary to vascular access and its treatment in a morbidly obese patient who underwent abdominoplasty was presented.
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    Anaesthesia Management of a Patient with Factor XI Deficiency
    (2016) Adibelli, Bilgehan; Araz, Coskun; Ersoy, Zeynep; Kayhan, Zeynep; 0000-0002-4927-6660; 0000-0003-0767-1088; 0000-0003-0579-1115; 27366578; AAJ-4576-2021; AAF-3066-2021; AAJ-4623-2021
    Factor XI deficiency is an extremely rare disease presenting no clinical symptoms, unless there is an inducing reason such as trauma or surgery. Normally, factor levels are in the range of 70-150 U dL-1 in healthy subjects. Although no clinical symptoms are seen, only high levels of aPTT can be found. Once a prolongation is detected in aPTT, factor XI deficiency should be suspected and factor levels should be analysed. With careful preoperative preparations in factor-deficient people, preoperative and postoperative complications can be decreased. In this case report, management of anaesthesia during total hip arthroplasty of a patient with factor XI deficiency is presented.
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    Herpes Zoster Brachial Plexopathy: Direct Steroid Injection
    (2017) Araz, Coskun; Askin, Suna; Yilmaz, Cem; 0000-0002-2353-8044; 0000-0002-4927-6660; 27560523; AAK-2948-2021; AAJ-4576-2021
    Herpes zoster (shingles) is a viral disease, characterized by painful skin eruptions and neuropathic sensory symptoms. Motor involvement and brachial plexus involvement in herpes zoster are rare conditions. Together with antiviral medication and pain therapy, palliative and supportive modalities take an important role in the treatment of herpes zoster. It is well documented in previous reports that oral or intravenous steroid administrations may be additive in management. In this case report, positive effects of direct steroid injection onto the brachial plexus via ultrasonography guidance in a patient with motor weakness due to herpes zoster involvement of brachial plexus is presented.
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    Ambulatory colonoscopy under sedoanalgesia in adult patients with and without irritable bowel syndrome: A prospective, cross-sectional, and double-blind comparison
    (2018) Tuncali, Bahattin; Araz, Coskun; Celebi, Arzu; 29755018
    Background/Aims: it is unclear whether patients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) require a high dose of sedatives during colonoscopy. In this study, we investigated the pre-procedural anxiety levels, sedative consumption, procedure times, complications, and patient's satisfaction between patients with IBS and controls for ambulatory colonoscopy under sedation. Materials and Methods: Rome III criteria were used in the diagnosis of IBS. Anxiety levels were measured using Spielberger's State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) and Beck Anxiety Inventory (BA/). Patients received a fixed dose of midazolam (0.02 mg/kg), fentanyl (1 mu g/kg), ketamine (0.3 mg/kg), and incremental doses of propofol under sedation protocol. Demographic data, heart rate, blood pressure, and oxygen saturation were measured. Procedure times, recovery and discharge times, drug doses used, complications associated with the sedation, and patient's satisfaction scores were also recorded. Results: The mean Trait (p=0.015), State (p=0.029), Beck anxiety scores (p=0.018), the incidence of disruptive movements (p=0.044), and the amount of propofol (p=0.024) used were significantly higher in patients with IBS. There was a decline in mean systolic blood pressure at the 6th minute in patients with IBS (p=0.026). No association was found between the sedative requirement and the anxiety scores. Conclusion: Patients with IBS who underwent elective colonoscopy procedures expressed higher pre-procedural anxiety scores, required more propofol consumption, and experienced more disruptive movements compared with controls. On the contrary, the increased propofol consumption was not associated with the increased pre-procedural anxiety scores.