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    A New Modeling Approach for Stability of Micro/Nano Bubbles
    (2021) Dogan, Mustafa; Bunyatova, Ulviya; Ferhanoglu, Onur
    Microbubbles and nanobubbles have several characteristics that are comparable with millimeter- and centimeter-sized bubbles. These characteristics are their small size, which results in large surface area and high bioactivity, low rising velocity, decreased friction drag, high internal pressure, large gas dissolution capacity, negatively charged surface, and ability to be crushed and form free radicals. Controlling and modeling fundamental properties such as nucleation and of the dynamics of these bubbles is key to successfully exploiting their potential in the growing number of applications such as biomedical diagnosis and therapy, antimicrobial in aquaculture, environment, engineering, stock raising and marine industry. Laser-generated bubble dimensions can be characterized with an optical setup employing a high power continuous wave green laser for bubble generation. In this work, non-resonant, self-excited due to structurally nonlinear properties of the hydrogel, bubble formation was modeled as functions of well-controlled parameters of the colloidal media that is multi-layered and anisotropic, engineered uniquely. Copyright (C) 2021 The Authors.
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    Objective Pain Assessment Using Vital Signs
    (2020) Erdogan, Burak; Ogul, Hasan
    Pain is considered as an emotional experience and unrestful feeling associated with tissue damage. The feeling of pain occurs when the interpretation starts in brain; as a signal is sent through nerve fiber to the brain. Pain allows the body to prevent further tissue damage. Since there are different ways of expressing and feeling pain, the experience of pain is unique for everybody. In this respect, objective pain assessment is a key step and a major challenge in proper management of pain in different individuals. In this study, we offer a computational solution for objective assessment of pain using vital signs. To this end, we have reported the prediction for existence of pain by calculating the performances of several computational methods that take the sequence of vital signs acquired until pain observation as input. We claim that the use of computational intelligence methods can encourage computer-aided monitoring of pain in a hospitalized environment to a certain degree. (C) 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
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    Explaining intrapreneurial behaviors of employees with perceived organizational climate and testing the mediating role of organizational identification: A research study among employees of Turkish innovative firms
    (2014) Tastan, Secil Bal; Gucel, Cem
    This study examines perceived organizational climate and organizational identification as potential antecedents of employees' intrepreneurial behaviors. In particular, the study suggests positive relationships between perceived organizational climate components-structural support and recognition-and intrepreneurial behaviors construct. In addition, employees' organizational identification is suggested to have a mediating role on the relationship between organizational climate and intrepreneurial behaviors. The survey of this study is performed among employees working in high performing and innovative firms operating in White Good Manufacturing, Food and Drink, Telecommunication, and Textile industries in Turkey. The obtained data from the questionnaires are analyzed through the SPSS statistical packaged software. Analyses results revealed that both dimensions of organizational climate (structural support and organizational recognition) significantly and positively related to intrepreneurial behaviors and perceived organizational identification mediate the effects of the organizational climate on the intrepreneurial behaviors construct. (C) 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
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    A study of middle grade students' performances in mathematical pattern tasks according to their grade level and pattern presentation context
    (2014) Altay, Mesture Kayhan; Akyuz, Esra Ozdemir; Erhan, Gonul Kurt
    The aim of the study is to investigate the Turkish middle grade students' performances in mathematical pattern tasks. It also aimed at revealing the differences in students' performances in terms of their grade level and pattern presentation contexttable, shape, word problem and numeric sequences. The study was conducted with two sixth, two seventh, and one eighth grade class from a private school located in the district of Cankaya in Ankara, Turkey. This study is a descriptive study which is aimed to describe some characteristics of the current sample. To collect the data a "mathematical pattern achievement test" (MPAT) was used. (C) 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
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    How Elementary School Principals' Change Tendencies Are Related With Their Opinion About Curriculum Change
    (2014) Altun, Sadegul Akbaba; Buyukkurt, Sener
    Leadership is important in change process and change management. Turkish educational system is undergoing a constant change. One of those changes was the change of the elementary school curricula, which had been accepted in the 2004-2005 academic year. Therefore, it is important to understand how school principals, as the persons who are in charge of this change, handle this process. In this respect, this study was aimed to determine school principals' tendencies toward change. Furthermore, it will also be explored whether those tendencies show any significant differences on some variables. Finally, having incorporated school principals' views on curriculum, school principals' change tendencies will be interpreted within this change phenomenon. This study was designed with a mixed methodology. In order to understand school principals' tendencies toward change, a change tendency scale, developed by Akbaba-Altun and Buyukozturk (2011), was utilized. In addition, school principals were asked to narrate their opinions regarding the changed curricula and its reflections on practice. The quantitative data were analysed through descriptive and interpretive analysis whereas the qualitative data were analysed through content analysis. A total of 179 elementary school principals joined the quantitative part of this study, whereas 154 of them participated in the qualitative one. It was observed that school principals were generally homogenous in their change tendencies. Within this context, this finding was supported by the qualitative data, as well. (C) 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
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    School Entry Age: 66 Months of Age for Literacy Skills
    (2014) Sert, Nehir
    The new Compulsory Education Law enacted in 2012 lowered school entry age from 72 months to 66 in Turkey. The interaction among age, schooling, and early literacy has been issue of interest. The aim of this study was to examine literacy development of first graders in terms of school entry age and pre-schooling. This qualitative case study was conducted at three primary schools in Ankara. One of them was a private primary school in which children of high income families attended. The other two were state primary schools; in one of which children of middle -income families, and in the other, children of low-income families attended. The data were collected through semi-structured interviews. The participants of the study were nine first grade teachers to give implications from classroom settings via their experiences. The curriculum guide and annual/daily lesson plans of grade 1 Turkish course were also analyzed. The findings indicated that the children below 72 months had shorter attention span and their literacy development took longer time. Effective literacy training at pre-school stage had positive influence on the literacy. (C) 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/). Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the Organizing Committee of WCLTA 2013.
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    Benefiting from the popular films integrated into the curriculum in boosting the efficacy of the social work education
    (2014) Nadir, Ural
    Benefiting from visuals both in every facet of social sciences in broad terms and in social work education in narrow terms improves students learning significantly. It is a known fact that learning a material by heating, watching and discussing altogether can increase the efficiency of learning up to ninety per cent. Besides, it is aimed that especially the social work students whose curriculum is designed in a way that they can work with people from all aspects of life and with all kinds of problems are provided with different methods together with lectures and practical training. Thus, they graduate as people who are ready to work with different client and problem groups after a four-year-education. From this aspect, the effectiveness of adding both the materials which are specifically prepared for the lessons and the popular films for the general public to the syllabus is indisputable. It is stated in literature that integrating films into curriculum in various fields and providing students with audio and visual materials contributes to the effectiveness of learning outcomes. It is also possible to conic across various resources concerning making use of the popular films especially in the fields such as social problems, counseling skills, cultural studies, developmental psychology, clinical psychology and psychiatry. This paper specifically argues how integrating the popular films into the curriculum in the various fields of the social work education would affect the learning outcomes of the prospective social workers positively and supports the thesis with some sample cases and films. (C) 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
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    Distributed Database Design: A Case Study
    (2014) Tosun, Umut
    Data Allocation is an important problem in Distributed Database Design. Generally, evolutionary algorithms are used to determine the assignments of fragments to sites. Data Allocation Algorithms should handle replication, query frequencies, quality of service (QoS), cite capacities, table update costs, selection and projection costs. Most of the algorithms in the literature attack one or few components of the problem. In this paper, we present a case study considering all of these features. The proposed model uses Integer Linear Programming for the formulation of the problem. (C) 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
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    Policy Misuse Detection in Communication Networks with Hidden Markov Models
    (2014) Tosun, Umut
    With the recent advances in computer networking applications, Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) are widely used to detect the malicious connections in computer networks. IDS provide a high level security between organizations while preventing misuses and intrusions in data communication through internet or any other network. Adherence to network usage policies is crucial since a system or network administrator needs to be informed whether the information is compromised, if the resources are appropriately used or if an attacker exploits a comprised service. Server flow authentication via protocol detection analyzes penetrations to a communication network. Generally, port numbers in the packet headers are used to detect the protocols. However, it is easy to re-map port numbers via proxies and changing the port number via compromised host services. Using port numbers may be misleading for a system administrator to understand the natural flow of communications through network. It is also difficult to understand the user behavior when the traffic is encrypted since there is only packet level information to be considered. In this paper, we present a novel approach via Hidden Markov Models to detect user behavior in network traffic. We perform the detection process on timing measures of packets. The results are promising and we obtained classification accuracies between %70 and %100. (C) 2014 Published by Elsevier B.V.
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    A New Recombination Operator for the Genetic Algorithm Solution of the Quadratic Assignment Problem
    (2014) Tosun, Umut
    The Quadratic Assignment Problem (QAP) is a well known combinatorial optimization problem with a diverse set of applications. It can be transformed into many problems such as the travelling salesman, weapon target assignment, and query optimization in distributed databases. Exhaustive search methods are inadequate to solve large data sets. Genetic algorithms and tabu search meta-heuristics may provide near optimal solutions for large QAP instances taking a reasonable time to complete. In this paper, we present a new recombination operator based on Order-1 crossover algorithm. The suggested approach runs quick sort partitioning algorithm to generate different chromosomes from partitions. The minimum cost partition produces offsprings with the other chromosome. The proposed approach shows outstanding performance especially for instance sizes smaller than 50 with respect to the optimal results proposed in QAPLIB. (C) 2014 Published by Elsevier B.V.