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    Heart failure with non-reduced ejection fraction: Epidemiology, pathophysiology, phenotypes, diagnosis and treatment approaches
    (2022) Cavusoglu, Yuksel; Celik, Ahmet; Altay, Hakan; Nalban, Sanem; Ozden, Ozge; Temizhan, Ahmet; Ural, Ditek; Unlu, Serkan; Yilmaz, Mehmet Birhan; Zoghi, Mehdi; 35969235
    Heart failure (HF) has been classified as reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF), mildly reduced ejection fraction (HFmrEF) and preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF) by the recent HF guidelines. In addition, HF with improved ejection fraction has been defined as a subgroup of HFrEF. In HFrEF, diagnostic workup and evidence-based pharmacological and device-based therapies have been well established. However, HFpEF, which comprises almost half of the HF population, represents significant uncertainties regarding its pathophysiology, clinical phenotypes, diagnosis and treatment. Diagnostic criteria of HFpEF have been changed a few times over the years and still remained a matter of debate. New paradigms including a prominent role of co-morbidities. inflammation, endothelial dysfunction have been proposed in its pathophysiology. As a complex, multifactorial syndrome HFpEF consists of many overlapping clinical and hemodynamic phenotypes. In contrast to HFrEF, clinical outcomes of HFpEF have not improved over the last decades due to lack of proven effective therapies. Although HFrEF and HFpEF have different clinical spectrums and proposed pathophysiological mechanisms, there is no clear defining syndrome postulated for HFmrEF. Clinical characteristics and risk factors of HFmrEF overlap with HFrEF and HFpEF. HFmrEF is also referred as a transitional zone for dynamic temporal changes in EF. So. HFpEF and HFmrEF, both namely HF with non-reduced ejection fraction (HF-NEF), have some challenges in the management of HF. The purpose of this paper is to provide a comprehensive review including epidemiology, pathophysiology, clinical presentation and phenotypes of HF-NEF and to guide clinicians for the diagnosis and therapeutic approaches based on the available data in the literature.
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    Bilgisayar Programlama Derslerinde Öğrenme Motivasyonu Ölçeğinin Türkçe Uyarlaması: Geçerlilik ve Güvenilirlik Çalışması
    (Başkent Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi, 2018) Avcı, Ummuhan; Ersoy, Halil; 0000-0001-7007-1478; 0000-0003-1598-7656
    Bu araştırmanın amacı Law, Lee ve Yu 2010 tarafından geliştirilen Bilgisayar Programlama Derslerinde Öğrenme Motivasyonu Ölçeği’ni Türkçe’ye uyarlamaktır. Bu amaçla geçerlik ve güvenirlik analizlerini yapmak üzere altı faktör bireysel tutum ve beklenti, zorlayıcı amaçlar, belirgin hedefler, ödül ve takdir, ceza, sosyal baskı ve rekabet ve 19 maddeden oluşan altılı Likert tipindeki ölçek, özel bir üniversitede okuyan 312 mühendislik fakültesi öğrencisine uygulanmıştır. Doğrulayıcı faktör analizi sonuçları incelendiğinde, ölçeğin altı faktörden oluştuğu doğrulanmış ve ölçeğin uyum iyiliği indislerinin yeterli düzeyde olduğu görülmüştür. Ölçeğin güvenilirliği Cronbach alfa iç tutarlılık katsayısı ile değerlendirilmiştir. Cronbach alfa katsayısının ölçeğin tamamında 0.90 olduğu ve faktörler bazında 0.71 ile 0.83 arasında değiştiği görülmüştür. Bu sonuçlar ölçeğin, bilgisayar programlama derslerinde öğrenme motivasyonunun ölçülmesinde geçerli ve güvenilir bir ölçme aracı olduğunu göstermektedir. The aim of this study is to adapt the Learning Motivation in Computer Programming Courses Scale developed by Law, Lee ve Yu 2010 to Turkish. In order to determine its validity and reliability, the scale consisting of 19 six-point Likert-type items within six factors individual attitude and expectation, challenging goals, clear direction, reward and recognition, punishment and social pressure and competition was applied to 312 engineering faculty students at a private university. When the results of the confirmatory factor analysis were examined, it was confirmed that the scale had six factors, and the goodness of fit indices are at an acceptable degree. The reliability of the scale was assessed by the Cronbach alpha internal consistency coefficient. The Cronbach’s alpha coefficiencies were found to be 0.90 for the whole scale and between 0.71 and 0.83 for the factors. These results show that scale is a valid and reliable measuring tool for learning motivation in computer programming courses
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    Yükseköğretimde Uzaktan Eğitim Uygulamalarının İncelenmesi: Türkiye Örneği
    (Başkent Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi, 2017) Cabi, Emine; Ersoy, Halil; 0000-0002-7488-0309; 0000-0003-1598-7656
    Bu çalışma 2010 yılından 2016 yılına kadar, Türkiye yükseköğretiminde uzaktan eğitim çalışmalarının sayısal veriler ışığında incelenmesini amaçlamaktadır. 2010 ile 2016 yılları arasındaki yükseköğretimdeki öğrenci sayıları, uzaktan eğitim veren ön lisans, lisans ve yüksek lisans programlarına yerleşen öğrenci sayıları ve mevcut program sayılarının dağılımları incelenmiştir. Ön lisans ve lisans seviyesinde 20102015 arası uzaktan eğitimde öğrenim gören öğrenci sayılarına ulaşılabilirken, yüksek lisans seviyesinde sadece 2014-2015 ve 2015-2016 eğitim-öğretim dönemlerindeki program ve öğrenci sayılarına ulaşılabilmiştir. Ayrıca çalışmada genel ve programlara yerleşen öğrenci sayılarının yıllara göre değişimleri de incelenmiştir. Yapılan çalışma durum çalışması olduğundan mevcut durumu boylamsal olarak ortaya koymaktadır. Bu bağlamda, yeni açılması düşünülen uzaktan eğitim programlarının yapılandırılması çalışmalarında katkısı olabileceği düşünülmektedir. This study aims to investigate distance education implementations in higher education of Turkey from 2010 to 2016 by numeric data. For this purpose, the numbers and distribution of students at vocational schools, undergraduate and graduate level programs being executed totally in distance education method were analyzed. While it was possible to reach to the numbers of distant students at vocational schools and undergraduate levels between 2010 and 2015, only 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 years’ data were been able to obtained at graduate level. Moreover, the change in the numbers of distant students by years was investigated. Hence it is a case study, it portrays the existing situation longitudinally. In this context, it is believed that the study will contribute to the actions targeting to open new distance education programs
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    Technologies Used in Distance Education During the Covid-19 Global Pandemic and Investigation of the Opinions of Teachers: The Case of Başkent University
    (Başkent Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi, 2022) Cabi, Emine; Ersoy, Halil; 0000-0002-7488-0309; 0000-0003-1598-7656
    Bu çalışmanın amacı, içerisinde bulunduğumuz Covid-19 küresel salgınının paralelinde gelişen yeni normalleşme sürecinde öğretim elemanlarının uzaktan eğitim uygulamalarına yönelik görüşlerini incelemektir. Çalışma, nicel araştırma yöntemlerinden tarama araştırması ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. 2020-2021 güz yarıyılı sonunda, Başkent Üniversitesi bünyesinde bulunan 502 öğretim elemanı çalışmaya katılmıştır. Veri toplama aracı olarak araştırmacılar tarafından seçenekli, likert ve açık uçlu sorulardan oluşan anket kullanılmıştır. Araştırma amacına paralel olarak ankette dört farklı boyutta veri toplanmıştır: Üniversitedeki uzaktan eğitim teknolojilerinin mevcut durumu, öğretim elemanlarının kurumsal desteğe, kullanılan senkron-asenkron araçlara ve ölçme-değerlendirme uygulamalarına yönelik görüşleri. Verilerin analizinde içerik analizi ve betimsel analiz tekniği kullanılmıştır. Elde edilen bulgulara göre kurumdaki derslerin büyük çoğunluğunun uzaktan öğretim ile yürütülebildiği belirlenmiştir. En fazla kullanılan asenkron platformun kurumsal olarak kullanılan Moodle® tabanlı Öğretim Yönetim Sistemi (ÖYS), senkron platformların ise Microsoft Teams ve Zoom olduğu görülmüştür. Öğretim elemanlarının uzaktan öğretimde ders içeriklerini paylaştıkları ÖYS’nin teknik kapasitesinin, ara yüz tasarım/kullanım kolaylığının, sınav yapma özelliklerinin ve sistem içerisindeki yardım materyallerinin yeterli olduğunu düşündükleri saptanmıştır. Öğretim elemanlarının kullandığı senkron platform araçlarına bakıldığında, “kullanım kolaylığı”, “görüntülü katılım özelliği/kapasitesi” ve “canlı toplantı sırasında eğitmen kontrolü” kategorilerinde Zoom® platformu; “canlı ders kayıtlarının paylaşımı” kategorisinde Microsoft Teams® platformu en fazla yeterli bulunanlar arasındadır. Kurumda pandemi sürecindeki uzaktan öğretimde hemen her türlü ölçme aracı ve yöntemi kullanılmış olduğu görülmekle birlikte, ağırlıklı olarak “kamera gözetimli çevrimiçi sınav” kullanımı ve “esnek zamanlı ödev ve proje” kullanımının söz konusu olduğu ortaya çıkmıştır. Öğretim elemanlarına göre uzaktan öğretimde en çok güvenilen ölçme aracının sözlü sınav ve proje olduğu, en az güvenli olan ölçme aracının ise gözetimsiz çevrimiçi sınavların olduğu ifade edilmiştir. Elde edilen önemli bulgular tartışılmış ve hem araştırmaya hem de uygulamaya yönelik önerilerde bulunulmuştur. The aim of this study is to examine the views of the instructors on distance education practices in the new normalization process that had been aroused with the global Covid-19 epidemic we are in. The study was carried out with survey research, one of the quantitative research methods. At the end of the 2020-2021 fall semester, 502 faculty members of Başkent University participated in the study. As a data collection tool, a questionnaire was created by the researchers and was composed of multiple choise, likert type and open-ended questions. The data were obtained by the questionnaire with four categories, which are the current situation of distance education technologies in the institution, instructors’ opinions about the institutional support, about usefulness of synchronous-asynchronous tools and about measurement-evaluation practices. Content analysis and descriptive analysis techniques were used in the data analysis. It was found that most of the courses in the institution were conducted remotely. The mostly used asynchronous platform is Moodle® based institutional web site, namely Learning Management System (LMS), and synchronous platforms are Microsoft Teams® and Zoom®. Regarding the LMS, where the lecturers share the course content in distance education practices, it’s technical capacity, interface design/ease of use, online exam features and support materials in the system were found to be sufficient in general for the instructors. Considering the synchronous tools, Zoom® was found to be more adequate in the categories of “ease of use”, “video-enabled participation feature/capacity” and “instructor control during the live meeting”, while Microsoft Teams® was stated to be more adequate in the category of “sharing of live lecture recordings”. Although various kinds of measurement tools have been used in the institution, there was mainly more tendency in use of “online exams with camera surveillance” and “flexible timely assignments and projects”. According to the instructors, while the most reliable measurement tools or types were “the oral exam” and “the project”, the least secure one was the “unsupervised online exam” in the distance education. Those important findings were discussed, and suggestions were made for both further research and practices.
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    Effect Of Tacrolimus In The Inner Ear Of Rats
    (2022) Uysal, Fatmanur; Erbek, Selim S.; Erbek, Seyra; Culhaoglu, Belde
    Purpose: Tacrolimus, an immunosuppressive agent, is used especially after organ transplantation. It has been asserted that tacrolimus has protective effects on the auditory system in some studies while it has negative effects in other studies. The purpose of our study is to investigate the effect of tacrolimus on the inner ear of the rats. Materials and Methods: 20 healthy Sprague Downey male rats weighing 250-350 grams were included in our study. The first group of rats were given 1mg/kg tacrolimus (n:7), the second group of rats were given 0.1 mg/kg tacrolimus (n:7), and the third group (n:6) was the non-administered control group. The first measurements of all rats were taken with distortion-product otoacoustic emission before starting the experiment. Then, tacrolimus drug was administered by gavage method to the 1st and 2nd groups along 30 days. The last measurement was repeated on the 30th day. Results: According to the results of the first measurements, emission was obtained in all rats and the responses were found to have similar characteristics. Similarly, the difference between the signal noise rate values in the last measurements taken from the groups not show any statistical significance. Conclusions: Based on the distortion-product otoacoustic emission measurements, it can be said that Tacrolimus does not have ototoxic effects on the auditory system of rats considering the administered dosage and time.
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    Safety and efficacy of angio-seal use in patients with acute ischemic stroke who received thrombolytic therapy and underwent mechanical thrombectomy
    (2022) Tanburoglu, Anil; Karluka, Ismail; Mazican, Mustafa; Andic, Cagatay
    Purpose: This study aims to evaluate the efficacy and safety of closure of the femoral artery access site using the Angio-Seal Vascular Closure Device in patients who underwent bridging intravenous thrombolytic therapy and subsequent mechanical thrombectomy (MT). Materials and Methods: The retrospective, observational study was performed in patients who were diagnosed with acute ischemic stroke and treated with MT after bridging IVT between September 2018 and September 2021. A total of 97 patients whose femoral artery access sites were closed with Angio-Seal after the procedure was performed were included in the study. Primary demographic data, accompanying risk factors, major and minor complication rates, frequency distributions of categorical variables, and descriptive statistics of quantitative data were calculated and recorded. Results: It was found that 96.9% of the patients did not have major complications, where 97.9% did not have minor complications either. Successful hemostasis was achieved in the groin region in all patients. Major complications observed were recorded as follows: 1 (1%) pseudo-aneurysm, 1 (%) inguinal incision site infection, and 1 (1%) Angio-Seal placement failure. No major complications were observed in 98.2% of those using 6 Fr (French) Angio-Seal and 95.1% of those using 8 Fr Angio-Seal. Conclusion: The findings of the study indicate that Angio-Seal is an effective and safe method for providing groin hemostasis in patients with acute ischemic stroke
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    The Blockade of the Dardanelles Strait and the Occupation of Bozcaada During the Tripoli and Balkan Wars, Through the Eyes of Telegrapher Ihsan (Pere) Bey
    (2022) Ozcan, Halil
    Tripoli and Balkan Wars accelerated the process leading to the collapse of the Ottoman Empire. In these wars, the Dardanelles Strait and the islands near the strait were the common target chosen by Italy and Greece for the surrender of the Ottoman Empire. In both wars, Ihsan (Pere) Bey served as the telegraph officer of the British Eastern Cable Company in Bozcaada. The Tripoli War was continuing when Ihsan Bey, who had started his civil service as an officer of the Istanbul Beyoglu British Cable Company, was appointed as officer to Bozcaada for the second time. Ihsan Bey's witnessing in Bozcaada to the hot war of the Italian Navy and the Turkish Redoubts on April 18, 1912 and the detailed information he has given are important. In addition, the occupation of Bozcaada by Greece during the Balkan War is also included in detail in Ihsan Bey's memoirs. The originality of this study results from the fact that Ihsan Bey's memoirs when Italians reached to the entrance of the Dardanelles and regarding the occupation of Bozcaada are evaluated scientifically and published for the first time.
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    Evaluation of performance levels of students for moodle learning management system in terms of usability Criteria with PSI-Entropy-Marcos integration
    (2022) Yorulmaz, Muhammet; Can, Gulin Feryal
    The study, it is aimed to determine and compare the end-user performances within the scope of achieving the determined objectives while using the Moodle Learning Management System (LMS). Accordingly, considering multiple usability criteria, 18 users were prioritized in terms of their performances in using Moodie LMS. In this direction, Preference Selection Index (PSI) and Entropy integration was used to determine the importance weights of usability criteria, and the Measurement of Alternatives and Ranking according to Compromise Solution (MARCOS) method was used to prioritize the end-users. A new hybrid weighting method has been proposed by integrating the PSI method with the Entropy method, taking into account both the uncertainty in the performance values of the end-users according to the criteria and the preference change values of the criteria. This proposed method is applied for a three-dimensional initial decision matrix Thus, the traditional two-dimensional initial decision matrix which consists of the alternatives and the values that the alternatives take according to the criteria, has been developed and made more flexible. The objective criteria taken into account in the analysis were measured by the Morae V3 program, with the tasks defined as predetermined goals being performed by the users on the Moodie LMS. In addition, the criteria weights obtained from the proposed PSI-Entropy integration were used in the MARCOS method to rank the end-users according to their performance levels.
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    Can Digital Game Play Improve Older Adults' Cognitive Skills?
    (2021) Secer, Ilmiye
    Cognitive skills are essential for the performance of basic and instrumental daily living activities such as self-care, medication, and finance management. A decline in cognitive abilities with increasing age thus hinders older adults' ability to remain independent in society and negatively influences their quality of life. Therefore, many studies have investigated ways that can maintain and effectively improve such skills. Digital games have become a favored leisure activity by all age groups and are played for entertainment and stress relief. In this context, the ease with which digital games can be played within the home and their entertaining nature have led researchers to examine their effectiveness in enhancing older adults' cognitive skills. Although the findings indicate cognitive advantages, such as improved reaction times, working memory, and task-switching abilities, many questions require further clarification before claiming that digital game play is an effective cognitive training regime. Therefore, the current review aims to examine the cognitive advantages of digital games for older adults and suggests future research directions. The following topics need to be further explored: the existence of far transfer effects, that is, whether such improvements lead to better performance of daily activities, the long-term maintenance of enhanced skills and the underlying responsible mechanisms, the ecological validity of digital games, and digital games' provision of benefits beyond cognitive simulations. Furthermore, the importance to consider placebo effects, which was suggested by Boot, Blakely, and Simons (2011) and Boot, Simons, Stothart, and Stutts (2013), is emphasized.