Browsing by Author "Karahan, Azize"
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Item Alarm Fatigue Among Nurses Working in Intensive Care and Other Inpatient Clinics(2023) Karahan, Azize; Kav, Sultan; Cevik, Banu; Citak, Ebru Akgun; Ugurlu, Ziyafet; Fulser, Berrak; 0000-0001-6698-2121; 0000-0003-0361-7498; 0000-0003-1396-854X; 37092200; B-8478-2015; KIH-9136-2024BACKGROUND: Alarm fatigue is an important technological hazard that adversely affects patient safety and the healthcare team. Nurses can be exposed to an excessive amount of alarms during their work which may lead to alarm fatigue. OBJECTIVE: To determine the experiences of alarm fatigue among nursesworking in intensive care units and other inpatient clinics. METHODS: This descriptive study was conducted in university hospitals in five cities in Turkey between August and December 2019. A total of 592 nurses participated in this study. The data was collected using questionnaires and the Visual Analog Scale (0 to 10 points) was used to determine the level of alarm fatigue. RESULTS: More than half of the nurses experienced problems, especially false alarms, caused by devices. Alarm fatigue decreased with increasing age and working years. Nurses reported appropriate actions in solving problems, but also had practices that may increase the risk of error, such as turning off or muting alarms or turning off equipment. CONCLUSION: Alarm fatigue is mostly caused by false alarms. It can lead to physical fatigue, increased workload and decreased concentration, resulting in an increased possibility of error. Management of alarm fatigue is necessary in preventing a compromise in patients' safety and improving quality of care.Item Cerrahi kliniklerde çalışan hemşirelerin iş yükünün hasta güvenliğine etkisi(Başkent Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2014) Balanuye, Berak; Karahan, AzizeKaliteli bir sağlık hizmetinin sunulması, kaliteli hasta bakımı ve hasta güvenliğine bağlıdır. Kaliteli ve güvenli hasta bakımının sürdürülmesi için yeterli ve doğru hemşire istihdamının sağlanması ve hemşire iş yükünün azaltılması gerekmektedir. Bu araştırmanın amacı, cerrahi kliniklerde çalışan hemşirelerin iş yükünün hasta güvenliği üzerindeki etkisinin belirlenmesidir. Araştırma tanımlayıcı türdedir ve 22.08.2013-30.01.2014 tarihleri arasında Başkent Üniversitesi Ankara Hastanesi Cerrahi yoğun bakımlarında ve cerrahi servislerinde çalışan 107 hemşire ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırmada ““Hemşirelerin tanımlayıcı özellikleri, iş yükü, hasta güvenliğine yönelik deneyim ve görüşlerini belirleme formu”, “İş Yükü Ölçeği”, “Chentelaman Hasta Sınıflama Skalası” ve “İş yükü izlem formu- Hemşirelik Uygulama Listesi” kullanılmıştır. Araştırmada hemşirelerin büyük çoğunluğunu kadınlar oluştururken, % 36.4’ü 23-25 yaşları arasında, % 59.8’i lisans mezunu, % 68.2’si serviste ve % 11.2’si servis sorumlusu olarak çalışmakta ve % 43.9’unun mesleki deneyim iki yıldan azdır. Hemşirelere göre hasta güvenliği ile ilgili sorunların nedeninin başında ‘‘mesleki yetersizlik, deneyimsizlik ve dikkatsizlik’’gelirken, hemşirelerin yarıya yakını ‘‘hemşire sayısının artırılmasını’’önermişlerdir. Hemşirelerin % 43’ü iş yükü düzeyini fazla ve % 30.8’i çok fazla şeklinde ifade ederken, % 45.8’i iş yükünü artıran faktör olarak yetersiz hemşire sayısını göstermişlerdir. Hemşireler iş yükünün hasta güvenliğine etkisini; hastaya ayrılan zamanın azalması, çok iş olunca alınan önlemlerin azalması ve yorgunluk, dikkatsizlik sonucu hata riskinin artması olarak sıralamışlardır. Sorumlu hemşirelerin iş yükü puan ortalamaları hemşirelere göre daha düşük bulunmuştur (p<0.05). Günlük cerrahi girişim sayısı arttıkça hemşirelerin iş yükü puan ortalamalarının arttığı belirlenmiştir (p<0.05). Bu sonuçlardan yola çıkarak ve hemşirelerin belirttikleri hata nedenleri ve çözüm önerileri dikkate alınarak iş yükünün azaltılmasına yönelik düzenleyici faaliyetlerin arttırılması, hemşirelerin iv bakım verdikleri hasta sayısının dağılımının dengeli olması, bakım gereksinimlerinin dikkate alınması ve hasta- hemşire oranının planlanması önerilebilir.Item Determination of sleep quality, fatigue, and concentration in nurses according to their shifts and chronotype(2020) Karahan, Azize; Abbasoglu, Aysel; Ugurlu, Ziyafet; Isik, Sevcan Avci; Kilic, Gulsen; Elbas, Nalan OzhanItem Determination Of Thermal Comfort Among Nurses Working With Personal Protective Equipment In COVID-19 Clinics(2022) Karahan, Azize; Isik, Sevcan Avci; Cevik, Banu; Erturk, Elif Budak; Aydin, Firuze Cevik; Kilicli", Arnel Boke; Akcin, Birgul; Acar, Aysel; Gulkan, Ayse Dudu; Bilir, Yesim Aybar; 36289017Aims This study aimed to determine thermal comfort among nurses working with personal protective equipment in COVID-19 clinic. Methods In this study, a descriptive design was carried out between June and September 2020. Sample of the study consisted of 246 nurses (77.6%) who worked in the COVID-19 clinics with personal protective equipment. We used a questionnaire to determine thermal comfort of nurses; a follow-up form to determine the factors affecting thermal comfort; and the ASHRAE Thermal Sensation Scale. Four measurements and follow-ups were made three times. Results More than half of nurses complained of ambient temperature and ventilation, one-third complained of humidity and nearly half complained of poor air quality. The mean thermal comfort score of nurses working in COVID-19 clinics was 1.19 (SD = 0.75). The thermal comfort of the nurses was negatively affected in all measurements except before wearing personal protective equipment. The highest scores were measured leaving the patient room and before removing personal protective equipment (M = 2.65, SD = 0.58). Conclusion The thermal comfort, work performance and stress levels of the nurses were negatively affected by working with personal protective equipment. This study reveals the necessity of improving the working conditions of nurses, including working hours, environment and personal protective equipment.Item Determining The Effectiveness of Illustrated Communication Material for Communication with Intubated Patients at an Intensive Care Unit(2014) Otuzoglu, Munevver; Karahan, Azize;; 24118470; B-8478-2015Communication with non-speaking patients in intensive care unit is stress for both nurse and patients. Semi-experimental study that took place at a University Hospital was to develop illustrated material for patient communication and determine its effectiveness. The study sample consisted of 90 intubated patients at the Adult Cardiovascular Intensive Care Unit who had undergone open heart surgery. The patients were divided into the intervention and control groups. Data analysis was with descriptive statistics and the chi(2) test. The illustrated communication material was stated to be helpful by 77.8% and partially helpful by 22.2% of the intervention group patients regarding the communication between the health-care staff and the patients. Control group patients had more difficulties communicating with the health-care staff. Illustrated communication material was an effective method in communicating with intubated patients.Item Factors Affecting the Thermal Comfort of Perioperative Personnel in the OR(2020) Karahan, Azize; Budak Erturk, Elif; Ugurlu, Ziyafet; Unlu, Hayriye; Akovali, Nukhet; Tepe, Aylin; Ozhan Elbas, Nalan; 32128769Thermal comfort is an important component of any work setting and can be difficult to achieve in the complex OR environment. This comparative descriptive study sought to identify factors affecting the thermal comfort of perioperative personnel in the OR (N = 68). Researchers used the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers Thermal Sensation Scale and researcher-developed surveys to collect data. The mean reported thermal comfort level was -0.44 (standard deviation 1.3), which is within acceptable parameters. Factors affecting thermal comfort were gender, professional role, and wearing additional clothing. Additionally, participants who complained about temperature or ventilation were less likely to report thermal comfort levels in the normal range. Health care facility leaders should consider the comfort needs of perioperative personnel when making purchasing decisions about ventilation systems and surgical clothing; however, they also should consider other factors (eg, surgeon comfort, permeability of protective clothing to blood and other body fluids).Item Factors Affecting Wound Healing in Individuals With Pressure Ulcers: A Retrospective Study(2018) Karahan, Azize; Abbasoglu, Aysel; Isik, Sevcan Avci; Cevik, Banu; Saltan, Cigdem; Elbas, Nalan Ozhan; Yalili, Ayse; 0000-0001-6698-2121; 29481325; B-8478-2015; AAN-3284-2021Owing to the number and severity of concomitant factors, pressure ulcers remain a significant problem. A retrospective study of data from adult patients with a pressure ulcer was conducted to identify factors that may affect their healing. Data from patients who were hospitalized between January 1, 2011, and December 31, 2015, in a private Turkish university hospital who had a Stage 2, Stage 3, Stage 4, or unstageable pressure ulcer that was assessed using the Bates-Jensen Wound Assessment Tool (BWAT) were abstracted. The following variables were examined: demographic characteristics (gender, age, hospital unit, duration of hospitalization), health status and disease data (vital signs, mobility, nutrition, diagnosis, chronic diseases, medication), laboratory values (albumin. hemoglobin, blood glucose), and pressure ulcer characteristics (stage, location, healing status, duration) and pressure ulcer risk status as determined by patient Braden Scale score. Seventy-eight (78) patient records were identified. Patient mean age was 70.8 +/- 13.47 years, and length of hospitalization was on average 32.52 +/- 27.2 days. Most ulcers (62, 79.5%) were Stage 2 and located in the sacral area (59; 75.6%). Thirty-four (34) patients (43.6%) were discharged and 44 (56.4%) died. At the time of discharge or death, 65.4% of the ulcers had not healed. Patients whose wounds were healed were significantly more likely to have higher hemoglobin and mean arterial pressure, better mobility, received oral nutrition, and discharged from the hospital than patients whose ulcers did not heal. The results suggest that these variables, including Braden Scale and BWAT scores, might be considered when developing a treatment plan of care. Additional studies examining risk factors for nonhealing pressure ulcers, including studies with large samples to facilitate multivariate analyses, are needed.Item Hemşireler için ilaç rehberi(2010) Karahan, Azize; Pinar, Gul; Abbasoglu, Aysel; Toruner, Ebru; Ceylan, Aysun; Simsek, Derya; Beserler, Ozlem; Kural, Nurdan; Sezgin Benli, Sureyya; Salmaz, Ilknur; Tugcu, Canan; Tokal, Ozgul; Telatar, VecahatItem Katarakt ameliyatı sonrası hastaların evde yaşadıkları güçlüklerin ve gereksinimlerinin belirlenmesi(Başkent Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2014) Korkusuz, Arzu; Karahan, AzizeKatarakt, küresel körlük vakalarının yarısının nedenidir ve en yaygın yaşlılarda görülür. Kataraktın en geçerli ve kanıtlanmış tedavisinin cerrahi olduğu belirtilmektedir. Bununla birlikte hastalar ameliyat sonrası erken dönemde bazı sorunlar ve komplikasyonlar yaşayabilmektedir. Bu araştırmanın amacı, katarakt ameliyatı olan hastaların ameliyat sonrası evde yaşadıkları güçlüklerin ve gereksinimlerinin belirlenmesidir. Araştırma tanımlayıcı türdedir. Araştırma 15 Aralık 2013-15 Mart 2014 tarihleri arasında Başkent Üniversitesi Ankara Hastanesi’nde katarakt ameliyat olan ve araştırmayı kabul eden 108 hasta ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırmada hastaların tanımlayıcı özelliklerini ve hastalık durumunu belirleme formu, taburculuk sonrası izlem formu ile Ulusal Göz Sağlığı Enstitüsü Görme İşlevi Anketi (National Eye Institute Visual Function Questionnaire-NEI VFQ-25) kullanılmıştır. Çalışmaya katılan bireylerin yaş ortalaması 71.34±8.7 olup, %37’si daha önce katarak ameliyatı olmuş, %73.1’i ise katarakt ameliyatı hakkında bilgi almıştır. Bireylerin ameliyattan bir gün sonraki NEI VFQ-25 ölçeğinin puan ortalaması 63.3±17 iken, ameliyattan bir ay sonra bu puan ortalamasının 88.5±12’e yükseldiği tespit edilmiştir (p=0,000). Katarakt ameliyatı olan bireyler ameliyat sonrası ilk 24 saatte en fazla endişe (%68.5), yorgunluk (%49.1), ağrı (%46.3), gözde batma hissi (%34.2) ve uykusuzluk (%30.6) deneyimlemişlerdir. Bu semptomların ve şiddetinin ilk hafta daha yoğun yaşandığı ve dördüncü haftada belirgin şekilde azaldığı saptanmıştır. Bireylerin %2.8’inde göz enfeksiyonu, %3.7’sinde göz içi basıncında artış, %2.8’inde ödem ve bir kişide sekonder katarakt tespit edilmiş, ayrıca bir kişiye mercek açısında düzeltme (repozisyon) nedeniyle küçük cerrahi girişim yapılmıştır. Katarakt ameliyatı sonrası bireylerin günlük yaşam aktivitelerinden birinci haftada en çok sosyal yaşam (%54.6-15.7), ev işleri (%50.9-16.7), okuma (%38.8-32.4), alışveriş (%26.9-6.5) ve telefon kullanma (%15.7-5.6) etkilenmiş, ancak diğer haftalarda yaşadıkları güçlükler iv azalmıştır. Ameliyata bağlı günlük yaşam aktivitelerinin etkilendiğini belirten bireylerin etkilenmeyen bireylere göre ağrı, endişe ve yorgunluk puan ortalamaları bazı günlük yaşam aktiviteleri için istatiksel olarak anlamlı çıkmıştır. Sonuç olarak katarakt ameliyatı olan bireyler ameliyat sonrası erken dönemde ilk hafta yoğun olmak üzere bazı güçlükler yaşamakta ve bu güçlükler günlük yaşam aktivitelerini etkileyerek yardım gereksinimini artırmaktadır. Bu sonuçlardan yola çıkarak hastaların gereksinimlerine göre eğitim programları ve materyallerinin hazırlanması ve taburculuk sonrası telefonla danışmanlık hizmeti verilmesi önerilebilir.Item Oncology nurses awareness of drug interactions(2015) Karahan, Azize; Isik, Sevcan Avci; Kav, Sultan; Abbasoglu, Aysel; 0000-0003-0361-7498; 27981124; V-9745-2019Objective: The aim of this study was to determine oncology nurses awareness of drug interactions. Methods: This descriptive study was conducted with nurses working in the oncology clinics who are a member of Oncology Nursing Association of Turkey. A total of 115 nurses (response rate %20) were responded to the online survey that consists of 28 questions. Results: The mean age of the nurses was 33 +/- 6.8. The majority of nurses work in university hospital (60%) as a clinical nurse (62.6%) and have a Bachelor Degree in Nursing (63.5%). The mean working years in oncology was 4 years. Half of them stated receiving information on drug interactions mostly through in-service education and courses/congresses in last 5 years. The majority of them (84.3%) indicated that they are considering the possibility of drug interactions when they are scheduling the medication administration time. More than half of the responders (59.1%) encountered drug interactions; however, few explored drug interactions with food, drinks, and nutritional supplements. Their practices to assess possibility of drug interactions were reviewing the drug prospectus (78.3%); consulting with their colleagues (58.3%) and searching on the available website (42.6%) and looking at the drug interaction (39.1%). More than half (65.2%) stated lack of any system to identify drug interactions in their workplace. Nearly half of them indicated to including the drug interaction into patient education mostly for food-drug (73.9%) and drug-drug (63.5%) interactions. Conclusions: Almost all indicated the needs for further education on drug interactions and suggested to have guideline/packet guide.Item Reliability and Validity of a Turkish Language Version of the Bates-Jensen Wound Assessment Tool(2014) Karahan, Azize; Toruner, Ebru Kilicarslan; Ceylan, Aysun; Abbasoglu, Aysel; Tekindal, Agah; Buyukgonenc, Lale;;; 24988512; B-8478-2015PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to evaluate content and construct validity of a Turkish language version of the Bates Wound Assessment Tool (BWAT) as well as its internal consistency and interrater reliability. SUBJECTS AND SETTING: The study was conducted in 13 intensive care units that included patients with pressure ulcers; the units were located in a university hospital in Central Anatolia, Turkey. The sample comprised 70 nurses and 20 patients who have stage II, III, and IV pressure ulcers. METHODS: Data were collected between January and April 2011. Content validity was measured using the Davis Technique. The BWAT was scored by 2 groups, nurses with expertise in wound care and staff nurses. An expert nurse and a ward nurse conducted pressure ulcer evaluation on the same patient consecutively in order to determine interrater reliability. We also measured internal consistency via the Cronbach a. RESULTS: The content validity agreement rate was 0.82. The interrater reliability of the instrument was 0.82; its internal consistency calculated via the Cronbach alpha was 0.85. CONCLUSION: The findings of this study support the Turkish language version of the BWAT as possessing content validity, interrater reliability and internal consistency.