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Item Comparison of Success Rate of Dental Implants Placed in Autogenous Bone Graft Regenerated Areas and Pristine Bone(2020) Altiparmak, Nur; Akdeniz, Sidika Sinem; Diker, Nurettin; Bayram, Burak; Uckan, Sina; 32282668Autogenous bone grafting still has been considered as the "gold standard" and wildly used in the case of alveolar bone reconstruction. The aim of the present study is to evaluate the success rate of implants placed in autogenous block augmented ridges and implants placed in pristine bone (PB). This study included 113 patients. Fifty-three patients were treated with autogenous block grafts and particulate bone, after 6 months of healing implant placements were performed in autogenous bone augmented (ABA) areas. In 60 patients implant placement was performed, with no need for grafting and implants were placed into the PB. Follow-up data (pain, mobility, exudation from peri-implant space, success rate, marginal bone resorption) were collected after 5 years of prosthetic loading. The cumulative implant success rate at the 5-year examination was 92.45% for the ABA group and 85% for PB group. There were 3 failed implants in the ABA group and 3 in PB group. Average marginal bone loss was 1.47 mm on ABA group and 1.58 mm on PB group. No statistically significant differences for pain, exudation from peri-implant space, implant mobility, implant success, peri-implant bone loss parameters, and patient satisfaction level were found between groups. The obtained data demonstrated that the success rate of implants placed in regenerated areas are very similar to the success rate of implants those placed in PB.Item Comparison of Tunnel and Crestal Incision Techniques in Reconstruction of Localized Alveolar Defects(2017) Altiparmak, Nur; Uckan, Sina; Bayram, Burak; Soydan, Sidika; 28520823Purpose: The aim of this study was to compare the complication rates of recipient sites prepared using two incision techniques: crestal and tunnel. Materials and Methods: In this prospective study, patients underwent augmentation procedures (68 patients; 75 sites) by the same surgeon that were performed consecutively using the crestal incision technique (27 horizontal, 10 vertical; crestal group) or the tunnel incision technique (27 horizontal, 11 vertical; tunnel group). Autogenous bone block grafts were harvested with a piezoelectric surgical device, and the grafts were fixed at the recipient sites by two titanium screws in both groups. The authors evaluated minor exposure, transient paresthesia, major exposure, permanent paresthesia, gingival recession at adjacent teeth, surgery time, and visual analog scale pain scores. Results: Soft tissue dehiscence and graft failure were significantly lower in patients undergoing the tunnel technique. Conclusion: The tunnel incision technique significantly decreased soft tissue exposure, the most common complication of augmentation procedures with autogenous onlay bone grafts. This technique should be considered an alternative to the crestal incision technique for preparation of the recipient site.Item Effect of Induced Membrane on Guided Bone Regeneration in an Experimental Calvarial Model(2020) Altiparmak, Nur; Akdeniz, Sidika Sinem; Akcay, Eda Yilmaz; Bayram, Burak; Araz, Kenan; 0000-0001-6831-9585; 31934967; AAK-1960-2021Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of induced membrane on guided bone regeneration and to compare its effect with poly-tetra-flourur-ethylene (PTFE) membrane and collagen membrane. Methods: Sixteen white Vienna rabbits were used for experiments. Initially 1 defect was created on the parietal bone of all animals and cement was placed inside the defects. After 8 weeks, the bone cements were removed, without damaging the induced membrane formed in the defect cavity. And then 2 more defects were created. All defects were filled with xsenogenic graft materials and were covered with newly formed induced membrane, d-PTFE membrane and collagen membrane. Eight animals were sacrificed at 4th week and other 8 animals were sacrificed at 8th week and all bone specimens were histologically evaluated. Results: New bone formation and bone marrow ratios were significantly higher in induced membrane and d-PTFE membrane group compared to collagen membrane group (P < 0.05) at 4th week. Mature bone ratios were significantly higher in induced membrane and d-PTFE membrane group compared to collagen membrane group (P < 0.05) at 8th week. The best CD31 value was detected with d-PTFE membrane group at 4th week and with induced membrane at 8th week. Conclusion: Induced membrane can act as a strong barrier membrane and stimulate bone regeneration. Induced membrane technique can be accepted as a good alternative for the reconstruction of critical size defects in maxillofacial region.Item Effects of Platelet-Rich Fibrin Membrane on Sciatic Nerve Regeneration(2018) Bayram, Burak; Akdeniz, Sidika Sinem; Diker, Nurettin; Helvacioglu, Fatma; Erdem, Saban Remzi; 0000-0002-7825-1083; 0000-0002-6026-0045; 0000-0002-7537-2170; 29381631; AAS-4519-2020; AAH-8887-2021; AAJ-2370-2021Alternative treatment approaches to improve the regeneration capacity of damaged peripheral nerves are currently under investigation. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effects of platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) membrane after sciatic nerve crush injury in rabbits by histomorphometric and electromyographic analysis. The left sciatic nerves of 20 male Vienna rabbits were clamped for 30seconds to induce crush injuries. Animals were randomly divided into 2 groups: PRF and control. For each animal in the PRF group, a PRF membrane was wrapped around the injured part of the sciatic nerve to form a tube. No additional treatment was performed in the control group. After a 12-week healing period, tissue samples from the injured nerve region were harvested and the g-ratio of axons, axon density, and impulse transmission changes were evaluated. Analysis revealed that axon density differences were not statistically significant between groups (P=0.139). The rate of nerve fibers with optimum g-ratio was significantly lower in the PRF group than in the control group (P=0.02). Conduction velocity differences between groups were not statistically significant. Although PRF application has previously shown positive regeneration effects on maxillofacial tissues, local PRF membrane application in tube form did not show any histomorphometric or functional improvement in peripheral nerve crush injury recovery.Item Gömülü 3.molar cerrahisinde intra-operatif müzik dinletisinin hasta anksiyetesi üzerine etkisinin değerlendirilmesi(Başkent Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2019) Erakman, Tansu; Bayram, BurakGömülü mandibular 20 yaş dişi ameliyatı toplum tarafından korkutucu olarak nitelendirilen diş hekimliğinde sık uygulanan bir işlemdir. Hekimler tarafından düşük riskli bir tedavi olmasına rağmen ciddi komplikasyon riskleri de bulunmaktadır. Hastaların anksiyete durumu psikolojisini de etkiler. İntraoperatif anestezik maddeye olan ihtiyaçta artış, daha yüksek perioperatif ağrı algısı ve cerrahi sonrasında analjezik madde ihtiyacında artış, istenmeyen kardiyovasküler etkilerle sonuçlanabilecek şekilde hemodinamik değişiklikler de anksiyete ile ilişkilidir. Perioperatif anksiyetenin kontrol edilmesi için ilaç tedavisi ve psikolojik girişimlerde bulunulur. Bu tür girişimlerden en kolay ve non-invaziv olanı intraoperatif müzik dinletisi uygulamasıdır. Bu çalışmada 20 yaş diş çekimi ameliyatı sırasında müzik dinletmenin anksiyolitik etkisi ve vital bulgulardaki değişimin araştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Alt çenede kemik retansiyonlu gömülü yirmi yaş dişi operasyonu geçirecek olan 39 hasta çalışma grubu, 40 hasta kontrol grubu olarak değerlendirildi. Tüm hastalara ameliyat öncesi Modified Dental Anxiety Scale (MDAS) uygulanarak anksiyete seviyesi belirlendi Çalışma grubundaki hastalara ameliyat esnasında kulaklıktan müzik dinletildi.. Vital bulgular ise kan basıncı ve nabız ölçümleri ile değerlendirildi. Ölçümler bekleme salonunda, hasta diş ünitine oturduğunda, lokal anestezi yapıldığında, cerrahi örtüler örtüldüğünde, insizyon yapıldığı sırada, kemik kaldırma ya da dişin bölünmesi sırasında, dişin çekildiği sırada, yara bölgesine dikiş atıldığında ve ameliyat sonunda hasta üzerinden ameliyat örtüleri kaldırıldığında kaydedildi. İstatistiksel analiz için Student’s t-testi ve. eşleştirilmiş t-testi kullanıldı (p≤0.05). Ameliyat sırasında alınan kan basıncı ölçümleri bakımından müzik dinletilen ve dinletilmeyen gruplar arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir fark bulunamamıştır. Yalnızca sutur atıldığı sırada alınan nabız ölçümleri bakımından müzik dinletilen ve dinletilmeyen gruplar arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir fark vardır (p=0,036). MDAS skorlarına göre operasyon sırasında müzik dinletilen grup ile müzik dinletilmeden operasyona alınan grup arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı (p=0,953) bir fark bulunamamıştır. Mandibular impacted third molar surgery is considered scary among the society. Yet it’s a low risk application according to dentists. Although it has serious complication risks cited in dental literature. Patients’ anxiexty status had direct effect on their psychology. Excess need for the intra-operative anesthetic solution, post operative pain killer, higher perioperative pain sensation, undesired cardiovascular situations are related to anxiety. Medication and psychological interventions are used in order to deal with the anxiety. Music is the easiest and non-invasive method for relaxation of the patients. In the present study anxiolytic effects of music and changes in vital signs are examined. 39 patients who are going to take an impacted lower third molar surgery are assigned for the experiment group, and 40 patients for the control group. Experiment group patients listened music using headphones during the surgery. All patients took Modified Dental Anxiety Scale (MDAS) tests prior to the surgery. Vital signs are tracked with blood pressure and pulse measurements which are taken during waiting room, after sitting on the dental chair, during local anestesia administration, incision, bone reduction, suturing and at the end of the surgery. Student’s t-test and paired t-test were used for statistical analysis (p≤0.05). No statisticaly significant differences were recorded for control and experiment groups except for the heart rate recordings at the time of suturing (p=0,036). According to MDAS scores no statistically significant differences were recorded as well.Item “Konvansiyonel ve ultrasonik kemik kesicilerinin kemikte yaptıkları termal değişikliklerin karşılaştırılması”(Başkent Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2021) Kencer, Tolga; Bayram, BurakOral ve maksillofasiyal cerrahide sert doku kesileri en sık kullanılan prosedürlerden biridir. Günümüzde bu prosedür için en sık konvansiyonel ve ultrasonik osteotomi yöntemleri kullanılmaktadır. Konvansiyonel yöntemler olan turlu döner aletlere takılan kemik frezleri ve kemik testerelerinin esas dezavantajları yakın anatomik yapılara verdikleri zararlardır. Bundan dolayı selektif vibrasyon sistemleriyle çalışan, sert ve yumuşak dokular arasında selektif kesme özelliği olan ultrasonik osteotomi sistemleri tercih edilmeye başlanmıştır. Ultrasonik sistemlerin gelişmesi, maksillofasiyal bölgedeki sinirler, kan damarları ve birçok dikkat edilmesi gereken anatomik yapıların çevresindeki operasyonlar için güvenli bir olanak tanımaktadır. Günümüzde en sık kullanılan ultrasonik osteotomi cihazları piezocerrahi ve ultrasonik kemik bıçaklarıdır. Bu sistemlerin daha güvenli oluşu ve daha az iyatrojenik hataya neden olmasına karşın, osteotomi süresinin artması ve oluşan ısı ile ilgili bazı endişeler devam etmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı konvansiyonel (kemik testereleri ve kemik frezleri) ve ultrasonik osteotomi sistemlerinin (piezocerrahi ve ultrasonik kemik bıçağı) aynı süre ve uzunluktaki kemik osteotomisi sırasında iki farklı irrigasyon değişkeni altında kemikte meydana getirdikleri ısıl değişimlerin kıyaslanmasıdır. Bu çalışma 09/07/2020 tarihinde Başkent Üniversitesi Tıp ve Sağlık Bilimleri Araştırma Kurulu tarafından onaylanmış (Proje no: D-KA20/11) ve Başkent Üniversitesi Araştırma Fonunca desteklenmiştir. In vitro çalışma materyali olarak taze sığır kaburga kemikleri, ısıl farkın ölçümü için ise sıcaklık algılayıcı sensör olarak 2 adet K tipi termokupl kablosu ve üniversal girişli mikrokontrolör tasarımlı “Data-Logger” kullanılmıştır. Kemik bloklar üzerinde osteotomi hattına 1 mm uzaklıkta olacak şekilde biri 1.5 mm (kortikal kemik seviyesinde) diğeri 7 mm (kansellöz kemik seviyesinde) derinlikte serum fizyolojik soğutması altında cerrahi çelik rond frez ile termokuplların yerleşeceği yuvalar açıldı. Açılan yuvalara termokupl sensörleri yerleştirildi. Osteotomi işlemleri, her bir osteotomi 1cm/dk olacak şekilde, bikortikal ve iki farklı irrigasyon değişkeni (20 ml/dk ve 80 ml/dk serum fizyolojik) altında dört farklı alet grubuyla gerçekleştirildi. Oluşan ısı değişimleri, sensörler aracılığıyla bilgisayara aktarıldı. Çalışmanın istatistiksel sonuçları 20 ml/dk ve 80 ml/dk serum fizyolojik irrigasyon gruplarında kortikal ve kansellöz ölçümlerinin gruplara göre ortalamaları arasında anlamlı farklılık olup olmadığı tek yönlü varyans analizi ile incelenmiştir. Tek yönlü varyans analizi sonrasında farklılığın hangi gruptan kaynaklandığını tespit etmek için TUKEY testi kullanılmıştır. Analizler SPSS 20.0 yazılımı ile %95 güven düzeyinde yapılmıştır. Osteotomi süresince ısı değişimleri sırasıyla en yüksek ultrasonik kemik bıçağı, piezoelektrik, konvansiyonel kemik frezi ve kemik testeresi gruplarında bulunmuştur. Ultrasonik osteotomi aletlerinin çevre yumuşak dokular için daha güvenli olduğu ve postoperatif dönemde de daha avantajlı olduğunu gösteren birçok araştırma olmasına rağmen en fazla ısı artışı bu gruplarda görülmüştür. Hard tissue osteotomies are one of the most commonly used procedure in oral and maxillofacial surgery. Conventional and ultrasonic osteotomy methods are frequently used for this procedure. The main disadvantage of bone burs and bone saws which are conventional methods attached to rotary tools, is their damage to close anatomical structures. For this reason, ultrasonic osteotomy systems that work with selective vibration systems and feature selective cutting between hard and soft tissues, have started to be preferred. The development of ultrasonic systems provides a safe opportunity for operations around nerves, blood vessels, and sensitive anatomical structures in the dentomaxillofacial region which require much attention. Currently, the commonly used ultrasonic osteotomy devices are piezosurgery and ultrasonic bone scalpel. Although it is safer and causes fewer iatrogenic errors, there are some concerns about increased osteotomy time, osteotomy speed and heat build-up. The aim of this study is to compare the thermal changes caused by conventional (bone saws and bone burs) and ultrasonic osteotomy systems (piezosurgery and ultrasonic bone scalpel) during bone osteotomy of the same duration and length under two different irrigation variables. This study was approved by Başkent University Medical and Health Sciences Research Board on 09/07/2020 (Project number: D-KA20 / 11) and supported by Başkent University Research Fund. Fresh bovine ribs were used as in vitro study materials, and two K-type thermocouple cables and universal input microcontroller design data-loggers were used as temperature sensors for the measurement of thermal difference. Slots where the thermocouples will be placed, were opened on the bone blocks under the saline irrigation. The location of the slots were opened 1 mm away from the osteotomy line. One is 1.5 mm (at the cortical bone level) and the other one is 7 mm (at the cancellous bone level) deep. Thermocouple sensors were placed in the prepared slots. Osteotomy procedures were performed with four different instrument groups. In each group, osteotomy was 1 cm / min, bicortical and made under two different irrigation variables (20 ml / min and 80 ml / min saline). The results of temperature changes were transferred to the computer via sensors. The statistical results of the study were examined by One-Way ANOVA whether there was a significant difference between the means of cortical and cancellous measurements in the groups of 20 ml / min saline irrigation and 80 ml / min saline irrigation. After One-Way ANOVA, TUKEY test was used to determine which group the difference originated from. Analyzes were made with SPSS 20.0 software at 95% confidence level. Temperature changes during osteotomy were highest in ultrasonic bone scalpel, piezoelectric, conventional bone bur and bone saw groups, respectively. Although there are many studies showing that ultrasonic osteotomy instruments are safer for the surrounding soft tissues and are more beneficial in the post-operative period, the highest temperature increase was seen in this groups.Item Modified Blair Approach for the Treatment of Mandibular Condyle Fractures(2022) Ozer, Cem; Tamer, Yusuf; Bayram, Burak; Pektas, Zafer Ozgur; 35220347Purpose: The management of fractures of the condyle of the mandible has been a topic of debate and still no consensus exists in the literature about the most appropriate approach. The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of the modified Blair approach for the open reduction and internal fixation of mandibular condyle fractures. Methods: A retrospective study was conducted on 18 patients with 20 mandibular condyle fractures from 2014 to 2020. All patients were treated surgically using the modified Blair approach. Postoperative occlusion status and mouth opening were assessed for treatment outcomes. Also, the rate of complications such as facial nerve paralysis, wound infection, hematoma, salivary fistula, Frey syndrome, and greater auricular nerve paraeesthesia evaluated. Results: Seventeen out of 18 patients (94.4%) achieved their original pretraumatic occlusion after the surgery. One patient (5.5%) had postoperative occlusal interference due to premature dental contact. The maximal postoperative interincisal distance was measured with a range between 33 and 41 mm (mean 37.6 mm). One patient (5.6%) had transient facial nerve palsy. Also, salivary fistula developed in 1 (5.6%) patient in the postoperative period. Conclusion: The results of this study revealed that the modified Blair approach provides satisfactory clinical outcomes with low complication rates and may offer an alternative, safe, and effective method for open reduction and internal fixation of mandibular condyle fracture.Item Positive effect of platelet rich fibrin on osseointegration(2016) Oncu, Elif; Bayram, Burak; Kantarci, Alpdogan; Gulsever, Serap; Alaaddinoglu, Emine-Elif; 0000-0001-6718-3882; 27475686Background: Leukocyte-platelet rich fibrin (L-PRF) is a second generation platelet concentrate clinically used to accelerate tissue healing and bone regeneration. Achieving reduced implant osseointegration time could provide immediate or early loading of implants. The aim of this study was to evaluate the L-PRF-induced osseointegration and bone-implant contact (BIC) in an experimental animal model. Material and Methods: Twelve 4-month-old New Zealand white rabbits were used. Following general anesthesia, 3-5 mL of blood was obtained from the central artery in rabbit ear and L-PRF was prepared. Two implant cavities (5 mm long and 3 mm in diameter) were created in each tibia with a total of four cavities in each animal. Two of these cavities were selected and covered with PRF (test group). The remaining L-PRF was used to soak the implants placed into the L-PRF covered sockets. Other cavities were left as controls. In total, 48 implants were placed. Animals were sacrificed after two, three, or four weeks. Histological samples were obtained and peri-implant tissues were histomorphometrically evaluated for bone-to-implant contact and new bone formation. Results: Histomorphometric analyses of the defects revealed that the L-PRF was detectable up to the second week. Application of L-PRF increased the rate and amount of new bone formation in the experimental group compared to the control group. Bone-to-implant contact was enhanced when the surface was pre-wetted with L-PRF (p<0.01). Conclusions: The results of this study demonstrated that L-PRF application may increases amount and rate of new bone formation during the early healing period and provides a faster osseointegration around implants.Item Stress Distribution on Short Implants at Maxillary Posterior Alveolar Bone Model With Different Bone-to-Implant Contact Ratio: Finite Element Analysis(2016) Yazicioglu, Duygu; Bayram, Burak; Oguz, Yener; Cinar, Duygu; Uckan, Sina; 26867093The aim of this study was to evaluate the stress distribution of the short dental implants and bone-to-implant contact ratios in the posterior maxilla using 3-dimensional (3D) finite element models. Two different 3D maxillary posterior bone segments were modeled. Group 1 was composed of a bone segment consisting of cortical bone and type IV cancellous bone with 100% bone-to-implant contact. Group 2 was composed of a bone segment consisting of cortical bone and type IV cancellous bone including spherical bone design and homogenous tubular hollow spaced structures with 30% spherical porosities and 70% bone-to-implant contact ratio. Four-millimeter diameter and 5-mm-height dental implants were assumed to be osseointegrated and placed at the center of the segments. Lateral occlusal bite force (300 N) was applied at a 25 degrees inclination to the implants long axis. The maximum von Mises stresses in cortical and cancellous bones and implant-abutment complex were calculated. The von Mises stress values on the implants and the cancellous bone around the implants of the 70% bone-to-implant contact group were almost 3 times higher compared with the values of the 100% bone to -implant contact group. For clinical reality, use of the 70% model for finite element analysis simulation of the posterior maxilla region better represents real alveolar bone and the increased stress and strain distributions evaluated on the cortical and cancellous bone around the dental implants.Item TME Protezlerinde kilitli vida ve konvansiyonel vida sistemlerinin sonlu elemenlar analizi(SEA) ile değerlendirilmesi(Başkent Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2021) Çiftçioğlu, Palin; Bayram, BurakBu çalışmanın amacı TME protezi ramus komponentinin fiksasyonunda bütün vida deliklerine konvansiyonel veya kilitli vida yerleştirilmesi ile oluşan stres dağılımı ile ramus komponentindeki en üstte yer alan vidanın yerleştirilmemesi ile oluşan stres dağılımının SEA analizi kullanılarak karşılaştırılmasıdır. Daha önce TME protezi uygulanan bir hastanın bilgisayarlı tomografi görüntülerinden elde edilen modeller sonlu elemanlar analizine aktarıldı. Hareket kısıtlamalarını takiben modellere her kas için ayrı vektörel kuvvetler uygulanarak yükleme koşulları oluşturuldu. Cr-Co-Mo, titanyum, ultra yüksek molekül ağırlıklı polietilenin materyal değerleri oluşturulan modellere uygulanarak analizler yapıldı. Vidalar üzerindeki en yüksek von Mises stres değerleri model 1‘de görülürken, kilitli sistemlerin kullanılmasıyla stres değerlerinin düştüğü gözlenmiştir. Ramus komponentindeki en üst vida eksikliğinin hem konvansiyonel hem de kilitli sistemlerde vidalarda oluşan von Mises streslerini azaltırken, ramus komponentleri üzerindeki stresin konvansiyonel sistemlerde azalırken, kilitli sistemlerde arttığı görülmüştür. Fossa komponentindeki vidalarda oluşan von Mises stres değerlerinin kilitli ve konvansiyonel vida kullanılan modellerde farketmeksizin tüm modellerde birbirine yakın değerlerde olduğu görülmüştür. Fossa komponenti üzerinde oluşan en yüksek von Misses stres değeri Model 1‘de görülürken, kilitli sistemlerin kullanılmasıyla stres değerlerinin düştüğü görülmüştür. Ramustaki en üst vida eksikliğinin fossa komponentinde oluşan stresleri hem kilitli hem de konvansiyonel sistemlerde azaldığı görülmüştür. Ramus komponentinde bir vida eksikliği olan modellerde, komponent üzerindeki stresin anlamlı derecede arttığı görülmüştür. Kilitli vida sistemleri, sonlu elemanlar analizinin sınırları dahilinde TME protezlerinde kullanılabilir gözükmektedir. Kilitli sistemler oral ve maksillofasiyal cerrahinin diğer alanlarında kullanılsa da bu sistemin TME protezlerinde kullanımı için konuyla ilgili daha kapsamlı çalışmaların yapılması gerekmektedir. The aim of this study is to compare the stress distribution caused by placing conventional or locking screws in all screw holes in the fixation of the ramus component of the TMJ prosthesis and the stress distribution caused by not placing the top screw in the ramus component using FEA. Models obtained from computed tomography images of a patient who had a TMJ prosthesis before were transferred to finite element analysis. Following the movement restrictions, loading conditions were created by applying separate vectorial forces for each muscle to the models. Analyzes were made by applying the material values of Cr-Co-Mo, titanium, ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene to the models created. While the highest von Mises stress values on the screws were seen in model 1, it was observed that the stress values decreased with the use of locking systems. It has been observed that the top screw deficiency in the ramus component reduces the von Mises stresses on the screws in both conventional and locked systems, while the stress on the ramus components decreases in conventional systems and increases in locked systems. It has been observed that the von Mises stress values formed in the screws in the Fossa component are close to each other in all models, regardless of the models using locking and conventional screws. While the highest von Misses stress value on the fossa component was seen in Model 1, it was observed that the stress values decreased with the use of locked systems. It has been observed that the stresses on the fossa component of the uppermost screw deficiency in the ramus are reduced in both locked and conventional systems. Models lacking a screw in the ramus component showed a significantly increased stress on the component. Locking screw systems appear to be usable in TMJ prostheses within the confines of finite element analysis. Although locked systems are used in other areas of oral and maxillofacial surgery, more comprehensive studies on the subject are required for the use of this system in TMJ prostheses.Item Treatment efficiency of activator and skeletal anchored Forsus Fatigue Resistant Device appliances(2020) Ince-Bingol, Sinem; Kaya, Burcak; Bayram, Burak; Arman-Ozcirpici, Ayca; 0000-0002-7014-0784; 32671559Objectives The aim of the study was to investigate the treatment efficiency of miniplate anchored Forsus Fatigue Resistant Device (MAF) as compared with the activator appliance. Materials and methods Mandibular retrognathia was treated with two methods, the MAF group (8 girls, 11 boys, mean age 13.03 +/- 0.69 years) and the activator group (7 girls, 12 boys, mean age 12.68 +/- 0.73 years). An untreated control group (9 girls, 10 boys, mean age 12.95 +/- 0.73 years) was constructed to eliminate growth-related changes through the American Association of Orthodontists Foundation Legacy Collection. Data of 114 lateral cephalograms were analyzed. Results The inhibition of the maxillary growth was greater in the MAF group, whereas forward displacement of the mandible was higher in the activator group (P < 0.05). Sagittal maxillomandibular relation was improved similarly in both treatment groups (P < 0.05). Mandibular length was increased in both treatment groups with the highest increase in the activator group (P < 0.05). Retroclination of the incisors was observed in the MAF group (P < 0.05). The upper lip was retruded in the MAF group and lower lip was protruded in the activator group (P < 0.05). Conclusion The activator created greater mandibular changes, whereas the MAF provides somewhat smaller mandibular changes due to the restriction caused by retroclined maxillary incisors