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Item Acceptability, Reliability and Validity of The Turkish Version of The De Morton Mobility Index in Elderly Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis(2014) Yuruk, Zeliha Ozlem; Aytar, Aydan; Tuzun, Emine Handan; Eker, Levent; Yuksel, Inci; De Morton, Natalie A.; The de Morton Mobility Index is a newly developed instrument that assesses the mobility in elderly. The aim of the study was to translate the de Morton Mobility Index into Turkish and investigate its psychometric properties in elderly patients with knee osteoarthritis. Materials and Method: The Turkish version of the de Morton Mobility Index was developed using the forward-backward translation method. Patients (n= 100) were assessed using the Turkish version of the index, Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index, and Timed Up and Go test. Acceptability was assessed in terms of refusal rate, and administration time. Floor and ceiling effects and skew of the distribution were measured. Intra-class correlation coefficients, standard error of measurement, and minimal detectable change scores were calculated. The Pearson's correlation coefficients were measured. Results: Average time to complete the index was 7.8 minutes. The response rate was 99%. The reliability analyses were conducted with 40 patients. The intra-class correlation coefficient( 2,1), standard error of measurement, minimal detectable change90, and minimal detectable change95 were 0.95, 3.15, 7.33, and 8.71, respectively. The de Morton Mobility Index scores were normally distributed, and had no floor or ceiling effects. Ninety-nine knee osteoarthritis patients were analyzed for validity. Correlation coefficients between the de Morton Mobility Index, Timed Up and Go test and the Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index physical function, pain and stiffness subscales were -0.69, -0.70, -0.39, and -0.32, respectively. Conclusion: The Turkish version of the de Morton Mobility Index is an acceptable, reliable and valid measure for assessing mobility in elderly patients with knee osteoarthritis.Item Acute Effects Of Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization Technique On Pain And Joint Position Error In Individuals With Chronic Neck Pain: A Double-Blind, Randomized Controlled Trial(2023) Gercek, Hasan; Unuvar, Bayram Sonmez; Yemisci, Oya Umit; Aytar, Aydan; 36538383Purpose/AimThe aim of this study was to determine the acute effects of IASTM on cervical joint position error and pain in individuals with chronic neck pain.MethodsA total of 39 individuals with chronic neck pain were included in this study. Participants were randomized into three groups: Instrument-assisted soft-tissue mobilization(IASTM (n = 13), sham (n = 13), and control (n = 13). In the IASTM group, intervention was applied to the sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscles with an application time of 45 s and a frequency of 60 beats/min. In the sham group, IASTM was applied at a 90 degrees angle without pressure. The control group did not receive any intervention. The pain severity and joint position error(JPE) were evaluated before and after the intervention, by using the visual analogue scale and a cervical range of motion device.ResultsThe effects of time and treatment group on visual analogue scale(VAS) score were statistically significant (p = .001). Instrument-assisted soft-tissue mobilization was more effective in VAS score than sham and control group (p < .001). Significant improvement was found in JPE in all range of motions of the cervical region in the instrument-assisted soft-tissue mobilization group (p < .05). In the sham group, significant improvements were observed in cervical extension, left rotation, and left lateral flexion movements in JPE during each cervical spine active movement (p < .05). Instrument-assisted soft-tissue mobilization group was more effective in JPE all directions than sham and control group.ConclusionsInstrument-assisted soft-tissue mobilization may be a useful technique in individuals with chronic neck pain. Instrument-assisted soft-tissue mobilization decreases VAS and improves JPE.Item Adölesan kız basketbolcularda pilates ve geleneksel stabilizasyon egzersizlerinin etkisi(Başkent Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2020) Canbolat, Tuğba; Aytar, AydanBu çalışmada; Adölesan kız basketbolcularda pilates ve geleneksel stabilizasyon egzersizlerinin etkisini araştırmak amaçlandı. Çalışmaya 12-16 yaş aralığında, Çağdaş Batı İhtisas Spor Kulübü kadın basketbol sporcuları dâhil edildi. Sosyodemografik bilgileri kaydedilerek, sporcular randomizasyonla iki gruba ayrıldı: Pilates grubu (n=8), geleneksel stabilizasyon grubu (n=8). İlk gruba pilates’in on temel ilkesine dikkat edilerek eğitim verildi. İkinci gruba geleneksel “Core” stabilite egzersizleri verildi. Her iki gruptaki sporculara verilen egzersiz programı 6 hafta boyunca, haftada 3 gün 60 dakika eğitim verilerek uygulandı. Tü m değerlendirmeler 6 haftalık eğitim öncesi ve sonrasında her iki grup iç in de yapıldı. Sporculardaki nöromuskuler kontrol için kapalı kinetik zincir üst ekstremite stabilite testi uygulandı. Solunum kas güçleri değerlendirildi. Aerobik kapasite için on sekiz metre sprint test uygulandı. Psikolojik etkilenimleri için de sporda zihinsel dayanıklılık envanteri kullanıldı. Kapalı kinetik zincir üst ekstremite stabilite testinde grup içine bakıldığında her iki grupta da istatistiksel olarak anlamlı artış bulundu (p<0,05). Solunum kas gücü ölçüm parametrelerinin grup içi farklılıklarına bakıldığında her iki grupta da istatistiksel olarak anlamlı fark bulunurken (p<0,05), geleneksel stabililizasyon egzersiz grubu için hacim parametresinde anlamlı bir değişiklik saptanmadı (p=0,16). Aerobik kapasite farklılıklarına bakıldığında her iki grupta da anlamlı artış tespit edildi (p<0,05). Sporda zihinsel dayanıklılık envanteri ölçüm parametrelerinin grup içi farklılıklarına bakıldığında, anlamlı bir artış bulundu (p<0,05). Değerlendirilen tüm parametrelerin grup içinde ortalama farkları göz önünde bulundurulduğunda gruplar arasında parametrelerin değişimi açısından da fark olmadığı gözlemlendi (p>0,05).Sonuç olarak adölesan kız basketbol oyuncularında pilates ve geleneksel stabilizasyon egzersiz eğitimlerinin adölesan sporcularda oyun içi performanslarının artması için olumlu bir katkı sağlayacağını söyleyebiliriz. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of Pilates and Traditional Stabilization exercises in adolescent female basketball players. Çağdaş Batı İhtisas Sports Club female basketball athletes between the ages of 12-16 were included in the study. By recording sociodemographic information, athletes were divided into two groups by randomization: Pilates group (n = 8), traditional stabilization group (n = 8). The first group was trained by paying attention to ten basic principles of pilates. Traditional "Core" stability exercises were given to the second group. The exercise program given to the athletes in both groups was applied by giving 60 minutes of training 3 days a week for 6 weeks. All evaluations were made for both groups before and after the 6-week training. Closed kinetic chain stabilization test was performed for neuromuscular control in athletes. Respiratory muscle strengths were evaluated. 18m sprint test was applied for aerobic capacity. Mental toughness inventory was used in sports for their psychological effects. In the closed kinetic chain upper limb stability test, a statistically significant increase was found in both groups (p<0,05). When the intra-group differences of respiratory muscle strength measurement parameters were analyzed, there was a statistically significant difference in both groups (p <0,05), while no significant change was found in the volume parameter for the traditional stabilization exercise Group (p = 0.16). Considering aerobic capacity differences, a significant increase was detected in both groups (p <0,05). When the intra-group differences of sport mental toughness questionnaire measurement parameters in sports were analyzed, a significant increase was found (p <0.05). Considering the mean differences of all parameters evaluated within the group, it was observed that there was no difference between the groups in terms of the change of parameters (p> 0.05). As a result, we can say that the inclusion of pilates and traditional stabilization exercise trainings in the training program of adolescent girls’ basketball players will contribute positively to the increase in the performance of the athletes.Item Atıcılarda üst ekstremite nöromusküler kontrolü ve yaralanma riskinin stabilite ile ilişkisi(Başkent Üniverstiesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2020) Yıldız, Melis; Aytar, AydanBu çalışmanın amacı, atıcılarda üst ekstremite nöromusküler kontrolü ve yaralanma riskinin stabilite ile ilişkisini araştırmak idi. Çalışmaya lisanslı olarak Türkiye Atıcılık ve Avcılık Federasyonu’na kayıtlı, en az 1 aydır profesyonel olarak havalı veya ateşli silah atıcılığı yapan 31 sporcu dahil edildi. Sporcuların sosyodemografik özellikleri sorgulandı. Nöromusküler kontrol değerlendirmesi üst ekstremite kapalı kinetik zincir stabilite testi ile yapıldı. Sporcuların “core” stabiliteleri yüzüstü, sırtüstü ve lateral köprü testleri ile değerlendirildi. Sporcuların servikotorakal bölge vücut sıcaklığı FLIR-E5 termal kamera (FLIR Systems OU, Estonia) ile ölçüldü. Maksimum sıcaklık derecesi ve maksimum sıcaklık görülen kas kaydedildi. Sporcuların üst ekstremite nöromusküler kontrolleri ile sağ lateral ve sol lateral “core” stabiliteleri arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı pozitif ilişki saptandı (p<0,05). Üst ekstremite nöromusküler kontrolleri ile yüzüstü ve sırtüstü “core” stabiliteleri arasında herhangi bir ilişki bulunamadı (p>0,05). Çalışmaya katılan sporcuların servikotorakal bölge maksimum sıcaklık bölgeleri sağda ve solda en sıcaktan başlamak üzere trapez üst parçası, rhomboid, supraspinatus ve infraspinatus olarak saptandı. Sporcuların servikotorakal bölge sol üst kadran maksimum sıcaklıkları ile yüzüstü “core” stabiliteleri arasında anlamlı pozitif ilişki görüldü (p<0,05). Servikotorakal bölge sağ üst kadran maksimum sıcaklıkları ile “core” stabiliteleri arasında herhangi bir ilişki bulunamadı (p>0,05). Sonuç olarak; atıcılara üst ekstremite nöromusküler kontrolünün “core” stabiliteden etkilenebileceği ve üst ekstremite yaralanmalarından üst trapez kasının sorumlu olabileceği düşünüldü. Bu nedenle fizyoterapistlerin atıcıları değerlendirirken ve egzersiz verirken üst trapez kasını ve stabiliteyi de içeren değerlendirme yöntemleri kullanmalarını önermekteyiz. The aim of this study was investigate the relationship between upper limb neuromuscular control and injury risk and stability in shooters. 31 athletes who have been shooting with air pistol or pistol for minimum 1 month, and are registered to Shooting and Hunting Federation of Turkey were included in the study. The demographic characteristics of the athletes were questioned. Neuromuscular control was assessed by using upper extremity closed kinetic chain stability test. Supine, prone and lateral bridge tests were used to assess core stability of athletes. Body temperature of the cervicothoracic region of the athletes was measured by FLIR-E5 thermal camera (FLIR Systems OU, Estonia). The maximum temperature and the muscles that shown the maximum temperature was recorded. A positive statistical relationship (p<0.05) between upper extremity neuromuscular controls and right and left lateral core stabilities was detected. A relationship between upper extremity neuromuscular controls and facedown and supine position core stabilities (p>0.05) can not be detected. The cervicothoracic areal maximum thermal values observed from the warmest through coldest areas namely at upper trapezius muscle, rhomboid, supraspinatus, and infraspinatus at the right and left sides. A meaningful relationship between the Atheles' left upper scale cervicothoracic areas’ maximum temperatures and facedown core stabilities is detected (p<0.05). A relationship between upper right scale maximum temperatures and core stabilities (p>0.05) can not be detected. Consequently, it can be argued that the upper extremity controls can be affected by the core stability and the upper trapezius muscle can be responsible for upper extremity injuries. As a result, when the physiotherapists evaluate and prescribe exercises to athletes, they should use methods that includes upper trapezius muscle and stability assessments.Item Challenges and needs of informal caregivers in elderly care: Qualitative research in four European countries, the TRACE project(2020) Akgun-Citak, Ebru; Attepe-Ozden, Seda; Kav, Sultan; Acar, Sema; Aksoydan, Emine; Altintas, Atahan; Aytar, Aydan; Baskici, Cigdem; Kiziltan, Gul; 0000-0003-0361-7498; 0000-0002-0484-4687; 31756568; V-9745-2019; ABD-7108-2020Background: Providing informal care may affects caregivers' life in different ways. Determining the needs of caregivers and supporting them can improve both the quality of life of the caregivers, as well as the elderly they take care of. Objective: To explore the experiences and needs of the informal caregivers in four countries. Design: Qualitative research method was used in the study. Methods: The qualitative data was collected through focus groups and individual interviews between December 2016-May 2017. In all countries interviews were conducted in the mother language of the informants. Informants of the qualitative research were adult people who take primary care of an individual with chronic diseases, aged 65 years or older. Data were collected from 72 informal caregivers from four European countries. Inductive content analysis was performed. Results: Informal caregivers identified 2 themes, 5 subthemes, 19 categories and 7 subtcategories. The themes highlighted two major issues: informal caregiver's challenges and needs related to the management of care of elderly and caregivers' personal needs. Conclusion: The important and charming results of the present study are, difficulties of managing caregiver's own life, and coping with emotions are common in four countries. Identifying challenges and needs of informal caregivers enable healthcare professionals to develop care strategies and plan interventions focused to support and help to reduce the burden of care for elderly with chronic diseases.Item Covid-19 pandemi süresince engelli çocukların fonksiyonelliği ile ebeveynlerin etkilenmeleri arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi(Başkent Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2021) Şen, Güliz; Aytar, AydanBu çalışmada; Covid-19 pandemi sürecinde engelli çocukların fonksiyonelliği ile ebeveynlerin etkilenimleri arasındaki ilişkiyi araştırmak amaçlandı. Çalışmaya 4-12 yaş arasında serebral palsi, atipik otizm ve hafif mental retardasyon tanısı almış 84 engelli çocuk ve 84 anne olmak üzere toplam 168 kişi dahil edildi. Anne ve çocukların sosyodemografik bilgileri alındı. Engelli çocukların motor gelişim düzeylerinin fonksiyonel durumlarına yansımasını göstermek amacıyla Pediatrik Özürlülük Değerlendirmesi Envanteri (PÖDE), SP’li çocukların kaba motor fonksiyonlarının değerlendirilmesinde Kaba Motor Fonksiyon Sınıflandırma Sistemi (KMFSS) kullanıldı. Annelerin bakım yükü için Zarit Bakım Verme Yükü Ölçeği (ZBVYÖ), yorgunluk düzeylerini belirlemek için Yorgunluk Şiddet Ölçeği (YŞÖ), kas-iskelet sistemi rahatsızlıklarını sorgulamak için ise İskandinav Kas İskelet Sistemi Sorgusu (İKİSS) uygulandı. Anketler yüz yüze olacak şekilde araştırmacı tarafından okunarak dolduruldu. Ebeveynler kendi anketlerinin yanı sıra çocukların anketinde de katılımcı oldu. Değerlendirme sonucunda ebeveynlerin bakım yükü puanı ile çocukların PÖDE toplam puanı, kendine bakım ve mobilite puanları arasında anlamlı doğrusal bir ilişki görülmedi (p>0,05). Ebeveynlerin bakım yükü puanı ile çocukların sosyal fonksiyon puanı arasında ise orta düzeyde negatif yönde (r=-0,306; p<0,01) anlamlı doğrusal bir ilişki olduğu saptandı. Ebeveynlerin yorgunluk şiddet puanı ile çocukların PÖDE toplam puanı, kendine bakım, mobilite ve sosyal fonksiyon puanları arasında anlamlı doğrusal bir ilişki bulunmadı (p>0,05). Ebeveynlerin bakım yükü puanı ile yorgunluk şiddet puanı arasında da anlamlı doğrusal bir ilişki tespit edilmedi (p>0,05). Ebeveynlerin son 12 ay süresince sadece bel bölgesindeki ağrı olağan işlerini yapmayı engelledi. Son 12 ay süresince kas iskelet sistemi ağrısından yakınan ebeveynlerde en çok ağrıyan vücut bölümleri bel, boyun, omuz, sırt, diz bölgesinde olduğu tespit edildi. Sonuç olarak Covid-19 pandemi sürecinde engelli çocukların fonksiyonelliği ile ebeveynlerinin etkilenimleri arasında bir ilişki bulunmadı. Salgın sürecinde farklı tür engele sahip çocukların bakımından sorumlu annelerde, anneyi etkileyen kişisel, psikolojik faktörler ve çocuğun fonksiyonelliğinin günlük yaşama etkisini inceleyen faktörlerin de ayrıntılı bir şekilde sorgulanmasının anneler üzerindeki etkinin anlaşılmasında önemli olacağı görüşündeyiz. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between the functionality of disabled children and their parents' effects during the Covid-19 pandemic. A total of 168 particapants, 84 of whom were diagnosed with cerebral palsy (CP), atypical autism and mild mental retardation between the ages of 4-12, and 84 mothers, were included in the study. Sociodemographic information of the mothers and children were recorded. The Pediatric Disability Assessment Inventory (PODE) was used to show the reflection of the motor development levels of children with disabilities on their functional status, and the Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFSS) was used to evaluate the gross motor functions of children with CP. The Zarit Care Burden Scale (ZBVYS) was used for the care burden of mothers, the Fatigue Severity Scale (FSS) was used to determine the fatigue levels and the Scandinavian Musculoskeletal System Questionnaire (SMSQ) used to asses musculoskeletal disorders. The questionnaires were filled face to face by reading by the researcher. Parents participated in the children's questionnaire as well as their own. As a result of the evaluation, there was no significant linear relationship between the care burden score of the parents and the total PODE score, self-care and mobility scores of the children (p>0,05). A moderately negative correlation was found between the care burden score of the parents and the social function score of the children (r =-0.306; p <0.01). A significant linear relationship was not found between the fatigue severity score of the parents and the PODE total score, self-care, mobility and social function scores of the children (p> 0.05). No significant linear relationship was found between the care burden score of the parents and the fatigue severity score (p> 0.05). For the last 12 months, only the pain in the lumbar region of the parents prevented them from doing their usual work. It was determined that the most aching body parts of the parents who complained of musculoskeletal pain during the last 12 months were in the waist, neck, shoulder, back, and knee regions. As a result, no relationship was found between the functionality of disabled children and their parents' influences during the Covid-19 pandemic. We are of the opinion that it will be important to understand the impact on mothers in detail in the mothers responsible for the care of children with different types of disabilities during the epidemic, the personal and psychological factors affecting the mother and the factors examining the effect of the child's functionality on daily life.Item The Effects of Clinical Pilates Exercises on Patients with Shoulder Pain: A Randomised Clinical Trial(2017) Atilgan, Esra; Aytar, Aydan; Caglar, Aslican; Tigli, Ayca Aytar; Arin, Gamze; Yapali, Gokmen; Kisacik, Pinar; Berberoglu, Utku; Sener, Hulya Ozlem; Unal, Edibe; 29037638; HIR-3735-2022Aim: The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of Clinical Pilates exercises on patients with shoulder pain. Material and methods: Thirty-three patients, experiencing shoulder pain continuously for at least four weeks were selected as study subjects. The patients were randomly divided into two groups, namely Clinical Pilates exercise (n = 17) group and conventional exercise (n = 16) group. The patients were treated for five days a week, the total treatment being carried out for 10 days. The assessment of pain and disability amongst the patients were done at the baseline and at the end of the treatment sessions, using Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) and Shoulder Pain and Disability Index (SPADI). Results: The clinical Pilates exercise group showed a significant improvement in all scores used for assessment (p < 0.05), while the conventional exercise group demonstrated a significant improvement only in the SPADI total score (p < 0.05). A comparison of scores for the VAS, SPADI-Pain and SPADI-Total between the two groups, revealed a significant improvement in the Clinical Pilates exercise group (p < 0.05). Conclusion: It was demonstrated by the study that Clinical Pilates exercise is an efficient technique for patients experiencing shoulder pain, as it helps reduce pain and disability among them. (c) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Item The Effects of Scapular Mobilization in Patients with Subacromial Impingement Syndrome: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial(2015) Aytar, Aydan; Baltaci, Gul; Uhl, Tim; Tuzun, Handan; Oztop, Pinar; Karatas, Metin; 25054347; HIR-3735-2022; AAC-5843-2021To determine the effects of scapular mobilization on function, pain, range of motion, and satisfaction in patients with subacromial impingement syndrome (SAIS). Design: Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial. Setting: University hospital clinics in Turkey. Participants: 66 participants (mean +/- SD age 52.06 +/- 3.71 y) with SAIS. Interventions: Participants were randomized into 3 groups: scapular mobilization, sham scapular mobilization, and supervised exercise. Before the interventions transcutaneous electrical stimulation and hot pack were applied to all groups. Total intervention duration for all groups was 3 wk with a total of 9 treatment sessions. Main Outcome Measures: Shoulder function and pain intensity were primary outcome measures; range of motion and participant satisfaction were secondary outcome measures. Shoulder function was assessed with the short form of the Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand Questionnaire (DASH). A visual analog scale was used to evaluate pain severity. Active range of motion was measured with a universal goniometer. A 7-point Likert scale was used to evaluate satisfaction. Outcome measurements were performed at baseline, before visits 5 and 10, 4 wk after visit 9, and 8 wk after visit 9. Results: There was no group difference for DASH score (P = .75), pain at rest (P = .41), pain with activity (P = .45), pain at night (P = .74), and shoulder flexion (P = .65), external rotation (P = .63), and internal rotation (P = .19). There was a significant increase in shoulder motion and function and a significant decrease in pain across time when all groups were combined (P < .001). The level of satisfaction was not significantly different for any of the questions about participant satisfaction between all groups (P > .05). Conclusion: There was not a significant advantage of scapular mobilization for shoulder function, pain, range of motion, and satisfaction compared with sham or supervised-exercise groups in patients with SAIS.Item Effects of Traction Therapy in Addition to Conventional Physiotherapy Modalities on Pain and Functionality in Patients with Lumbar Disc Herniation: Randomized Controlled Study(2018) Gulsen, Mustafa; Atici, Emine; Aytar, Aydan; Sahin, Fatma Nese; HIR-3735-2022The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of traction therapy in addition to conventional physiotherapy modalities on pain and functionality in patients with chronic lumbar disc herniation. Patients (n=210, mean age=48.20 +/- 13.07 years, mean height=167.2 +/- 9.34 and mean weight= 74.86 +/- 13.47) were diagnosed with lumbar disc hernia through a clinical evaluation and an MRI and were graded as "protrusion or bulging lumbar herniation" according to the Macnab Classification. Patients were then randomly divided into 3 groups: the first group (n=70) underwent a hot pack (HP), Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS), ultrasounds (US) and home exercise (HE); the second group (n=75) underwent additional traction therapy compared to the first group and the third group (n=65) was given only home exercise. Sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of patients were recorded. All assessments were done before and after the treatments (4th week). Pain and functional status of patients were evaluated. There were no significant differences between the groups (p>0.05) except for pain score (p<0.05). Comparing within groups showed improvements in all parameters after treatment (p<0.05). Although there was a significant difference between group 1 and group 3, group 2 and group 3 in pain scores (p< 0.05), there was no significant difference found for other outcome measures.It was observed that in all treatment groups, there was a significant reduction of pain and functional impairment. Traction therapy wasn't more effective than other treatments for patients with lumbar disc herniation. As a clinical outcome not only physiotherapy modalities are effective, but also specific home exercises could be considered as a form of treatment for patients with lumbar disc hernia.Item Farklı fiziksel aktivite düzeylerine sahip boyun ağrılı bireylerde uyku kalitesi, fonksiyonellik ve farkındalığının incelenmesi(Başkent Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2020) Karan, Deniz; Aytar, AydanBu çalışmanın amacı farklı fiziksel aktivite düzeylerine sahip boyun ağrılı bireylerde uyku kalitesi, fonksiyonellik ve farkındalığının incelenmesi idi. Çalışmamıza en az 3 aydır ağrı şikayeti olan 122 birey katıldı. Bireylerin sosyodemografik ve klinik özellikleri kaydedildi. İstirahatte, aktivite sırasında ve gece oluşan ağrı şiddetleri vizuel analog skala ile değerlendirildi. Bireylerin fiziksel aktivite seviyeleri Uluslararası Fiziksel Aktivite Anketi’nin (UFAA) kısa formu ile değerlendirildi. Uyku kalitesi Pittsburgh Uyku Kalitesi İndeksi (PUKİ) ile değerlendirildi.Boyun farkındalığı Fremantle Boyun Farkındalık Anketi ile değerlendirildi. Bireyler fiziksel aktivite seviyelerine göre inaktif, az aktif ve yeterince aktif olarak üç gruba ayrıldı. Grupların ağrı düzeyleri, uyku kaliteleri, fonksiyonellikleri ve boyun farkındalıkları karşılaştırıldı. Üç grubun değerlendirilen tüm parametreleri birbirinden istatistiksel olarak farklı bulundu (p<0,05). Ağrı şiddeti açısından inaktif grup, az aktif ve yeterince aktif grup arasında fark gözlendi. Yeterince aktif olan grup istirahatte boyun ağrısı en az iken, az aktif grubun ağrısı en fazla idi. Yeterince aktif olan grup istirahatte boyun ağrısı en az iken, az aktif grubun ağrısı en fazla idi. Yeterince aktif olan grubun gece boyun ağrısı en az iken, az aktif grubun ağrısı en fazla idi. İnaktif grubun uyku kalitesi en az değere sahip iken az aktif grubun uyku kalitesi en fazla bulundu. Yeterince aktif grup en fazla fonksiyonelliğe sahip iken, en az fonksiyonelliğe inaktif grup sahip idi. İnaktif grubun boyun farkındalığı en az değere sahip iken az aktif grubun boyun farkındalığı en fazla bulundu. Sonuç olarak; boyun ağrılı kişilerde fiziksel aktivite seviyesiyle ağrı seviyesi, uyku kalitesi ve boyun farkındalığı arasında ilişki bulundu. Bu nedenle fizyoterapistlerin spesifik olmayan boyun ağrısının klinik değerlendirilmesinde fiziksel aktivite seviyesinin değerlendirmesinin ve risk faktörlerinin belirlenmesinde fiziksel aktivite seviyesini de içine alan değerlendirmeleri de kullanmalarını önermekteyiz The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between sleep quality, functionality and awereness in patients with neck pain who had different level of physical activity122 individuals with pain complaints for at least 3 months participated in ourstudy. Pain severity was assessed in three different ways as resting, activity and night pain with visual analog scale. Physical activity levels evaluated with short form of International Physical Activity Survey (UFAA), sleep quality evaluted with Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PUKI), neck awareness was evaluated with the Fremantle Neck Awareness Questionnaire. Individuals were divided into three groups as inactive, less active and sufficiently active according to their physical activity levels.Pain levels, sleep quality and neck awareness of the groups were compared. All the evaluated parameters of the three groups were found to be statistically different from each other (p <0.05). The sufficiently active group had the least pain at rest, activity and nocturnal pain, while the less active group had the most pain. While the sleep quality of the inactive group had thelowestvalue, the sleep quality of the less active group was highest. The sufficiently active group had the highest functionality, while the least functional group had the inactive. While neck awareness of the inactive group had the lowest value, neck awareness of the less active group was highest. In people with neckpain, therewas a relationship between physical activity level and pain level, sleep quality and neck awareness. For this reason, were commend physiotherapists to asess the physical activity levels in the clinical evaluation of nonspecific neck pain and also assessments that include physical activity level in determining risk factorsItem Gecikmiş Kas Ağrısında Kesikli Ultrason Tedavisinin Etkililiği(2006) Aytar, AydanGecikmis kas agrısında kesikli ultrason tedavisinin etkililigini incelemek amacıyla randomize çift-kör plasebo kontrollü arastırma olarak planlanan bu çalısma, Baskent Üniversitesinde egitim gören 90 gönüllü kadın üzerinde gerçeklestirildi. Çalısmaya katılan olgular GKA olusturulmadan 24 saat önce, olusturulduktan 48 saat sonra ve 5 günlük tedavinin sonunda istirahatta ve hareket ve/veya palpasyon ile ortaya çıkan agrı, eklem hareket açıklıgı, eklem pozisyon duyusu, kas kuvveti, basınç agrı esigi, çevre ölçümü, serum kreatin kinaz ve nötrofil sayısı açısından degerlendirildi. Ayrıca olgular bes gün boyunca her gün, tedavi bitiminden 30 dakika sonra istirahatta kolda hissedilen agrı, hareket ve/veya palpasyon ile ortaya çıkan agrı siddeti, basınç agrı esigi, normal eklem hareketleri ve kol çevre ölçümleri ile degerlendirildi. Gecikmis kas agrısı Cybex izokinetik dinamometre ile olguların dominant olmayan kollarındaki M. Biceps Brachii üzerinde olusturuldu. Olgular rastgele örneklem yöntemi ile terapötik kesikli ultrason, plasebo kesikli ultrason ve kontrol olmak üzere üç gruba ayrıldı. Olgular çalısma basında yapılan degerlendirmede tanımlayıcı özellikler, istirahatta ve hareket ve/veya palpasyon ile ortaya çıkan agrı siddeti, agrı esigi, agrının duyusal ve afektif niteligi, normal eklem hareketi, çevre ölçümü, pozisyon duyusu, kas kuvveti ve nötrofil sayım sonuçları yönünden benzerdi. lk grubun kreatin kinaz düzeyi ikinci gruptakinden yüksek bulundu (p < 0.05). Gecikmis kas agrısı öncesi ve sonrası ölçüm sonuçları her üç grupta da gecikmis kas agrısı olustugunu göstermekteydi. Tedavi sonrası ve gecikmis kas agrısı sonrası ölçüm sonuçları kullanılarak hesaplanan etki büyüklükleri, kesikli ultrason uygulamasının gecikmis kas agrısında ortaya çıkan istirahatta ve hareket ve/veya palpasyonla ortaya çıkan agrı, eklem hareket açıklıgında ve kas kuvvetinde azalma, hassasiyet ve ödem gibi belirti ve bulguların düzeltilmesinde önemli bir yararının olmadıgını göstermekteydi. Elde edilen bu sonuç literatürle uyumlu idi.Item Hastalık biliş anketi'nin gerçeklik ve güvenirliği(Başkent Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2018) Aykul, Ayşegül; Aytar, AydanBu çalışmanın amacı, Evers ve Kraaimaat tarafından geliştirilmiş olan "Illness Cognition Questionnaire” Hastalık Biliş Anketi‟nin Türkçe‟ye uyarlanması ile geçerlik ve güvenilirlik özelliklerini belirlemek idi. Hastalık Biliş Anketi için yazarından gerekli yazılı izinler alındıktan sonra iki ileri ve bir geri çeviri metodu uygulandı. Çalışmaya Başkent Üniversitesi Ankara Hastanesi Fiziksel Tıp ve Rehabilitasyon Anabilim Dalı ayaktan tedavi polikliniğine başvuran kronik kas iskelet sistemi hastalıklarına bağlı ağrısı olan toplam 205 hasta dahil edildi. Anketin test-tekrar test güvenirliğini gerçekleştirmek için 81 hastaya 2 gün sonra tekrar uygulama yapıldı. Çalışmanın başlangıcında bireylerin sosyodemografik ve klinik özellikleri sorgulandı. Ağrı değerlendirmesi için McGill Ağrı Anketi (Kısa Form) kullanıldı. Geçerliği test etmek için hastalara Hastalık Biliş Anketi ile birlikte kısa hastalık algı ölçeği ve hastane anksiyete ve depresyon anketleri uygulandı. Hastalık Biliş Anketi‟nin yapı geçerliği Doğrulayıcı Faktör Analizi ile yakınsak ve ıraksak geçerlik ise Pearson korelasyon analizi ile değerlendirildi. Anketin güvenilirlik düzeyini belirlemek için Cronbach alfa iç-tutarlılık ve test-tekrar test güvenilirlik katsayıları hesaplandı. Yapılan doğrulayıcı faktör analiz sonuçlarına göre çaresizlik alt boyutu maddelerine ait faktör yükleri 0,78 ile 0,85 arasında, kabul etme alt boyutuna ait faktör yükleri 0,58 ile 0,85 arasında, algılanan faydalar alt boyutuna ait faktör yükleri ise 0,73 ile 0,79 arasında değişkenlik gösterdi. Anketin iç tutarlılık katsayıları çaresizlik alt boyutu için 0,92; kabul etme alt boyutu için 0,86; algılanan faydalar alt boyutu için ise 0,89 olarak bulundu. Yapılan analizler çaresizlik alt boyutuna ait ilk ölçüm ile tekrar test çaresizlik alt boyutu arasında 0,69 düzeyinde istatistiksel olarak pozitif anlamlı bir ilişki olduğunu gösterdi. Kabul etme alt boyutuna ait ilk test ile tekrar test arasında 0,46 düzeyinde istatistiksel olarak pozitif anlamlı bir ilişki saptandı. Algılanan faydalar alt boyutuna ait ilk test ile tekrar test arasında 0,66 düzeyinde istatistiksel olarak pozitif anlamlı bir ilişki saptandı. Sonuç olarak; Hastalık Biliş Anketi‟nin Türkçe sürümü geçerli ve güvenilir bulundu. Hastalık Biliş Anketi‟nin uygulama süresinin kısa olması ve kolay anlaşılabilir olmasından ötürü kliniklerde kolaylıkla kullanılabilecek bir ölçme değerlendirme aracı olduğunu söyleyebiliriz. Türk toplumunda hastalık algısında yeni bir farkındalık sağlayan Hastalık Biliş Anketi‟nin farklı hastalıklarda ve yaş gruplarında incelenmesi gerektiğini düşünmekteyiz. The aim of this study was to determine the validity and reliability characteristics of the “Illness Cognition Questionnaire‟‟ by adapting the Illness Cognition Questionnaire to Turkish which was developed by Evers and Kraaimaat. After permission was obtained from the author two forward and one back translation method was applied. A total of 205 patients who had pain related to chronic musculoskeletal diseases were referred to the study from outpatient clinic at BaĢkent University Ankara Hospital Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation. In order to achieve testretest reliability of the questionnaire, 81 patients were re-applied after 2 days. At the beginning of the study, the sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of the individuals were questioned. The McGill Pain Questionnaire (Short Form) was used for pain assessment. In order to test the validity, a short disease perception questionnaire, hospital anxiety and depression questionnaire were administered together with the Illness Cognition Questionnaire. Confirmatory Factor Analysis was used to assessing the construct validity of the Illness Cognition Questionnaire and convergent and divergent validities was evaluated by Pearson correlation analysis. Cronbach's alpha internal consistency and testretest reliability coefficients were calculated to determining the reliability level of the questionnaire. According to the confirmatory factor analysis results, the factor loadings of the helplessness subscale ranged from 0.78 to 0.85, the acceptance subscale ranged from 0.58 to 0.85, and the perceived benefits subscale ranged from 0.73 to 0.79. Internal consistency coefficients of the questionnaire were found 0.92 for the helplessness subscale; 0.86 for the acceptance subscale; and 0.89 for perceived benefits subscale. The results of the analysis showed that there was a statistically significant positive correlation between the initial measurement of helplessness subscale and the retest helplessness subscale at 0.69 level. A statistically significant positive correlation of 0.46 between the first test and the retest of the acceptance subscale was determined. Also, the statistically significant positive correlation of 0.66 between the first test and the retest was determined for the perceived benefits subscale. The Turkish version of the Illness Cognition Questionnaire was found to be valid and reliable. We could say that the Illness Cognition Questionnaire is a measurement evaluation tool that might be easily used at the clinic related to the application period is short and easy to understand. We think that the Illness Cognition Questionnaire, which provides a new awareness of illness perception in Turkish society, should be examined in different diseases and age groups.Item Is training for informal caregivers and their older persons helpful? A systematic review(2019) Aksoydana, Emine; Aytar, Aydan; Blazeviciene, Aurelija; van Bruchem-Visser, Rozermarijn L.; Veskelyte, Alina; Mattace-Raso, Francesco; Acar, Sema; Altintas, Atahan; Akgun-Citak, Ebru; Attepe-Ozden, Seda; Baskici, Cigdem; Kava, Sultan; Kiziltan, Gul; 0000-0003-0361-7498; 30953963; ABD-7108-2020; AAI-6607-2020; V-9745-2019Background: The steady increase in the number of people suffering from chronic diseases and increasing life expectancy raises new demands on health care. At the same time, the need for informal caregivers is increasing. This study aims to perform a systematic review of the methodologies used to identify effect of different types of training on informal caregivers and their older persons. Methods: MEDLINE (PubMed), CINAHL and Ovid were searched from December 2016 and April 2017. The following keywords were used; "informal caregiver", "training" "elderly", older persons". Identified publications were screened by using the following inclusion criteria; systematic reviews, randomized controlled trials, prospective cohort and multicentre studies, English language full text journals, samples or interventions that included caregivers of older persons and published in last 10 years. Results: Twenty four studies (12 randomised control trials, 8 intervention studies and 4 systematic reviews) were included. Most of the randomized controlled trials involved both caregivers and elderly. Pretests and post-tests were used in intervention studies (5 out of the 8 studies). ICT-based, psychosocial interventions on family caregivers' education program for caregivers were applied. Caregivers following a supportive educative learning had a significantly better quality of life. Conclusions: The findings of this systematic review suggest that support interventions for caregivers can be effective in reducing caregivers' stress, with a consequent improvement of the quality of care. However, results are based on relatively small studies, reporting somewhat controversial findings supporting the need to perform further research in this field.Item Kronik bel ağrısı olan bireylerin skapula pozisyonu, stabilite, esneklik ve fonksiyonelliklerinin sağlıklı bireyler ile karşılaştırılması(Başkent Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2019) Kırtıl, Begüm; Aytar, AydanBu çalışmanın amacı kronik bel ağrısı olan bireyler ile sağlıklı bireylerin skapula pozisyonu, stabilite, esneklik ve fonksiyonelliklerini karşılaştırmak idi. Çalışmamız en az 3 aydır ağrı şikayeti olan 20 kronik bel ağrılı ve 20 sağlıklı toplam 40 birey üzerinde gerçekleştirildi. Bireylerin sosyodemografik ve klinik özellikleri kaydedildi. İstirahatte ve aktivite sırasında oluşan ağrı şiddetleri vizuel analog skala ile değerlendirildi. Skapular pozisyonların değerlendirilmesinde lateral skapular kayma testi kullanıldı. Bireylerin derin servikal fleksör, transversus abdominus ve lumbal multifidus kaslarının stabilizasyonu stabilize edici basınç biofeedback cihazı ile basınç miktarı ve süre olarak değerlendirildi. Bireylerin latissimus dorsi ve pektoralis minör kaslarının uzunluğu ve omuz arka kapsül kısalığı mezura ile değerlendirildi. Torakolumbal fasya gerginliğinin değerlendirilmesi için gonyometrik platform kullanıldı. Bireylerin aktivitelerindeki fonksiyonellikleri “Oswestry” Bel Ağrısı Anketi ile değerlendirildi. İki grup arasında istirahatte ve aktivite sırasında oluşan ağrı şiddetinde istatistiksel olarak anlamlı fark vardı (p<0,001). Bireylerin derin servikal fleksör ve transversus abdominis kaslarının stabilizasyonu, skapula pozisyonları, pektoralis minör, latissimus dorsi kaslarının uzunluğu ve arka kapsüllerinin kısalığı açısından gruplar arasında herhangi bir farklılık gözlenmedi (p>0,05). Multifidus ve transversus abdominis kaslarının birlikte stabilizayonunda iki grup arasında fark bulundu (p<0,05). Derin servikal fleksör kaslar hariç diğerlerinin stabilizasyon için yeterlilik değerleri arasında gruplar arasında fark gözlendi (p<0,05). Gruplar arasında torakolumbal fasya esnekliği açısından dominant tarafta anlamlı fark yok iken (p>0,05) non-dominant tarafta sağlıklı lehine anlamlı fark var gözlendi (p<0,05). Oswestry Bel Ağrısı anketinde gruplar arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı fark bulundu (p<0,05). Sonuç olarak; kronik bel ağrısı olan bireylerin stabilizasyon kuvvetinin ve torakolumbal fasya esnekliğinin etkilenebileceği düşünüldü. Spinal musküler kinetik zincirdeki zayıflığın bel ağrısıyla ilişkili olduğunu söyleyebiliriz. Bu nedenle fizyoterapistlerin, kronik bel ağrısı olan bireyleri değerlendirir iken stabilizasyon ve torakolumbal fasyayı içine alan yöntemleri de kullanmalarını önermekteyiz. The aim of this study was to compare the scapular position, stability, flexibility and functionality of the chronic low back pain with healthy subjects. Our study was performed on 20 chronic low back pain subjects who had been suffering from pain for at least 3 months and 20 healthy total 40 subjects. Sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of subjects were recorded. Pain intensity during rest and activity evaluated by visual analog scale. Lateral scapular slide test was used to asess scapular positioning. For stabilization of deep cervical flexor, transversus abdominus and lumbar multifidus muscles were measured as a pressure (mmHg) and duration (seconds) with pressure biofeedback device. The length of the latissimus dorsi and pectoralis minor muscles and posterior shoulder capsule shortness of the subjects were evaluated with a tape. A goniometric platform was used to evaluate the thoracolumbal fascia flexibility. The functionalities of the subjects in their activities were evaluated with Oswestry Low Back Pain Questionnaire. There was a statistically significant difference in pain intensity at rest and during activity between the two groups (p<0.001). Stability for strength of deep cervical flexor and transversus abdominis muscles, scapular positions, length of pectoralis minor, latissimus dorsi muscles and shortness of posterior capsules were not different between the groups (p>0.05). There was a significant difference found stabilization of multifidus and transversus abdominis muscles together between two groups. There was a significant differences observed for adequate stabilization values between groups (p<0.05) except for deep cervical flexor muscles (p<0.05). While there was no statistically significant difference between the groups in terms of thoracolumbal fascia flexibility (p>0.05) in dominant side, there was a significant difference in favor of healthy in non-dominant side (p<0.05). There was a statistically significant difference found between the groups in terms of Oswestry Low Back Pain Questionnaire mean scores (p<0.05). As a result; stability for strength and thoracolumbal fascia flexibility of subjects with chronic low back pain were thought to be affected. We could say that weakness in spinal-muscular kinetic chain is associated with low back pain. Therefore, we recommend that physiotherapists should use stabilization and thoracolumbal fascia assessment methods while evaluating subjects with chronic low back pain.Item Kronik boyun ağrılı bireylerde enstrüman yardımlı yumuşak doku mobilizasyon yönteminin ağrı ve eklem pozisyon hissi üzerine akut etkisi(Başkent Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2021) Gerçek, Hasan; Aytar, AydanBu çalışmada; kronik boyun ağrılı bireylerde tek seanslık Enstrüman yardımlı yumuşak doku mobilizasyonu (EYYDM) uygulamasının, ağrı ve eklem pozisyon hissi (EPH) üzerine akut etkisinin belirlenmesi amaçlandı. Çalışmaya en az 12 haftadır kronik boyun ağrısı olan 18-65 yaş arası 39 birey dahil edildi. Çalışmaya dahil edilen bireyler, blok randomizasyon yöntemi ile EYYDM uygulaması (n=13), sham uygulama (n=13) ve kontrol (n=13), (7 kadın, 6 erkek) olarak üç gruba ayrıldı. Katılımcıların ağrı şiddeti görsel analog skala (GAS) ile, eklem pozisyon hissi “Cervical Range of Motion” (CROM - Performance Attainment Associates, Lindstrom, Minnesota, US) cihazı kullanılarak uygulamalardan önce ve sonra değerlendirildi. Kontrol grubu harici gruplara ilk ölçümden sonra tek seans EYYDM veya sham EYYDM uygulaması yapıldı. Kontrol grubuna ise herhangi bir müdahalede bulunulmadı. Değerlendirme sonucunda, GAS skorunda uygulama sonrasında akut olarak istatistiksel olarak anlamlı fark gözlendi (p=0,001). EYYDM grubunda servikal bölgenin tüm yönlerinde eklem pozisyon hissinde (EPH) istatistiksel olarak anlamlı iyileşmeler bulundu (p<0.05). Sham grubunda ise EPH'de servikal ekstansiyon, sol rotasyon ve sol lateral fleksiyon hareketlerinde önemli kazanımlar saptandı (p<0.05). Kronik boyun ağrılı bireylerin, fizyoterapi programlarında EYYDM uygulamasına da yer verilmesinin ağrı ve EPH üzerinde olumlu etkiler oluşturacağını düşünmekteyiz. The aim of this study was to determine the acute effect of single session Instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization (IASTM) application on pain and joint position sense (JPS) in individuals with chronic neck pain. Thirty-nine individuals between the ages of 18-65 who had chronic neck pain for at least 12 weeks were included in this study. The individuals included in our study were divided into three groups as EYYDM application (n=13), sham application (n=13) and control group (n=13), (7 women, 6 men) with the block randomization method. The pain intensity of the participants was evaluated with a visual analog scale (VAS), and joint position sense was evaluated before and after the applications using the Cervical Range of Motion (CROM - Performance Attainment Associates, Lindstrom, Minnesota, US) device. After the initial measurement, a single session of IASTM or sham IASTM was applied to the groups other than the control group. No intervention was made in the control group. VAS score were statistically significant (p=0.001) after applications. The significant improvements found in joint position sense (JPS) in all aspects of the cervical region in the IASTM group (p<0.05). In the sham group, significant improvements observed in cervical extension, left rotation, and left lateral flexion movements in JPE (p<0.05). We assume that including IASTM in the physiotherapy programs of individuals with chronic neck pain will have positive effects on pain and JPS.Item Pandemi sürecinde hastanede çalışan fizyoterapistlerin mesleki tükenmişlik, yorgunluk ve mental sağlıkları arasındaki ilişki(Başkent Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2021) Ilgın, Büke; Aytar, AydanBu çalışmada; pandemi sürecinde hastanede çalışan fizyoterapistlerin mesleki tükenmişlik, yorgunluk ve mental sağlık düzeyleri arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi amaçlandı. En az bir yıldır fizyoterapist olan ve pandemi sürecinde aktif çalışan 130 fizyoterapist çalışmaya dahil edildi. Fizyoterapistlerin sosyodemografik bilgileri ve Covid-19 ile ilgili bilgiler alındıktan sonra mesleki tükenmişlik için duygusal tükenme, kişisel başarı ve duyarsızlaşma boyutlarından oluşan Maslach Tükenmişlik Ölçeği (MTÖ), yorgunluk şiddeti için Yorgunluk Şiddet Ölçeği (YŞÖ), mental sağlık için Beck Depresyon Ölçeği (BDÖ) uygulandı. Anketler çevrim içi olarak uygulandı. Değerlendirme sonucunda yorgunluk şiddet puanı ile duygusal tükenme puanı arasında pozitif yönde (r=0,530; p<0,001), kişisel başarı puanı ile arasında negatif yönde (r=-0,243; p<0,01), duyarsızlaşma puanı ile arasında pozitif yönde (r=0,428; p<0,001) anlamlı doğrusal ilişki olduğu tespit edildi. Beck depresyon puanı ile duygusal tükenme puanı pozitif yönde (r=0,586; p<0,001), kişisel başarı puanı ile arasında negatif yönde (r=-0,233; p<0,01), duyarsızlaşma puanı ile arasında pozitif yönde (r=0,530; p<0,001) anlamlı doğrusal ilişki olduğu bulundu. Yorgunluk şiddet puanı ile beck depresyon puanı arasında ise pozitif yönde (r=0,570; p<0,001) anlamlı doğrusal ilişki olduğu saptandı. Çalışmada pandemi sürecinde çalışan fizyoterapistlerin mesleki tükenmişlik, yorgunluk ve mental sağlık düzeyleri birbiri ile ilişkili bulundu. Covid-19 ile mücadelede ve sonrasında, fizyoterapide hasta yükünün artacağı ve fizyoterapistlere daha fazla ihtiyaç olacağı düşünüldüğünde bu sonuç göz önünde bulundurulmalıdır. Fizyoterapistlerin pandemi sürecine verdiği yanıtlar detaylı değerlendirilerek; mesleki tükenme, yorgunluk ve depresyonun meydana gelmesini önleyecek uygulamalar gerçekleştirilmelidir. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between professional burnout, fatigue and mental health among physiotherapists working in hospitals during the pandemic. 130 physiotherapists who have been a physiotherapist for at least one year and who have worked actively during the pandemic were included in the study. After obtaining sociodemographic information of physiotherapists and information about Covid-19, professional burnout was evaluated with Maslach Burnout Scale (MBI) which has emotional exhaustion, personal achievement and depersonalization dimensions. The Fatigue Severity Scale (FSS) was used for the severity of fatigue, and the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) was used for mental health. Surveys were conducted online. The positive correlation between FSS and emotional exhaustion score (r = 0.530; p <0.001), negative correlation between FSS and personal achievement score (r = -0.243; p <0.01), positive correlation between FSS and depersonalization score (r = 0.428 ; p <0.001) were found. Positive correlation between BDI and emotional exhaustion score (r = 0.586; p <0.001), negative correlation between BDI and personal achievement score (r = -0.233; p <0.01), positive correlation between BDI and depersonalization score (r = 0.530; p <0.001) were found. Positive (r = 0.570; p <0.001) significant linear relationship was found between FSS and BDI. As a result, professional burnout, fatigue and mental health levels of physiotherapists who have worked during the pandemic were found to be correlated with each other. Considering that the patient load in physiotherapy will increase and there will be a greater need for physiotherapists in the fight against Covid-19 and afterwards, this result should be considered. The response of physiotherapists to the Covid-19 pandemic should be evaluated in detail. Practices should be implemented to prevent professional burnout, fatigue and depression.Item PREVALENCE AND RELATED FACTORS OF LIMITED HEALTH LITERACY IN PATIENTS WITH CHRONIC MUSCULOSKELETAL DISEASES(2017) Aytar, Aydan; Tuzun, Emine Handan; Eker, LeventPurpose: Not knowing the dimensions of inadequate health literacy is an important public health issue not just for healthcare professionals but all population. It is, therefore, necessary to ensure that politicians see this as an investment and to encourage service to productive resources. It is important to be aware of limited health literacy to develop new and different strategies. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of limited health literacy and to examine the relationship between health readiness and socio-demographic characteristics in patients with chronic musculoskeletal disorders. Methods: A total of 423 patients who have different chronic musculoskeletal disorders were recruited into the study. The level of health literacy was measured using Rapid Estimate of Adult Literacy in Medicine and Newest Vital Sign instruments. The cognitive level of participants was estimated using Mini-Mental Status Examination Test. Results: Approximately 17.3 percent of participants assessed using Rapid Estimate of Adult Literacy in Medicine had limited health literacy. More than 27.2 percent of participants evaluated using the Newest Vital Sign had limited literacy and lower numeracy skills. Conclusion: Limited health literacy and numeracy skills are common in patients who have different chronic musculoskeletal disorders. It is associated with older age, lower level of education, and lower cognitive level. Healthcare literacy can be improved with various strategies in health services, and more successful outcomes can be obtained in treatment.Item Relationship Between Exercise Perception With Physical Activity Level, Body Awareness, and Illness Cognition in Renal Transplant Patients: A Pilot Study(2019) Tigli, Ayca; Soy, Ebru Hatice Ayvazoglu; Aytar, Aydan; Moray, Gokhan; Haberal, Mehmet;;;; 30777573; AAC-5566-2019; HIR-3735-2022; AAE-1041-2021; AAJ-8097-2021Objectives: Transplantation offers better quality of life and long-term survival benefits. Further knowledge is needed regarding exercise in daily life of transplant recipients. Here, we investigated the relationship between exercise perception and physical activity level, body awareness, and illness cognition in renal transplant patients. Materials and Methods: Our study included 53 renal transplant recipients (Standardized Mini-Mental Test score = 26.35 +/- 1.36; age = 41.11 +/- 13.52 year, body mass index = 25.96 +/- 5.26 kg/m(2), elapsed time after transplant = 3.68 +/- 1.53 year). Perceived benefits and barriers to exercise, physical activity level, body awareness, and illness cognition were assessed with the Exercise Benefits/Barriers Scale, International Physical Activity Questionnaire, Body Awareness Questionnaire, and Patient Illness Perception Questionnaire, respectively. Correlations were established with Spearman test for nonparametric data, with regression analysis used to find determinants of physical activity levels. Results: We observed correlations between physical activity level and perceived benefits and barriers to exercise. There was a positive relationship between body awareness and perceived benefits and barriers to exercise and also illness cognition, with significant correlation between perceived benefits and barriers to exercise and illness cognition (P < .05). Perceived benefits and barriers to exercise (P = .006, R = 0.373, R2 = 0.139, beta = 0.373, t = 2.867, F = 8.22) were determining factors for physical activity level. Conclusions: Psychologic and physical factors, including negative emotions and body dissatisfaction, are risk factors for poor quality of life. Although it is important to increase quality of life, tools to enhance body awareness and to develop strategies to alter motor behaviors in daily living activities are needed. Treatment and assessment strategies on body awareness and illness perception should be considered, with emphasis on the importance of physical activity posttransplant.Item Reliability and Validity of the Turkish Version of Illness Cognition Questionnaire(2019) Aytar, Aydan; Aykul, Aysegul; Altintas, Atahan; Tigli, Ayca Aytar; 31514584Background: This study aimed to determine the validity and reliability characteristics of the Illness Cognition Questionnaire (ICQ). Methods: A total of 205 patients who had pain related to chronic musculoskeletal diseases were referred to the study. In order to test the validity, Short Disease Perception Scale (SDPS), Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) were administered together with the ICQ. Confirmatory factor analysis was used to measure the construct validity of the ICQ, and convergent and divergent validities were evaluated using Pearson correlation analysis. In order to achieve the test-retest reliability of the questionnaire, 81 patients re-applied the questionnaire after two days. Cronbach's alpha internal consistency and test-retest reliability coefficients were calculated to determine the reliability level of the questionnaire. Results: The factor loadings of the ICQ helplessness subscale ranged from 0.784 to 0.853, the acceptance subscale ranged from 0.583 to 0.855, and the perceived benefits subscale ranged from 0.733 to 0.794. Internal consistency coefficients of the ICQ were found alpha = 0.929 for the helplessness subscale, alpha = 0.868 for the acceptance subscale, and alpha = 0.896 for perceived benefits subscale. The results of the analysis showed that there was a statistically significant positive correlation between the initial measurement of helplessness sub-scale and the retest helplessness subscale at 0.697 level (p < .05). A statistically significant positive correlation was determined between the test and the retest of acceptance sub-scale at 0.465 level (p < .05). A statistically significant positive correlation was found between the first test of the perceived benefits sub-scale and the retest test at the 0.661 level. Conclusion: The Turkish version of the ICQ was found to be valid and reliable. It is a measurement tool that could be used easily in clinics because of its short application time and easy to understand. We think that ICQ which provides a new awareness in the perception of disease in Turkish society should be examined in different diseases and age groups.Item Reliability of Pressure Pain Thresholds in Healthy Young Adults(2014) Aytar, Aydan; Senbursa, Gamze; Baltaci, Gul; Yuruk, Zeliha Ozlem; Pekyavas, Nihan Ozunlu;; HIR-3735-2022; AAC-6522-2020Objectives: The aim of this study was to investigate the inter-rater and intra-rater reliability of pressure pain threshold [PPT] measurements in the supraspinatus muscle tendon, anterior talofibuler ligament, and the extensor digitorum communis muscle belly in healthy young subjects. Methods: A total of 100 healthy undergraduates participated in this study. Two examiners had three trials of measuring the supraspinatus muscle tendon, anterior talofibuler ligament, and extensor digitorum communis muscle belly on the dominant side, which were marked by the first examiner [E1]. Three consecutive measurements were taken with a 60-s interval between trials. The average of three measurements was calculated for each region. After a 60-min interval, the same procedure was repeated by the second examiner [E2] on the same day. Results: Our results indicated that E1 and E2 showed high intra-rater reliability. Significant difference was found between E1 and E2 in anterior talofibular ligament and extensor digitorum communis muscle belly threshold average measurements [p < 0.05], but no significant difference was found at supraspinatus muscle tendon [p > 0.05]. Low significant correlation and reliability was found between E1 and E2 for all measurement sites. Conclusions: Our study results indicated that intra-rater reliability of PPT measurements on tendon, ligament, and muscle belly was high. We found that inter-rater reliability was low in the anterior talofibular ligament and supraspinatus muscle tendon, and adequate in muscle belly. Measurements by one examiner were more reliable than measurements between examiners. This study could be reference for future studies to measure reliability on three different anatomical regions.