Akkaya, BaharTasova-Yilmaz, GuldenAkkaya, HamparUsta, Mustafa Faruk2019-11-272019-11-2720152147-2270http://cms.galenos.com.tr/Uploads/Article_10464/165-167.pdfhttp://hdl.handle.net/11727/4302Occurrence of villous adenomas arising in the urinary tract is uncommon. They have been reported usually in the gastrointestinal tract. We reported a case of urinary bladder villous adenoma coexisting with urothelial carcinoma in a 72-year-old male. The patient underwent trans urethral resection because of diagnosis villous adenoma and non-muscle invasive urothelial carcinoma. Over the past twenty-nine months of follow up, the patient is alive and developed no metastasis. Patients with isolated villous adenomas in the urinary bladder have an excellent prognosis and surgical resection is curative. However, it is uncertain whether an untreated lesion might eventually develop into an adenocarcinoma. Therefore, close follow up is recommended because of the possibility that this condition might be premalignant.enginfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessVillous adenomaurinary bladder neoplasmadenomaVillous Adenoma Coexisting with Non-Muscle Invasive Urothelial Carcinoma of the Bladder, Case Reportarticle142165167000219415700017