Alkan, MuratTutus, KamuranColak, Selcan TurkerFakioglu, EnderKilic, Seref SelcukOzden, OnderTuncer, Recep2023-09-212023-09-2120222602-3032 This study aims to evaluate and compare the outcomes of stapled and hand-sewn Roux-en-Y intestinal anastomoses in childhood.Materials and Methods: At a university hospital, the records of the children who underwent roux-en-Y anastomosis between December 2007 and December 2014 were reviewed. The data were compared according to the roux-en-Y anastomosis technique used (stapled versus hand-sewn).Results: A total of 52 patients had undergone roux-en-Y anastomosis. All had biliary atresia or choledochal cyst. Thirty-one of the patients were diagnosed with biliary atresia and 21 with choledochal cysts. Staple anastomosis technique was used in 16 of the patients with biliary atresia and 9 of the patients with choledochal cyst. Both in biliary atresia and choledochal cyst cases; operations with stapled anastomosis were significantly shorter than the ones with hand-sewn anastomosis. Among the biliary atresia cases, post-operative oral feeding was initiated significantly earlier in the stapled group, with its lower risks of post-operative cholangitis and longer hospital stay than 7 days.Conclusion: This is the first study in children, confirming the time-saving advantage of stapled anastomosis over hand-sewn, during roux-en-Y anastomosis for biliary atresia and choledochal cyst; along with the safety of stapler use, including the neonates. Stapled anastomosis yields lower complication rates, faster function gain with earlier feeding and hospital discharge.enginfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessRoux en YanastomosisstaplerchildrenComparison of Stapler and Hand-Sewn Roux en Y Jejunal Anastomosis in Childrenarticle47414241430000910852700004