Yalcin, Rukiye CanGokmen, YunusErdem, HalukTuren, Ufuk2023-01-032023-01-0320221305-5577http://hdl.handle.net/11727/8542This study's primary purpose is to examine organisational cynicism's mediating role in the relationship between technostress and job performance. Data are obtained from 234 teachers working in public and private schools in Turkey. In the study, correlation and regression analyses have been performed to determine the relationships and effects between variables, and the structural equation model has been used to verify the scales of the variables. In addition, the mediation role in the study has been examined with the bootstrap test in the Process module. Findings show that the validity and reliability of the scales are ensured by the results of commonly used validity and reliability analysis methods. Additionally, technostress and organisational cynicism decrease job performance and technostress significantly increase organisational cynicism. Further mediation analysis reveals that organisational cynicism partially mediates the relationship between technostress and job performance.enginfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessTechnostressJob PerformanceOrganisational CynicismThe Mediating Role of Organisational Cynicism on the Relationship Between Technostress and Job Performance: A Research on Teachersarticle30547399000877686200004