Sade, ElifDonal, ErwanDelgado, VictoriaMagne, JulienBucciarelli-Ducci, ChiaraLeclercq, ChristopheCosyns, BernardSitges, MartaEdvardsen, ThorStankovic, IvanAgricola, EustachioGalderisi, MaurizioLancellotti, PatrizioHernandez, AlfredoPlein, SvenMuraru, DenisaSchwammenthal, EhudHindricks, GerhardPopescu, Bogdan A.Habib, Gilbert2019-06-062019-06-0620172047-2404 Assessment of left ventricular (LV) volumes and ejection fraction (LVEF) with cardiac imaging is important in the selection of patients for cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT). Several observational studies have explored the role of imaging-derived LV dyssynchrony parameters to predict the response to CRT, but have yielded inconsistent results, precluding the inclusion of imaging-derived LV dyssynchrony parameters in current guidelines for selection of patients for CRT. Methods The EuroCRT is a large European multicentre prospective observational study led by the European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging. We aim to explore if combing the value of cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) and echocardiography could be beneficial for selecting heart failure patients for CRT in terms of improvement in long-term survival, clinical symptoms, LV function, and volumes. Speckle tracking echocardiography will be used to assess LV dyssynchrony and wasted cardiac work whereas myocardial scar will be assessed with late gadolinium contrast enhanced CMR. All data will be measured in core laboratories. The study will be conducted in European centres with known expertise in both CRT and multimodality cardiac imaging.enginfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessCardiac resynchronization therapyCardiac magnetic resonanceEchocardiographyStrainObservational studyRational and design of EuroCRT: an international observational study on multi-modality imaging and cardiac resynchronization therapyarticle1810112011270004121633000092-s2.0-85040040682