Arer, Ilker MuratGedikoglu, MuratYabanoglu, HakanNoyan, Mustafa Turgut2019-06-202019-06-2020160137-7183 Superior mesenteric artery aneurysm (SMAA) is an uncommon vascular disorder. Complications such as rupture have been reported. Once complication has been encountered both surgical and endovascular treatment techniques can be considered. Case Report: We present a case of 68-year old male patient with SMAA rupture treated by endovascular modality. Conclusions: Endovascular therapy is an effective and less invasive option for rupture of superior mesenteric artery aneurysm.enginfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessAneurysmRupturedEndovascular ProceduresMesenteric ArterySuperiorRupture of an Aneurysm of a Small Branch of the Superior Mesenteric Artery: A Case Reportarticle813543560003862938000012-s2.0-84982794832