Haberal, MehmetArer, Ilker MuratYabanoglu, HakanCaliskan, KenanParlakgumus, AlperYildirim, SedatMoray, Gokhan2019-11-262019-11-2620150250-5150https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/download/article-file/47471http://hdl.handle.net/11727/4226Purpose: We aimed to share our experience about vascular variations and anastomosis tecniques in renal transplant donors. Material and Methods: 128 donor nephrectomy performed in our hospital between February 2010 and June 2014 were included in our study. Donors were retrospectively analyzed according to age, sex, comorbidity, operation history, site of nephrectomy, vascular variation and anastomosis techniques. Results: 21 (% 16,4) patients have left-sided, 19 (% 14,8) have right-sided and 13 (% 10,2) have bilateral vascular variation. 29 (% 21,2) unilateral double renal artery, 8 (% 6,3) unilateral double renal artery and vein, 4 (% 3,2) unilateral triple renal artery, 3 (% 2,4) early branching renal artery, 2 (% 1,6) unilateral double renal vein and 2 (% 1,6) polar artery are vascular variations observed. of 92 (% 71,9) recepients anastomosis type was end to side between renal artery and external iliac artery and end to side between renal vein and external iliac vein, 32 (% 25) end to end between renal artery and external iliac artery and end to side between renal vein and external iliac vein, 4 (% 3,1) end to side between renal artery and external iliac artery and end to side between renal vein and external iliac vein and end to side between 2nd renal artery and external iliac artery. Conclusion: Preoperative evaluation of renal vasculature of transplant donors is an important issue in means of decreasing peroperative vascular complications and decision for nephrectomy site.turinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessDonor nephrectomyvascular variationanastomosisVascular Variations and Anastomosis Techniques in Renal Transplant Donorsarticle403542546000360665300017