Toplam kayıt 242, listelenen: 241-242

    • When Children Are Not Read to at Home: The Million Word Gap 

      Logan, Jessica A. R.; Justice, Laura M.; Yumus, Melike; Chaparro-Moreno, Leydi Johana (2019)
      Objective: In the United States, there are numerous ongoing efforts to remedy the Word Gap: massive differences in heard vocabulary for poor versus advantaged children during the first 5 years of life. One potentially ...
    • Which Stretching Technique Is Effective in Decreasing Glenohumeral Internal Rotation Deficit? 

      Guney, H.; Karabicak, G. Oznur; Pekyavas, N. Ozunlu; Teker, B.; Gunaydin, O. Ece; Bald, P.; Baltaci, G. (2015)
      Aim. Aim of the present study was to compare improvement in glenohumeral internal rotation deficiency (GIRD) and posterior capsule tightness (PCT) with the use of three different stretching techniques, the "manual stretching", ...